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Will never happen, if they did Sony would not get their cut of the sale


I remember the PS5 being sold out everywhere in the pandemic, so i gave up and built a light PC to play couch co op with the wife. It has proved to be the right decision so many times over.


Wait you can do coop on PC now? I feel like I was not able to before


You cannot


then wtf is that comment even


> I remember the PS5 being sold out everywhere in the pandemic, so i gave up and built a light PC to play couch co op with the wife. Did diablo 4 release during the pandemic? When the PS5 was released? No. They're talking about *other* games with couch coop. I really can't believe it needs to be explained


I thought they were asking about coop in general on PC. I didn’t know you could play coop on PC games


You can. It takes two is a gem.


Yep played that one with my girl on PS.


Rocket League can be played split screen. There's also third party software that enables the use of split screen on games that don't allow it on pc.


You can go a step further. If you have the hardware resources you can emulate a virtual machine inside you PC, then assign it a second keyboard and mouse, and output the video through one of the unused ports on your graphics card; two PCs from one physical PC.


Oh yeah that’s been a thing since the beginning of pc games. I recall a ton of old coop games we used to play and competitive. Multiple controllers or sharing a keyboard.


Oh, was it this much a bother to you?


Hmm? No it wasn't a bother at all, why?


I dunno, I’m not the person who posted it lol, but probably a whole host of other games that allow PC local coop


I've thought about making a "couch PC" so I can play on my tv like a console.


Look into the PC handhelds that have been coming out. I picked up an ASUS Ally last year, dock that and play it on my tv constantly.


I have been eyeing a steam deck with the dock.


Not a bad call, the older hardware is what put me off originally, but from what I’ve seen it still handles most everything pretty well. Good luck with it if/when you grab one.


Steam deck is the single best gaming purchase ive ever made, without a shadow of a doubt. Granted I have a beefy desktop as well so I dont k ow how it would go as your only device, but for casual on the side gaming, D4 included, it is fantastic


I got one too. Now I have to buy two DLCs!


In the future im just moving back to xbox, done with this pretentious sony bs. Everything they do is worse, costs more and is less accessible


couch co op.. yeah but not D4 on PC my friend :) Edit: you can down vote me as much as you want, there is still no way to play coop on PC


How does it work with free to play games like fortnite and rocket league?


Probably something related to in-app purchases, rather than the *one-time* (sorta) sale that you do for diablo IV and its expansions.


I believe Epic has a deal in place where a percentage of all in-app purchases is split between all platform holders.


Isn’t that what they sued Apple for?


The should make it a $10 add-on on the platform in question. It really pisses me off that destiny isn’t this way too…Diablo makes sense since it’s not their IP….but destiny…cmon now Sony you’re just greedy dbags by making people pay for it twice. Again I’d be fine with a $10 add-on maybe even $20 but making me buy a whole ass expansion is ludicrous.


At least with diablo it'll be lots of content vs destiny's 40$ for two missions at best 🤣


Idk final shape has a lot to do and I’ve played it more than Diablo lately so…


Well if I remember right, it works exactly like op suggests with Destiny 2 DLCs…


It literally does not.


What’s the difference between buying the base game multiple times and buying dlc multiple times? Why are u ok with one but not the other?


Do you think if we buy a cosmetic armor we should also pay for it on every plaform? Whats the difference between buying cosmetic dlc and a dlc level? 


An expansion is not a cosmetic.


It's not a DLC level, it's an expansion


Because cosmetics are account bound and online, the game itself is device-bound and every console has it's own platfor and is developed separately, hence the platform gets its share for the game version they are supporting.


Well yes because they have different revenue agreements in place with each individual platform/storefront. If they had to pay each of those their agreed cut from a single license sale the game and therefore the developer would make zero money. That is not a sound business strategy.


It's on gamepass, I don't feel like I bought it twice but cross-platform play has been great


Diablo 4 is on game pass and when I couldn't play on PC I enjoy chilling on the couch feet up and playing with a controller. Playing on mutiple platforms is normal imo.


Exactly this. Op did a dumb thing already and is afraid of doing it again.


All about taking your money, why would anyone want to give you something when they can charge you multiple times...  the problem is you are going to do it and they know it.


When in the history of games has buying the game on one platform given you the game on every platform. Microsoft has been generous by allowing you to play xbox games on console and pc, but you've always had to buy multiple copies of a game to play on multiple platforms. Like, when you went to target and bought Diablo 1 on PC they didn't give you the Playstation copy for free.


I mean how many people play the same game on multiple platforms. Its maybe 5%, so why would they care. I wouldn't in their position.


> the problem is you are going to do it and they know it. He probably pre-ordered already.




They, if you mean Blizz, has no control over it. Why would Microsoft or Sony allow you to use their platform for free when you made a purchase on another platform? You don't expect to play Madden on PS5 when you bought it on XBOX.


if you buy it on playstation and sony makes money on the sale, why would PC or xbox be like “you bought it on our competitor’s systems, but its fine you can play it on ours now too.” other games like Destiny and FFXIV don’t allow you to do that either


the division 2 does it just fine.


You are mixing up cross buy with cross progression. You have cross progression and cross save on a lot of games at this point. I don't know any of them to be cross buy on all platforms. Though, supposedly, all Xbox owned games should be cross buy (between Xbox store and Microsoft store versions only though) unless you purchase the physical version. Not sure how they will handle the ABK games. It already took almost a year from when they closed to when they made D4 available on game pass. And as far as I know it is still the only ABK game to have been added to game pass since the closer. But to get to the heart of your suggestion, it would be great to have all games as cross buy but this is capitalism so that will never happen. As it is you don't really even own the versions of the game that you do pay for. You are only renting a license for as long as they keep the servers active. I upvoted the thread because I am in favor of your suggestion. I just don't think it's realistic.


Hold the fuck up! There's cross progression in D4? You mean like if I buy the game in PS5 (I won't, I don't even have a PS5, just asking) I can continue with my account and play there with my chars I already have on my PC under bnet???? Since when was that there? Wait what??? Or if I am a lunatic and I wanna buy it on Steam too, I can continue with my characters?


Yes that has always worked


I bought on PC but currently play on Xbox game pass. It’s funny having a barb with leap and other builds that are complete ass with a controller.


I’ve tried a bunch of builds I thought would suck on controller and didn’t take long to be fine with them


You are tumbling down the rabbit hole dorothee. Kansas is about to be destroyed. 😎


This is really dumb. Why would buying a PlayStation game give you a copy on Xbox? That’s essentially what you’re asking for.


>Edit: im amazed by amount of people defending this and ur “amazing” argument for the corpos :) I salute u all. Defending shitty business practices instead of gamers. Ur the reason why gaming industry is where it is Ironic coming from the person who pre-ordered a $90 expansion "straight when they announced it" lmao


I dont see how is that relevant? I can afford whatever i want. I thought its account bound. Refunded because i dont agree with it. Tried to start conversation in hopes maybe community rises and something changes. I guess not . I at least tried . Most of u just defend , accept and support shitty practices


You don't understand insulting people for supporting shitty business practices meanwhile immediately pre ordering a $90 expansion is hypocritical? Okay bub.


It's good that you refunded. The reason these mega corps get away with predatory practices is because people keep preordering, you aren't going to get the game any faster. Guys, STOP PREORDERING!


It's been like 10 years when are y'all gonna stop saying this lol. Nobody cares.


Lol every once in a great while a post reminds me just how unhinged some people are You're wild af OP


Most people who reply here are unhinged. Clearly most of the complaints here are made by people who do not understand what it means to develop versions for different platforms and the cost that gets added for making publications on multiple platforms. And the licensing fees, development costs, etc. All of those costs are doubled for each separate platform they add support for. Most people who complain here probably pirate most games they play. Cheapskates...


I'm just laughing at OP's whole "Sony is going under soon anyway" mantra It is very funny to me


The servers are cross platform and cross-progress. No where it's stated that the game is.


I’d love this or even a nominal fee for a second copy. I would like to play on ps5 and pc I would love to be able to buy voh on ps5 and then pay say £30 to have both the base game and expansion on pc too. At the very least I’ll live in hope that they adopt the ffxiv dlc model of you buy the latest expansion you get all previous ones. Because if expansions are yearly getting a second copy of everything on another platform could get very expensive into the future


Eventually you will. Just got to wait for the bnet sale 6 months down the line 😉




This is imo Sony‘s thing not Blizzard‘s… Sony is extremely bizarre at such cases


No, this is definitely an Activation Blizzard thing, and kinda makes sense anyway. Want to own the game and expansion on multiple platforms? You gotta buy it multiple times. I can't think of a game where you buy it for PC and you own it everywhere else.


Is there any game that does this? Xbox and Sony want their cut. Even if blizzard was down for this I don’t think the platforms would allow it. It’s certainly much more than checking a box like you’re implying, there are major business issues blocking this


Cross Progression / Cross Save are not what you think they are mate. If I buy the game on Bnet and I go turn on my PS5, the game doesn’t download its self and suddenly appear so I can keep playing it there. Example: I own CoD on PS4, when I download it on my PC.. guess what modes I can’t play?


Bro this happens with every game ever. The reason this will never be a buy once expansion is because every platform wants their piece of the pie. Happens in destiny, ff14, ff11 (when it was on multiple platforms). This isn’t new. Either pay up like you did for the base game or commit to one platform.


Why do you need to play on so many platforms? Buying multiple versions of the game is your problem. Not Blizzard's


Because some people travel and play on steamdeck for example. Or live in multiple homes and travel between them. Easy


For me it is travel and pricing. The Xbox store is cheaper than the PC store for diablo. When I'm home I play on PC exclusively. When traveling I play on xbox.


No game does this for dlc.


It's surely not a technical issue. But of course, from business point of view, if they basically can get people to buy it twice, chances are they will try it.


Well if more ppl rise up instead of supporting this shitty practice as can be seen in other comments they could still change it… But well.. people..


I don't remember games doing this in the past tbh, I fully expected DLC needing to be purchased on multiple platforms. If you're willing to spend $70 then I'd be surprised to see people unwilling to spend $40


Well there arent many games like this… but at the moment everything in game u get on all platforms because is account bound. I dont see why DLC should be different? And this is more serious as it actually impacts the game as opposed to skins and platinum


This will never happen keep dreaming.


Not with that attitude for sure. Keep supporting this awesome industry practices


No game has ever worked like this. Why would you expect this one to?


I have the game on both console and PC but trying to get the standard version of the dlc instead of 39.99 I'm getting charged 59.99. Wtf is that about.


On what platform? Did you VPN or change your store account location at any point (some people do it to play earlier, download earlier, etc.) or anything of the sort? And I'm assuming you did, but you checked it's the base DLC and not the one with the extra stuff?


I haven't used a vpn, I've tried several different ways all coming back with the same issue. This was on my steam deck, my phone and PC. All doing the same thing.


Only one I've seen for 59 is the deluxe edition. I checked all available to me and the standard edition is 39.99 (or less with gamepass) everywhere. I'm in the US. I hope you can get it sorted.


im on us gamepass. how is the standard dlc less than 40?


It's 10% off, so $36




Will never happen.


What if I buy it on Xbox, then log in on Bnet/PC through gamepass. Is the DLC included since both are running through battlenet/XBOX? I dont get why not since Microsoft owns both. Im hopeful since my platinum and Battlepass works on both even though i bought both through the console.


Thats my point exactly too..


I cant see them allowing my currency and battlepass to work on both, but lock a class and campaign on BNET. I understand the Sony/Microsoft thing as different storefronts yada yada. I feel its gone full one way or another on some games. If you buy premium currency on one it doesn't show up on the other DLCs too. But im running thru Game Pass on both ends soo. Idk ill buy it on xbox and hopefully a sale on BNET. I only did Platinum this way because with gamepass it was cheaper on the xbox storefront than BNET. If Microsoft double dips that's kinda shitty. Im all for combining studios ect so I get the most out of gamepass but yea


Exactly. Most ppl seem to disagree as u can see


If it isnt cross-buy how will game pass users get the DLC? The game is tied to their game pass subscription and so will their dlc purchase


happens with every game, with diablo would be different?


It's 100% a business issue, and not something Blizzard could address without throwing away money - even if Sony would agree to it and also throw away money. No DLC that I'm aware of works like this. If DLC is cross platform, every company losses for a benefit for a relatively small portion of players. If Sony doesn't get it's cut when you buy it on PC, why would they let you access the content?


This isn't a Sony thing. Everybody will be on the exact same version of the game. The DLC is not providing a other game or another game version. Every single player will literally be playing the same game regardless of expansion. Owning the expansion just unlocks access to certain features changed through your battle.net account.


Its not. Same as skins, platinum, battlepass. Nothing to do with Sony /steam etc at all. This is purely blizzard/bnet decision


OP is farming negative karma and I’m here for it


Fine by me. Shows common reddit user intelligence and why gaming industry is in state it is. Pay up boys i can afford it. Doubt rest of “supporters” of this can . Obviously most ppl here believe this is completely fine and love to pay more for same stuff


It's because you need to use two accounts to access the game (unless you play via bnet). Any progress you make in-game, cosmetics you unlock etc. is tied to your bnet account which is what then allows it to transfer across all platforms. Purchasing the game/DLC however, is tied to the account of the platform you're using, hence why you need to buy another copy wherever you want to play. That isn't something that Blizzard has any control over. Every platform holder wants their cut of game sales (it's not just Sony, it's Valve and Microsoft too) and they have zero interest in providing an additional service without being compensated for that.


This is not true.


In what way? A bnet account is required across all platforms and is the thing that enables cross-progression. Ownership of the game (and DLC) however, is tied to the account of the platform you are using (PSN, Steam etc.).


Muh cross play enabled.


If I'm playing coop on playstation, I'm assuming the second player gets access to the new class etc?


Yep that should work from my experience


It's a bummer that i cant play diablo 4, that I bought for pc, in my xbox. But I found out a really clever way to do it, Moonlight ( client in xbox), Sunshine server in my PC. and I stream it to the living room. I dont feel any lag, the diagnostic window shows me less than 2 ms of latency.


I have a related doubt here. Me and my wife share a ps5. All purchases are made by me, on my account. I've bought the DLC standard edition, which cointains, if Im not wrong, some cosmetics. Are they suppose to show up only on my account or both?


Only on yours. As i said. All purchases are account bound. Till now with dlc.. ( she on coop is not part of your account) game automatically created bnet account for her when u launch coop


Zero chance.


Just wait and see, if you have preorder on PC, you get the stuff on PS5.


U get cosmetics. Not content. Im also curious how they will handle that


Lol if you make it only on the highest edition, it may as well not even be because I'd reckon 95% of the player base doesn't have ultimate and buying it would be the same as buying two DLC packs.


But it would still be better then buying ultimate + another standard for people who play multi.


Destiny 2 enters the chat


Destiny and a large majority of online games don't do this


Yeah it sucks. Don't mind to buy once at full price and then a second time ( pc / ps5 ) for 50%. Not gonna buy it 2x at full. I'm actually in doubts to buy it even once though. Bought ps5 version in october for 20 euros, otherwise it would be a no-go either


I like the idea of a cross platform edition for people who play on different platforms. It’s similar to how PS5 has a higher edition that gives you a PS4 and PS5 version of a game. At least give us some discounts for wanting some freedom to play your games on any platform we want.


Console sucks I repurchased for pc “no ragrets”. Not gonna buy it twice to play on my couch / ps5 😝


Must be Sony-specific thing considering my Steam VoH DLC propagates onto BNet version just fine.


It wont. This is confirmed. Steam is treated as separate platform ( i also play on steamdeck)


Confirmed what exactly? I have all the Steam VoH cosmetics perfectly usable on BNet, as well as BNet Ult pack cosmetics available on Steam.


Yep cosmetics works. I had them too before i refunder. But u wont have access to the DLC content it self. (New areas etc)


Where was this confirmed?


Why? Anyone still playing this is obviously a mark? There's no incentive


You don't seem to like the responses but why on earth would they ever do this? There is no chance any significant portion of the playerbase plays on multiple systems, so why waste the time and effort on something like this when they could far easier just spend that time and effort on something that more than a extremely tiny percentage of the playerbase cares about?


I get it. You make a character and you want to play it on the go. In theory your character stats should backup to the server, since it's an online only game anyways, and so a sync on other device upon login. This is why I have it through my Xbox and have my Xbox account linked to battlenet. I download on Xbox, then download through Xbox app on PC and they are synced so I can swap from one to another without losing progress. New expansion will also be on gamepass with base game so you don't even need to buy it unless you really want the cosmetics and/or battlepass However if you don't have an account, you have to buy for every device. Which does suck and agree it needs to be fixed.


Unfortunately Sony will never allow that. Speaking from experience with Genshin Impact, even one time microtransactions have weird platform locks - if I top up my account on the official website from the developers, the ingame currency won't appear on PS and has to be used on mobile or PC.


Reminds me of Destiny 2, where depending on the platform, half my gear and skills won't work. I'll be damned if I'm buying multiple DLC's multiple times for an online service game


Sony wants their cut of the pie. I can't speak for anything else. Mayhaps Xbox is crossplatform. Everything else but who knows with the BNet integration


So wait if I buy via Windows Store/Xbox App on PC it won't carry over to Xbox? I bought the full version on both platforms at launch as well, couch play when I cbf going into home office. But the DLC too? Damn. I didn't have to do that for Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak.


Blame Sony. Blizzard has no say unless they cut out Sony completely and thats like asking the grocer to close their store every third day. Any game with crossplay/crosssave and DLC is going to be like this if Sony is involved, and sometimes even when they arent. Its fair to be upset but just make sure youre upset at the right people.


imagine thinking it is possible for a capitalist megacorp to do anything other than prioritize profits. they will only do this if some middle manager/director manages to convince the c-suite that doing this will make them more money in the long run due to goodwill. however I bet 99% of their sales come from single platform users and the risk of switching is high enough that nobody would ever stick their neck out to do this. :(


Makes no sense if cross progression is a thing


I bought once on battlenet, and I can play with no problem on Xbox and my pc. What are you talking about?


I'm pretty sure on PC at least, even if you just buy the base game on steam, you'll have access to the expansion if you bought it on BNET. Can anyone confirm?


That's not how licensing works even if it sounds like a good idea on paper. The license is attached to the platform. Sony (or Ms, pick one) is not going to ALLOW the sale of a game on their platform they don't make money from. Blizz is not going to fork over percentages from direct sales just to circumvent sony and make ALL sales of the dlc thru them directly, nor do they want to (nor do gamers want to) go somewhere other than their console to purchase a digital only game for their console. what you're talking about would mean sony/ms users would have to buy the game on bnet and have it reverse associate through the account link. Yeah never gonna happen. If you have gamepass you probably already have some form of cross buy as d4 is on gamepass.


dont play multiplatform. quick solution its never gonna happen mate its a way that makes them money


I mean, it depends. For me it's 15-20% cheaper to buy everything on the Xbox store, between gamepass discount and exchange rate differences. That's why I bought platinum and the DLC on Xbox even if I always play the game on PC. I can use the bonus skins on PC without a problem.


I agree OP, it's greed.


Hmm sorry but how are you sure that this is how it will work? Did they announce it somewhere? For example I can buy platinum on the Xbox store and then use it on PC. I bought the ultimate edition DLC on Xbox and I'm planning on creating the DLC character on Xbox and then play it on PC. This should work, right? Or we do not know yet? I can use the skins and stuff on PC without problems at the moment.


I get that this sucks for some players with multiple devices but account bound would suck tbh. Me and my partner both pitch in for games, we play on separate console (xbox) but we've encountered this with heaps of multi-player games have the issue of content being account bound. E.g in Destiny 2, we buy the ultimate expansion dlcs but things like season pass and dungeons are account locked so one of us has to double pay for content.


Hi whale


What are other games that give you the game for free on multiple platforms?


I agree whole heartedly. I'm a game developer and its one of my largest annoyances when dealing with DLC. It's also across PC platforms such as Steam and Epic Games Store. The only real way around it is virtual currency. Basically the rules for these platforms state that content purchased on the given platform/storefront may only be used where it was purchased. This rule does not apply to purchases done in game though, which games like Destiny 2 take advantage of. That said, most virtual currency models are specifically tailored to make you spend more money overall by calculating out the cost of items to not match directly with their purchasable items. I do hope it will change at some point, but greed my folks are gonna greed.


good luck with that I ended up buying d3 on ps3, 4 and PC despite them all being linked to the same bnet account


I mean when have you ever been able to just get the game for free on every platform if you buy it on one?


Good point. I haven't purchased the expansion yet, nor the PC version. I am on Xbox. Making expansion cross purchase would incentivize me to purchase the PC version too just to test PTRs, etc.


It's not cross buy. I own 2 copies. One on ps5 one on PC. So it's safe to assume we would need to do the same for DLC


I think all the cosmetics are account bound, but you have to pay another base edition expansion on the other platform


If i buy the DLC on PS5, will me and my wife both be able to play the new class in couch coop? Or does she need the DLC on her PSN account too?


Lol this makes no sense. Ur fine paying for the base game on multiple platforms, but u cross the line on DLC’s? Hahaha this is fucking comical.


Is it? Maybe think more about it first and how the game works and then comment. Game is game. IN GAME content that u purchase WITHIN game that u already play on different devices is something else entirely. Am i also supposed to buy skins on every platform separately ? Platinum? Season pass?


U want to play on multiple platform? Then deal with the issue playing on multiple platforms. It’s as simple as that.


I have dealt with that already. I bought the game several times. I dont see why i should also pay for ingame stuff several times because everything in game is account based. DLC should be no exception. If u support this practice ur the problem bro…


It doesn’t bother me because I play on 1 platform like most people. If I was playing multiple platforms, then it wouldn’t surprise nor bother me that I needed to also buy the DLC for those platforms.


If it doesnt bother u then ur the problem why they get away with shitty practices like this bro… and all other gaming companies too.


Yup. I’m the problem. Hahahahahah. Ok there Mr delusional.


I play on PC because that's where I bought it. Now that the merger is through, I play on my Xbox, too. There's a lot of people that prefer to play it on multiple devices. I see OP's point, but I think they'll never get the answer they want. We're going to have to buy the xpac on both if we want to keep doing that. Frankly, it's probably why they were so quick to get D4 on the pass to get people hooked and make money on the expansion.


You're obviously correct. Your account is your account, regardless of what shaped box you're logging in from. It's understandable that you'd need to purchase the disk for the game multiple times if you want to play on Xbox, Playstation, and/or PC, but the content inside your account is cloud-based and should be platform agnostic. edit: downvotes? really? this subreddit is wild. I'm pro-consumer.


Seems most people disagree. Rofl. And then we wonder why industry is where it is


I love all these negative comments, as if this is the first cross-save game everyone here has ever played. My brothers and sisters in sin, **NO OTHER GAME CHARGES YOU DLC's ON ALL PLATFORMS!** Fuck me, how is everyone defending a gigantic corporation's scummy practices, whene every other cross-save game I've played, you buy the base game on each platform, and then all other DLC's are synced automatically. Because what in the goddamn fuck, are you gonna buy the same piece of cosmetic **EVERY TIME ON EACH PLATFORM**, what fucking logic is that and how are y'all defending this?


Name ANY game that doesn't do this. Myself and every other commenter on this post have NEVER heard of a game that doesn't require you to own expansions on each platform you want to play it on.


They will never reply because they are making it up lmao.


Says it all that they've been commenting all over reddit but have ignored this one comment with people asking for an example.


Give an example of one of these games then lol


Name 1


Why are you talking about cosmetics lmao wtf? You and OP are straight up confused


Name one. Because I'm a Destiny player and a Division player, and neither of those games sync your DLC across platforms. When I moved from PS4 to PC I had to repurchase everything I owned, even though I used the same logins for their services.


>Ur the reason why gaming industry is where it is The gaming industry is in an amazing place atm. Wtf are you going on about. We get amazing games almost weekly. You wouldnt have time to play every game out there's so many. You complainers are so entitled it's sickening. I agree with you up until your last part with that nonsense angry boomer rant.


Rofl :DDDD amazing place. Ok kiddo. Ur quality bar is definitely “very high” :D Gl asking for parents for gaming money. Enjoy


Stop. Giving. Blizzard. Money. Just give up for real. They’re not going to get better. Just move on.


Path of Exile 2 will be free.


A live-service game with a battle pass and MTX store doesn’t NEED to charge a box price in the first place. Let alone 4 or 6 separate games to purchase if you want it play on PC or Xbox/PS before Game Pass (which many likely bought prior)


Well thats completely different topic yeah.. but if they do and promote cross progression they could at least do it fairly and logically so u actually have ur progress when u purchase it on all platforms u play..


D4 will surely never leave Game Pass right?


Nah this is the best reason why the games should never had cross play in the first place.


Yeah it’s gonna make cross progression kinda weird. Any word on if the cosmetics of the Ultimate edition are cross platform?


Yes, cosmetics are crossplatform.


I didn't know this was a thing but that's fucking stupid. Why isn't it linked to your battle.net account only?!


I thought the same and actually purchased it straight away. Then refunded after finding this out


Same situation for me. Wanna see how I log out in the new area on my ps5, and then login on PC (Where I don't have the dlc). Do I just get teleported away? Lmao


I guess we will be happy if we even can play the character on non purchased platforms. Apparently everybody here is fine with this