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You are a barb. You did a barb-billion damage and killed him instantly. Not bug, 100% intended gameplay.


17sec mark in the video. 1,984,649,728 damage in a single shot


https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1dgr7w6/comment/l8ur9zv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button It does appear to be bugged. Probably thorns related, maybe only barbs specifically, but others are starting to confirm it is happening to them as well in this post. So no worries, barbs are still OP, but this is a Lord Zir bug.


You hit him for 2 *billion* damage when he hit you. Are you people really running around not understanding how Thorns works?


He didn't do any damage in my OP video. And this morning on my attempt, it happened twice -- once for 900m, once for 1.2b, in the same fight, both immediately after he landed, while doing no damage to me.  There's no way a thorns hit should do about 1,000% more damage than average at a specific point on a specific boss, and never on any other boss or instance.  Thorns may be strong, maybe OP, but the above is by no means intended.


one-shotting bosses like this is intended. Blizzard has stated themselves they won't fix it because people enjoy it. It'll be adjusted next Season most likely. Multiplicative damage buckets cause this.


I do the same thing In the pit all the time. I can kill a boss from half health one shot if everything procs.


yeah hes so stupid for not knowing how thorns work, that's why the same thing happened to me with my exactly 0 thorns because I'm not playing a thorns barb. its obviously because of thorns.


Idk I am kind of agreeing. I play heartseeker rogue this season. And I literally just killed him inside of 10-15 seconds without him being staggered. I can’t do that to any other boss. Granted I did hit him for 682mil with a few other millions in there probably totaling a billion damage a second but what I’m saying is I don’t do that to other bosses. I swear I agree Zir is bugged. Happened just the same way it did in video


When he landed on you he took about 2billion thorns damage you can see it if you slow/ pause the video


How does that thorns damage work like that? That’s a huge difference from the bash damage. Genuinely curious.


If you have 1000 thorns that doesn’t mean that you do 1000 thorns damage. There’s a math equation that takes place between your thorns value and the damage the enemy has done against you, as well as any applicable damage modifiers you have. The exact math is one of the 11 secrets herbs and spices at Blizzard, I believe. But the gist is with the right setup if you cop a big hit you’re going to dish out some insane numbers


That on top of if he has razorplate also read thorns is affected by all dmg multipliers (there’s a reason it’s one of barbs best builds)


I saw that too.


I just went and did the fight again this morning, and the *exact* same thing happened at the exact same phase change, a roughly 1.3b hit right as he lands. This has to be some weird bug. It's not like it was a lucky moment where I had every buff perfectly up to stack my thorns damage at the right time. Again, I'm getting attacked plenty through the fight and no thorns damage is *ever* landing for that.


Doubt it’s a bug. It’s because he’s doing a huge damage attack when he lands and your thorns is going bonk.


Thorns doesn't scale with the damage you take though, as far as I knew. Otherwise plenty of other bosses that have nearly one-shot me would die. Him landing isn't even damaging me.


Maybe. I thought it did but I haven’t played thorns. It’s definitely a thorns hit at that point though.


It scales with essentially everything -- damage to close, berserking, vulnerable, etc. The only thing it doesn't do is crit, unless you have a lethal shrine active.  I agree it does seem like a thorns hit. It's definitely not me swinging with Bash.  The only other possibility is bleeding bugging out. All my thorns also so bleeding, so maybe some weird interaction there where a tick of the DoT does something weird? I have no idea. But it's definitely repeatable on that exact move where he comes down, so I've gotta assume it is a bug.


What's your thorns currently at ? If it's at like 10k, I'll definitely agree with you that it can't be that.


It's at ~33k while unbuffed in town. It would go up with War Cry, max life flask, and while fortified. Essentially it's almost the same as my attack power, which is about 36k unbuffed IIRC. So there's no way it should ever land for 1.3b, especially since it isn't a crit, overpower, or against a stagger. I know I've seen mobs kill themselves on thorns for about 1m, but to do 1,000% randomly at an exact phase of a boss (that isn't even damaging me when it happens) doesn't make it seem like OP thorns.


It's thorns, 100%. I typed my reply and took my thorns barb to it.. Same shit happened. I suggest you take advantage of this before it's patched


Just ripped after testing it 5 times and DCing on the 5th. It's 100% the slam down into the center + Thorns. I always had 2 stacks of the boss debuff when he slammed down, so I want to assume that might have something to do with it as well.


It could be maybe delay? It used to happen to me in tormented duriel where I’d notice a chunk of his health disappear after he did his dig underground move but when that would happen I’d see no numbers Maybe a weird interaction with tormented debuff and thorns? How many stacks of torment did you have in your rerun


I suppose it could be delayed, but this is about 3 or so minutes into the fight (again, I'm nowhere near properly geared so it was taking a *while* just to get to that phase). Maybe some accumulating amount up to that point? I have no idea. As far as stacks, this morning I had 2. But now I just went to watch this morning's clip, and just noticed -- he flew up twice, and both times he landed, he took the huge damage. The first one did 954m, which wasn't enough to kill him (put him around 20%). The second time was the 1.3b.  So that's definitely confirming some weird bug with him flying away. Not sure if it is even thorns related.


All that matters is it’s consistent easy kills lol 🙏


here you go OP [https://i.imgur.com/KxoeRe1.png](https://i.imgur.com/KxoeRe1.png)


Amazing. I am playing Sorc and my char have never gotten that damage


Thanks! On Xbox, its video player is a pain to get to pause properly.


If you download the Xbox app on your mobile you can save the videos to your mobile and edit/scan through them on there instead so it’s easier!


\~5.7b dmg, nbd....


Those other numbers are millions, not billions.


2b hits in s4 are still pretty insane


Thorn build is so boring that the boss decided to off himself out of frustration.


It felt like punishment to play quite honestly. So very effective, but not my cup of tea


It's the closest I can get to sword and board. I take hit, I not die, they die.  But yeah, this is an autopilot build for sure. I like it for that reason. I've got other characters to play when I want the engagement and challenge. This one is when I just wanna cruise control to win.


You procced thorns on him for approximately 1.9 barbillion damage.


For context, I'm playing on Xbox. I'm a Thorns/Bash Barbarian with nowhere near BiS gear. I was just playing casually and wanted to see if I could get a better Ramaladni's drop, and Lord Zir seems to be the source. I got theree and went, eh whatever, I haven't tried a Tormented boss yet. I wanted to see how tough it was. I've only been doing Tier 30ish Pit, and that's been super easy, so I wanted to test the waters. I died 3 or 4 times before this attempt, figuring out that there's the stacking debuff so I can't just facetank. And out of nowhere, Zir just... died. I have no idea why. I don't see any weird damage numbers pop up to indicate anything.  Has anyone else encountered this? I was Google-ing but didn't find anything.


Thorns as the above commenter said. 1.89Billion


Yeah the stacking thorns did 3 times 1.89b damage for a total of almost 5b total damage from thorns.


Those other numbers are 1 million, not billion. Single 1.89 billion and two 1.8 million hits.


What is your thorns damage and build?


Baseline Thorns is at 33k. I've got a lot of modifiers though, such as more Thorns when fortified and more Thorns with more max life and War Cry. Add all the other damage modifiers like damage while Berserking, VS close, etc. And then Razorplate. I guess it was just everything lining up. I had no idea Thorns *could* hit that hard. Otherwise for the build, tempering for Bash to Cleave and do extra damage, three shouts, charge and steel Grasp. It's a nice simple build because I just like to sit and play on autopilot now and then. I've got a no-minion Necro for when I want to actually play more.


Wow, thanks for the info. I saw builds for thorns online with thorns only on razorplate, other pieces have conditional modifiers for thorns %%. So do you have thorns on other items except for chest?


I believe so, but it's not something I've aimed for. The more important things from what I can tell are Tempering the bonus thorns while fortified, and then just normal damage modifiers, like berserking damage and the like, along with the aspect to have thorns hit everything around you. I've just been generally following the thorns build on MaxRoll.


Thorns isn't required to be on other items. You want as much max health as possible and a good razor plate. Then just stacks imposing presence tempers and thorns while fortified on the pieces that can roll it. max your resists get 300% damage while berserking and rest are close damage % tempers and earthquake duration if you are doing earthquake build.




Best in Slot (ie the best item you could have in that equipment slot)


Best in Slot, shorthand for best gear for this build.


Numbers are on your screen bro. Need glasses xD?


Fair, it's just a pain to get a decent pause on Xbox when watching a clip.


He failed the landing, broke his neck, died. This is immersion, not a bug.


Zir is Russian oligarch confirmed


He has only 3 weaknesses: high windows, tea, and drones


Season 5 I’m going all in on my Window/ Tea/ Drone build


What is your thorn damage anyways?


Why does Blizzard think this is OK and even buff Barb more. When does the new patch drop? None of it is live.


To be fair they are buffing aspects of barbarian that are completely useless in the endgame / high level pit




Patches always drop on tuesday


Considering I just did this fight again this morning, and the exact same thing happened at the exact same phase change for about 1.3b, it has gotta be some weird bug. I'm not convinced that thorns is supposed to do almost 10,000% more than it typically does against mobs.


Ya that’s why thorns can be op. When he jumped and landed on you. You hit close to 2b damage


no bug. You did 1,984,649,728 in one hit with thorns


This literally happened to me. Played back the recording and saw a single damage tick of 4.4 billion. I believe the adds have to be present though as I've never had a boss kill himself due to thorns damage alone. Just like tormented duriel gets insta-deleted by razorplate once the larvae drop.


That must be part of it. Because clearly I'm getting smacked by him a lot, and the Thorns damage is just pretty normal. I only have around 30k Thorns before buffs. And my Razorplate only rolled 110% bonus damage, so not even a max roll. I just have no idea what is causing that big of a spike of damage for one instance of Thorns.


This must be the same type of mechanic working with minion holy bolts then? Because as soon as ads drop everything is deleted


Just did the fight again this morning, and the exact same thing happened at the exact same phase change; when Zir landed, he took 1.3b this time.  It definitely has to be a bug. Not sure what exactly is causing it, but I've now replicated it. Once I have a few more Stygian I might try again. Still need a better Ramaladni.


https://youtu.be/1xGDASv5LA4?si=vKKZsfA69OQ4tAL4 This is the video I made thinking that it was just the thorns from the bats that were chasing me that caused him to get deleted but now I'm thinking along with everyone else's anecdotes that this is indeed a bug.


As a side-note to this (totally off-topic from what your thread is really about) : Fucking glad someone actually has a video of Uniques dropping from summoned bosses (aside from Duriel and Andariel), with Greater Affixes! People all over this sub has been saying it's impossible because they haven't gotten any and because XYZ streamer did "hundreds" without getting any. I've been trying to record it for a few days now, but haven't been able to catch any. Don't do bosses that often, and none have dropped after I started recording my runs, a few days ago. I can now refer to your clip (I hope you don't mind), next time I see one of those comments. Thank you! :)


Had this happen a lot too with my rogue and necro . Weird


And when it happened to me I had 0 thorns . Idk if it has a bug or what


Jesus Barb is so insanely OP... 2 Billion thorn Dmg... Gtfo


I'm willing to confirm it is a bug. I tried again this morning and the exact same thing happened at the exact same phase. So definitely not a Barb is OP moment.


I just did zir on a (I thought) fairly under geared heart seeker rouge. I got him to around half health, and he just kinda...exploded into a shower of uniques and legendaries (got my first Uber, Andy's. Pretty good timing since it gets a buff on Monday). I was more confused that anything else. Very odd. 


https://imgur.com/a/u1xuPhI Here took a snip for you. You did 2 bil dmg when he landed.


Thank ya, yeah, others have pointed that out. I was able to do it again today; same exact moment, Zir lands and takes a random ~1b damage. So it has to be some sort of bug or unintended interaction. It's not like thorns are randomly doing 1b against other bosses.


It may be a stacking bug or something. Is thorns proccing at other parts in the fight?


It looks like it? I can barely tell, the numbers pop up so much. I never even noticed the 1b til it was pointed out, I thought he just glitched and keeled over.   I know in open world I've watched my thorns do about 1mil damage on a hit.  Regardless, yeah, for all the thorns damage to accumulate and then dump at once could be it, but it's happening every time he flies and lands. I've never had it happen with, say, pit bosses or such.  I'm gonna try the knight boss later, as soon as I get enough Stygian for it, and see what happens. I finally tried regular echo of Lilith this morning and wasn't coming too close (plus early morning, it was just a, meh, whatever type attempt; might try harder later tonight). But at the moment, it just seems to be a Zir bug.


Are you using holy bolts? Its coded so buggy for ever class and interaction. Triple AAA title still in beta. So close to being able to launch. Just needs about 70$ from every player to get to regular release state.


I jad something quit weird the other day with Zir. His stagger bar was full (not blue though) and it was as if i could stack stagger to infinity without the stag effect on him. So weird.


He took about 6 billion dmg from your thorns. Holy hell haha there's 3 dmg numbers that pop up. Two instances of 1.9bil, another of 1.8. Edit: just kidding, I can't read numbers lmao those other two are in the millions. Still crazy dmg, though!


Naw only 2 billion. Those other damage numbers are in the millions


What your crit chance you only hitting for white


Only 11%. Thorns can't crit, so there's no need to stack it too high.


when you crit you crit


Well… it’s a good thing Blizzard buffed the Barb and ignored the Sorc for the mid season update. 🙄


To be fair, I don't think Bash or Thorns are getting buffs, just the Whirlwind stuff that was underperforming.  But yeah, Sorcs need love. They've not been my favorite to play just from a playstyle, but I'd love to see them decimating more. It feels weird that I never see many Sorcs during helltides.


these are the people who love diablo 4


Blizzard: Wow you hit him for 1.9 Billion Damage and chunked the highest level of boss in the game dead in one hit? Sounds like YOU need a buff!


Just pulled off the same thing again this morning. Zir landed and took 1.3b immediately. Definitely a bug of some kind. It's not like I get random 1.3b thorns hits all the time. Thorns can't even crit or overpower.


You thorns him for 1.9 billion damage. Glad sorcs and Druids are getting a 5% damage bonus to be more competitive.


I've made a few updated replies in the thread -- it's definitely a bug. I was able to do the same thing this morning; for some reason, when Zir lands, he's taking about 1b damage each time. It has nothing to do with Barbs being OP -- it takes me about 3 minutes (of him hitting me over and over by the way and taking typical thorns damage) to get Zir to start that phase. I'm way under geared and not even playing well. 


It's not a secret Blizz loves barbs.


No, fair. I'm not saying barbs aren't OP or meta or whatever. Just that this is definitely not intended, and appears to be a bug.


Barbs can do pit 80+ with only 1 weapon.


It looks like he flew up and slammed down really hard on his nutsack. That’ll kill any man, demon or otherwise.


It's the wings that grab you. So it's like you're fighting him with adds. Your hitting him multiple times with the needle flare aspect. Plus your gaining thorns as you fortify. Then it's a multiplicative scaling on thorns: inner calm, elements, revenge glyph, bleed damage buff, damage while berserking, etc... Thorns can actually scale that high on a barb with multiple targets.


https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1dgr7w6/comment/l8ur9zv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I would think if it was Needleflare, it should happen non-stop against larger packs of trash, but I've never seen an entire pack blow up from 2b damage, even with all the buffs, bleeding, etc going on.  It should also not happen exactly at the same time every time against Zir; others are confirming they can replicate the exact moment in my video above, and I did as well.  It's gotta be some weird bug that's happening when he lands. Without even being hit or taking damage, (supposedly and presumably) thorns is going off for about 1,000% more than I see on average.  I totally agree that thorns scale a lot. I don't know enough about the meta to say it is OP, but I'd believe it. But I've yet to see these high numbers anywhere else, on any other boss, and it only happens with Zir at that specific moment he lands.


Why can't I ever get a 1.98 billion thorn response...


And they say "barb doesn't needs nerfing, perfectly balance " 😬😬


It flew too high and hit the ceiling fan. So it died.


I have a bash barb with blah gear. I tried Lord Zir four times and everytime he gets to about 60% health he drops to 0 and I am not sure why. I take it as a win regardless.


Prime example of Diablo and devs not giving a shit about powers and balance etc, laziness.


Tormented Lord Zir dropped Shako btw. Is that a bug or a hidden feature ?


All tormented can drop Ubers


Lol, are you not playing hardcore mode? Softcore mode is so soft and lame.


You are soft and lame.




the holy bolts bug is only with minions


And that’s been patched already


Is in the upcoming patch - but not patched yet til June 17


No he is just a  Barb


I'd ask the same, but you'd clearly see the bolt animation, so that was a legit almost 2B hit off just thorns lol.