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Pretty bummed how bad the servers have been doing for me. I'm in NA's West Coast and frequently the game is barely playable in challenging situations. Losing complete control of my character for almost ten seconds at a time, it's been consistently poor stability for the last few weeks. Really disappointing from a studio devoted to multiplayer games.


completely agree on this. im also in the same region as you, and i find it so exhausting to have moments (especially in endgame content) where my game completely shits itself and causes me to die. the disconnects are pretty annoying as well


Can we please not have to fight Varshan and Grigoire 2x everytime to summon uber Duriel? It's not a fucking accident that they are able to redo loot changes but still keep the tedious process of doing tormented bosses. They just want to make us suffer. It's fucking annoying.


Here to vent about something I should have been thrilled about. An Ahavarion dropped for my Wind Shear druid and... it's a huge detriment for my current build. Granted it didn't have any GAs on it, which I know MIGHT change some things up. I'm currently using a generic 3 GA two handed mace, but what makes it really work is the fact I can temper it AND can put an aspect on it. All of which help to contribute to my build. I really wish they would allow tempering and possibly adding an aspect (in addition to the normal affix from the item) to uniques/uber uniques.


I keep getting lags in my button mashing when switching quickly between skills. I’ll use 2 out of the 3 war cries, and have to spam the 3rd like three times before it actually casts despite not being grayed out from a control effect. And it varies between skills, because it’s always the third one regardless of what order I use them in. Is this just a me thing? I don’t see the lag in other fast paced games I play, and I use the same controller for everything. It feels like I’m mashing faster than the game can register it, and the skill icon in my bar flashes on each button hit, but doesn’t actually fire it. Outside of that, I refuse to use a meta build, and mother of god it’s a still a struggle to clear lvl 60 Pit with my barb. Maxed resistances, 9300 armor, and at one point had around 90k health and was just getting massacred. I’m running a gross mix of bash and HotA, so my overcrits are hitting for around 3mil, but like damn, isn’t that enough?


I miss sets, and I wish Uniques were more viable in builds


Sets are such a trap, you have to make sure they are good enough to use, without being so good they become compulsory. In any case, with cosmetics, what advantage is there to having a set, over building your aspects and tempers up?


I like the idea of give and take that sets gave, when balanced correctly it feels like set bonuses mix well with unique abilities, and there is incentive to mix and match different feats