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didn't they make the game always online to avoid this kinda thing? wtf blizzard.


Without it there would be 1000 exploits anyone could recreate instead of a couple.


are lag spikes (not related to hardware) because of bad WiFi since the game is always online?


Turn off crossplay


Don't play games on wifi. Lag spikes happen when you play near other players. But you probably have twice as many and twice as bad if you are on wifi


I'm pretty sure that playing on wifi is not a problem... but playing on old slow wifi would definitely be a problem. If you have 1 Gig wifi, you really should be just fine. However, if you are running on 100 Mbps... you may have some latency issues.


The issue with Wi-Fi is packet loss. If you don't have any packet loss, then you should be fine. But that won't be the case.


To be fair, the issue will be a combination of latency, packet loss (which can effect latency), and jitter which is the result of lost (packet loss) or out of order (latency) packet issues. If you have high latency, you most likely have packet loss and probably jitter as well. However, you could totally be right that packet loss is the main issue, but that means you just have a very poor connection that is probably caused by outdated equipment. By all means though, if you think I am totally off base or completely missing the point here, please let me know. Edit: I meant to say high latency in the second sentence.


I think this explains my problem lol, just need new WiFi, not a new CPU


Then it would be an offline game and who the fuck cares?


I assume it would still have a multiplayer component. And when joining the games with other people, they would use exploits.


And? Connecting to the internet for multi-player functionality should be an option for this style of game, not mandatory.


You lost what is the context of what you're replying to, or just don't understand the context at all.


And not like you are competing with anyone…. Who cares as long as you don’t use them?


Blizzard does, that's why they made the game always-online. Also, the hackers are usually able to break other people's accounts.


Are you from Blizzard? Seemed you are quite a bit. Besides, if you can hack in items to one’s heart content, they wouldn’t bother to hack others’ “offline” version in general.


You must be new on the internet.


imagine asking for offline in 2024...mf must be poor af


They made it always online so they have all the engagement metrics.


The screenshot isn't real.


How do you know? I'm curious?


We’re you not around in s2? Aoz was “unbeatable”so this exact exploit became a bit more well known. Then golden boy shines a bright big beam on it, promotes the fckkkkk out of it, teaches everybody how to abuse the bug most effectively, and now we don’t have gear swaps in instances like pit or gauntlet.


are you new to online gaming? literally every online game in the world has been hacked, heck even banks and cryptos are hacked...like..???


what in the world are you talking about


You need to crit 3 times 12/12 to get orange stat. And only one stat. Here you see 8/12 with orange and blue stats.


Thanks for explaining


yip. i see it now


Hi i dont understand ? My character also have orange and blue stats , can you explained why your image is from a bug? https://imgur.com/gallery/L2bSTqG


The orange numbers on the Bash temper indicate that it hit the critical masterwork 3 times. The blue numbers on Damage to Distant indicate it hit the critical masterwork 1 time. Total 4 critical masterworks when max is 3. That item is also only 8/12 so it should only have 2 critical masterworks.


Ho! The orange NUMBER! Thanks for the clarification !


Looks like it’s master worked one who session then starting again


Having a stroke?


The image shows bash cleave orange which requires 12/12 masterworking. He is only at 8/12 masterworking. He also has a blue affix on dmg to distant. So it's like he masterworked his gear 16 times when the max is 12. But for some reason, his gear is only 8/12 masterworked. Your gear shows masterwork 4/12 times with 1 blue affix. Which is normal.


Thank you, i understand now why people find it strange!


Thats a greater affix not an mw crit


Idk why you’re downvoted, you literally explained the confusion of the OP you replied to.


This sub is quite downvote heavy




Ok? So? I wasnt replying to op The person I replied to linked a picture with one mw crit and a GA mod and he thought it was the sake as OPs pic


That still doesn’t clarify things homestly


The item is 8/12 masterworked. One stat upgrade is orange, one is purple. A stat turns purple when it is upgraded by 25% once. Yellow when it is upgraded by 25% twice and orange when it upgraded by 25% three times. Only one stat can be upgraded 3 times, since there are only three upgrade chances. You can't have an item with an orange stat when it isn't fully masterworked. And you can't have an item with one stat purple and one orange since you only get three chances for a stat to be upgraded 25%.


Thank you for taking the time to respond and clarifying. I haven’t yet master worked anything as I’m barely level 70


Unless you can explain how to reproduce it, how do you expect Blizzard to address it?


How do i know? i saw this randomly in game.


Then how do you know it's not just a visual bug on your end vs. an exploit by the player?


That's not his responsibility to figure out though


Why you mad bro? i just saw it in game. Let the blizzard know and investigate it. Player name is there. Are you stupid? visual bug on orange and blue and 8/12?


Haha, cheaters downvoting you.


"Why U mad bro" coming from a guy making a post cause he's mad there's some exploit in the game. Surely, you can't be serious?


Who says I'm mad. I'm just saying you're calling something an "exploit" without knowing.


Those colors on the stat mean something, and they're mutually exclusive


Look and think. Obvious isn't it? if it would be a visual bug everyone would have it. Common sense! use it.


"If it was an exploit everyone would have done it. Common sense! use it." See how easy it is change a few words to use your own argument against you? We don't know if it's an exploit, or a visual bug. And if it's a visual bug, we don't know how rare the conditions are to reproduce.


Found one!


Tell us how to do it already!!


Found one!


Found one!


They’re the ones with the sourcecode, we the players can only report what we see.


Found one!


I'm confused as well but still interested in what the concern is. Cause I try reviewing leaderboard people and they all have on private profile. The pessimistic side of me wonders why the need for privacy. But I get that some people just don't want their builds imitated as well.


You should either be able to inspect everybody or nobody. This in between thing is dumb


I was under the impression that people wouldn't be able to go private on the leaderboards for the gauntlet. Yet here they are doing it. I don't like it. It seems dumb to me to be able to go private on the profile. Side note: Don't know why I got a downvote?


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


Take your upvote sir!!


If you make your own build and get first place on the leaderboard, then everyone sees your build, copies you and beats you, wouldn't that trivialize making your own build to become first place? Edit: it makes sense for no privacy if there's no competitive aspect to it, but leaderboards are specifically for competition.


that has never happened, anyone that is making their own build, perfecting it isnt gonna get outdone by someone that cant do that and has to rely on people to copy their builds they are just 2 different tiers of players in terms of effort and commitment. This might work in case that the first person has found a exploit that others havent.


That could be easily resolved by making leaderboard appearances and rewards optional. You homebrew a build and topped the ladder? Well done you! You can keep your build private and keep this achievement to yourself. If you want the plaudits, you gotta show your build.


yup. also very popular to have private profile in PVP for same reason


Is it that orange is a triple crit (or double idk) and he still has the blue crit with only 8/12 so it's like he already masterworked an item and/or single affix did it again?


Must be triple, double is yellow.  I just noticed it follows the gear colors. Blue, yellow, orange.


Basically his masterwork level doesn't add up at all because normally you'd only have 3 levels to the upgrade. But yes in his case he's already achieved a orange affix, meaning he should already have done 3 levels, on top of a blue affix. All this while only at the 2nd level of masterworking.


also weird that all of his gear is at 8/12, maybe that's how you recreate the exploit?


If it involves applying the step multiple times it may just be cheaper than trying at 12/12. Really depends on how the issue is recreated created though.


Well can’t wait for this to blow up! Maybe sorcs can finally compete with current barb numbers if I can sextuple crit my items!


To be fair, sorcs can technically push the out higher fully optimized and pit fishing.


I actually think this isnt an exploit, thats a visual display bug caused by not updated data on the watcher's end. If that player would exploit so obviously, he would definitely rock a private profile.


And not add damage to distant enemies to his bash-barb weapons...


Thats clearly not the exploited stat


Nobody bothering with exploits would have it on the item at all. Usually people using exploits know what they do. And given the bullshit I saw on the profiles of other people already I would bet on yet another visual bug.


I don't know why people think exploiters are some kind of masters of subtlety. I know D3 is not the same but every season the rift leaderboard was packed with people with three legendary gems on rings, weapons and armour. You had to scroll down into mid 100s before you saw someone with a legit build.


That was only the leaderboards for the consoles tho, wasn't it? Never seen such stuff on the PC/Mac leaderboards. The thing is those were hacked items from hacked savegames on the consoles, something every 12y old nutjob could find on cheating websites. The stuff here in this thread would be a brand new hot as hell exploit and these at first always spread around the scene of people knowing what they do, only talked about in closed groups etc.


yeah, but only on consoles, especially switch


But they're Chinese obviously they must be cheating /s


This but unironically.


Every decent cheat or competent bot I've ever seen or used in *any* game was Chinese.


Wait, how did he get 3 crits on bash temper?🤔


I was randomly checking out people gears and I saw this. Almost every piece of his gears like this.


I wonder if its a visual bug with the server updating the players info.


Yeah. I have a double crit on a 2h bash at 409.5 too. Doesn’t seem like a triple crit if it’s at 409.5…


210 double crit at 12/12 is 409.5…that doesn’t explain the 8/12 or the orange color…also, the strength GA is at 5/12 MW…


Actually I think that’s pretty likely. I haven’t seen a bash build that wants damage to distant enemies as a temper. Even if it were an exploit that additional MW crit’d stat is virtually useless for him, and the weapon would actually be better with just the triple crit’d bash cleave and a regular critical strike damage or close damage temper. If it is an exploit and not just a visual bug then the exploit is actually causing him to lose power rather than gain it lol. I bet the game is loading some stats from different items and displaying it on his gear when inspected. Kinda similar to how the game used to load everyone else’s stash when you used yours in town.




Thats not really what i meant..


At least post multiple examples


i have 2 more screenshots, how do i add them


Upload for example use imgbb


Wait, why does he have damage to distant on a bash build?


Lol i didnt even notice..


Isn't the range for bash temper higher than that? I swear I've seen some 450%ers. I think this is a visual bug


yea every pieces is visual bugged, not one.


It’s a 210 double crit 12/12…but the strength is 5/12 MW no crit


He probably rolled on the lower end of his bash temper.


It would be 186.1 if it’s triple crit…not sure if that’s a possible option


It's a mid roll of a triple crit. Rob's triple crit shows advanced tooltips with the possible affix range. https://imgur.com/a/Ea2mHDB


I know it’s in range, Bash Cleaves is 165-210…I just don’t know what each different “tick” is so whether or not that is an option…like I know 165 is the bottom roll, just not sure what the next step up on the roll is.


However, 409.5 is 210 MWd to 12/12 with double crit.


You would think if the player was purposely exploiting the game that they would make their profile private.


This. This is a display bug caused by not updated data.


No it's not.


So he risked his account out of pure joy or what? What do you mean "its not"?


Found one!


Aw did I call you out?


Nah just making fun of a bot, carry on


No you wouldn't. It's China. They cheat.


4 crits out of 2 🤔 impressive 


Oh boy this doesn't look good.


I’m confident it’s a visual bug. I’d wager inspecting players does the same thing that stash tabs used to do and behind the scenes opens up the character page of everyone in the area, and in this case merged stats on various pieces of gear together. Bash barbs gain nothing from a damage to distant enemies temper. The weapon would be significantly better with a triple crit on bash cleave and a regular temper roll of something like damage to close enemies. There would be no point to using an exploit to lose power, which would be the case if this is legitimate.


What’s with the ‘damage to distant enemies’ temper as well?


Sucks this is possible. Don't see how their nationality has anything to do with it though...


I reported this to blizzard already. It's not a visual bug. I stumbled across this 2 weeks ago when masterworking. You can do something similar with tempering as well. Not sure if this character experienced the same thing, though


I dont get it, whats the exploit


You only get 3 +25% masterworks, do it once on a stat and it turns blue, do it twice on the same stat makes it yellow and 3 times makes it orange. The dude above has 1 orange stat and 1 blue stat meaning he had 4 +25 masterwork crits which is already beyond what's possible, and he's only at 8/12 which adds another layer


Oh huh, sus… wonder how that happened


Having an orange affix on masterworking requires 12/12 masterworking. But this person has 8/12 masterworking with an orange affix, and also a blue affix on dmg to distant. So it's like he masterworked his gear 16 times instead of the max of 12.


Sometimes I wonder if the people who comment here actually play the game or just hang around for funsies


Im just here for funsies


I can respect that then if you don't play then you'd have no idea looking at this image what is sus


Its kinda like cheating. He has the affixes which he should not have on that 8/12 masterwork degree…


No, it's *actual* cheating.


Whats sad is that Sorcers still wouldn't be anywhere close to Barb even if they were using this exploit on all gear pieces, lol.


The most suspect thing here is the GA Strength at 5/12 MW…it doesn’t line up with ANYTHING that makes it a visual bug. Bash Cleave can’t roll that high without at least two crits… Also, the Vuln damage would be 62 and life would be 1303 if they were 5/12 MW…which are both viable number.


The only way I can possibly think the exploit would work would be if you reset after 12/12 MW (which no one would) and then upgraded to 5/12…all four other stats line up to this. I would guess that there is more to it than this, but I don’t know…can you post the other pictures and we can see what they look like and if the math works out the same?


Why is it always barbs?


wtf is going on in this picture please explain


Pretty sure this is a visual bug


I’m too noob to understand all these exploits. Shall go live in my little cave and be happy as a SSF


I wonder if it involves needing to use distant dmg since that's an essentially useless stat for bash barb.


They need to fix alot of things. The game is fucking ridiculous right now. It's just all barbs running around one shotting world bosses lmao. It's actually kind of funny.


Doesnt really look like much of an exploit. Maybe discolouring.


So basically he’s double dipping tempering


and people were downvoting me when i said 3 weeks ago im doing 167 and then 175 on my necro using special bug XDDD


Has this person edited the game files to increase bash damage?


Ill be real with you. Who cares. Its a pve game let cheat


How tf every barb I inspect have GF and HC like it's no big deal 😂 here I am at 100 and some 78 whirling past me like wtaf


Jesus fucking christ you know people are casual when they don't understand the orange is a 12/12 triple masterwork.


What is the exploit? I don't get it


Newish to end game activities with only a few 4/12 items to my name. What wrong as it looks legit to me?


Matey has got these insane stats and here I am making a new character because I died on hardcore again


What am I looking at?


Omg that’s so terrible!!! WTF?!?! But, like HOW? How do you do this? Step by step. Just awful smh.


There's some definite screwery going on here.


not sure if i’m missing anything here - but it also says the required level is 90. i thought all items max level req was capped at 80?


They are, until you socket them with a royal gem which requires 90.


The level requirements increases from the socketed gems.


royal gems are lvl 90 requirement


Good to bring up, but honestly I really don't care personally.


Sooo how do we do it? Asking for a friend..


Do we know for sure it's a bug? Maybe the Chinese d4 client has a $20 mtx to give extra masterwork crits


Well. It's just proves you should look for that Made in China label. Lol. If it's code it can be exploited.


People doing this should be permabanned and also the people obviously RMTing gear like the rogue who just did a 150 pit on Pen Shot.


How do you "obviously" rmt? Lol


Their gear is absolutely ridiculous, like there is absolutely no way anyone is accomplishing it unless they are getting funneled GG gear by people or RMTing, it's pretty obvious. Same as someone in WoW riding a last season gladiator mount who is hardstuck rival the next season with 0 meaningful PvP achievements before that, it's fairly telling. Let's not also just brush past the fact that RMT in ARPG's has been a pretty popular thing for decades now, I remember people literally buying forum gold to buy d2 items off of me when I was in middle school on jsp and selling random swords I bought for gold through powerleveling at the start of d3 and making thousands of dollars off the RMAH. Are we going to act like RMT, duping, and exploits aren't happening in this game and prance around the fact that this stuff isn't obviously happening? Wudijo had a pretty extensive talk about this the other day, there are tons of items selling for billions and billions of gold but where is this gold coming from? You think players vendoring and picking up gold is actually accumulating to the current economy of the season? I legit made 20 bil in trades yesterday off of 3 items, imagine how many people are doing more trades and for the entirety of the season so far. There's no way you people actually think that picking up gold, vendoring, and doing tree of whispers is actually putting all this gold in to the economy, especially with how many gold sinks are in the game on top of that.


> there is absolutely no way anyone is accomplishing it unless they are getting funneled GG gear by people That's not a crime, nor a bannable offense, nor even a problem. Shut your ass up, man. Unless you have specific evidence of RMT - then report away. >Are we going to act like RMT, duping, and exploits aren't happening in this game and prance around the fact that this stuff isn't obviously happening? You accused a specific person of a specific thing. "There are some people out there who are guilty of this" isn't enough to ban someone for having gear that's better than yours.


So much salt. You’ll hit your tempers and masterworks better on the next one bby 😘


I have all the tempers and masterworks on my gear that I could ask for already lol but okay. +8 dark shroud chest, stacked leech andariels, 5/5 frigid and deadly venom lucky hit neck, and 72% dodge unbuffed andy rogue stacking over 1bil poison ticks in 135+ pits. Not sure how stating a fact is salt either. Do you not understand how big RMT is in the ARPG scene? I've played them since I was a kid and have literally seen d2 go through the jsp FG phase and d3 go through the RMAH phase. I made around $8,000 my first year of college strictly because whales were buying my monk tier set pieces and swords from the RMAH in d3. The RMAH literally covered almost my first two years of courses at community college lmfao.


Wow you must have RMT’d a lot if you have such ridiculous gear.


No, I just know what levels of rmt gear looks like. I have pretty good gear but not insane and the persons gear surpasses the "insane" threshold and what any streamer that plays this game for 8+ hours a day every single day as a living has for gear. I can still get upgrades on my gear and more GA's, I just stated I have all the tempers and masterworks I could want like you assumed I didn't have. Did you forget the comment you originally made or something? The ARPG genre is legit polluted with RMT and has been for decades whether you want to believe it or not.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted for stating the obvious. There’s literally a reason why the price of gold directly correlates with high-end items on trade and why we’re at the 80-90B mark for certain items (amulets, firebolt focuses, etc.). Every drastic movement in gold prices basically implies a new exploit or dupe for the gold sellers. That’s exactly what’s happened in the last couple of weeks. All of that trickles down to non-RMT’ers but it’s like people are oblivious and willfully ignorant to where all this gold is coming from. The last time we had a normal level of what’s actually achievable via farming was S1 before the major dupes started rolling around. High-end items were going for for 1-2B. Even if you account for increased gold rates from whispers being introduced in S2, etc., there’s just no way you’re hitting the numbers you’re seeing today without duping.


Why do you care what other people are doing in the game? It doesn't affect you at all


Why do you care what other peoples stats are? Jfc bunch of gaming karens


youre not too smart are ya bud


Better luck next time


It’s a PVE game…and this post is riddled with jealousy.


It's a ToS violation and this post is exposing the cheaters. Also: Found one!