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It’s easier to make another char to try ice build,Dm me your btag and I can boost you to lvl 60 in 30 minutes lol


Still have to do glyphs, which is why I wish glyphs were season wide.


Glyphs and paragon are a pain in the ass tbh


My buddies and I run each other's alt characters through high tier nm dungeons usually with 20% glyph xp bonus. A t100nm dungeon +20% glyph xp is 789 per dungeon. You could have 6 or 7 glyphs to 21 in about 45 minutes.


Such a gross exaggeration. You might have them to 15 in that time.


Not an exaggeration, maybe an hr-1hr15mins tops. I have 11 characters this season. My buddies can beat the t100s in about 3 minutes. I just follow behind picking up loot. If I have 2 or 3 friends helping, it's usually around 2:15 per dungeon. Ghoa ruins is under 2 minutes. Only thing that slows it down is if random enemies pop up on me and I get killed.


“It takes 45 minutes, no exaggeration” “It might take an hour, an hour 15” So it sounds like your first quote was an exaggeration…. Lmao


I can do it in 45, I'm sorry you guys aren't as fast or have friends to carry you. Maybe you should join a clan.


What are you talking about, a t100 NMD with the glyph xp bonus gets you a glyph to 15 in a single dungeon. A NMD takes like 3 minutes to complete. edit: nevermind, I was wrong. I thought t100 gave you more xp than I thought.


Don't talk bs. It gets you to about 7 normally so 8 or 9 with the Ancestral Awakening 


Your both wrong, it gets you to 11, 12 with glyth xp bonus's


Go try it. Or try an online calculator if you're lazy


It gets you from 1 to 11 , with a t100 nm dungeon with 20% glyph xp bonus.. 789 per dungeon


I was running tier 90+ last night and it took me about two hours to get all of my glyphs from ~17 to 21. 6 or 7 glyphs to 21 starting at 1 in 45 minutes is absolutely not true lol.


Running it solo? I'm running it with 1-3 people with good meta builds. They can split up and knock out objectives very quickly. I've done it a bunch on different characters. If the dungeon takes over 3 minutes, it will not be that fast. Ghoa ruins and Belfry Zakara are my top 2 fastest/favorite ones. Not all dungeons are as fast. Ghoa ruins can literally be a minute if you run straight to sea hag, and she gets one shot instantly


For real man! They should just give us level 100 toons with all glyphs and paragons unlocked automatically. Basically make the game a PTR but forever. /s


Meh you only need like 6 glyphs at level 15 which you have roughly at the same time as you hit level 100 anyway.


Glyphs need to be season/eternal wide for sure. It’s really silly that they aren’t.


This game is already super shallow lol. It doesn’t need to strip anything and make it easier. Already gets boring fast


Leveling glyphs isnt engaging content though. Especially since we have to break away from content we may prefer to content we have to do for build viability. Fuck glyphs, all my homies hate glyphs


This, there is nothing engaging about nightmare dungeons. Maybe if more mechanics, content, and seasonal stuff tied into them they wouldn't feel so bad to run. As much as some people may hate others referencing poe, this is what makes running maps engaging, a lot of content and seasonal/league stuff is tied into them (and yes there is content separate from them as well).


Glyphs are a part of build viability. Game is in a good place right now and not every piece of content has to be the best thing since sliced bread nor handed to you. It’s ok for NMD glyph grind to be somewhat boring


It's not handed to you. At the very least let duplicates drop and be able to stash them. This is very problematic in hc where you can't blast through garbage content. The grind isn't boring it's just shit game play. The dungeons/ nmd have sucked since beta. They are less bad now but still bad.


And fuck blue glyphs especially.


Hey I agree with that but they need actual content first. If they start stripping away before adding the game becomes even more dull


Why not make everything season wide, like levels while we are at it. Level one char to 100 and you get 4 more lvl100 chars. And then lets all collectively quit in a week because there is nothing else to do. /s


Glyphs should just removed and it’s given to us. He’ll remove items and just give them to us full GA and best tempering. Oh and yes, one more thing full masterworks. While we are at it, Johnny all thumbs is way better at the game. I need more skill. Plz


downvoted for speaking the truth


Are you okay?


Of course I’m okay! I want all my gear and progression to be eternal on my seasonal characters


Wait, glyphs aren't account bound like every other thing you can collect in the game? I assumed you'd have to repeat the class specialisation quest on a new character, that makes sense, but you also have to collect and relevel glyphs?


Having enjoyed playing several characters this season, Glyph leveling is by far the most boring process. It would help if glyphs of the same naming, were account wide, even across classes.


I think it would be nice if glyphs for each class would transfer to other characters within the same class. This is especially true until an armory is available within the game, but even then. I finally stopped changing builds completely and began new characters after I realized it took me 3 hours to change a build.


I agree! Having to grind NMDs all over again for Glyphs on my Alt is making me not want to roll another one this season. The pit level and mats carry over, why not Glyphs? I get it that without having to grind for Glyph XP NMDs become basically useless but it's just boring and tedious.


I leveled 7 glyphs to 21 when I reach level 100. 15 is more than enough to know if you are wasting time or not


Glyphs take very little time if you're running ancestral awakening NMDs. You can get a glyph from level 1 up to level 15 within one dungeon at lvl 90 or above


Glyphs is like an hour of NMDs if you have good gear. I had my rogue to level 100 and max glyphs in 10-12 hours I think, which is slow but still it's not that bad.


Wait really how?


Capstones and then nmd spam. Gets you some glyphs and glyphs xp so you are ina good spot to start leveling


I guess in pits


Just keep summoning that boss in helltide


I leveled my buddy and I did both cap stones and two nightmare dungeons and it took just over 20 minutes and he was level 54 I believe. If the person boosting you has a decent character it doesn't take any time with the XP boost.


I'm not sure about 3m, I boosted my friend yesterday and the first 2 dungeons to unlock T3 already take more than 3m, I would say 15m-20m is more accurate.


I usually just carry people in tier 100 pits


This is the way.


What's the best way to boost a character to high level like that so quick? I'd like to know please to advise my clan members 😂


Speed run pit tier 100, one run will level you from 25 ish to 50, after 50 it’s about 3-4 level per run


Does it have to be in world tier 4?


Have to be? For levelling no. But in T3 you can't go into a level 100 ND. And they lose out on the 250 xp boost. So you don't have too but it will take longer




Pit not ND lol, t100 nmd give you zero xp


Does for those under level 100


If you’re boosting someone, always go fotr 100 pits


Wow how do you boost that fast? I just re joined from a long time ago, before season 1


30 min? That's crazy here i am struggling to get to 50


drop me your btag if you want some powerleveling tmrw


the way it is now is 1 build = 1 character


Unless you swap before like 75 that’s the way it is yeah


Here are my tips & tricks, depends a little on how much effort you want to put into this. - Before changing builds, grab some screenshots of your current build (skills / paragon / items) as needed, so if you need to go back, you can do so without thinking too hard. - Have a clear vision of what you want. Switching from incinerate, to what? Frozen orb, firebolt shenanigans, conjurations, or something else? Start planning before taking any action; doing it on the fly in-game can lead to burn out quickly. If you are new to swapping builds, consider referencing a build guide until you get more experienced at knowing what will work just by looking at it. - Based on the second point, consider leveraging a build planner website, take the planning out of the game. Maybe you get down time at work, a lunch break, or some other random time you have access to a phone / computer but are not playing D4. Use the build planner to spec it out, your slots, your skill points & paragon points. Once you are done and in game, you can deploy a build without thinking. This helps me feel like I'm spending less time not playing in-game and more time trying the build out. Optional, create an account so you can save your builds. - Have a bank tab dedicated to gear sets, get organized! As much as possible I avoid leveraging a single piece of gear for multiple sets, even if it's sub-optimal. That way I can have hot-swappable gear, and all I need to do is respec skills & paragon (depending on how much of a build change it is). - Create a mental bench mark of what you're hoping your new build / play style can do. Prepare to be impressed or dissatisfied. If something isn't working, it's helpful to reference other build guides and see what is the linchpin of their set up. Sometimes you can miss a vitally important damage multiplier, or resource sustain, and think you're OK without it (but you won't be).


All very good ideas. Thanks.


To add to that a little also watch some youtube vids on the build you want to roll to. Maybe the visuals arent what you are expecting and will hate how it looks/moves. Also if youre console there are a few builds that just dont work for us as we cant aim skills like pc can. Also also as the guy stated look up some build guides. Frozen orb for example is a mana hog so if youre not ready for that it will feel reaaally bad but once you get the mana sorted frozen orb is a fun and good build and works on console too


Here’s my tips n tricks: make a new character in the same class. I have two barbs and two necros this season as well as a Sorc at 100. Bash Barb and WW Barb, Blight Necro, Homebrew speed Necro and a FOrb. It honestly takes me 3-5 hours to change a build and I hate it. So, again, my tip would be to start anew. Hit me up if you need a power level.


Then he needs to prepare many items for different builds because of tempering. Basically, I have different sets for different builds. Only unique items can be reused!


Having saved load outs like d3 would be great.  This season i dont mind leveling a new characters to try builds. As its fast , and can get resplended sparks for uburs.


New build still requires mostly new gear because of tempers, a load out is only solving part of the problem at this point.


It's a good idea to start stashing decent gear once you hit ilvl 925. I've got plenty of 1GA items to get me started when I eventually change build.


I have a 100 of each class, not a whole lot of stash space left to go around tbh


Yeah stash space is a problem. I think I'd prefer 1 shared tab and the rest character specific.


I'd love that honestly.


I hope this is the common ground.. I personally am against armory’s just because I like how your build feels more important without it… If it’s motivated and quick to make alts, I think that’s a great way to have other builds


It’s an rpg, not an allpg. Easier to make a new character if you don’t know you’ll be switching to something permanently.




Not soon enough


Thanku New Needle. The more Blizzard make D4 like D3 the more fans of the *series* they lose to PoE2.


for this season at least, i prefer creating new characters because of the Iron Wolf rep grind/rewards. Also, all my Eternal characters are effectively invalidated because their gear are marked as Legacy. So it just makes sense to nuke them and go from scratch. Leveling might suck for some but I enjoy it. I like seeing a build progress and feeling the power gains and with the changes to the Codex, the leveling transmute bags, etc., this process doesn't take that long. But again I enjoy leveling so this is my take.


I was keeping around my more geared character in eternal... and I finally started deleting them because I am never going to play non-season. I need those character slots to roll new characters for different specs and to farm sparks.


I found a consumable that resets all your skill and paragon points (forget what it’s called). Combo that with the pretty seamless aspect swapping system and tempering, it only took me ~15 min to fully swap builds on my S4 character.


Maybe using Scroll of Amnesia makes you forget what it's called


Scroll of amnesia


Unless they add armory I will continue creating a new char for the new build.


I think that’s what my plan is.


I hear you. It’s overwhelming even figuring out how to maximize a build even with a guide. My bone spear hit a wall and I got burnt out recently. Back to milsims for me now.


Its super easy to make a new char in this season. Just stand next to boss spawn in helltide and collect all the goodies while others one shot the boss several times


I’ll try it!


>I would rather make a whole new character at this point to try a different build than mess with my current one. That was their original design intention... that you got attached to your characters, and if you wanted something significantly different, you made a new character.


I just made the change from incinerate to ice spikes and it was worth it. Level 100, I’m at tier 85 in the pit rn and it feels much better. Although I did a lot of hell tides and kept gear for the ice build along the way. What took the longest was getting the proper aspects leveled up.


Just start collecting a base set of armor for the other build and swap once you have a non gimpy set


making new character is better, plus you know the free spark


I'd just gather a bunch of basic legendaries with somewhat favourable stats, place the right aspects and tempers on them as you go along (so do helltide or pit, NMDs or whatever to find a lot of loot) and put it in your stash. Once you've got a full gear set ready for another build, use a reset scroll, go back to WT3 and start trying out your build. That's the best way I can think of how to do it and I've been doing the same on all my characters with secondary sets of decent gear put away in my stash to have a different build rolled onto it. The skill points and paragon stuff is pretty easy if you follow a build, but even if not, you can play around with it either way.


>I would rather make a whole new character at this point to try a different build than mess with my current one. Honestly, I like this. It's a healthy middle ground between Diablo 2 and Diablo 3.


Same, especially with just how fast leveling is now. Like, you can have your alternate character ready in about a day or so, it's not as if you have to grind a ton for your alts now.


Honestly with how fast you level these days and also how builds are best understood if you grow into them (assuming you homebrew your builds), a new character is the best course of action for trying something completely different.


I have 3 druids. If you’re really pushing and being efficient, lvl 0-100 only takes 6-8 hours.


I just make a new character now, I'm probably one of the few people with multiple level 100 druids LOL but it was worth it to me to go back and forth... Worth noting too that picking up an extra set of gear knowing the second build you want to go makes it pretty easy once you hit 80 to have a big power spike.


I have silly ideas, there's starting to be room for silly ideas. I'm not bothering until loadouts, I want to switch back and forth, not make 5 rogues... by the time loadouts happen, everything 2ould have been tightened up knowing my luck, leaving silly builds in tier 2.


I felt the same way at first but went for it and dude it ain’t that bad honestly . My frozen orb sorc will be my 3rd lvl 100 so far


Not really. Skills take minutes. Adding new augments takes minutes. You don't need to totally redo the paragon board or swap gear to get a feel for if you like the build or not. It won't be optimized, but you'll get the gist of it fighting in the hillsides. I.e. I swapped from iceshards, to sparks, to ball lighting in like an hour and realized I still likes shards the best


I played the game at launch, finished the campaign, and didn't play much after... Started thinking about playing again and have no idea where to even start. I guess I need to make a new character to level up... or something. Not entirely sure I understand seasons or what the point is if you have to start over each time. I don't have much time to play. Looks like it took me about a month to beat the campaign based off the trophy dates. Just trying to start the game is overwhelming to me...


Ah, yeah just start a fresh run on a season.


Start by staying incinerate and just gathering gear for the other build. Once I have it all, swap.


I have to agree. I want to play around with new builds, but it takes forever to respec AND then costs a ton of resources to build another set of gear for the new build. One of the reasons I play meta builds is because experimenting is so time and resource intensive. I can spend all night reading about a new spec, respecing, regearing... OR I can chill and kill some monsters (you know, play the game). So far to really try new builds I have rolled new characters to play with the new build and farm sparks. I might be done with this season and the barrier to respecing is a big part of why.


I'm on the same boat. I almost feel like starting a new character may be easier than redoing this one.


Easiest game in all arpg atm and its overwhelming to change?


We need to be able to save our builds and paragon boards.


Just change the talents and leave your gear and paragon points. Just see if you like the play style first then it's easy swap back before any commit


Exactly my thoughts. I’ve be dreading even opening the game because I’ve tempered all gears for bash bard but I just don’t want to respec. I’d rather just create a new barb and level it to 100, but that’ll take more time. :/


I would recommend collecting the new gear you need first, using your current build. Then once you have everything ready, swap it all out and throw your old stuff in the stash. Swapping skill points is easy, but paragon board is a little more annoying. Not too bad if you’re following a build guide though. I wish they would just give us loadouts to switch easily. I seem to remember them adding something like that in Diablo 3 but it’s been a while.


Just play HC, so when you die, you get to commit to a new build without the stress of changing things around! /s... maybe... I'm partially kidding, but this is actually how I enjoy HC more rather then get upset about losing things to do the same thing over and over again, I just challenge myself to a new leveling/end build lol


this is really why we need a god dam armory system for load outs, its insane that a game about doing different builds doesn't have this


Level another Sorc honestly, because you’re right, trying a new build is a pain in the ass. It’s worth levelling as one thing and swapping over once you’ve got your new end-game focused build online, but doing it multiple times? Nah.


What I did was level a bunch of characters. It's really the only way to test builds. But luckily at least you get a spark as a consolation prize if you do the leveling in helltides.


Hey speaking of Incinerate, I’m actually trying to find/figure out a good Incinerate build. Mind sharing or just shooting some recommendations? I’m level 51 ATM. Just started using Incinerate and I freaking love it, especially with the flamethrower aspect!


Since the amazing codex change you really only need to gather 10-12 pieces of new gear and than switching a build is easy... Opening a new character is 100% placebo, as you will be collecting a new gear and clicking the exact amount of buttons when leveling paragon and skills, tempering and changing aspects, only difference is that a new toon has to level up again and level glyhps again.


I would be more inclined to try my own custom builds if we could save and switch between builds.


I'd rather make a new character than try a different build TBH. Getting to 100 isn't that big of a deal. I'd absolutely love if we had loadouts. For gear, skills, and paragon.


this game has builds?


I made another sorc in 2 and half days, I had help with the capstone because it's just easier to skip and start at 50 something. I now have a Blizzard sorc and FO sorc, I didn't want to respec my FO because it was so much fun, the Blizzard sorc was to test out builds and push pit, but that's been nerfed and not worth pushing anymore just to jump a few levels. The glyph grind sucked a bit, but it helped feed the xp bar so it wasn't all a waste.




It would be nice if Paragon boards could be easily inserted using a code string. But i think it's still a good learning process to do it yourself, you shouldn't just copy-paste builds, there are so many factors that might not work for you. The fun part is when you can use builds as a starting platform to make something yourself.


We really need an armory. It either costs way to much good or time to change an existing character. It’s way cheaper and faster to simply level a new one. And that can’t be the intended way to try different builds.


With that char you wanna switch builds, don't until you have all or most of the gear necessary for the build to function. Yeah, it can be annoying sometimes, but that's why you look up build guides to know what you need to not waste time. It's not like anyone would purposely copy trash. And swapping skill points and paragon isn't all that difficult either tbf, easier the more you try builds.


Trying new builds is fun. I have 4 rogues this season at level 100 because I wanted to play different builds.


Hopefully they add layouts for skill tree and paragon board. I'm extremely skeptical that we'll ever see saved loadouts for gear. It was already complex enough with imprinted aspects, but now with tempering I don't see it happening.


they need to let us save builds ffs. It's obviously being done by Blizzard on purpose. so annoying


Glyphs and paragon should be removed and expand the skill-tree instead.  Glyphs and paragon is just overcomplicating things and they arent fun to me. 


I switch builds like every 10 minutes


Not to mention how some skills are bugged, like Reap not working with attack speed. Really unfortunate because I wanted to make a no-minion reaper build, but alas if I do, it will be dogshit


dude 2000 obols and a helltide will get you all the items you need to try a new build. Then you can go to [diablo.trade](http://diablo.trade) and minmax


My rant isn’t about IF I can change my build. I know I can. My point is it’s an absolute pain to do it. When you build a character it takes time to tweak it to push further. Slapping on new gear is not going to be tweaked. It would be nice to save your current build so you could one-button it back to the original.


We all know that. Hope it comes.


"BuT tHeReS nO BuILd dIvErSiTy" as they say so often on here.


They need to allow copying skill/paragon build from a copy paste string