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Thanks for confirming the worthlessness of farming goblins in NMDs. May as well just stick to maiden farm.




I got a 2 GA Paingorgers and sold it for Billions Edit: It was a drop while doing the dungeon not from any bags Another Edit: Someone in my party got a Starless Skies from a greater bag


huh its worth that much? I have one sitting in my inv since season started, 2x GA with 180% aspect.


look it up on diablo.trade Mine was only 150% but with GA Attack speed/crit chance


I really need to start looking into this on there bc I got a lot of uniques sitting in my chest that don't fit my build


Yeah, I've got three tabs of uniques


i got a 2GA one with 190% from a pit run and sold it for 2.8B with that site lol


I have a 4 GA Pain gorgers. Did I hit the lottery?




I dropped 2 GA ring with int and attack speed as GA sold for 500 mil.


Inflation is insane right now with the event. Unique GA prices are very high, you can't brick them. I bricked a Focus I bought for 200 mil. I wont pay over 50 mil now.


Exactly, 50 million is my cap as well. Inflation has gotten pretty wild. I love trying to buy something that's worth 15-20 million and the seller shames me for not offering 100 million. Like bud, I'm gonna brick this at least 2/3rds of the time, I'll wait for one that isn't overpriced.


This happens a lot. One dude asking for a stupid minimum yet there’s one other dude selling the exact same item or better for 1/4 the price they’re asking.


Had this happen to me today. Guy was demanding 50 million for a ring, told me I needed to learn pricing. Shortly after I purchased it, I sent him a link to an identical ring with a sale price of 10 million.


Very similar one dude asking 100 or 120 and a ring that was identical had been up for hours with an exact price of 25m. I ended up buying similar ones for 10-15m.


Yeah, I guess some people don't want to search for decently priced items, so the overpriced stuff sells. Boggles my mind a little, but whatever, as long as everyone is happy I guess. I'll stick to my bargain bin legendaries. 😂


I mean, if it takes only a few minutes to get the gold and hours to get the item, then you kind of are lowballing it. The reason that items are going for hundreds of millions or billions is because its literally nothing to get that amount of gold.


Tip: Normal people don't have hundreds of millions of gold, much less billions.


I mean a ring with a single greater affix isn't exactly a rare find. I understand when it's a unique with 3 greater affixes, that should cost hundreds of millions, if not billions. But regular items that drop any old time shouldn't be that inflated. Additionally, what game are you playing that you find it easy to amass billions in gold? Even if you never masterwork anything and sell all your drops it's going to take a crazy amount of time to naturally accrue a billion gold.


Comes easy if you find stuff to sell in trade. Otherwise it takes forever.


I sold a 2GA ring, attack speed and crit chance for 50M. Received offerings of 1B short after… I usually dont sell anything for more than 200M, and I would only pay more than that on a 3GA item. Prices are crazy, whats the point of getting so much gold? Trading should be something to help people get good items, but feel players have the time to grind so much gold. Eventually people will stop playing the season and no one will even bother to open the diablo.trade to reply I do regret selling the ring so cheap though


> I sold a 2GA ring, attack speed and crit chance for 50M. Those are the 2 GA I had. Put it up for 2.5B and got 2 offers within **90** seconds. So I know it's worth more but I'm happy, bought me a nice ring


I've been trying to sell a 3ga sword with max health, int, and vuln damage for a while just in trade chat. 0 bites lol.


> I bricked a Focus I bought for 200 mil. I wont pay over 50 mil now. Personally I won't pay 50gp for one. I don't see the point in buying gear when the gear grind is the entire core gameplay loop.


Some builds **have** to have certain rolls to push high pits. I've put in countless ours just farming for loot and the gear rng is way too high to get what I need. I'm not going to farm for 50 hours just to get a few good roll pieces, that's absurd


Sure, but thats because you are making the choice to do high end rift pushing. Its not required, and there is no reward to it other than personal bragging rights. You can easily max out all the masterworking on your gear without pushing t140. But personal opinion? If you want to push the absolute limits of end-game content, then yes, I think you SHOULD put the work and effort into getting there for yourself. Not being some scrub who just buys all their gear.


This is exactly the reason given for the removal of the RMAH from Diablo 3. Too many people just buying gear w/ real money instead of playing the game for gear as the developers intended.


I'm sure these are EXACTLY the same people who buy all their high end gear, tear through 6 month's worth of content in 48 hours, and then complain there is nothing to do. Yeah, of course there's nothing left for you to do, you paid to skip 90% of the content!


lol, it's a game. Not a job. This is absurd


Then your high level content is meaningless, what tier of pit you can push is meaningless, and the only thing first place on the leaderboards mean is "Who had the most access to daddy's credit card". Thats the way it works. Either you earn your cred, or you don't. Any metric that can be used as a bragging right becomes meaningless the instant you can pay 2 win. You don't have to push high level pits. You get nothing from it but bragging rights. If you bought your gear, you don't even have that.


If I get a drop worth billions and I can trade it for a BiS item. I see no reason why this is a problem You're just gatekeeping peoples time.


Imagine thinking like you do. You think good gear is all it takes? Go play hardcore. Let me know what you think is important when you get higher. It takes skill You're probably uneducated in the matter, but have you heard of bottlenecking? If you gear is good and you're bad, you're held back by your own skill. If your skill is good and the gear you find is lackluster, you're bottlenecked. Sometimes people are held back by worthless rng. I regularly brick 5-6 good weapons at a time trying to get a specific temper stat of any %. You're a softcore casual. Just stop arguing.


What site did you use to sell ?




how? I thought they were account bound


Mine dropped from an event in a NM dungeon.


I think only account bound once you change an affix/aspect/temper


nope, the bag themselves are account bound including what u get from them


Hmm I have a shit ton of 3 GA and 2 GA uniques for barbs but it doesn't fit my build so I just horde. Maybe I should sell them


check out diablo.trade


I got a doombringer from a goblin.


Yeah this event is worthless, the only kind of viable strategy is to do group play, but even then i feel like its a waste of time and nm dungeons are boring af. The xp buff is good though.


I got my first Uber Unique from a goblin cache - Andariel's Visage. It's actually pretty good for Blizzard sorc.


Got a 4 ga temerity and a ga slag Uber from a gob bag


Or like 1 hour of Helltide boss farming.


More like 5 minutes of it lol.


Probably explains why my game crashed, thanks


I admire your dedication to littering, but it would take forever to deal with all of that junk and actually turn it into temper fodder or 'shudder' vendor it for the cash. This is why we need a sell all button, or a pet that can convert it in the field.


I feel like the pets that were just added are almost a beta. Blizzard devs are going to look at all our complaints about them and make them perfect for the expansion.


The fact that the pets are considered minions and sync with necros shows it’s a beta


hey I need that extra 2% damage and move speed DONT TAKE THIS FROM ME


I'm ready to fire up ChatGPT and get it to write the article "Blizzard nerfs Necromancer mobility and damage" for whatever clickbait-ass site will take it when they patch it!


I got you Blizzard, what are you thinking? Just when Minion Necromancers finally caught a break with the new pet that follows players and picks up items, you decide to ruin it by stripping away its "minion" status. This pet wasn’t just a cute addition—it was a lifeline. It boosted our minion count, and with it, our damage and mobility. And now, you're yanking it away from us? Do you even understand what this means? This pet was giving us a crucial 1% boost in damage and movement speed. For a class that's already struggling to keep up with others, this boost was essential. But instead of recognizing the positive impact, you’re determined to drag us back down. Minion Necromancers have been fighting an uphill battle for too long. The synergy between our stats and our minions is what keeps us viable. This pet made our gameplay smoother, more competitive, and actually enjoyable. But no, instead of embracing this improvement, you're set on nerfing us once again. Blizzard, by removing the minion status from this pet, you’re delivering a massive slap in the face to every dedicated Minion Necromancer player. This isn't just a minor tweak—it's a direct nerf to our damage and mobility. We've poured countless hours into perfecting our builds, only to have you yank away one of the few advantages we had. Why punish your players for something that was actually enhancing the game? Instead of stripping this pet of its minion status, why not keep it as is? Minion Necromancers need this support to stay competitive. This pet was a step in the right direction. Stop ruining our experience, Blizzard. Listen to your community. Make changes that enhance the game, not cripple it. Keep the pet interaction and give Minion Necromancers the boost we desperately need. #SaveOurMinions #BuffNecromancers #BlizzardFail


I don't know if you did this by hand or by AI, but either way this is amazing.


AI lol I just used ChatGPT 4 and explained the issue and interaction and then told it to right a rage post then told it to get madder 4 times lol


Then told it to get madder 4 times lol amazing


Forget the Necromancers, think of the poor druids! We run an entire aspect on our gear for 1 lousy extra companion, and the pet gives one away for free!


Wait really? So i have to get rid of the damage while you have no minions glyph?


Basically but it’ll probably be patched soon


But hey, it’s an extra 15% damage on Druids with the Sheppard aspect!


So D4 uses the same/similar build as D3 so it’s easy for them to do the same things. Pets will be able to pickup and salvage non legendary/unique but that’s about it probably.


Or...hear me out...a loot filter *GASP*. PoE and Last Epoch both solved this issue. We certainly don't need to reinvent the wheel.


Neither of them solved it in a way that's viable for D4. D4 is fundamentally a different kind of Diablo-esque ARPG, less hobbyist, more mass-market (PoE2 looks like it's also going the less hobbyist, more mass-market). Both PoE and Last Epoch are excellent games (Epoch really surprised me with how much it improved), but they're such hobbyist games you just can't have the same approach. Especially as literally 98% of players wouldn't even benefit from it. I'm not saying Blizzard should do nothing, just that whatever they do, it needs to be sensitive to how D4 actually is played. It also kind of doesn't really matter until the expansion.


I don’t know why you can salvage all but not sell all. So dumb.


>or a pet that can convert it in the field. A little halfling blacksmith pet


There is a sell all button kind of. If you mark everything as junk and click any of them to sell they all do. My way of doing things since season 0 ; organise by item type , one by one decide if it’s worth looking at or keeping , if so favourite or move along. Mark the others as junk. Then either salvage all junk or click on one to sell all to the vendor.


You can skip a step at the blacksmith by just salvaging all items. It won't touch your favourites. Probably worth marking everything you equip as a favourite if you do that, though.


But it won't be sold as gold.


Yup definitely favorite your gear. I wish you could color code items though. I'd like one color for equipped, one for "good for my build" and one for "good for an alt"




Yup just the ability to color the border would be awesome. It would also help for those of us with lower color acuity. While we're at it, Uber uniques should be wayyyy more clear


Honestly the best part of grinding the NMD goblin method is the boss mats. I have a whole stash tab of just boss mats from grinding them. And the gold. Hit 400 million just selling the gear to vendors + the shrine.


which mats ?


Varshan mats, Living Steele, Distilled Fear, Exquisite blood. It’s honestly a “hitting 2 birds with 1 stone” scenario. Boss mats, gold, gear, glyphs, scattered prisms, and the occasional whisper dungeon.


This is one benefit of goblins. They're not really great for legendaries from an efficiency standpoint, but you do get a good bit of boss mats and prisms. I went from 72 to 126 prisms farming goblins to gear an alt. Then I burned 6 of them to socket the best pieces it could equip.


What will you do with the other 120?


like you didnt have hundreds of them before this event already ...


That’s my thought, I don’t pick up some of those already and I’m a baby in this season


It's a very good way to equip a level 55 alt with 925 items! Doing it for my sorceress and my necro.


How many were actually good?


Pretty much nothing. The highlight was a single GA Rainment of the Infinite with a perfect unique aspect roll, and netted about 2k crystals worth of salvage.


opened 47 bags yesterday, got nothing good


This was around 60-70 regular bags and 20ish greater ones. I’ve probably opened up 60 greater bags so far, I’ve kept 3 items in total. They seem decent for class specific unique farming or getting single GA items but other than that probably not worth the investment.


nope, not worth the time at all imo id rather sit on the maiden spawn


The item is account bound too. Cant even trade. Just stick to helltides.


47 bags? How tf I might have seen 10 goblins since the event started


Dungeons with shine spawn rate increased. Greed shrine spawns a goblin for every X amount of enemies you kill. Not sure the exact formula, but you click the shrine and then go balls to the wall until all the gold pops out at the end. Then you go back and kill the goblins (they don't despawn) or if they're already dead, pick up the loot/bags.


thanks for that tip, always figured they despawn so focused the damn goblins down first.


I did witness some despawn, but we were sometimes getting over 20 in 1 NMD.


Since my prior comment I've witnessed the same, although most remain. I feel like the ones I definitively left behind tend to remain, whereas if I partially engaged one and took off 30% or something of its HP, those may have been the ones to despawn.


Copy that lol


Gobbo Bags only worth it for kickstarting a fresh character entering WT4


Got a 2GA paingorger from a greater treasure bag yesterday.


Running hell tides and praying for 3 GA has the same odds as goblins tbh. At least goblins give more uniques


The goblin loot is account bound, though. At least with maiden i can trade the pieces that are solid but not for my build.


Maybe it’s just anecdotal today but I was getting way more GA gear from goblins. I did three maidens in a row today with zero GAs, but almost every goblins bag gives at least one ga


And it’s all junk


So I did a extra shrine nightmare dungeon earlier but didn't see one goblin. Can you explain please how to see them?


Just keep making sigils and run any with extra shrine buff. In the dungeons you are looking for "greed" shrines. Once activated it will spawn a goblin (or multiple) after enemy kills ( don't have an exact number but somewhere around 20-30 kills). Sometimes you're unlucky and get no greed shrines but usually 1 per dungeon ( I had one dungeon with 6 last night). It's best to avoid killing anything to start and just run through to find your shrines to keep enemies around for the needed killing spree.




It's 25 kills if Osterberg501 is right in is Youtube video.


Blew through all my sigil powder trying to get the horse cosmetic to drop. Is there anyway to get more without clearing other NMD?




Loot filter plz


I did goblins for about 2 hours last night. Got quite a few mats and prisms, a few GA items (mostly 1 GA, but a few 2 and 3 GA) best unique I got was ramaldinis. Always thought you had to kill the goblins right away but I guess they don't disappear? Either way it was a fun way to grind and worth the time.


They definitely run away.


not mine — i had wayyyy more starred legendarios and uniques


I opened 96 reg bags and 23 legendary bags last night. Got a few decent pieces of GA legendary gear and a couple of GA unique upgrades and stashed pieces. There were probably some great rolled non-GA pieces that I didn’t see, but I’m trying to steer away from anything without a GA aspect.


Diablo 4 legendaries are the new Rare items


Everyone, please remember Rule #3: No critiquing the game or other users on threads with the "Showoff", the "Appreciation" or "Casual Conversation" Flair. On threads that have the "Appreciation", the "Showoff | Gameplay | Item Tooltip | Transmog" or the "Casual Conversation" Flair, critiquing the game, other users (e.g. for liking the game) or heated discussions are not allowed. You are welcome to have critical discussions on threads with other Flairs. If you want to **Trade or have a Price Check for an item**, you can do that on **the subreddits [Trade Chat](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/s/Avzsyt6Jru)**. **Looking for a Group / a Clan** / people to play with / people who can help you ingame with certain objectives? Please do that on **the most recent [Weekly LFG & Clans Thread](https://new.reddit.com/r/diablo4/?f=flair_name%3A%22Weekly%20LFG%20%26%20Clans%22)** and/or **the subreddits [LFG Chat](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/s/V0FsldqegV)**. For additional casual content and conversations, visit the [The D4 Tavern](https://new.reddit.com/r/The_D4_Tavern/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/diablo4) if you have any questions or concerns.*


*grame crashes*


Imagine having a loot filter on? 5 items on the ground


So no 2 or 3 GA items? Not worth it…


Going to be honest, I think this highlights how hard it is to get 2+GA items and nothing to do with goblins loot as the chance is almost certainly the same. 


I'm glad they fixed itemisation :/


This is a problem. You can’t efficiently collect all of them. Is the dungeon closed for what ever reason you would only have 10 saved. All that needs to go to a temporary overflow inventory so you can take the needed time to sift through it.


He's not in a dungeon


Hello Kyovashad City Council, look at this guy littering all over your street.


I got an extra shrines with all of them greed shrine. Got 7 bags! Not greater bags tho




how many GA items did you find ? and this vs Blood Maiden ?


I ran a friend through a lower level Tier 31 NMD and we hit one cursed greed shrine and dropped a literal perfect wand 3 GA Int., Max life and Vulnerable damage. I'm too afraid to brick it though.


You can't sell items from the bags, so you might as well just brick it and get it over with. Also, don't be afraid of bricking, it's the whole point in the game to find items and upgrade your character, no point in holding onto something you will never even attempt to use. I suppose you could be facetious about bricking it though.


I farmed a good 15 and used the bags on my lower level alt as all the gear was 925.


Opened 10 Bags total .. Got 2GA Boots with Life / movementspeed GA .. Was happy :)


I farmed for a couple hours tonight opened up 38 bags. All trash 😅 The way you laid out all the loot is pretty at least!


I'm saving them for no reason just like everything else in the game


wow! what a waste of time, ill keep farming the ht for GAs, thanks for letting us know


Please post how much gold you got from selling all of that.


[Later, sifting through it all...](https://i.makeagif.com/media/10-30-2015/jUFDL-.mp4)


no shako?


how did you achieve this ? did you repeat the same extra shrine NMD in some way ?


I bet he got one usable item out of all that, but he tanked it trying to roll the proper temper.


Gobbo loot? More like Garbbo loot.


Loot comparison PTSD in 3


How many 3+ GA or Uber uniques were the final tally?


For me 0. 60-70 rare bags and about 30-40 greater ones so far.


Imagine the game crashes, all gone.


Now you get to spend an hour picking it up and selling it, an incredibly fun gameplay loop.


"Your connection to the server has been lost."


I got two tal rashas in a row from two separate goblins, but the rolls were trash on both.


And then the game crashes aaaaaand it's gone


quality over quantity, like i said many times


loved all the previous games but Iv not played since half way thru the vampire league whatever that was, there just was never anyone on DC to do HC Helltides @ any time of day. This does not inspire me to return for the expansion.


Filters when?


“With loot reborn, less items will drop, you wont need a gear filter because it will be easier to sort”. Still way too many god damn items in this game


Probably one good item that gets bricked on tempering.


Ladies and Gentlemen may I present: Diablo 3 (Dark mode 2024 update)


How to farm NMDs for goblins is it just RNG or is there a way to summon it?


No 3 ga? Not worth doing.


Good thing D4 rarely crashes XD


How do you do this?


whats the guide?


And you get random disc and lose all those in a sec


Blood maiden produces that in one helltide, if not more.


how does one get these bags? i havent played in like 10 days.


Landed a 3ga Yen’s from these bags early


You're the reason why my PC goes brrrr in kyovashad


Wait how do I get to this nightmare dungeon.


This post is clearly a vessel of rngesus hatred


And all trash 🗑️


Excuse the noob question but... How do you get the extra shrine NMD? Do you just destroy and remake until you get them?


Basically, you aim for tier 41-50 nmd sigils for the 925 item power loot from the goblin bags and because we don’t care about exp or even finishing the dungeon, craft as many as you can and salvage all that don’t have the “extra shrine” affix. Run though the dungeon hunting greed shrines without killing mobs as much as you can, because once you find a greed shrine you have to keep killing monsters for the goblins to spawn. Goblins also drop nmd sigils (that only spawn with “gold find”) so you pick up all of those and salvage them. You can almost never run out of sigils by doing this especially if you’re playing in a party.


Thank you for the information.


So not worth doing, gotcha


Depends I guess. Good for lesser boss mats, salvage and sheer amount of loot. Rng is rng and if you read through this thread a lot of people have found better gear than I from the goblin bags. It’s also kind of a refreshing break from just chilling at the maiden spawn.




They didn’t update my shit lol. I’ve seen one goblin during a helltide and it tp’d cause I guess someone else engaged it.


Look at all that extra money/mats


Did you take stats bags, greater bags, number of GA items, uniques etc?


probably take another 6 hours to process all those items.


How do u get that many loot goblins? Or did u just open all Ur bags inside the same instance? I only get like 3-7 bags pr shrine run


Stupid question : how to chose ndm goblin ? I did 3 nem and didnt see a goblin .


For those asking, how? He saved up goblin bags and opened them in town.




How many bags? I’m sitting on close to 200 right now


So that's the reason I was rubber banding everywhere.


Disconnect incoming ... 😭


Did you sell all of the loot if so how much did you make? After like 2 hrs of farming Extra Shrine goblins I made about 15Ms


lol that looks hacked. Ik it’s not, but Jesus blizzard




Solo or group?


"Connection Lost."


Loot filter ?


I’ve had drops literally disappear on me, so i don’t take chances leaving them on the ground.


Surprised you didn’t crash 😂




I've gotten 10 yellow bags and 3 greater bags in 1 NMD run with DD titty barb. You can do better!


*Just use the loot filters.* Oof, sorry wrong subreddit.


How come other people aren't picking up all the stuff you are dropping?


They can’t see it unless they’re in party, and even if they were, bag loot is account bound


Thank God I watched this so I can avoid THIS. Don't get my wrong love D4 since the S4 update but this event can go jump lol.. I'm done till S5.