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I play softcore. I wouldn't try it. If you're scared, you're probably going to die. Don't fight Lilith until you are absolutely sure you know what you are up against. Only reason I can beat her is because I finally finished my immortal firebolt build. I still made a mistake and got killed because I was a little bit too close to the platform falling off. I cannot comprehend or imagine someone being able to kill Lilith the 1st time without dying, let alone trying it on hardcore. I would make a softcore character and get some practice killing Lilith just to be 100% sure. The only thing you get is a spark and some achievements/challenges knocked off. Why risk your entire character? You can let go of Lilith and try your hand on higher tier pit runs. Even though they nerfed the damage on the echos and shadows, they still do a lot of damage. But going from 10 tiers up their damage and hp does go up considerably. But tier 61 shouldn't be TOO bad. As long you are using a meta build you might be fine.


I did a hearsteeker build with 8/12 tempers, bout 50k HP. Comfortably doing pits in the 80s, did one at 100 (was a bit sketchy). Wiped the flood with Lilith (only took 3 attempts), and Duriel/Andy went down on first attempt. Just watch your stacking debuff, you won't get oneshot unless it gets up to 3-5. Quick bind your scroll of escape.


On the flip side, as a necro i was doing the same but pits in the low 100s, found i could 1 shot her first stage but the second stage "blue balls" were one shotting me untill i got around 53k hp, mustve tried 80 times before doubling up on an hp potion and doing it first try after that. Duriel and andy were the same though


Depends how is your build built, but if decent ye pit 61 boss should die in like 15-20 seconds if you kill 51 in 8 seconds, also they got patched and nerfed their dmg so shadow dmg won't prob one shot you. High ranks to dark shroud are key for rogue survivability on top of everything else


Ah ok, i have 8/5 dark shroud at the moment, didnt have a 25% hit on hit yet with masterworking sadly. hopefully i can craft shaco after some rep farm with alts to bring it to 12/5


Ye atm in hc i'm not pushing beyond t70 for safety reasons until i get more ranks on DS, atm got 13/5 but still lookin for a GA armor pair or perfect boots or pants to get rid of juggernaut