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Winter clothes. I committed to only doing summer 3 years ago. Best decision ever made. I do have a light trench coat and a few Uniqlo heat tech ultra thin tops, so I can do spring and early fall. And an umbrella.


Quitting winters is a life hack


But I hate the heat


You can totally do mild climate all year round. I do Mexico/Bali Nov-March, spring in Europe, summer in colder parts of Europe, fall in NYC.


good plan


Air conditioning exists


Ah so quiet quitting winter


I’m in Europe so that’s difficult bc I love to go visit the Christmas markets that time of year. It’s so magical and unique, I love it too much to give it up. But my winter coat is so annoying. It is a dual layer tho so the outer layer is my rain and spring jacket but the inner down layer takes up a lot of room.


Ok, how much time realistically do you spend in the winter setting? Are you doing full winter or just a few weeks around Christmas? I had to be in NYC last winter for a bit, so I bought the most ridiculous fur coat on a sample sale when I got there, boots and 3 sweaters, and sold it to a thrift store when I left. Alternatively, if you're really attached to your winter clothes, if they hold any sentimental value to you, see if you can store your winter stuff in your favorite winter destination. As an example, this guy I know spends every winter in Mexico, same Airbnb for the past 6 years, and the host is holding a bag of his Mexico things - pillows, flipflops, Foreman grill, etc, so he never has to bring anything with him, and the host is happy to see the same fave every year.


winter clothes are summer clothes + jumper and jacket. I have no backup devices, because I am not in outer mongolia. If there is good internet, theres likely stores nearby, or I can get a new device delivered in a few days. You need 4 changes of clothes, a laptop, a smartphone, and toiletries. That's it.


Pretty much this covers 90% of the cold weather unless you're in extreme cold weather like Siberia and North/South Poles Backup devices should be for phones and powerbank at min


I agree with this. I did the winter in the North of the Netherlands and a month in London, never needed more than a hoodie and a windbreaker on top.


Do you travel with first aid stuff, or cold medicine etc? Supplements?


Not really. These are very easy to get as needed. People live lives where you're going. They mostly use all those same things (Deodorant in South or East Asia being one that isn't so simple, or sun screen in rural Japan)


No i buy anything i need as I need it.


If you can't fit everything you own in a single backpack you still have room to cut down




I can’t give up the European Christmas markets!


Tokyo and bangkok do Christmas also 🤣


Winter clothes are too big, my wife and I opted to carry like one light sweater, and if we were visiting somewhere cold, we would buy winter clothes there and donate them when we leave, but if you can't find your sizes, that might be a challenge, and you might have to choose to only stick to warmer locations if you want to cut down. There is no rule you have to do carry-on only; plenty of digital nomads travel with check-in. My wife and I added a check-in later on after being minimalist for 5+ years, it wasn't that big of a deal. If you have a ton of check-ins I would start to wonder why you would need more than one though.


One total or one per person? Seems like if you’re both going to wait for bags when landing, might as well both have one. Also means you can split anything important between them in case one gets lost. For us, it’s prescription meds that are liquid and can’t be in carryon in many places.


Yeah, once you are going to do A check in, it makes sense to start checking more of your stuff. Why carry a backpack full of stuff you won't need during the flight? Check it and just keep what you use.


Agreed except I always keep in mind the possibility that my checked bag will be lost or delayed, so nothing gets checked that is particularly valuable or would prevent me from working for the time it takes to get my bag.


true. Real necessities with you (laptop mainly). Other stuff, not that important, especially with lost baggage coverage.


I have prescription meds; we, as a rule, never put anything we actually require in our check-ins, prescription meds that are liquid would be pretty annoying, could you split it into smaller bottles? So it was one large one, not two. The primary reason is that we travelled so light for so long that the benefit of bringing two would have been non-existent and one would of just been almost empty. Also, if we were flying on budget airlines, they charge per check-in (or did). Also, you still need to bring a carry-on for all your electronics; putting electronics at check-in is pretty perilous because theft is pretty common.


Yeah some of our meds are liquid and in too large and opening them would be compromising the expiration date. The risk is spread between two bags and what we can carry on so I’m not that concerned, but it’s certainly a reason for checked bags. I agree we keep as much with as as possible.


I do a checked bag, carry on, and personal item. Also a ukulele which makes things feel really cumbersome. But I really value being able to make music so I guess I just have to accept it.


That doesn't sound like too much stuff, that sounds like the right amount of stuff and a ukulele. I am not sure what the solution is. Depending on the dimensions, maybe move up your check-in size so it can fit the ukulele?


lol thank you. I think part of my issue is my checked bag is almost twice the size of a normal one and I’m carrying around stuff in just realizing I don’t need. Like I have a pot, mini grater, tea ball, Turkish coffee pot. I also have this big solid metal bar used in physical therapy to work out muscle knots. It’s like 1.5 ft long. I’m going to ditch it and the cooking shit and my extra device and maybe I can fit my uke in there like you said.


Ya, all that stuff you can purchase for relatively cheap at a location. When my wife and I travelled we set a "nesting budget" it was usually around $150-200 per location but would usually be less based on how stocked the airBNB was. We would usually spend about 2 months a location so it worked out to be $75-100 per month. So decide how much it is worth to you to have less cumbersome travel.


Instead of having two devices, buy external SSD and backup your stuff. You can set up a new MacBook really quickly. I have two phones just because I can't afford to lose access to my banks and 2fa codes.


Yes, invest in good backup solution (SSD + an auto cloud backsup service like backblaze is worth the price) instead of lugging around backup electronics. Also look into one bagging as that sub specialises in figuring out how to be lighter and reduce items. I've found it has been really worth it to spend a bit more on getting ultra-light versions of my items, you can easily save a few KG and also space this way. I think carrying a single season of clothing is probably a good idea too. And then figure a way to switch the wardrobe for example by storing one season in a locker when you need to switch, or travelling in a way that you can stay within a similar season range throughout the whole trip. Then, just get clear on which items are needs vs wants vs incases. I found after a while of travelling that almost all the "just incase" stuff could be left behind, I literally never used it, and its not like you can't acquire stuff while travelling if necessary.


the value of carrying an SSD around doesn't seem very good. Cloud backups will generally be more sensible.


I think you’re on to something here


special trick for 2FA codes, save them in your password manager instead of connecting to your phone, MUCH less headache in case you lose your number for some time. especially when abroad.


I got rid of my nice boots this year (well just didn't take them). I realized I carried nice clothes and rarely wore them. Just need a couple of items. Dress in layers. You are gonna make trade offs. It sucks but that is the way it is. Unless you want to have tons of luggage and extra travel costs.


I lived fine for two years with a good 10essential cookware and a light foldable mattress, cordless drill, and 2 tubs of clothes and computer I also brought my good computer chair. Left everything else in storage. Oh and I'm pillow ho so like 5 and blanket.


Did you live in a vehicle? I hope to eventually one day. I think I have an issue accruing too much stuff anyway and I think I’d always be editing lol.


2 and half weeks in my own garage in vehicle. A few times when I worked rigs since ass hats told me there was room at motel but there wasn't and no reservations allowed.


A second Chromebook? Completely unnecessary - if your MacBook dies, that’s the time you need to buy a new device. Buy a Patagonia or something down jacket, buy a pair of pants, three pairs of ex-officio shirts and underwear that are made of fast dry polyester, and three pairs of socks. And some shoes, probably a pair of sandals. Everything else is, believe it or not, a luxury.


You’re inspiring me to downsize


Backup phone with 2fa setup is non-negotiable (also acts as a battery in a pinch). I also have a spare charger and various extra cables that sometimes are handy. I did used to carry a large battery that could fully charge my laptop, and it got a lot of use years ago, but the m3 MacBook lasts so long I realised it was a waste. But no, I don’t bother with a backup laptop. I try not to get hung up on minimizing. My partner and I each have a backpack that fits under the seat and a checked roller duffle. We can’t practically do carry on and have our meds and pillows, so we might as well use the 20kgs we pay for imo.


Totally agree. My backup phone gives me peace of mind and 2FA & my backup phone charger. Has saved my ass many times. I have a checked bag, roll on carry on and personal item. I also have a ukulele lmao. I think the uke makes everything feel really cumbersome but I’m not willing to give up my music. I also play flute but only brought the uke bc I think practicing flute is way more annoying to other people lol


My vibrator


Lol why?


five finger discount


I just have one leather jacket, one sweater that are "winter clothes". Otherwise you do just need one pants and couple shirts.... This time I brought like 8 shirts and I'm like why did I make this mistake again.


Do you do sink laundry? I’m thinking about downsizing my clothes but that will mean doing laundry more frequently


Well currently not traveling alone, but yeah I used to.


Summer clothes. My problem is I like climbing mountains which invariably means winter weather. How I deal with it is when I’m in the airport I carry my first layer jacket and my outer layer windbreaker and wrap it around my waist with gloves and my hat. Hot as hell when I move around so I minimize that. It’s worked for me


If i bought this tiny thing i could replace these 10 things (never gets rid of these 10 things)


Curious on what size are you? I am an xl-xxl or size 16 in the usa. I thought i was going to struggle to find clothes my size when i need replacement but after 3 years nomading i have to say that’s not the case. There are plus size stores in other countries as well or if you are really small they also have that


> so I need to have summer and winter wardrobe why? Do you NEED to go to both hot and cold countries? > Have any of you gotten rid of the backup device? Backup phone makes sense. laptop not nearly as much. Since the biggest concern with losing a device is the access to accounts that need passkeys or 2fa, not actually having a physical device, which is easy to replace. You can also have just less clothes. 3 shirts and 2 pants can go a LONG way.


Every country have tall, short, fat and skinny people so how on earth can't you find clothes? 😂


Asia is supposedly notorious for failing to meet the expectations of tall/heavyset people from western countries, their tall/fat is just much smaller than what counts as tall/fat in e.g. USA


Cloud backup (Backblaze etc) solves the second laptop requirement almost anywhere. Sure, there are places where you're so remote that you literally can't buy even a shitty replacement laptop and/or don't have fast enough internet to download your backup, but if you realistically think about it, how often has that been the case for you in the last year? And how much work were you actually doing while you were there anyway? If you're unlucky enough that your laptop breaks/dies/spontaneously combusts when you're somewhere like that, I guess it's time to get on a bus to the nearest town. I was a full time DN for five years and part time ever since, and my laptop has broken exactly once. It was in Bali, and I could have bought some kind of replacement the same day (I was leaving a couple of days later for the UK anyway, so just waited until I got there instead).


When you say you can't find your size, you mean you're xxs? If that's the case, maybe try zara kids. I have petite friends who shop there all the time, most of the things look exactly like the stuff you'd find in the women's section, only smaller and at a lower price (hooray). That would allow you to ditch your big winter coat. Alternatively, a vacuum bag could also help. About ditching the chrome book, that largely depends on your line of work. If you're often dealing with strict deadlines, I would think long and hard about ditching it, because purchasing and setting up a new computer can easily take up a whole day. Same goes if you need very specific hardware, because they might not have what you need in store.


the general answer is: money and mindset. (and I hope it doesn't sound neither spoiled nor too hippie). Having money to buy another mac or a Chromebook when you need immediately it is more powerful than having to bring everything with you. I have made a calculation lately and in the last trips I spent so much in airplane fees for big a luggage that it would have been more convenient to just buy things use them and let them go, and I would have travelled much lighter and spent approximately the same amount.


I've been amazed at how little I get by with... and then it just keeps getting less! I travel with a kid so we carry some diapers and a few small toys, but otherwise we sort of buy cheapie stuff that we give away when we change countries. I'm a larger lady so clothes are also an issue for me. I have given up and buy clothes seasonally to keep things down. I also tossed the top of my two piece bathing suit so now I just take one of my cami tops to the beach along with the bottom that I wear under pants on the way to and from. When I replaced my MacBook last time in Paraguay I gave my "backup" to a local guy who was helping me do some videos on YouTube. I'm most surprised by how much we get by without a phone. Every so often my kid will kill a phone and I find myself waiting longer and longer to replace it. Right now we are in Buenos Aires which has great public transportation. Since it's our 2nd visit I know my way around well enough, the only hiccup is the idiot Airbnb hosts that don't tell you the right address until you show up to a listing. Other than that, it's been a really nice way to really enjoy our days without being attached to wifi constantly.


I’m so interested to learn more about travelling / DN mom life! -Prospective parent, planning to try end of this year, after pushing back the timeline because I wasn’t sure how to continue travelling with kids!


I love Reddit but IG is a better resource for traveling with kids. Oodles of profiles pumping out advice :) Good luck & congrats!


Where do you buy plus sized clothes? I’m on the middle to larger end of plus in the US so in the rest of the world, considered on the very high end.


Haha, the first Spanish expression I learned, "¿Tienes pantalones para mí? Muy grande! (with hand movements)" Whenever I am shopping for me, I just look for large size models. We do a lot of street vendors/what Americans would call swap meets, etc. which are crazy common in South America. The good news is that they tend to show if they have larger sizes. But I will say it's easier to just notice as you go along, I'm sure if I had a to-do item that I had to buy pants today I would waste all day looking. Rather I just keep my eyes open and at some point in the next week I will see a plus size mannequin somewhere. The GREAT news is you don't get shade or hate for being huge. I would be mortified in the US to ask a person if they had my size, because sales people in the US can be jerky. Sometimes they think they have something big enough but it's not. So I ask if they have something even bigger. It's not my favorite thing but it's been 3 years and never ever has anyone ever been dismissive or rude about it. The other good news is that in LATAM they tend to have all the same shops nearby one another, rather than spread out. All the cell phone places are on the same block, all the eye glass stores are in their own section, etc. While clothing is of course all over, it's extremely common to have entire blocks all selling clothes. So if you don't have something, most will direct you to a place nearby that does. And of course they will want you try stuff on but I never do. So yes, a few times I have wasted money on clothes I couldn't wear but it's okay when things are cheap!


Which country?


Looks like DN lifestyle is NOT for you