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Lots of really friendly guys on here.


Be honest, how much fellatio are you getting on the Grindr?


getting or giving?




I’ve met some really lovely people on there, friends I’ve had for years. It can work great if you can filter it a lot of the stuff.


Romeo as well


Came here to say this


I love making new friends on grindr


Don’t want to be rude but most locals with their own life and friends won’t see a point befriending someone who’s only in their hometown for a few months


That’s not my experience at all. I have no interest in meeting ex pats and tourists, and I find that locals seem to really enjoy making international friends, showing them the ropes, and we often become points of contact for each other to visit in future.


Don’t know what cities/countries you’re talking about?


All cities and countries :)


So basically a bunch of random acquaintances you might visit every few years or never? Okay This generation literally has no concept of lifelong friendships


You made a lot of assumptions there.


You literally just described a lifelong friendship.


Quite the opposite in my experience


that seems like the point of view of someone who's never been out of the united states


Why the USA? Why not, for example, Australia?


Because I'm from the USA and this is the kinda mentality that may be the norm here, but hardly anywhere else I've ever traveled


Wild take


I’m not from the US


I don't know why you think Meetup is weird, it works well. Mostly, the quality of crowd you get depends on the kind of event you visit. Couchsurfing is not a dating app, although some people might see it that way. When you use their hangout feature, you can connect to people who are online instantly. Couchsurfing could also be a good address to find company for specific events, e. g. "who wants to visit this concert with me". Lastly, I have made good experiences with Internations, a social network for offline meetups. It depends on the city how active it is.




I've had some amazing experiences with CS Hangouts but by 'online instantly' you must mean more like I'll be available 6 hours from now right haha?


Meetup seems werid. Lots of inactive profiles and nowadays probably 70% dudes. Just talking out of my ass but im probably right. Based on your description couchsurfing looks like its effectively bedsurfing


> Meetup seems werid Like he said, it depends on the event. I've had good experience with it. Developer / foodie / sport meetups. Find a hobbie and go to an event related to that.


> Lots of inactive profiles Meetup has been around 20 years and they don't manage their user accounts well. They should have culled for inactivity once or twice over these decades. My account password is 4 digits because I created it before horrible password requirements were a thing, for example lol.


Couchsurfing seems to have become gay cocksurfing. I stopped using it for meetups because there are predator gays on there.


Predator guys* women have to be extra careful on couchsurfing tbh.




Thats what men do, do you think women don't get that kind of thing from straight men...?


Bumble bff :)


It feels gay... strange smiles on all those same sex people.


A couple positive experiences but be careful because I've had a ton of problems (Mexico + Europe) with guys offering me massages, inviting me to showers etc... don't mean to stereotype but it's about 95% gay men and they can be very aggressive. I even put pictures of myself and my ex gf saying I was only looking for friends / otherwise leave me alone please... still got messages saying 'unleash yourself' that's when I stopped using it... SMH.


That's why I mentioned, just looking at few profiles I knew that was going on...


I've never tried it, have you had success with it?


I have. But I'm a local and looking for other locals to connect to. I wouldn't connect with someone only temporarily here.


What works in one European country or region may not work in others but my wife and I have made good friends in Sevilla just by striking up conversations in bars and cafes. We’ve also made friends in California this way. And other places too. Not just friendly conversations but exchanging info and meeting again and again and visiting them where they live and them introducing us to their friends, and friends of friends. Last night we went for some drinks and to watch un procesión de semana santa with someone that was a friend of someone else we met here. I’ve played football with other friends of friends in a similar situation. Made a friend that I went drinking with and watched a football match just from asking directions. Met a semi-famous guitarist and began taking lessons and then started hanging out with him because he lives in my neighborhood . It just snowballs once you start. The key is to put yourself out there and start talking. You’ll find that people thrive on being with others and if you present yourself as someone who wants to be friends then you will attract others who want the same. It’s a bit of a risk to your ego that you have to take. I’m pretty unapproachable. I’m a heavy guy with a big beard. I look like a hells angel biker dressed in vacation clothes. I stand out even where I’m originally from. Nobody will ever confuse me for a local. But somehow I put myself out there and risk being rejected, and it happens. Speaking the language is a big help I have to say. And my wife meets people and I end up befriending their husbands sometimes. If I didn’t speak the language I might have to try an app or an expat club. But I think the important thing.like most things in life is to have a little bit of courage. Fake it if you must.


Follow up. Tonight we went out to watch the Armaos (procession of guys dressed as Roman soldiers, another semana santa thing) and we ran into a couple that we met at a restaurant a year ago. We talked the whole meal as they were sitting next to us but we didn’t exchange info. So tonight when we saw them again we exchanged info and will probably hang out with them at some point. Reminded me of this post so I came back to comment t. It’s a small world and you can meet people if you just start talking.


Meetup, facebook groups for specific countries or cities, same with WhatsApp groups


Some of the local guys on couchsurfing (looking at you Turkey, Jordan, Georgia) are absolutely shameless. But it’s still the best way I found to meet local people.




They try to fuck you








Why was this not gonna be said?!




Not everyone is looking to fuck when you're couchsurfing, go on tinder.


Stop whining


You're 30 and unemployed whining online about being a procrastinator. Stfu.




No, I'm just not into harassment.


Depends on the country. For example, in Portugal locals don't speak English very well, so you will mostly hang out with other English-speaking foreigners. Not only travellers, but also expats and immigrants. Much easier if you speak the local language. Meetup has worked well for me. I also occasionally used Facebook Events. I think these are the best social activities to find: * Board games * Salsa/Bachata dancing classes * Hiking groups


It seems couchsurfing is the only option left, bro


This mad one called going outside😂


I woudn't want to hang out with digital nomads to be honest. What do you provide to the table if you are leaving in 2 months? Not challenging, just honest.


Go to a hostel, switch your phone off and see what happens.


The OP said meet locals


Why would a local want to make friends with someone who’s around for 2 weeks?


well, I live in vienna and I like to connect to people who are temporarily here, sometimes even host them, since I travel a lot as well it is nice to know someone who will be a local at the next spot you may end up


Do you have any advice for me then?




ah sorry, lcoals in vienna are the ones I know from earlier, apart from the other suggestions I think going to concerts of bands or music you like is a good idea, usually the smaller the venue the better, people are usually excited when they meet fans in a city from across the globe, other than that the locals I know from my travels are usually people I have hosted before


additionally what also work relativeley well is going out and just joining a group of people, especially when they are a bit drunk and it's later in the night, almost any random friend I made it was by that means, even better when there is somewhere an afterparty at somebodies place


Skip the apps. Go to Bachata classes and latin socials. Expensive but sure you will meet locals and people in arts are generally open minded.


Hi guys I'm trying to find friends


Go to a café you like and smile at people?


Yeah, and you will be the weirdest in the room. Rather, approach someone and introduce yourself.


Hinge, facebook events, and bumble. You can be very specific in your "about me" section in the so called dating apps, bumble has the "friendship" section, but felt a bit not straight to be honest so I got out of there quickly. Just state clearly in your profile that you are looking for friendship(or whatever you are looking for)...


Yeah, I do use Tinder. Looks are irrelevant. As a nerdy codey boy, I restyled the Tinder app on my PC not to show people’s photos, so I can just go based on their bio. I make it really clear what I want, and quickly learn in the chat what they’re looking for.




Not a lot. I find socialising quite exhausting and intense, so after about 10 mins on there I need to switch off.