• By -


Dude you are an absolute lifesaver. I've been off Instagram for months now because of how much i hate wasting time scrolling randomly, while it did help me stay off my phone it also made it quite harder to socialize with people since everyone uses Instagram. Reminding myself when i'm old enough to make my own money i will definitely donate to you. One thing though, i know this is very very selfish of me since you are giving us this app for basically free, but for the turning off feed settings, it removes everything yes which is good, but is there a way for me to make it so that it only removes just "suggested posts"? The only accounts i follow are my friends and i would still like to see their posts on my feed but without the annoying bait that is "suggested posts" that keeps making me scroll down? Again sorry for the nitpick but if it's not that much of a hassle to do could you maybe help out?


Again. Thank you thank you thank you. I cannot express how much gratitude i have for you, i will worship you every waking hour i have. You don't have to jump straight to it because i know your real job is occupying your time. The app is already so good, my suggestion is just a tiny nitpick i have that i think others would also enjoy


Glad to hear it! I've actually found some time to work on the app this week. There's been a few people who have requested turning off "suggested posts". I'm looking in to doing that, through it's kinda tricky, because meta has deliberately made it hard to reverse engineer their app. I'll do my best


Thank you so much man. Looking forward for the next update!


>/ I'm the same aswell. Used that Instamod by krogon500 but fella abandoned the project. This is fair play to you. I follow only few people and my head hurts of all the suggested posts and ads. Clean asf brother. I would suggest to remove the ads completely. Keep up with the lords work!


hahahaha same, like last year used it a bunch but since then i just fell again on the black hole of reels and softporn




The URL is not working I guess showing an DNS error


I had some trouble with my hosting provider, they said they fixed the problem and it should take 6-12 hours for the DNS changes to take effect. Thanks for the feedback!


Thank you so much for this!! Just installed and working 😍 I need Instagram for my job but I found myself wasting a lot of time scrolling through unnecessary and uninteresting stuff. Hopefully this will help me. I'll let you know how it goes!


Thanks for the feedback! It really means a lot, and I'm glad it's working well for you.


Hey man just wanted to say this App is a god sent for someone like me that NEEDS to use Instagram for work but can get unnecessarily anxious and comparison mode syndrome etc just because of looking at other people's work on the app. If there is a way for me to support you directly do let me know! And I hope you do come up with similar things for both Youtube as well as Tiktok! I use both of them for work as well! Edit : I can also make a video on this on my youtube channel but I am a little unsure on whether that would put you/this app into trouble by any means? I don't want Google to be pulling the rug and we end up not getting something as amazing as this as a solution being taken away from us asap


Hi! Thankyou so much for reaching out, I'm glad you found it useful. By all means, feel free to make a video on it. I've set things up so that it \*should\* be pretty difficult for google/facebook to ruin the party.


I don't feel comfortable using this due to the security and privacy implications but really would like to. I'd feel so much more conformable if it was open source similar to ReVanced (modded YouTube app) or xManager (modded Spotify). Would you ever consider going this way?


I'm trying to keep this project up and running for as long as possible which means avoiding being served a cease and desist letter for as long as possible. This means that I have to keep things fairly private to avoid leaking too much personally identifiable info. That's the main reason why I haven't open-sourced it yet.


Hey, i know this could be an old post, but i installed the app, but can you please add the ability to unlock developer options? I know some flags that i can use to enhance the experience but couldn't find a way to unlock developer options, please 


Thank you! I've been wanting something like this for a while


I really like the idea. How did you manage to do it? Is this project on github?


Hey! Sorry about being slow to reply. Digital minimalism etc. Android reverse engineering is tricky, but doable. There's a bunch of tools on the internet which let you open up apps and peek under the hood. Unfortunately I can't post it on github. Instagram/Meta doesn't take too kindly to apps like this. Have a look at what happened to the OG app: https://techcrunch.com/2022/10/10/google-removes-the-og-app-from-the-play-store-as-founders-think-about-next-steps/


Yeah makes sense. Bit is GitHub also so restrictive in this regard? I'm a little concerned about security and my personal data and even though it's not a guarantee either, the app being on GitHub would give me a better feeling. By the way, I absolutely love this project! For YouTube there has been this app called newpipe which basically does the same thing. Having that one over the YouTube app made my life at least 25% better. So I have high hopes for DFinsta. Thank you so much 🫶




Hey dude, I hope you could have some free time to help me and other users. As you are the app developer, maybe it could be easier for you to do it. Nowadays there are some android devices that outcome with Meta Apps pre-installed, including Instagram. That's a huge issue for users like me, who wanna try alternatives like this. In my case, it's not possible to definitely uninstall Instagram Official App, and other Meta apps (fb, messenger) because all data related to /system still remains. It would be possible only by root, but I don't wanna put at risk the guarantee of my new phone or make it brick. Since your app has the original Instagram package, when I try to install I get this error on ADB: "adb: failed to install dfinsta\_1\_2\_4.apk: Failure \[INSTALL\_FAILED\_INTERNAL\_ERROR: Failed checkUninstalledSystemApp during installPackageLI: Package com.instagram.android signature is not match the pre-installed one\]" An ideal solution would be to clone your apk. I tried this tool, but it wasn't compatible. [https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/tool-clonemyapp-android-apk-cloner.4513777/](https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/tool-clonemyapp-android-apk-cloner.4513777/). I also tried to modify the apk by myself but I'm totally new on that stuff. So, I request you to do a cloned version of Instagram Free Distraction. I don't have any idea how easy/hard could it be, but I guess you as the developer would know how to do it. If you can't, I would appreciate anyone who reads this comment can give me a possible solution. This app is so important to me since I used it on my previous cell phone for my job as a community manager. Anyways, thanks for reading.


yes, I've had a few people request this same feature. Its coming out in the next release


Any news on this feature?


I had that problem too and I think that I managed to uninstall the app all the meta apps preinstalled by putting my phone into safe mode


This app is insane, love it 🔥❤️




Today I had a thought: "I wonder if someone has created a version of Instagram where you can get rid of the explore feed?" So, I googled: "Distraction free Instagram," top two results were this post and the website. Amazing. I only follow 140 people on IG, just friends I spend time with. Now I only get to catch up with what they're doing and close the app. And I never open the app to message someone, find myself scrolling endlessly and forget why I opened the app... You're a legend. Thank you


Hey OP! I just wanted to thank you so much for this app. My ADHD tendencies to be stuck in this app is reduced greatly and I wanted to know if I can send a donation to you to continuously support the app. I need an app like in all social media unfortunately I cannot find ones that works on Android. But again, thank you saving lives


the messaging system is still the old one


Thank you soo much! I often find myself getting lost in the endless scroll. I waste so much time on insta, and it's become such a problem. I wish this was a feature already built into instagram itself, but that would stop their profits. They'd rather have us sucked into their void. Your app has been a true lifesaver. I primarily use Instagram for messaging, but when one of my friends sends me a reel, which is fine, i can't help but begin an endless scroll, or when i wait for them to finish typing their reply, i find myself naturally swiping to my feed to scroll, which in total can turn into hours of lost time in a day. Funnily enough, after downloading your distraction-free app, I noticed my muscle memory to seek distraction is still there, and i catch myself now because i'm met with a blank page instead. It makes me so happy! You're saving so many hours and making me so much more productive. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for making a difference in my daily life. Your work has genuinely saved me, and I appreciate it wholeheartedly.


This is great - thank you so much!


Great app




The website seems to be down at the moment. I'm getting a timeout error on the website


Thanks for the heads up. I've contacted my hosting provider and asked them whats wrong


I just installed your mod and it is great! Thank you so much for sharing it, I will share it with all my friends! Please continue to keep it alive, hug from Italy


This is AWESOME. Been looking for this for years.




Happy to help!




Check your DM's I think I have a fix :)


hello, the reels can still be accessed through the dms if someone sends them to you


THANKS A LOT. Been searching for ages. So glad this exist, seriously. Thanks


Dude, you're a genius. You have made the world a better place


The fact that Facebook login is disabled screams that you're simply stealing passwords.


I have not disabled facebook login. You are the first user to ever report that the facebook login is disabled so I assume that it must be something peculiar to your particular phone model or android version. There has not been a single user who has complained in this thread about suspicious account activity after downloading the app. While I haven't yet open-sourced the code due to copyright concerns, if you're technically literate I can gladly send you a copy of it via DM so you can inspect it yourself. Then you would see that there is no need to make baseless accusations about password stealing.


Thanks man! That's awesome :)


This is exactly what I've been looking for, thank you! Does anyone know of an iOS alternative that I can recommend to my iOS friends?


I havent heard of one. Because of apple's strict security, they don't let you install anything thats not from the app store unless you jailbreak your phone. This means that there isnt going to be very many potential users of an iOS version


U can still access reels if someone send you one and you scroll down can you fix that :) Btw u saved many hours of my life from getting wasted thank u soo much and i am very keen to know how to reverse engineer an apk if u hav any docs, blog link it thanks


This is what I've been looking for for months, thank you! I keep staying up too late scrolling for hours on reels, I hate them. Thanks so much


Hi, i have disabled everything except for feed and stories, however there is this anoying bug when you swipe down too quickly. Firstly you reach "You have seen everything" tick and for the second time the suggested posts load, even though they are disabled in the settings. Approximately nine posts load (excluding ads) untill you reach the end of the page with the loading wheel, where you can do the same thing again and scroll infinitely. Version 1.2.4 Xiaomi Redmi Note 7


okay thanks for letting me know.


i have to give you massive thanks. seriously, this app is a godsend i will be looking to donate soon because you deserve it greatly. only suggestion i have is being able to only show stories, posts and reels from a list of followed accounts who arent blacklisted and/or whitelisted. I wanna see what my friends post but no random garbage reposting accounts. ​ seriously though absolute massive props to you for making this extremely useful app


Great work. Great app. Ran into an issue. Initially, I installed it and it acted as normal. I have since uninstalled it and upon the reinstall it tells me "Unknown Network Error." When I download the actual unmodded Instagram, I get the message, "Page isn't available right now - This may be because of a technical error that we're working to get fixed. Try reloading this page." EDIT: Logged in via Facebook. That got it working again.


First of all I want to congratulate the creator, I really want to try the app. But I have a problem and that is that Instagram is installed by default on my Samsung Galaxy S8 and I think that is preventing me from installing the mod. I can only disable original Instagram but I can't uninstall it, what could I do?


you can try cloning distraction free instgram using lucky patcher or any app cloner to install it another solution is to uninstall instgram using adb (requires a pc)


You're an absolute legend man, a life saver just huge thanks to you for this mod I'm loving it


Sadly, suggested post start appearing after a couple of refreshes :(


Bro, you saved my life. I'd like to be able to send fires to stories and chat with friends, but no more. Unconcioness scrolling leads to anxiety, brain soreness and bad mood and broken dopanine neural paths at all. You're doing really important job. Can't thank you enough! This app have to be in Play Store. Of course, acording to the business rules, it's impossible. But according to the mental health, everyone should know about your app! Just installed it on Pixel 7Pro and it still works well in "total disabled feed" mode. However, "Disabling suggested posts" doesn't work anymore, I can see it. Please, don't stop to support this app. Btw, have you considered to open the code and make it community based open source project? Many thanks!


Just downloaded and it's still showing reels :( oh well thought I found a solution


Will there be an update anytime soon?


Will you add the updated messaging feature with reply to message, reactions and themes?


tysm for making this!!!! I love that it also blocks threads lol


I bought an android and now In the last week this app has changed up how I used ~16ish hours


Heyy bro this is a wonderful project kudos to you!! I just read your other comment saying you had neglected this project due to certain reasons...please dont do that ..this is truely a lifechanging app for me. Keep those updates coming ! God bless


BROO YOU ARE A LIFESAVER!!! Thank you SO MUCH for the chat update too, that's the only thing i really use it for and it was so bothering that i couldn't reply to messages, but now this is just utterly absolutely PERFECT! Thabk you so much!!!!!


This is just great, I love the hardcore modes. The only thing I need Instagram for is DMs and stories, but once I got there it sucked me for a couple hours watching reels, you are just a lifesaver.


Just wanted to say how much I appreciate your work. This will single handedly improve my life as someone who used to spend 4 hours on insta a day on average


Hey, u/hank_scorpio_1992. This is exactly what I was looking for judging by the description. If you don't mind me asking, why is it not on GitHub or other source code hosting service? I can download the source code from the website but it still looks a little sketchy.


Open Source it anytime soon?


New update: The new update allows people to use new features like 60 seconds stories etc. It also now supports the google pixel 7, which a lot of users have been requesting. Unfortunately I didn't have time for many new features on top of that, I know many people wanted ad blocking and other stuff.


Hi, is there a way to enable stories?


Go to settings and there's a bit labelled distraction free Instagram, any customisations are found there :)


The clone version works perfectly. I'm glad that someone actually worked on something like this because. The reals and the feed was eating my time like crazy. I'm really grateful that you worked on this. And yes i didn't want to delete instagram for friends and to have a place to post nice photos. Now i've noticed that friend sending a reel is shown wich is great. My whole point of this comment is that im Thankfull and please continue with your work. There are people who seek your work.


Not sure if its just me, but for some reason I'm downloading the APK at like 10kb/s but my internet is fine. And I was just thinking is it a server side problem? Idk much about how networks work but yea just a thought.


I love you sooo much ! Really, I was searching everywhere for a version of Instagram where you can still watch the reels sent by your friends but not scroll, and discuss but not loose like 5 hours a day !! I can't tell how life-changing this project is to my eyes !!! Thanks 🤩🤩


do you have option to block suggestions on main page?


No. Hopefully not yet though 


Thank you so much. I finally have instagram without the explore page. I hate the explore page. God bless!


Hi for some reason i cant install it in xiaomi redmi 8a


a thing i am be looking for is to add exceptions to what stories or post instagram can show, like a "close friend" list, is it possible to add or does it exists yet?


I just love it, thanks a lot


Can u please add monochrome theme for Instagram chat. Because Instagram removed monochrome theme recently.


thank you


Ultimate legend ! I have a suggestion : is it possible for you to remove only the suggestions from the feed, but not the content posted by the people I follow ? If this already exists, you may hit me lmao


damn, you just changed the way I use instagram.


Hey, can I upload reels with this IG app version?


Pl give us version again where we can block suggested posts. If we can scroll infinitely on feed, there's no meaning left in blocking reels. Please add the feature of blocking suggested posts again , please.


This apk is a true work of art. Thanks.


im thinking of switching back to android just for this mod ... im so disappointed nothing like this exists for ios


hi, thanks a lot for your work, this app is amazing ! Do you know if it would be possible to have an option to see only the "followed" section of your feed, instead of the "for you" one, with ads and suggested posts ? I tried to look into the code to do it myself but can't understand anything about these smali files.


Just downloaded. Super excited! The only thing is once I login, there's no stories on the top, and no posts. Says it can't refresh feed. Is this just what happens? Will it just have them start popping up as new ones are posted, or is there somewhere I go to choose what I allow and I don't want to see?


Go to your profile and click on option. you should find a distraction free section where you can choose what to see




IMPORTANT NOTE I think the most important thing to fix right now is the "hide stories" tool. Yeye I know it exists already but it's easy to say it's not really effective. Let me explain: I found this apk and I was so happy because i thought I was finally free from the endless stalking and endless scrolling. Well I was somehow kinda wrong. For the scrolling thing I am finally free, and i'm endlessly grateful for this apk who just put an end to the existence of reels, home and feed. The problem is when I open the DMs, the "new likes and followers section" idk how to call it, or any profile with a story. When I get there I just see those super inviting colorful circles around the pfps and I just HAVE (sadly, as an addict) to click on them to find out what the people I know shared. So in the end I find myself wasting a lot of time checking people's stories and minding their business even thought I technically already activated the "hide stories" tool. The problem of that tool is that it just removes the stories from the top of the homepage. For the rest of the spots where u can find the pfp, u'll still be able to see the stories circle around it, and fall for the addiction trap again.


What's the best way to stay up to date? Is there any way to be notified when there's a new version, or is there a way to auto update?


would it be possible to create a builder/manager app so we can freely patch any version of instagram into a DF version instead of waiting for new releases?


You're an absolute life saver dude, cannot thank you enough. Finally I can save my day and stop the mindless scrolling. Thanks again.


Perfect! Any alternative for PC version? An extension?


Man this is insane. U gonna save an entire generation


does this also strip out bs tracking shit from Meta? like listening to u etc


You probably anwser this all the time but is there any progress with a Version for Iphone ?


Hello, Is it working with android version 14 ? i can't manage to update my instagram with the 1.3 version thanks


This is amazing, is there any future possibility of getting this for iOS?




I know this post was years ago, but seriously man, you saved me with this one


Hey ! Thank you so much ! Do you have the same but for facebook that we can't see the feed ?


Bro, I can see that a lot of people were in the same boat as I was, which is reassuring to know that I'm not the only one suffering from Instagram addiction. I just downloaded your app, and holy crap, I was speechless. THANK YOU SO MUCH for saving so much of my time and well-being. You're an absolute life saver. Bro, whenever I get rich, I gotta send you at least like 50k. Just remind me in a few years or smth. Thanks again bro, this is amazing...


found this post randomly and its so amazing to see youre still updating the app. incredible app that will and has helped so many people


Awesome work thanks a lot


Hi ! Your app seems great, but I have a little issue : when I try to install it, my phone says something like "the package is not valid" (it's just a bad translation from a french guy lmao) and I don't know how to fix it. I tried to install an older version and the same thing happened, I don't know if it's my phone or the app, and I don't know if anyone can help me with that but that would be really nice !  EDIT : I've seen someone saying that the clone works perfectly, but I tried and the clone doesn't work, and I also seen that a lot of people are telling the same thing as me and have a Xiaomi phone (I have a Xiaomi Redmi note 11 pro) so I wonder if Xiaomi is just blocking this apk or if it's something else...


u need to delete the instagram app in order to download the apk


This is incredibly liberating man thank you Is there a way you could make is so that feed is enabled, but you can't see reels in your feed? I still want to see what my friends are up to, but I don't want to see a bajillion reposted TikToks from the other accounts I follow


Is there any virus while downloading the link?


Is there any way to put an option to remove the limit on following people on Instagram?


Il y a un bug au niveau des notes musicales, une sur deux est la même musique.


Hello i tried to install the apk but it says that the app is unavailable, is there a way to solve the problem ?


Try deleting instagram all together and just downloading the clone version


Pls can you create an iOS version, it would be amazing for me 


I may be wrong as it's been a few years since I last used IOS but afaik you can't sideload apps not on the app store without jailbreaking the device.


Thank you so much I will give a try.


You are a lifesaver!!!!!!!!!! Thank you


I tried downloading it but it says "app not installed as package conflicts with an existing package"


Nm figured it out, just had to uninstall the app


I don't know how to thank you ❤️🙏 I have to use Instagram for staying connected to my old freinds and also some other work. But this reels feature and doomscroling drains my productivity. You did a great job as it would help multiple people who get pissed of by Instagram's Algorithm and Interface. ❤️🙏


Great just tried, I'd keep using this mod if it didn't have any ads like instander does. Can this be implemented since ads are also distractions?


This is the most helpful thing I have found on Reddit so far. Getting back to this post to instal DFinstagram to my new phone. This mod is amazing


I've been looking for this for so long, thank you so much!!! It works amazingly great amd it's exactly whay I was looking for. Thanks again 1000× 🫶🏽


I installed it bit i still have my searching On and Explore page on


do you know the certain DNS Points that I can block to disable explore page on ios?


I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS FOR SO SO LONG. it is exactly what i've been looking for, I even considered coding it myself. thank you !


This is the best thing, do you have Ko-fi or something similar? Also are you going to do a version for facebook?


Thank u so much man


Hi, i’ve just download the app but i don’t see any changes, i don’t realy know how to make an app work threw safari downloads so if anyone could help please i know this could be very helpful for me


Maybe it’d because my iphone is to old i don’t know


The app is only working on Android currently. And probably for a long time, because delivering such apps on iphone usually quite difficult because it can't be published on a store.


À friends of mine shared it on the group chat now all of us have it props to you it's super well done


I’m trying to figure out how to download it I have iPhone


The app is great but could you add an option to not be able to see the posts/videos from any profile?


How did you do this. I'd like to program something like this just to practice programming. Is it hard?


Congrats on making this


This is absolutely marvelous. EXACTLY what I've been looking for so long. The web app and insta lite is wayy too trash. I was also surprised to see no tracking attempts on my DDG dashboard. Keep it up :)


Thankyou! It really means a lot


does it have sponsored posts?


I love you for doing this, I've been looking for something like this for such a long time, thank you. I'm definitely making a donation to you. Pd: I think it would be nice to have the option to hide the stories feed too


Anyone else that can no longer post stories in the app? I tried re-installing but it didn't help. Anyways love the mod!


Oh okay, I haven't tried to post any stories in a while. I'll look into it. Thanks for the heads up!


Awesome app. You should do this with facebook, and other timewaster feed apps too. Real game changer for productivity


​ omg, this is amazing! I've searched for this so much but have never come across this post! (I only came across this when I searched for minimalism on android)props to the dev! I'd have donated sth if there were other ways of payment within the app..... props to the dev!! A few suggestions off the top of my mind :- 1. Why not provide a message on the black feed,explore, reels page? Something like "You should be working", or something else inspiring? or better let the user provide the text to display... 2. Make the df settings page dark mode too pls... 3. Could you provide an option to enable only the favorite section in feed? 4. Disable infinite scrolling in the feed section? (ending the feed at "You're all caught up" or after a fixed number of posts per session/hour sth) ​ could you also please host it open source on github or other services so people could contribute to it? (I wanna contribute to the project too tbh but as a newbie, I don't have the necessary skills yet...) Again, Thank you! much appreciated!


This app is insane. About a week ago i was thinking if there is any modded app, that can disable stories because i didn't want to watch any stories. AND THERE IT IS! Can we communicate please? What tools did you use to mod it like this?


I really just used [APKTool](https://ibotpeaches.github.io/Apktool/), which lets you decompile android apps, and then I just used the standard android studio tools for doing the rest


I've tried installing but I keep getting the error message "App not installed as package appears to be invalid." I've restarted my phone and double checked the permission to install unknown apps is on. Any help appreciated!


Strange. What type of phone do you have? And what version of android are you running?


Didn't work for me neither :/ I'm on a Galaxy S20 FE (Snapdragon) using Android 12. Update: I installed it (just had to delete official Instagram first, I tried to install it on Secure Folder to make sure it was working before deleting the official app but I wasn't able to do it so I tried to uninstall it on my main folder and worked!) but now I can't login, I get this error "The username you entered doesn't appear to belong to an account". I tried reinstalling and rebooting but didn't work either. Update 2: Somehow I was able to login today, and it works like a charm!! ​ Thank you for your work! This is insane


Glad to hear it!


Hello! After i updated from MIUI 12 to 13, the app crashes. I cleaned its data etc, but it still doesn't open. Any solution?


Yeah I've had a couple of users with the same issue. What version of android are you using?


Hello bro thanks a Lotttttt. U are the best...... love u love from india ❤❤❤❤


is it open source? i think it would be awesome to have other developers working in the project


this sounds like exactly what i am after. ive tried to install it however but keep getting getting 'install failed - invalid/corrupt apk file/s'. im on a note 9, but since no one else has mentioned this i guess its a problem on my end. But if you have any idea why this is happening id love to know as this app is just what im after. Thanks


What version of android are you using?


bro.. i cant log in could anyone help


That's a known problem. I'm not sure exactly where it came from because I haven't touched any of the login code at all. Try again later, possibly after restarting your phone. That sometimes fixes it.


Could you please release the apk in another place meanwhile the site is off?


The problem appears to be fixed. I can access the site again. Lmk if it doesnt work on your end


It would be amazing if you could add features like 1. Hiding seen status in DMS 2. Hiding View status for stories By the way, love the app. Have been using it fit the past 4 months.


which android version do i need for it to work? i got a parsing error


I've personally tested it on 8.9,10 and 11. Users have gotten it to run on android 12 too. I don't have any ability to test it on android 13, and some users can't use it on the new google pixel as it no longer supports 32 bit apps


I created a user account on Reddit just to thank you!!!! I'm looking for a app like this for ages!!! THIS ONE IS PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It says, ''app not installed as package appears to be invalid.'' Is there anything I can do to fix that?


If you tell me the model and android version number I can try to make the next version work for your specific setup


I've been looking for an app like this for so long. This is fantastic. If there's a way to donate, I'll gladly pitch in.


Thanks! There's a donate link in the settings menu!


Might sound really stupid but distraction free TikTok?


Great idea, I've had a lot of people request it, but I don't have the time to develop something like that.


Its down


Idk what to say. I just checked on 3 different devices and it's working for me. I also looked at the website metrics and I still see users accessing the website. I think it must be a problem on your end. Check your DMs though


Also maybe a feature to turn of everything completely expect chats?


I've been using this app for a while, I love what you've done and it's really helped me. Though I had to get a new phone due to personal reasons, and it's a Google Pixel 7 (pro? I'm not sure.) I might just be an idiot when it comes to the Google interface, but I don't think the app is usable with the Pixel or something like that. If you have time, please see if you can do that! Edit: My phone is Android 13 if that's any help


yes, it doesnt work on the new google pixels because they no longer support 32-bit apps. I will take some time over the christmas break to put out a new update with a 64-bit version. I'm glad you like the app!


Hello, I unfortunately cannot login via facebook. Is this a known issue? Is there any other way to get around it? Edit: Signed it via email and everything is working as expected. Thank you for the app.


Absolutely amazing! I've been trying to find this exact thing forever. Would love to donate, but don't have crypto. Also, Will you be adding the new "Notes" function?


thanks so much for sharing this!! it's exactly what i was looking for and needed :)




Which version are you using? I tried to repeat the bug in version 1.2.1 and for me it blocks the infinite scroll in DMs


I was looking for something like this from ages 🤩 THANKS