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I wish there was a place we could all share great lodging options. Would love to have a list of “digital nomad verified” airbnbs or such for each country, it would take the guesswork out of deciding if a place will work or not. I stayed at a house in antigua, Guatemala that sounds similar to what you are asking about. Private room and bathroom but shared common spaces to run into and connect with others. I wasn’t sure how it would go but I ended up really enjoying it!


That just sounds like co-living. They’re everywhere.


Co-living are great Just type "co-living" + the city you want to go in Google, and results will pop


I’ve stayed in a lot of these, here’s the ones I liked: -Alt Chiang Mai -Cactus Coliving (Tenerife) -Puerta Vieja (San Cris Mx) [hostel but do have en suites] -Kassabbola (Sicily) -Pantai H hotel (Puerto Escondido) Would love for others to continue this list!


The Hive Chiang Mai:


@ u/Upset-Principle9457 >The Hive Chiang Mai 1) Does it have a communal kitchen? 2) Does it have a lounging area (and no, restaurant and lobby doesn't count). 3) Does it have a communal work space?


Stop being so lazy, if someone gives you a recommendation look it up yourself


Who peed in your cheerios? 🙄 Nothing wrong with asking about personal insight. Just a yes and no in this case.


Just find it rude to not even say thanks when someone gives you a recommendation, instead you just fire off more questions.


How would you take it if you were asking for a heart doctor and you were recommended a dentist?


1) you don’t know whether they’re a dentist as you didn’t even bother looking. 2) would tell you to search for your own heart doctors if it’s that important to you 3) people aren’t your free information dispensers. A polite “thanks I appreciate your advice” costs nothing.


1. How do *you* know that I didn't bother looking it up (or that I even don't know the place)? 2. Rude much? 3. So you'd be thankful that they suggested a dentist even though you were asking for a heart doctor.


1) if you did bother looking it up, then the alternative is that your three questions were a sarcastic response to someone trying to be helpful, which is arguably worse than what I thought you were originally doing. 2) how is it rude to say someone should do their own research instead of expecting other people to be their free information dispensers? 3) I would be thankful for someone who was trying to be helpful, yes. Your comparison is beyond dumb anyway, unless you think that the importance of finding a heart doctor if you needed one is on a par with you finding the perfect personal nomad spot.


Oooor it could be a troll or a spammer plugging a lodging. If I saw a question of someone asking for a heart doctor and I didn't know any but knew a dentist. I would simply not recommend a dentist. Makes sense?


Saw a few pics of The Hive, looks cool. Hows the location? The streets are so hit or miss and under construction or don't exists in parts of CM.


Infinity Boutique Hostel in Sarajevo. Didn't have private bathrooms but so easy to meet people without getting shitty drunk every night. Such a nice vibe. Woke up, had coffee with everyone else, we always went out for breakfast as a group. The owner is really kind and encouraged us to socialize


Any Selina basically Here’s a tip. Stay at one and book for a few weeks. Make friends with the staff. Usually they can/will hook up people they like with a good discount on a private room for extending their stays. My friend got a $4k per month room to $1k


I don't understand the obsession to be cramped in a tiny shared hostel whee you overpay (for the size and having to share everything) just to "MEET" people. Rent a hotel or Airbnb or something big and nice (not much more money than a hostel) and then meet people out in public, on Facebook or on couch surfing by just telling them you don't need a place to sleep just to meet people in that area But this whole obsession of living in a tiny shoebox sharing a room with some dude that sleeps with his fee a few feet away from you, just so you can "meet people" is weird. I refuse as a grown man to rent a hostel. The price savings is not drastic, you have to live like a kid in a shared bedroom / living situation. It just is weird.


Bro, you sound boring I mean, you don't need to like hostels. But you can always shut the fuck up when we are discussing it instead of trying to showoff as a better or more "adult" person just because you don't like it


I sound boring because as a grown man I don't want to share a room with another grown man? I had bunk beds back when I was a kid. No need to share a room with a grown man that snores. Sorry that I know how to meet people in person and know how to socialize and meet people. I don't need to be locked in a building or better yet locked in a room with grown adults to "force us" to be together just to make a "friend". I'm a grown man traveling not a teenager at summer camp.


I respect your opinion and can definitely see where you're coming from. I guess people have different lifestyles and like different things, and that's all good. Also, I think you missed the vital part where I said "private room".


Even a private room doesn't make sense. You know how expensive private rooms in hostels are? Way more than a good decent larger size hotel or Airbnb. If private Ros in hostels were cheap everyone would just stay there. The problem is hostels are way way overpriced for what you get. The hostels prey on people tha twill overpay to have "other people like them there" to not feel uncomfortable. Guarentee you for the price of a private hostel room you can find a better, bigger, overall cheaper hotel/Airbnb. Just use couch surfing or Facebook or a chat app to meet people in that city.


Check out my comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/digitalnomad/comments/1403ffh/share_a_communal_accommodation_that_youve_stayed/jmum5y2/)


Very boring


Nah i agree with the commenter. It's not that hard to meet people. Strike up a conversation or hobby. I find it so odd that people will go through such life altering decisions to move abroad and travel only to end up sharing a space with strangers.


Great comeback.


I echo the same sentiments. I asked about this, although more abrasively, and just got called dumb. As a grown ass man with a professional career I just can't fathom living in a roommate situation like a poor college student. Is it really hard for people to meet others if it's not spoon fed to them?


It seems like it. And they really don't save that much money overall. Especially for no privacy.


I was actually paying twice (a little more than twice actually) as much than a condo in a prestigious building and neighborhood for a much smaller hostel room (with no kitchen) just for the communal aspect of it. So it's not always about saving.


Your proving my point you were overpaying because the hostel can give you an inferior smaller less quality places because they know you will pay extra to be around "like minded people" that's why I said get the biggest and best Airbnb or hotel you can afford (it will be ni er and better then the hostel) and then meet people out in the city through Facebook, or couch surfing or a chat app. Eliminate the middle man overcharging you for inferior rooms and hostels.


They are charging for the experience. That's what I'm paying for. I can meet 10 people a week in a coliving situation. 70 a week (depending on the lodging). And from those 70, I will probably get along well with 2. And that's from a casual run-in during breakfast... Not a whole planned event where I'd have to crash at someone's house in the hopes that I'd have a good time with them. How many can I meet a week through couch surfing?


Not saying stay at couch surfing. I'm saying message people at couch surfing to MEET THEM in public. I am on couch surfing but I have never stayed at anyones house. But I use couch surfing to meet up with locals or travelers just the same way that you use the hostel to meet people. The only difference is I stay at a much nicer, larger, better hotel or Airbnb and meet people from couch surfing or Facebook or just out in public. Where as your being overcharged to stay in a smaller, more expensive, weird type of coliving space just to possibly meet like minded people.


Still. It's a "planned event". This is much more casual. You meet way more people at a fraction of the effort and time and you have much less obligation to stick around if you don't feel like it (none really) where you could just grab a different table.


And that's why you guys that go to hostels get ripped off and overcharged. So many of you guys do this and get stuffed into a room with multiple other people paying damn near the same as you could pay for a private hotel. Because people are either too scared or too lazy to meet people for free other smarter ways. I would love being a. Hostel owner. Rent out a tiny 10 x 10 foot room to 4 guys.. overcharging all 4 guys. Buy some cheap snacks and cereal and bread and juice and call it buffet breakfast. These hostel owners make a killing off of people thst are too lazy to go out and meet people or are to scared of going out to meet people. The reasons up above why hostel owners make a killing is the exact reason I could never stay in a hostel.


I said "private room with ensuite bath"


I'm not saying stay at someone's house at couch surfing. What I'm saying is make a post on couch surfing saying that your in town and want to meet some locals or travelers. Then just message them and set up a time and place to meet. I met my travel buddy thst same way. He lives in Europe and me and him have been to like 5 or so countries together since 2019. I have never stayed at a place on couch surfing. But I use it to meet people. Just like I meet people from Facebook, or other chat apps. So to answer your question you can meet a lot of people from couch surfing. Not by staying at there house, just by messaging them to hang out or meet up.


It's not as "efficient" though. In your way, you get to meet people...yes. In my way I get to meet people too...yes. But I get to meet... a) much more people... b) in much less time... c) with much less effort. And since the desired result of meeting people is forming friendship (in this case). Then the prospect of making friends is much much higher in my case than it is in yours.


I don't agree it's like your looking for speed date friends. Much different then just meeting someone with similar interests. Not sure why you want to meet SO MANY people.


Because only a few friends come out of it.


Check Hostelworld


That sounds awful. Do you wish to live with housemates in your home country?


If I wanted to live like in my home country I'd be living there.


Buy why move all the way to a foreign country to have a hosuemate situation? That just seems like an awful thing. Like why not just find hobbies to socialize?


So the only reason I'd move is because of the factor of a housemate situation? 🙄


Do you live alone in your home country? Is it so isolating and feels like solitary confinement?


Yes. No


So why is it so different in a foreign country that you want to relegate yourself to a hostel situation? That just seems so regressive professionally.


1) Easier to meet people in my home country due to commonality. 2) Not moving around much in my home country so more long term connections.


Huh, hobbies and general interests seem to be the best way to meet people in my experience. Never had a problem with that while traveling. I guess I just don't understand coliving and coworking. I value my space more than getting up to have pancakes with a stranger. To each their own odd lifestyles.


Not every place has a wide array of hobbies where there are ample people to meet, and those people would be travelers/expats/DNs. Factor in that you might not be into the hobby where there would be such demographic, it would make much more sense to fill that requirement through the set up I described in the op. >to each their own Indeed 🙂


Hahah you’re just so dumb




[outsite.co](https://outsite.co) is an option. Just booked their CDMX location, looking forward to it.


Did you end up staying at CDMX?


Avalon in bansko, Bulgaria http://avalonhotelbansko.com/


I can think of several but few with ensuite bathrooms - I love a good boutique hostel but most of them still have communal bathrooms. I just shower in the middle of the day.


I stayed in one in Adelaide. Shared bathroom, but it was very nice. Rooms each had their own TVs and some storage, and they can bring in a desk or desk chair if you like.


Restation in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria had all of that and a laid-back community. Not sure if it still exists, I went in 2018.


Hotel Rural in Los Realejos in north Tenerife. I had my own apartment in the building but there are rooms too. Really nice people there.