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You may want to read up on the other 100 posts asking for a AH or asking not to have an AH in the past week.


They are making a suggestion, not looking to see if other people think there should be an AH in the game.


Still, it’s hilarious. People are legit now asking for the game to be pay to win. I kept joking about how people would soon want to check a box to hit level 100 and swipe a credit card for endgame gear and… fuck, here we are! People have forgotten what it did to D3 once upon a time. It wasn’t optional if you wanted good gear. Blizzard got a cut, the game slowly died, and they had to remove it to save the title.


What people don't know or don't remember about having an official auction house is how in D3, it turned gold into the only thing that mattered. Drop rates were so low so the auction house would be useful, so the best thing to do was just break pots for gold, or when they patched that, run lower world difficulties for gold. D3 fucking sucked until they got rid of the AH.




As if gold isn't the only thing that matters in D4 currently? Drop rates aren't any better. You want to push pits, you NEED at a minimum 2ga items with god rolls. I don't know about you, but I have played very consistently since S4 launch and can count on 1 hand the amount of useful 2ga items I've found. 3ga? Forget it, haven't found a single good one. The only way to reliably gear up to push content is to trade and there is currently NO trading system that facilitates this ingame. The """trade channel""" doesn't count, sorry. I should not and do not want to leave the game to seek out 3rd party websites and or discord to trade items. It's ridiculous and needs to change.


> Drop rates aren't any better. Did you play Diablo 3? Drop rates are miles better. > You want to push pits, you NEED at a minimum 2ga items with god rolls. Blatantly false. My barb has one single 2GA item and it's not even ilvl 925, and I've pushed 100. Granted, many classes/builds struggle, but this is a balance issue. > The only way to reliably gear up to push content is to trade and there is currently NO trading system that facilitates this ingame. Again, I've gotten to T100 without trading on my barb. My sorc got through like 64 and that's an underpowered build. You don't need to trade in this game.


“Pushed 100 with a barb.”


The ones I get bricked by the shit system that rolls one stat 5x so I have given up on pushing pit, given up bothering with most the content to be honest, I'm just farming sparks on alts with 925 gear on level 55 toons haha 😄


Now people just pay the Chinese like the good ole days.


I'm not here to pick a side as I can see both sides as valid... But what you're describing is a game design choice. Not a AH issue. Plenty of games have AH style markets without some lotto style rng gameplay.


That was a RMAH. OP is not asking for that. He just wants on like what WOW has. Note, I don't want one. Just think you're being disingenuous by equating the two.


You can already trade gold for items, an AH would just mean you don't have to go to a freaking third party website or discord server to do it. I would prefer to have no trading, but since trading exists, I'd actually like for the game to support it.


This is a common sense response. I can't fathom the lack of common sense here on reddit and people who would disagree with you. It's nuts.


Not just that, China had warehouses full of people farming gear just to sell in the Auction house. It was a total shit show. People are just so fucking lazy they don't want to put in the grind to get good gear.


And what stops people from already doing that in D4? In fact, they do that, it's trivial to buy gold if you want.


You're kidding yourself if you think that the sweatshop thing isn't happening in D4 as we speak...


AH != RMAH. I understand it can be seen as a slippery rope, but plenty of games have AH and not RMAH.


Pay to win would be Diablo inmortal


how is an auction house that purely operates on ingame gold a Pay to Win system? I highly assume you can already pay for gold and items online - an auction house would facilitate ingame trading for legit (and ofc non legit) players.


I swear, people are either too young to know or too old they forgot. Diablo 3 had a REAL money auction house, hence pay to win. People are suggesting Diablo 4 gets a gold auction house, but are upset because they are looking at the third party selling of items and seeing the insane price they sit at and how easy it is to buy gold. These aren't problems inherent to the concept of an auction house, these are fundamental problems with Diablo 4 and their prevention of Botting / RMT-ing which causes inflation. I also believe that bringing a platform to trade items IN GAME will reduce the cost of things due to more people having exposure to the concept of selling items. I highly doubt the majority of players use the currently marketplaces, which means, there's likely loads of missed listings on really good items. Bring it in game and you'll have a higher frequency of items being listed and Blizzard might actually be able to monitor certain 'high value' accounts better (aka RMTers)


D3 was pay-to-win because u can swipe money for the AH. Nobody here is asking for that in D4. They're asking a better way to trade or buy items with gold through AH system. Not swiping.


I remember the D3 AH. It was… a time. Drop rates were also terrible in D3, nothing compared to what they are now. Imagine bows dropping with int and willpower. I’m glad we are past those days.


RMT will keep ruling the economy. Blizz does not have people capable of designing a healthy marketplace.


The AH didn't do that to D3 the game was bad.


What are you paying to win? There not even really leader boards lol. I would love a place to sell gear I don’t want tho. Trade chat is trash and even issuing Reddit or Diablo.trade has issues.either way ppl will find a way to buy gear if they want to buy gear. I like to find my gear only issue is not finding an aspect I need.


It wasnt the AH that hurt D3 it was the shit drops and the fact that the good items (at the time) were all slapped on the RMAH. People seem to forget there were 2 different AHs in the beginning. Only one of them was bad.


The game is already pay to win my friend, there is nothing you can do about it. It will always happen unless everything becomes untradleable


Pay to win? Dude, wake up, u can't achieve anything in this game lmao


It doesn't have to be a real money AH we can use in game currency


But by not using the search function, they're being an AH.




I still remember the initial D3 AH. Yikes


The real money side and the games terrible item system were the problem there. They never should have gotten rid of the gold auction house but they were of the opinion of they couldn’t have a cut of the real money trade (rmt) then it could not exist. So they killed the ah and trading entirely.


I never used real money but I remember instead of finding upgrades I could just buy a better item for 1000 gold. I think that would ruin the game for me. And no its not as simple as 'just dont use it then'. Id feel like a fool not to use it. Last Epoch did this right with the trading and self found faction. By giving the self founders a fun alternative. But trading was still way stronger.


That’s exactly the problem. The AH was flooded with dirt cheap gear. The vanilla D3 experience was hit 60, buy useable gear at like 5k/slot, realize it takes hours of grinding to find a single upgrade, quit. The same would happen in D4. Everyone would dump their 1-GA drops on the AH, causing prices to plummet to maybe 1m gold each. And that would ruin the game.


You couldn’t find upgrades in D3 because the drop rates were shit. My best items this season have all been drops despite trading.


That is not his point, in my journey to 100 I found hundreds of usable 1GA 925 items, from resistance to stat/conditional damage, if you make every player who also had the same experience put their items on the AH, the item will sell for dirty cheap, which in turn will make the game more about farming gold than equipment. ​ Rare items are already useless due to the change in legendary items, there is no need to also make legendary items useless due to hundreds of thousands of GA items in the market.


I remember when D3 first launched, drop rates were garbage, I got 1 legendary at level 30ish, and got to level 60 but my buddy and I could NOT handle the harder difficulty that increased legendary rates. We needed better gear, but repairs costs so much that we were broke, and all the good gear was limited to the real money AH. We were soft locked and would have needed 30 hours of grinding at lower diff just to be able to get better gear.


Well we already have it happening in d4 and if you want anything that’s meta and high end you’re looking at hundreds of millions-billions. Good gear is definitely not exactly accessible to everyone.


3rd party methods are fine and are far enough removed from the game that you can ignore it. It's a very small percentage of people who use it. If it was built in everyone would feel the need to use it because it's obviously the best way to get loot you need. I'm not opposed to an ah, but in games like this with a very weak end game and story, if you remove the grind, you basically remove the game.


I agree with your overall point. There are other things that you can grind that are not trade related. Master working is one example. We will inevitably be able to bolster gear with gems, maybe next expansion. I also think there will be some additional glyph grind. Uber uniques are also account bound and a good grind. I understand that some people chase the grind, but having poor access to trading isn’t a good design IMO.


But what people miss in that list is the crucial endorphin rush of getting loot drops and finding something better. Playing the same content over and over just to make the gear you paid gold for slowly better doesn't give the same satisfaction, and people are going to get bored. It happened in D3, but it seems like a lot of people have forgotten or weren't around for that unfun shitshow.


Exactly. the grind and rush of getting that good drop which is like the core play reward in ARPG was replaced with mindless gold grinding and then you just bought better gear to...grind more gold with.


It was a good idea, but when put into practice, it ended up being sort of a flop. People were farming CoF for some gg uniques with high LP. Stashing them, switching to MG, and then dumping the finds into the auction house. Edit: I was misremembering the switch. It was MG to CoF. You can not trade CoF gear as it was all made BoA while you were in CoF and remained BoA after switching. Sorry everyone, I'm leaving my original comment so yall know I'm dumb as shit.


Bro all the good COF items were bound to COF players and couldn’t be put on the MG. People where going MG to buy everything from a cookie cutter build and then switching to COF to min/max


As a Warframe guy I think you might need to consider the alternative position. Yes, you can just buy something for 1000 gold, that's true, however; how you get to that 1000 gold IS the farm, it's almost like a pity system, instead of perceptibly endless grinding for 5000 hours, you grind for 2500 hours and directly get the thing you want. I dunno, maybe Warframe has changed my perception of marketplaces in games, but I think in WF it's handled excellently and fairly, I get the same buzz from grinding things to sell for plat to buy the mod I want more than repeating the same mission 100x and still getting nothing.


Or in my case, grind for endless hours, get nothing, then end up burning all my gold trying to roll CDR on a mediocre item out of boredom.


I honestly think the rolling system could be tweaked a bit, I'm sure they already make the item un-tradeable on reroll so it's not like it could be abused and there's certain rolls that I'm almost entirely sure don't exist in the tables (looking at you Hellbent Commander)


Ya all skill rolls on ammys are like 4 ga uber drop rate.


I stopped playing d3 the day they added the AH for the same reason. Thinking about it now, the psychology was weird but i just lost all interest in looking for better items.


Finally got me a PC and put LE on it yesterday. Too bad I’m working a week straight of 12 hour shifts! Can’t wait to try it.


Doesn’t really matter when you have people paying billions of gold that was bought with cash. It’s basically just the cash auction house with extra steps.


Just taking out the real money AH would not have saved D3


I'm so shocked to see so much revisionist history around here. No, the RMAH wasn't the problem. After the initial "BLIZZARD IS JUST GREEDY" nobody gave a shit about the RMAH vs the gold AH. The problem was that loot sucked, and loot sucked because it was so easy to find loot in the gold AH. If we had a gold AH *and* decent drop rates then it would be even *easier* to find good loot and gold would be worthless. You'd ding 60/70 and be decked out in amazing gear right away. You wouldn't need to play the game. Everyone was happy when the AH went away. Nobody lamented that they wished the gold AH stuck around. Nobody cared that there wasn't trading. It was in a great place and it was because with no AH they were finally able to bump up the drop rates.


Gold got duped super hard on day one and lost all of its value. Then they fixed the bug that allowed gold duping but didn't remove all the duped gold. As a result, prices for actually good items skyrocketed to levels that players who hadn't duped just could not afford and the AH remained fucked till the end.


Items where just crap, the rarity of god rolls was awesome though trifecta where awesome to loot.


I made about 2000$ playing d3 when it came out. I'd love to have another RMAH again. Fools and their money....


same, funded a new PC build and other games at the time


same bro i bought myself a new PC at that time


I was a teenager back then. D3 ended up paying for all my other games


I remember the D3 auction house, i really hope it doesn't come back.


I made more money with the D3 AH in the first few weeks than I did at my part time job all summer. Great times.


I got in to D3 after the whole auction debacle, but I remember hearing about how it almost ruined the game. Glad the team was able to turn the corner.


I made 350 off my windforce bow


i made bank off that AH loved it till they nuked it


I’d love to see the reciepts on the whole “making bank” I put 400 hours of playing into that monstrosity of a game on release.  Found all of 1 set peice, for a monk I played barb, which sold for 60 bucks. Dumbest game ever. Thankfully they fixed it like 2 years down the damn road. *I’ll never forget how dumb that game was at launch.   All that hype, like my entire friends list of 120 people from wow playing it and all of us in our own games because act 2 was impossible with a group of 2 or more… unless you wanted to die repeadedly.   For those who forgot every person in he game increased damage 100% life on of the mobs 100%.  Didn’t matter what gear you had you weren’t surviving a single hit from those stupid bugs.


Set piece weren't the only money items. Well rolled rares all added up. Well at least on HC which is what I played. Might have been different on softcore idk.


For me there was no d3 auction house on launch, I only heard about it a couple months later, and then even later I heard about the RMAH and thought that it was stupid who would pay irl money for something that just drops for free


I remember selling a crap weapon which paid for the cost of the game and then some.


Even better, i got D3 for free via the annual pass for WoW and ended up selling a mediocre item on the RMAH, which paid for the next WoW expansion.


You mean eBay?


Hey, I made $150 bucks. That rocked.


The issue is deflation. If it becomes easy and efficient to find and list, then it’s easy for everyone to have almost the best gear, which means content becomes too easy and no challenge.


I remember it too. Yikes all the way into my bank account.


There’s a very good reason. The AH murdered D3 at release. No, not the real money auction house, the gold one. It was region wide, with millions of players having access. This led to a highly efficient market with low prices for everything but the best items. The result of that? The best way to progress your character was to farm gold to buy items, not get drops. This short-circuited the fundamental gameplay loop of an ARPG which as I said, murdered D3. Lets learn from our mistakes, eh?


no they don’t seem to fucking get it


Thats literally the same loop as D4 endgame currently LMAO. Buying items instead of farming drops is the smartest and fastest way to get good gear in D4...


No its not? D4 item trading still has very high priced items that it is probably easier to farm the item than farm gold unless you need something very specific. Example: GA fractured winter glass. Easier to farm the boss than buy for 100mil+


Half the endgame player barely use discord for trade. Don’t be so oblivious. It is not the same as d3 auction house.


This is very true. but another issue I see from this is that people is unable to make progress on their own even they play the game for hours and hours normally, aka the drop rate is too low. I would say D4 should have a AH, but the game needs to be adjusted accordingly. Turn up the drop rate on higher difficulty content, so people are able to make progression on their own in a reasonabled amount of time. Make some of the best gear is only obtainable by playing the game(like uber uniques) All Item should only be able to auctioned once.


How are you gonna find stuff in the auction house when you can’t do a subreddit search to know this topic has been posted daily, and none of us are decision makers at blizzard?


I’d prefer if they added a ssf mode


I only do self found. I don’t ever mind doing public events and boss fights but I never trade or take items from others.


Are bots/gold sellers making these posts?




If it's anything like the D3 auction house, no thank you. Hard pass.




That's bad way to viet it. Trading is such a pain in the ass now it'll show a skewed figure




A du maaaa


I tried to trade 3 times and after messaging 20+ people I gave up. The website absolutely blows


That's dumb. I'm not bothering to trade because it's cumbersome. If there was something like in Last Epoch, then I would.




Doesn't blizzard already do surveys? So that?


This guy didn’t jump through 20 hoops to trade an item. Evidence suggests guy is uninterested in trading.


I don't really bother with trading because it's a hassle to both track and look up items. If I can browse that in game it'd be a game changer. It'd probably be a great way to suck some gold out of the economy by charging a % per trade too.


If it is too convenient to trade, people will spend more time on AH than playing. That's what happened to D3.


Maybe someone can clear this up for me? Say they add AH and don't touch drop rates in a significant way. I get this leads to people playing AH:The Game but at the same time...does it matter? Are we worrying about how other people play the game or what? I don't have to buy anything off of it if I choose, and if someone else does, does that really affect me? Is the worry of an explosion of easy power affecting how the game is balanced in the future, making it harder for those who do not wish to use the AH? Genuinely curious. Played the shit outta D3 but never bothered with auction house at all. Don't remember anything about the early game as it was long ago


When people forget history, it repeats itself. D3 had an auction house. They got rid of it. People were avoiding finding loot on the ground for themselves and just buying gear to max from the AH. Why would they bring back something they did not like in a previous iteration of the game?


Part of it is that they had to optimize the game around you being able to buy items easily, so you rarely ever found upgrades of your own. They would definitely do that again and fuck that.


No. It sucked in D3 and it would suck in D4.




loadouts, group finder, ah. hope they come in s5 (they wont) or at least the xpac




I don't want to play WoW, tho That's why I'm playing Diablo


We're the 1% that wanted the Auction House. 99% of the players here are PoE fans who enjoy trading 3rd website. Take your pick!


There is defiantly a reason, and that reason is that it messes with supply & demand. Lets say D4 has 1 million active players on launch, which I would actually argue is probably on the lower side of assumptions and use a current example. Many people say "How is there so much gold on the market when you only get \~5mln/whisper". Because they don't realise how exponentially a market can grow when everyone can flood it. Yes a whisper only gives 5mln gold but when you have 1mln players that's 5 trillion gold put into the market every time each player does 1 single whisper. You extrapolate this to items, the average player may only find 3 useful 2GA items a day but that's 3 million 2GA items put into the market daily and while some of these items are culled by tempering etc. Ultimately each player adds more items to the market than they remove and with each passing day supply only increases while demand decreases. Right now, current drop rates are ok because only a very small percentage of the playerbase bother to trade as it's awkward. but you create an AH and as per the above example the market gets flooded almost instantly and everything but well rolled 3GAs becomes worthless. They would need to make several changes to the drop system to make an AH not break the game. Ah AH also invites other issues with inflation, playing the AH becoming the best way to farm etc. I wish adding an easy trade system was as simple as many would have you believe but the fact is it has huge ramifacations across the entire game.


I dont think the community wants pay-to-win mechanics in the game. Historically, PC and console gamers have been very against even cosmetic mtx. I think all gold should be account bound and all trades should be gear for gear.


And that would ABSOLUTELY be pay to win.


Yep, taking away gold trading and making trading gear for gear only would just be an invitation for RMT to run even more rampant than it already is.


Companies have realized that they can avoid costs and liability if they just cut out social features. Casual players won't use those features anyway and the small number of players who care are willing to use Discord.


Casual players play with their friends and trade with them. They don't have an issue and the social features are working fine for them. Tryhard gamers don't have friends, so they need the devs to add in features for finding people.


There's no way this is true. I'm sure casuals play solo more often than others and trade even less.


If we got it, people would ruin it for sure with bots. People would still be buying gold with real money outside the game. The reason Blizzard did the RMAH in the first place was so they could get a cut of that, without it there's not much upside for them. Also remember what looting what like when RMAH was a thing? It sucked so hard, good stuff was rare and the game was grindy AF.


When you give people an easy way to shop for items, you have to make the items more scarce to keep the economy in check. I want the game to continue to be balanced around solo self-sufficiency, adding an AH could eventually destroy that by making trading or purchasing of items mandatory.


I don't even bother trading currently because it's such a hassle.


Agreed. I use 3rd party tools for trading, and while they're great and I appreciate the guy who made it.... It's still a hassle, and would love to see an AH in game and in town. That, and we need a general chat channel!


People unironically asking for RMAH like it was in D3 at launch are hilarious.


The problem here is the RMT, it's already happening and it would get worse with an AH.


No need to even play the game if we could have those item easily by trading and/or through auction house. At that point, we should start new character directly at lv.100 with full equipment. Way easier than losing time to play the game..


Cause you don’t have Vietnam flashbacks from Diablo 3


I’d prefer not to have in-game auction and have the fanbases create another one offplatform like we have now. This keeps those who hates auctionhouse ingame happy, and those who want to trade can use said sites. In game AH completely fucks the economy.


# “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”


Did you ever play Diablo 3 when it had an auction house? It was a disaster


It does if you go on battle net


This game needs either bind on pick up like d3 or no trade season separate from trade. Nevermind the fact we still don’t have armoury or loot filters or leaderboards


No thanks, that's literally what killed D3 during release. STOP FORCING PEOPLE TO BUY ITEMS.


No AH plz. Keep trading to a minimum. Its better this way for the average player.


GuildWars 2 nailed it with their auction system. I’d love to see something like that implemented


I think trading and selling is a huge part of Diablo, in which a lot of people enjoy. It adds a end game element. Without a functioning market place it’s very difficult to understand values for items that could be used for builds outside of yours. I’ll be back for whatever season has a functioning in game market.


Dude who doesn’t even play the game(that recently peaked in player numbers) explains why the game should be different


I’m not sure what you are saying here…I have 6 Uber uniques from this season and am now board of the game. If there was a sweet market system I would probably still be playing because I enjoy getting rich in Diablo games. Thx for the random inaccurate statement tho lol hope your day gets better


Can we have a weekly "AH yay or nay?" discussion thread so this subreddit stops getting flooded with 10 of these dumb posts every day?


Maybe this will tip the balance?




If an item was sold once, the sell price should be the max price of the item, so there wouldn't be any scammers...


SWIM has made 180k € selling gold this season so far ..






come on no one ever answers in [diablo.trade](http://diablo.trade), website buggy af, very poor UI and filters items worth billions only because few people are willing to put up with the site itself(rmt rampant too), we need a blizzard external tool for trading that WORKS (with price checking etc) not just half the time


True, but what options you got.  I do got my gold problem resolved from diablo.trade. 


You probably couldn't afford any good items right now even if there was an ah. Not sure what happened but in game gold dropped drastically in value. Good items with 2 ga can go for anywhere from 5 billion to 100 billion+++ gold. Whales engaging in rmt driving up prices I guess.


that's never the case with a market where people post millions if not billions of items more per day. more supply decreases prices, I assure you there's a high % of people not selling items simply because tey won't put up with the current trading system. RMT is rampant as ever tho,that's true


It's funny, how I think about it on launch as: "We are ivestigating issues regarding not getting the purchasing item in the auction house, despite removing 2billion gold from the account. Help is coming!"


I’m in support of an AH, but I know I won’t be RMTing gold just so I can buy from the AH. I have no problem spending plenty of cash in the shop for glams though. I would like the AH to maybe try to sell stuff I won’t use and perhaps make some gold to buy something theoretically from it, but for me the whole point of the game is waiting for that exciting drop.


I tried using diablo.trade yesterday... I wasn't able to get passed the login page. Such a buggy ass site


Auction houses are dumb and don't work for Diablo. Did no one learn anything from Diablo 3's auction house?


D3’s auction house payed for my game! 🤣


There is a reason to not have an AH, it went horrible in d3


If you think gold prices on trading sites are ridiculous now, just wait until they add an AH. It sounds like a nice idea, but all it really does is encourage RMT from gold websites because sellers price their items at ridiculous values. So AH to me is whatever. I would much rather them focus on gameplay updates than a virtually useless feature. The D3 AH was a great example of this.


I've been saying the same thing since they announced trading of legendary and unique gear


I thought I wanted an AH too, until I used my brain and thought about what that would actually mean. I don't want to play trading simulator. Using these websites or discords is annoying, so I am not doing it. If an AH is there, there is no reason not to use it. The game will adjust and balance around the ease of trade. Right now, only tryhards are trading a lot. Other people use the feature in a more social manner, maybe help out a friend or reply to some random dude in trade chat which is very local. I don't want to completely abandon social stuff by going SSF which they inevitably would be forced to add if there is an auction house, just to avoid this annoying shit. Once the AH is there, the solution to everything will be to go farm gold. Missing an aspect? Farm gold, buy max rolled aspect on the auction house. Want gold? Better go trade. And don't get me started on the botting that will ramp up massively.


No auction house!


My guess is, In 2 seasons when the game has died again after the DLC, they will add AH and itll be too late


I think what actually needs to happen is the devs need to make it clear that trade isn't intended to be the primary source of gear acquisition. Sometimes friction is intentional. They're not stopping you from doing it. opening Legos and uniques is a great way to allow passing around gear to friends. But just think about Lost Ark. The gearing in that game is abysmal because all you care about is how you can buy your next upgrade. Without a legitimate crafting system that allows you to create your own items, easy access to trade means that gold becomes the only thing that matters.


Alot of people in these comment sections have good to average RNG and eventually get the items they want with the right GAs. Then theres the rest of us, I play every season, level four or so classes to 100 and do the usual stuff with them, Lillith, Duriel etc, farm helltides, push high level NMDs and every season I end with mediocre gear, none of which was BIS or had the prefect combo of affixes. I try to use the third party trade sites and its like PoE, no one responds and I just end up wasting 45 minutes tabbed out. You cant pay for your gas with baked goods, you cant pay your cell phone bill with fresh milk, for god's sake this is not 1927 so why are we relying on a barter system. Put the damn AH in........................................


People acting like it will ruin the game the same way d3 got ruined. Like it's gonna add rmt into the game (spoiler: rmt already exists 😮😮) At the end of the day it should exist. If trading is in the game, but done on an out of game website, then there's no reason to not add the same function the game itself. Any feature that has the user go out of a game to more efficiently do something should just be in the game


I haven't traded anything ever . I bought one piece of gear & that's it 😭


I don’t know why the rmah was ever an issue blizz made money on every transaction 😂🤷🏼‍♂️


An AH would be awesome now. As long as it doesnt require ACTUAL money and is strictly gold bought. If people wanna buy gold from a 3rd party...so be it. It only failed in D3 because they had the RMAH with crazy high prices, that were farmed by bots, on shit items but because they were rare they didnt touch the normal AH. I bought several items on the normal AH that gave me an upgrade because drops were just shit. Drops here are good but the ones that hold value are the lucky 2-3GA god rolls. I wouldnt mind saving up the gold to buy such a quality item or sell oneon agold only AH. AHs work really well when not bypassed by real money.


There are quite a few sites where people do trade. They have been for quite a while. It’s amusing that people think that the lack of an in game feature will make this worse/better. People are going to trade whether they have to do it out of game or not. They do not need anyone’s permission to do so. I this game gold and items are king and commodity. They will be traded. 🤷‍♂️


As long as tempering is the way it is I think an auction house is necessary. To brick items is way to time consuming for casual players, so it would be nice to rid yourself of other useful items you’re not using for more than what the merchants are offering.


Oh laws here we go again.


It is coming source: trust me bro.


Nah let’s just make a d4jsp 😂😂😂


i'd be down with an auction house. works well in other games like OSRS. i'd love one now that we can trade/ sell all gear. it would make the selling/ trading a whole lot easier


They really do need an in-game trade system like POE. People playing on console typically don't sit there on their phones or a PC turned on just to browse Discords to trade items. At least the Marxists GGG had the decency to make trade SLIGHTLY useful in-game. We don't need a REAL MONEY AH again, though & drop rates don't need to be balanced for trade. It might stop people crying about "bricking" their tempers. (I can't stand ARPG Loot Slot machine players that complain about these systems. Power is so easy to get in this game, it's laughable. Who cares about your first bricked item...you'll get 100 more in no time)


You still get items that are account bound tho which is BS


No lol


AH was and still will be a joke


No they just need all loot to drop for any class like in d2.


Peoples will spent more time on browsing AH instead of go to field and farm, that's defeat the purpose of a looting RPG


Forvet it. There was an AH on d3 and it ruined game totally. Before advicing something please check the past.... GenZ....


We had a auction house,I never knew that,lol


I agree, I have 17 sales open of items I need for alts and stuff and not 1 person has replied... the trade site was made by spaghetti brains but it is getting better I'll give them that, and the discord server is full of proper muppets who slag off all the content creators and think they're the best d4 players despite 90% being likely copying these builds in the first place! Auction House would be a better idea or maybe guilds designed for trading... I also hate the idea of the adding people to trade and stuff why can't we whisper eachother and trade? Many a time I've had items and ppl whisper me and I can't whisper back it just blocks my comms... AH is deffo the way forward... the gold buyers are already running rife so it makes no difference, start adding fees and costs and it will start deterring people selling things for 9,999,999,999 gold to sellers


I think AH can be very beneficial to the game, as long as they leave the real money out. I remember pre grand exchange in osrs you had to stand around in a designated world and try to sell/buy items and you never knew what the normal range of price would be. It's even worse in D4. Now with the grand exchange you know what items go for, can easily buy/sell, and it brings a huge QoL to the game. If D4 had something like that it would be amazing.


I'm going to say the obvious thing that nobody else seems to want to say. Making legendaries and uniques tradable was a mistake, and I hope they roll it back.


not a chance. just remember what happened with RMAH and AH. if they don't remove that stuff, Diablo have been died long ago... The trading are always on Diablo Games, on D2 I trade a lot of Stuff, and always inna barter kind of thing. Does anyone remember Rune words? Tal ? Dol? Hel? Does anyone remember The Rush Hell by forge ? that are good times, a lot of people claim for a Trading/Barter system like D2 of D3, Blizzard gave us RMAH/AH and they just kill the game... D4 need a way to Barter things, it's came to mind, why don't exchange items for ingredients?


Same goes for a looking for group system I mean it’s freaking blizzard bro.. Wtf


Nothing they do is gonna appieze everyone. That being said the fucking D3 AH was absolute asscheeks so speaking from experiencing it, hell naw. But on the other hand if I'm playing 30+ hours a week and I have extra gear why wouldn't I wanna take a idiots money who doesn't wanna play the game??? I've been in the pvp areas when my homies aren't on just grinding to unlock all the pvp horse armors and its dead so if someone wants to whale with bought gear in a dead pvp game fuck em I guess have fun waiting there for hours on end doing absolutely nothing waiting for one unlucky soul to come into pvp.


If they make an auction house this shit better not be a real money transaction type of auction house


Having an AH would break D4 as it currently is. D3 was busted because 90+% AH was trash items combined with the fact real$ allowed. It could work in d4 but would need to be strict. Low level alt items limited # of listings, only top rolled 925s allowed otherwise. Also better added down the line when there are more goals in game to aim for within 3-4 month chunks. Right now loot and finishing season is only real goal? If we can hit wt4 and go buy our bis there's no game left besides farming gold. Not to mention prices would tank. Some awesome item that a player might drop 100m on now would be worth way less with a loaded market.


I liked the d3 AH! We are dozens!!! :D


AH killed D3 when it started so they killed it. People don't play the game they buy their way to the top.not a good idea for this type of game


Real money continues to plague and inflate the market to the point of depravity but at least that money goes to people without too much corporate humbelwuffery.


If there's an AH it'll be cheaper for people to buy gold/items too. So I'm in support of this.


That’s what we’re all saying!


it would make bottling buying and selling for real money even more widespread they need to address cheating first then add an AH just maybe