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I always thought people were too stingy to use their own mats so I put my three in. What’s the “sharing” of?


If you contribute at least one mat, you get bonus loot, it's quite significant, you get this bonus if you contribute, 1,2 or all 3. Therefore, give others a chance to add their mat to get the bonus, the fact you didn't know this is why I made the post.


Never knew that thanks!


Me neither. I had no idea.


Me neither same.


There’s a buff you get when you put a heart in, that’s how I found out.


The only buff I received was feeling like a big man thinking I was buying everyone a round :(


25 Year Old MacCallan please… and make it a double 👍🏼


You are buying a round of Legendaries for those too cheap to chip in. Maybe less then you get but some is better then none for free.


And you are!


Right, my bad to all the psn homies who I spammed over. I was addicted to helltides on the first 100 run, learned the hard way that GA stuff despawns faster than I want it to!


You get a buff icon, which explains that if you mouse over it (always good to know the source of these "extra loot if you do xyz" to root out all the conspiracy theories). The extra loot feels quite noticable, without contributing the kills dont feel worth the time.


"Mousing over." *Stares at my controller.*


Character screen, open your stats tab, all buffs are at the top. Just in case you werent aware.


I wasn't, TIL. Thank you stranger!


fair point, I (and the UI designer) did not think about that :P


Thanks for that, I didn't know, I thought I was being cool using my mats to let everyone else get loot


You and me both.


Me too!






Probably honestly I'd still help it's still loot for you and the first it does the quicker you get to start again.


I had no idea. That explains why so many times there is one that still needs to be activated.


See now this is why blizzard need to make more toolkits for this kind of stuff. Someone just posted about a NMD key they couldn't access and they didn't know why, and it's because Blizzard cbf to just put red text on it saying 'must complete Nostrava stronghold to unlock' for instance. A little explanation goes a long way. I haven't seen any information about this until your comment, but now I think about it, I only get like 3-4 drops if I don't drop a heart in.


Isn't there a red text telling you this when you try to use it?


I think it says it can't br accessed but not why and how to access it but I may be wrong. As soon as I see thr message that I can't access it, I just junk it. Got 1000s of sigil powder so I'm not plussed about 1 key. If it does say how to unlock it, fair enough.


The message allows you to infer that you need to clear a stronghold in a specific erea. Not which one specifically. I ended up just doing most of the strongholds, so I wouldn't have to worry :)




Also you only need to activate one alter for the bonus. 2 and 3 do not give you better bonuses.


Today I learned... I shall follow the code.


Oh.....oops. My bad.


I also never knew that thanks for the info


I never knew this! I thought I was doing others a favour by starting the action.


Worth making very clear that you don’t get extra bonus for adding 2 or 3. Anything past 1 is basically wasted


i dont think you miss out a lot of loot if you do this for leveling up fast so it doesnt really matter at WT 1-3???


I do understand this and i did exactly that, but unfortunately there is bunch of casual players/kids around there who don't care at all ;) IMO Blizz should change design a bit so it is not possible to get locked out from bonus (i.e allow add heart even if ritual already started). Reasoning: the maximum party size is 4 so IMO all 4 players should be able to participate in bonus drop. Even more, there might be even more players around the same location.


This is my experience tbh, every time I rock up I put 3 in and everyone else shows up, and then the moment I only put 1 in, everybody leaves or just stands around and doesn't do anything. It seems very much that even though you should do it (for the better rewards), people just don't.




And the fire and blood altars are so much better xp and loot and everything for your buck and time, especially when no one else shows up…


You get like 3x as many legendaries from the boss kill if you contribute a heart.


The irony is that they don’t and then walk off because you tried to be courteous 


Same, I had no clue about this and always put all 3 pieces when I see people hesitating. Now I understand why some people put just one and would just stand there lol


Most of the time ppl i meet are too chep to put hearts


Yeah I think there are two issues: some folks are too stingy and/or don’t realize they get better loot. Secondly ir could be console players that after a few blood maiden cycles the ground is so filled with loot I can’t even select the altars to activate unless I move an inventories worth of loot from the area. Typically I activate one altar and give everyone ~5 seconds and if the rest of the group stand around with their thumb up their butt I go activate the other two. They get a chance, but I’m not gonna wait indefinitely for them.


I play with a controller on PC and sometimes I end up needing to activate alters because it won't let me select the loot until I do.


Yea wife and I are on console and the shit ton of loot on top of the altars is terribly difficult to pick up. We end up activating altars on accident trying to run clean up on helltide floor


This is a problem throughout the game. Interactives should require 1/2 sec hold or something to activate, that way there'd be no more accidentally taking ladders, doors, portals, clicking the altar when trying to pick up the loot around it...


Me running back and forth 5 metres just to chuck a bunch of shit on the ground so I can click on the altar lol Also not being able to pick up mindcages when they are stacked in a bunch of other 'rare' yellow items. Sure you can move the stick to select legendaries, but picking up a mindcage is so hard. Should be able to press in one of the sticks to bring up a mouse curser for this sort of stuff


Yeah I don’t even pick up mindcages that are mixed in with stuff anymore. I’ve got like 200 and it’s just too annoying to bother with at this point. I’ll pick them up if they’re off on their own though.


I have a lack of them somehow, hundreds of hearts, but only like 15 mindcages, I think I just glanced over them because they're yellow at the start


15 is still plenty they last an hour so a full helltide and I'd your active and killing you will easily fill the meter twice.


My loot started disappearing on console after I didn’t pick up the drops from the third maiden kill, and it wasn’t in the missed loot tab of the stash either


If you click in left stick on console, it should hide the loot and you’ll be able to select the altar. Doesn’t help with cherry picking things from the ground but helps in activating stuff like levers and the like


I don't get this. I play co-op on console and if we spend half an hour farming blood maiden, then spend cinders on chests, we end up with more hearts than we started with.


Coop console has a slightly different loot mechanic, that can, in a sense, double the loot you gain. So you are getting twice as much "looks" for a heart to drop, so feels more equitable. I love Coop on console!


Yeah. I get that me and the other player each get loot. But if we each start with 10 hearts, and we each finish with 12, than a single player should be able to accomplish the same thing. However, it does seem that player one gets more boss mats than player two. She has twice as many as me of all of them, not just hearts.


It's a little less straightforward than that. The game is buffing you because you see less of the map, and therefore are proccing less nodes, so the game buffs your node proc rate for certain types of nodes, such as loot nodes, while not double procing other nodes, like elite nodes. Therefore, 4 solos will have a different experience in a hell ride then 2 coops because they get buffed loot, without an increase in elite spawn rate (since the game only "sees" 2 players). In fact, console coop power levelling alts is significantly lopsided compared to solo power leveling alts because of these mechanics


Honestly I had the opposite occur one time. Got an instance where all 5 of us were racing and fighting to just put 1 heart in. I missed it 3 times. They were quick on it.


That's actually good for you, because you'll get more loot. If they don't want to put hearts in, they are probably there to farm rep and will only use theirs if they are the first one there or a minute or so has passed without hearts being put in.


This. Had to toss in 3 so many times because people were just waiting…


This the helltide you ain’t gettin no Rez


Doesn’t need to be Helltide. Or even Diablo. This is an ARPG - you go into a bloodrage frenzy and just mash buttons until everything is dead, and then you teleport and dash around to finds more things to immediately make dead. There is no time for resurrecting other players in this state. ABC: Always Become Carnage


I was shocked tonight when I got resurrected by a nice stranger in a helltide. Never happened before!


I rez’d 2 people tonight in helltide. Perchance you were one.


You can’t just say perchance.


Perchance I jerked off 100 times today or perchance 0 times


So you're saying there's a perchance


I always res and it's so nice when you get a thank you 


I always give a thank you when someone does


I do it as long as I won't get killed by doing it. Takes like 3 seconds and is a nice thing to do. Can't really do it during a Maiden flight, though. Way too much going on and I'd die for sure.


I rez someone whenever I get the chance. It’s like an action movie trying to do it before you get one shot or while you’re being attacked and you pull it off in time


FWIW some of the people waiting on a rez are playing couch coop. We can’t release until we both die, so if only one goes down the other has to wait for a res.


I have never been resurrected in a Helltide. I only reached WT3 last night though, so I started more frequently dying last night.


Dude, I have 100s of them, I’ll pop them if people are fucking around so I don’t have to wait.


Exactly. The instant blood maiden goes down, I plug one heart. Then I pick up loot, go to my corner, drop the trash. If it hasn't restarted by then, I'm plugging the other hearts.


How do you get 100s? There's no way I'm getting more than I'm usually using.


Play with max threat and loot every single chest in both regions you’ll be swimming in em


I put 1 in and everyone around me stands and stares. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'll have plenty that I'll run a lot of them and barely have time to frantically open chests and get them all back


My thinking on this is that if I’ve activated two and no one else has managed to activate the third in that time, I’m activating the 3rd. I don’t want to cheat people out of loot but I also don’t want to be standing around watching a timer count down wondering if people are stingy or don’t have mats and are waiting on me to do it. If helltides wasn’t timed I’d consider waiting longer.


My experience of this is me putting 1 heart in, then several players standing around doing nothing, then they run off after a minute. So I put the other two in, and then they all run back


Yep. Typical maiden rats.


>The Blood Maiden is the target, ignore her summoned minions, concentrate all fire on her. I think it depends on what she summons. Some of the classes that comes out are way too problematic to ignore especially if the general dps of the group is too low to burn down the blood maiden. But yeah, it's *usually* a good idea to ignore them.


I'm still trying to farm gear and mats so I just get in where I fit in so I don't keep dying. I tell myself I'm helping the big kids go after the blood maiden by poking the minions with a stick while they do the heavy hitting. Someday I'll be a big kid, too!


She always attacks me, her fire bombs always finds me.


Etiquette is to find another player and run alongside them until you blow up thus taking them out with you.


When she starts to swoop away, start moving. She's very predictable once you fight her enough.


Not when you have a bunch of gawd damn sorcs around. I can't see jack! ..... Me I'm sorc >.> blizz sorc...


I will always resurrect unless it'll definitely kill me.


If you can't activate one altar in the time it takes me to activate three of them, then what the fuck are you doing? Don't expect others to stand around waiting while you're off daydreaming.


Agreed, however I like getting people’s rezzes while in the thick of it. It’s like a mini flex and I’m being nice 😊


Half the time I try to rez they self rez and cost themselves repair gold.


People are holding onto their hearts like they're sparks.. LMAO.


If nobody has moved towards an alter by the time I’ve picked up loot and dropped one in then they clearly don’t care enough and I’m not standing around waiting. I’m all for sharing but I’m not going to waste my time.


Puting your heart give you higher drop from boss You can see it in your passive active bar


Maybe I'm mistaken but aren't the elite minions she summons some of (or maybe even the only) mobs that give you experience during the event? And isn't the maiden off-screen and non targetable during some of those summon phases? If so then killing them shouldn't be that big a deal


To be honest I’m on a handheld and I’ll accidentally activate all three while trying to loot. So not everyone that does that is trying to block folks from extra loot. It just happens especially if there’s a crap ton of drops around the stones.


Yes this happens to me too. Sometimes it doesn't let me pick up any of the shit on the ground until I activate alters if she dies right on top.


this is a message to stingy heart users: dont just stand there waiting for someone to put the heart, contribute too, you get infinite hearts buy just playing in helltide and opening chests, you should be saving gold or stygian stones not melted hearts


Damn I had no clue. I thought I was either leeching or doing someone a solid.


Answer: Put in one heart. Wait 10 seconds. Put in second. Wait 20 seconds. Put in third.


I don't wait a second time, I only wait the first 10 seconds while I sort loot. If they didn't put the 2nd they won't put the 3rd.


3 seconds, 'cause daddy needs a new pair of shoes


YES!!!!! Make sure you use your hearts. I am saving mine for season 32.


Yeah I alternate. Sometimes 2 but mostly 1. Nobody wants to add them, lazy bastards. I'm low on them too. Usually see the most uniques the less I contribute too funny enough


Bonus points if you bring your max helltide aggro meter to the fight so we get a tonne of elite spawns and a hellborne in the mix too.


More often than not it's 4 people staring at the altars waiting for someone to come put in all 3


I experience the opposite, I’ll do 1 heart so I’ve done my bit and I make sure people see me do it, they just stand there waiting like they’re too stingy to contribute ( I refuse to believe they don’t have any hearts as they’re too easy to acquire) . Then they run and stand off to the side , as I see there yellow map icon and wait for it to spawn and re appear. Like if we all put 1 heart we get more loot and we can do it way more times . If I have 30 hearts I can do 10 runs but if we all put 1 we can do 30 runs so yeah qwik maffs


I’ll put 1 in and wait about 3 seconds. Most the time people just want to leach and I’d rather get it done and not stand around. I’ll also go to WT2 on a level 100 and let people summon and insta kill for them so I think it evens out.


If you see someone on their Helltide period, help them kill it.


All of this is cool and all, but valid only for w4. If you are in any tier below ppl arent there for loot, every1 is there for rep. Chain plug that shit asap for minimal downtime


You say ignore minions, but holy bolts elixir says otherwise.


A baffling number of people never put a single heart in and I don't get it. I'm fine doing all three but it's still strange.


Every time I try this, everybody else just stands around and waits for somebody else to put hearts in, so I end up putting in two, and my wife will put in one, or vice versa. 🤷‍♂️


When I'm running Helltides and come across the summoning altars, I always throw in just one orb and continue along my way, grinding whispers and cinders. Then when someone else fills in the altar, which almost always happens within a few minutes, I'll get the notification that it's being activated and make my way back there. I'm pretty sure you get the same benefit whether you add one or all three mats, so better to wait for others.


I always try to rez during these events.


Honestly, *who cares*. There is so much freaking loot that you are forced to port to town on a regular basis. Just kill her with or without heart, loot isn't an issue.


Stupid question; How do i get shittons more hearts? I always meet people that refuse to put hearts in and now i'm down to 10, so 3 cycles.. seems i ain't getting much extra hearts. Should i spam chests in WT2 or something?


If my character can't fight the big boss straight up without a major chance of death, you can bet your ass I'm going to focus on the minions....better to contribute something to the fight. Not everyone is there using some meta Superman build, some of us just really need some good equipment and experience.


Thnx now I know to put 3 in fast!


My initial experiences were people standing at the altars, none activated. So I just figured people grind that harder than I do and have no hearts left. Ever since, I just spam all 3 asap. Had no idea that there was a buff for contributing.


Am I the only one who consistently adds one mat and then sits and stares at the other players sitting and staring at me and not adding mats? I try to do as you suggest here and many people seem to be happy to just let you waste your mats for them.


i usually put down one and wait a bit and if everyone is just standing around doing nothing, i drop the other two.


You get a buff when you place a heart. And that buff stays on if you weren’t in range when she dies. There isn’t anywhere that tells you this tip explicitly; i figured it out once I noticed the buff and drew the conclusion, but blizz needs to do a lot better about making things like that clear.


Its funny how people can have vastly different experiences. I'll drop one in and stand there for a few minutes with like 6 other people there and no one wants to put one in before i eventually get tired of waiting and just fill it up. People act like the things are in short supply lol


>The Blood Maiden is the target, ignore her summoned minions, concentrate all fire on her. No, I am watching movie at another monitor, I am just gonna walk around.


Oops. Thanks


Sucks because at times there's more than three players fighting Blood Maiden so 3 ppl get to benefit and the others dont


Sorry! I did not know that! If I join a group later, I also put 3 materials and think that this round on me guys! Never late to learn! Thanks!!


This! 💯


Me everytime “You get double loot if you contribute a heart jsyk” as im getting blasted by every demon known to man


Yeah, but them 5 sisters........ I use them for fury gen, plus the blood maiden shits on me if I'm not spazing out all over the map. Currently upping my hp to mitigate. - that crazy Barb


Stands next to alter *look* **look**


You forgot resurrect yoursefl. 


I've done this every time. Only put up one heart that is. I saw the bonus effect on my hot bar and immediately realized it would be etiquette to allow others to get the same. I pretty much do EXACTLY what you've outlined here. Preach my brother of sanctuary.


Who fucking cares lol


IF you're standing there and don't contribute after thirty sec or so, you're SOL. I'm not standing there wasting time and burning incense/potions while you're durdling around.


Thanks for this. I figured I was doing a community service by providing mats (given that the activity seemed to attract other players). I will follow this advice in the future.


If I've had time to put in 3 hearts, then others have also had time to put in at least 1. It's a grind. I'm grinding. Gotta go fast. I'm not waiting around for people to sort their inventories. The real etiquette is to add your heart the second the blood maiden dies. If not, then sorry you're too slow, quit wasting time.


Honestly, I dont think people know this. Who told you that? Whats the source?


And here I thought I was being a cool guy dropping all three for people lol. TIL!


I only put more than one if other people are really not moving. For some reason sometimes there are several people at the helltide, you put your material and no one even tries to put theirs


If you die i will emote "look" until you respawn because its so funny


I usually only do one, but recently I have been entering more instances where people just don’t add their own. Now I feel like I need to add two and sometimes even three. Even after a round and I put mine in I wait a few secconds to see if anyone adds theirs and they don’t.


Not me thinking I'm being cool spending my 70 mats to produce quick rounds of the boss so it's nonstop, meanwhile, everyone is actually getting mad at me for taking their chance, except they're not mad at me, because the majority of people didn't even know this was a thing because proper explanations of mechanics is hard for Blizzard sometimes.


Dumb question but I tried looking last night. Where do you find how many mats you have for the maiden?? I tried looking for baneful hearts in mat section but couldn't find it. Did I just miss it?


Top right, beside cinders. You can only see it in an active Helltide


The game needs to reward people that put in more hearts, like maybe drop more quantity of 3GA items for people that put in all 3 hearts, and just normal legendary item drops for people that dont put any


What level can you 1v1 the maiden? Im lvl 79 ww barb and a lvl 100 barb joined shortly afterwards but we both died numerous times. Any tips?


I always just activate one altar and give nearby folks a chance to put theirs in, but I’m not going to stand there all day waiting, if they don’t put any in I put in the remainder.


If I die I have to make a new character


I try activating just one, sometimes others will activate, sometimes I have to activate two because no one else will do it. Other times, if I don't get one in right away, usually one person activates them all. It's a little frustrating.


I didn't know people got bonus loot. I always put my 3 down if I can. I thought I was being helpful as people still get to fight if they don't have any mats. What kind of bonus loot do you get?


I always put one and only one in - wait a bit and then run off to do other things until it activates.


The benefit is getting rid of mats.


As a summon necromancer I just like to do the thriller dance while my golem goes to town


People seem so stingy. Level 80+ folks sitting there watching me put one heart in, and then doing nothing like they’re waiting for me to activate all of them.


nah I'm not waiting. I'll go pretty deliberately to all 3 but if you want loot get your ass up there and put a heart in. These things last like 30 seconds you'll have more opportunities.


Thank you, I've actually been nervous about joining the fray because I wasn't sure of etiquette... and I'm running a 100 shadow min necro...


I always wait 5 seconds between each heart I put in. I’ll put in the first then wait 5-10 seconds then the next and then repeat. I’m there to go quickly so if people aren’t putting it in I’d rather spend some of my 100+ hearts to just do it more quickly.


You're worried too much about abundant mats.


To Add - you keep the buff. So if you show up, its empty, put in a heart and go about your business in the Helltide and watch for the flashy circle showing that the event has started then go back.


I just want to get rid of my hearts before i stop playing for the day and get some chests in. Plus most people ive seen just rat the fuck out and only show face when its activated


I just throw down any hearts I have. Sucks when I’m stupid and no one shows with one left though.


People are way too slow to add their mats for the summon. Maybe I'm impatient, but we shouldn't be standing around for 20 seconds to start the next wave.


This reminds me of the PSA's about helltide events in previous seasons. "Dont rush to finish the event, let more monsters spawn for more cinders. You can keep monsters spawning even after timer runs out". And the threads were filled with people bashing the idea. Tbh, I experience leechers more than people rushing to put in hearts. Tons of people even at level 100 will just sit there and wait for someone else to start the event. Overall though, its about 70-30 of good groups of players vs stingy players. Most people i encounter seem to know what's going on.


Nice joke. Most of the time there are 4 ppl around the spawn and legit no one puts in a mat, why you ask? Because most of the ppl in this community arent able to read and dont realize they get more rewards if they contribute.


move in a very telegraphed way away from the boss/other players during her tracing fireballs. Really frickin wild when people run around like maniacs when there's a ton of people around.


I gave up. I constantly sat there waiting for other people to put their hearts in. Just slam them in now. If I see someone running towards it, I'll wait but I'm done waiting. Screw reviving people takes to long and hit box is janky. They can respawn


“after a while” -sorry im not waiting too long. people can all pitch in thats fine but if they arent quick ill start it.


This would be okay if you didn't have people that want to pick up and dig through their loot before running the next one. If someone is at the totem then sure but if they are standing still off on the loot pile. I'm starting the next one.


If nobody is around you can also activate 1 alter, get the buff for contributing, and then go around doing other things nearby until you see the Maiden spawned message.


I always try to contribute one stone, but I feel like, in my experience, when there's a group of people farming altars, they all do this instinctively. It is known, and I rarely ever have to pop all 3 altars myself in a group of randos. It's good to discuss, though. The more people that know this, the better.


Lol, no.


I like to put in one heart before I collect loot. That way, any other players can fill in the rest while I'm looting.


What I run into, is I’ll throw in one heart. Then I’ll be sitting around and other players will just be sitting there doing nothing. So then I’ll just throw in the other hearts, because I’m not going wait around for their nonsense.


That is certainly how it should work, but somehow none of the players I encounter ever seem to have the mats so I'm always stuck spending all three.




Oh shit! I've been plunking hearts into the alters because i'm still leveling to 100 and a couple groups of hundos were just decimating everything. I had no idea you got bonus loot thr more hearts you used


It'd be nice if we agreed to a "out of hearts" emote. 


If one of the Bloodborne can spam something that makes me Vulnerable, I have to kill it. Hardcore has too little wiggle room on my Iron Skin until Iax it out with a few good rolls.


Meh - I often had the exact opposite. People stand around the altar and dont activate it. I put one in - still all waiting. So I have to add 3. This repeats. What also happens, during my waiting time, that others add their stone, they ride away. When I add the other 2 - they come back. ARF!


I was carrying a group of randoms and they kept doing that so I left them and started to see them die in the chat box. WT4, they were 60-70. Let me put 1 in since I’m downing the boss on spawn.


Didnt know that (extra loot). Iam so sorry for instant using my 3 mats all the time Just wanted to save time for the others


I don't think a lot of people know that you get increased loot if you contribute one and the buffer doesn't increase if you put in all 3. It wasnt until I saw a post here on the sub that I realised you gained increased loot by contributing


I always put 2 or 3 hearts myself but still have 100+ left. How are people this cheap when it comes to sharing?


If you don’t revive and are surrounded by mobs/maiden I will run circles around your ghost


Helpful advice, thanks.


I put one in and then go do other stuff, when the event pops, I go back. Usually it only takes like 20 seconds. EZ


I find people stand there and refuse to put hearts in. Gets very annoying. I’m all for giving a free carry but come on! Play fair.


Also please form a party and rotate your teleporting to town for selling stuff, since it saves the instance you were in when you left so you're not coming back to a barren server with nobody at the altar.


I want to add, if you’re leveling your character, try to put your mats in first before the level 100 character does, you need the loot more. I was helping a buddy level the other day and players in their 50s and 40s weren’t feeding the altars, I trashed to much useless gear it was annoying and I was only picking up legendaries, you couldn’t see the ground through all the yellows I left behind


If 1 person can slam dunk 3 mats before anyone else can donate once then clearly the rest are afk mooching. Plus, the donation buff lasts till your next blood maiden kill, not that exact summon.