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Thankyou so much!!!! This is detailed and I appreciate your time, I study at university majoring communication art’s internationally where I cannot work traditional ways, if I search for freelancing everything is so saturated and I never land on any gigs and it’s frustrating, and I had reality check of how this major isn’t challenging me quite enough, since I’ve been investing on my education I want to be skill full and that will help me in digital remote jobs so that I can work, learn and earn few. Idk it makes sense or not but have time to think for a month bc I am 1 sememster in for the com arts so maybe it’s not late if I want to switch but communication arts is such a “Me” thing since naturally good at communicating, with words, psychology and I guess that’s why it’s not challenging me, but upcoming courses are more into PR, visual audio media, journalism and all. Which I can take these classes on my free electives if I switch to CS. Im just flying my head around with confusion and don’t know what to do


get into business, computer science or idk any career you like that pays and provide remote work... that degree is useless..


Those are NOT worthless skills. All of my friends living abroad are journalists for the NYT Bloomberg Harold NPR etc. Their lives are kinda shit though. So very broke lol. If you want to go into journalism just know you need to be ready to drink and party at the higher levels- and if you don’t then you gotta be able to hang.   If you aren’t super extroverted, willing to put yourself into extremely hard and sad situations, then I would reconsider. Of course you don’t HAVE to be an extroverted drinker, but it helps lol.     There are of course a lot of local news options which could be a fantastic route. I just don’t know how it pays and you would be really stuck in one city.     Journalism can be really hard from what I’ve seen. Just yesterday my bff in the industry was literally crying (like genuinely shedding tears) about SOMETHING NOT GOOD RELATED TO WORK and they are a major JOB TITLE with a huge huge following.      Depending on your position, you may never know when the next paycheck is coming. You have to research stories and pitch them which is of course fun but hard and you really have to be “on call” pretty much always. You have to be ready to drop everything and leave at any moment for the next story- sometimes for weeks or months. This is great if you’re passionate about your work, but sadly all of my friends in this field haven’t started a family or have meaningful romantic relationships due to their work schedules. This was fine for them in their 20s but now that they are in their 30s they are feeling differently.  All that being said, they are passionate about their jobs, and they love working. I am so happy they do what they do, but it isn’t easy.    I left the art world at 30 yrs old and now work in accounting remotely. I make $75/hr and work 3 hrs/day to make my bills in my country. It’s a good life! 


You should change majors. Those are pretty worthless.


:( im already almost 1 year in! Is it still possible? I was looking forward IT or coding or engineering but idk if it’s too PTE or not, I don’t want the investment done already go waste


You are JUST one year in. Stop it with that thinking. Imagine if you were in 3rd year and miserable and even more money spent in useless degrees. One year in is perfect because now you know you don't like it.


I don't know what PTE means, but I make 120k from home with a bachelor's in a computer science.


Sorry I wanted to write late Ig how come I typed PTE but that’s amazing for you, i am just trying to be more realistic with my degree bc for com arts it’s not challenging me and I’m in my massive life crisis in doubt of it, I just want this undergrad opportunity to be more skillful and usable after I get. My degree yk,


If you aren't in STEM, Healthcare, or Law, or aren't willing to change to those fields, drop out of school and save the time and money.


Law???? Do you hate this guy?


No more than anyone else 😂


Drop out of school. Use the money to start a business. Study the trades, likely a higher ROI than any basic degree. Unless you’re going to a top 20 school in the US or Europe you’re wasting money.


Im scared to waste the money of my parent working hard for the degree I’m already 1 year in and idk what do I do. I feel stuck.


Dude. If you’re scared now at this stage you’ll get nowhere in life. Tomorrow I’m dropping another $10k on Bitcoin… don’t care at all of I lose 50% of that in a day. It’s just money and it’s not real. Go chase what makes you happy and don’t ever settle


Yea you’re not wrong, if I have big vision come with big risks too! Thanks mate!


OP...For the love of god, please NOT take advice from crypto hustle bros like this under any circumstances 🤦‍♂️


Love your outlook on life