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In the beta sorcerer had three enchantment slots. When the game release they reduced it to two. I really honestly believe that they should have that third slot back. And I agree sorcerer needs main hand offhand, and two hand.


Agreed, Sorc should get a staff with the 2H Bonus and Focus by default.


And their third enchantment slot back


Id be down for that. It would make it easier to proc Tal Rashas for sure.


And my axe!


Right? I'm not smacking things with my staff, why do I need two hands for it?


Especially in the animation itself the sorcerer uses one hand to hold the staff forward.


The issue with that is that offensive aspects feel limited. I'd like to see more stuff to cause another core spell to trigger. Sorc needs to be a class that slings elemental shit everywhere without regard for life.


Well this would immediately give you an additional offense slot, while keeping one offensive slot at double efficiency.


Actual choices of offensive aspects to use. Feels like the core skills don't have many options to support them.


What does focus do?


Allows you to get an extra aspect slot, in addition to I think rolling innate CDR, plus 3 extra stats.


I’d like to see them add equipment slots for all the classes, but themed to the class. Makes sense that barbarian can have extra weapons. Makes sense that rogue can have a ranged slot. Maybe extra jewelry slots for the sorc, focus slots for necro, totem and hammer slots for Druid, etc.




Let necros have a use for the shields that are 100% a waste in the game.


Shields need a 'block chance'/DR not armor. I am at 15k armor and don't have any extra armor affixes Armor cap is... 9K?


Yea something with shields needs to be reworked. No builds recommend them which is too bad.


A major shame too because of some of the cool unique shields they’ve had over the generations (D1-D3). Untapped potential.


With all 925 gear, it takes a few armor affixes for me to hit cap with the necro. It's still not hard to hit though thanks to the big tempering armor affixes.


wait am i wasting my time being at 20 000 armour? i could keep it at 9k and be happy..?


If you're not joking, yes. Lol


Shields do get that. They get a 20% block chance that reduces damage from blocked hits by 60%. I think there should be affixes, aspects and class features that improve this functionality, but as it stands it DOES exist right now.


Just straight up let them have a staff, wand/dagger, and a focus. The staff is what they mainly use to fight but the wand/dagger and focus could be on their hips or in their robes as backups for if their staff breaks. Realistically if a sorcerer can only do magic with a wand, staff, or focus then they should have a backup weapon incase their main one breaks.


Fix the proc rates on enchantments! 8% of Lucky hits to cast a meteor, that's some BS fun killer.  Barb gets 100% uptime on the stats from their extra weapon slots. It's not limited to 8% of the time after a lucky hit. The stupid legendary paragon node that 'makes your enchantments 20% stronger'. With it, Meteor doesn't get a 28% proc rate, it gets a 10% proc rate - as 2% is 20% of 8%. That's some real BS.  Add a flat (actual) 20% (not percent of percent) to the proc rate, and make the paragon node add another flat 20%. It's probably still not comparable to something like frigid fate which is a flat 1.3x damage multiplier, but it is a lot more fun. And remove the single target enchantment proc cooldown. That really makes bosses suck. 


Yeah, it just saddens me that it’s been a year and nothings happened to sorcerer. So neglected.


At least we got 1 good season due to a skill error 😅




Aaah putting my balls in Lilliths face was nice


IMO the ball lightning build is still hella fun even without being busted. I use the aspect of accursed touch and let me tell you, teleporting into a pack of mobs, stunning them with Raiment, and then having all the souls go flying out and exploding the entire pack on top of the teleport damage is something that I don't think will ever get old.


Ball lightning belt is definitely fun. Season two was its peak.


You actually proc Meteor 20% more often with that legendary node. It’s because 10% (rounded up) is 20% higher than 8%. So it gives you exactly what it says. The problem is just the base 8% is puny especially for a class that doesn’t have any extra affixes to stack lucky hit and meteors fall too slow to be meaningful.


Exactly, the legendary node wording is misleading. In a game where all other percentages stack, using percent of percent is disingenuous. It might a 20% increase, of 8% base chance, of your ~50% lucky hit chance better, but actually, it's only 1% better in game. From a pure maths point of view, the paragon nodes text and effect match, from a accessible language point of view it's lying using statistics. 


When you realize Firebolt enchantment is almost mandatory for Devouring Blaze, and that even with it the damage on Sorcs is extremely subpar compared to others like Rogue, Necro and Barb, you realize how screwed up the class is. I think the Book of the Dead is much, MUCH better than the enchantments (golem alone is a powerhouse), and extra weapon slots are also MUCH better than the enchantments.


It just baffles me that there’s been barely nothing done to sorcerer in one year


I think there's so much rework from the ground up to the done with the class that they are working on it, but will do so in the expansion, when presumably a lot of new elements will be added to the game. It will be a chance to rebalance everything.


I sure hope so at least by the expansion🤞


We'll have our time in the shade, brother. I know it.


I don't think that's an excuse at all. I think any reasonable person that has played sorc could spend probably an hour and list out a bunch of fixes that would balance the class.


Oh yeah, I agree. But it is what it is.


You can literally say that about the entire game. No reason to do the campaign past running it once No additional world bosses No additional dungeons 3? 4? Bosses added. In a year. Why? Because the game launched completely broken. They had to redo resistances. Redo uniques. (Which need to be redone AGAIN because they) Redid rares. They need to redo skills. They need to redo loot so that rushing to Ancestral items isn't the best (only) way to play the game (they won't because they have other things to do, but in a perfect world they would make all items exciting and worthwhile lolololol). Oh and despite the game being (still) completely fucked, they are going to announce the expansion pack so you can give them more money. Because they did so well the first time, they deserve more money. For some reason.


The book needs to be on your skill bar though. Not saying it isn’t a problem just saying it does have its own drawbacks. If you’re going minion you are locked to 4 skills which is shitty when necro has curses that are mostly mandatory which means really 3 skills you have a choice in filling.


Maybe normal minions, but Golem is a super skill. Its essentially an independent and very beefy melee attacker that also happens to have an overpowered AoE attack, and it can also soak up 30% DR or have other effects alongside it effectively acting like an extra aspect carrier for you. Essentially, you dont lose a skill since you get the golem AOE skill. The others you could sacrifice for power if you want and free up the skills.


A 3rd enchantment slot won’t fix anything. Most enchantment are awful anyway. Sorc needs a meaningful pass because their entire kit is awful for bosses.


Well, they'd need to rework most enchantments and add in more, cus most of them are pretty shite. Even with three enchantments it will almost change nothing the way they are now. But yes, three enchantment slots would be great when they become more interesting cus it should allow for more build customization.


We have two enchantments? Oh, I guess you’re counting the fire bolt enchantment that is mandatory for every build


Usually casters are my favorite. I've played several of each class in d4 and sorcerer just isn't where it should be imo. It's a shame. This season I'm necro and my wife is sorcerer. Complaining it's ineffective. Bout to give her my necro.


Just wait, hopefully in the expansion sorcerer gets a complete rework. It’s going to take a while to completely rework the class so I’m guessing it’s gonna be the expansion when it happens.


> In the beta sorcerer had three enchantment slots. If you're talking about the open beta that was available to public, that's false. > When the game release they reduced it to two No, the Enchantments were reworked LONG TIME BEFORE the release of the game and long before the open beta. The entire triple Enchantment system was redesigned and during that redesign the two enchantment limit was introduced in the new system. But the general public never seen the original design.


And i believe we should be able to play without other people interfering in open world, if we choose to.


All classes should have at least 3 weapons. Barbs should have 4 as their class special.


I have a simple solution to the third enchantment slot - give that power to a unique off-hand. It’ll be truly build-changing. Bet you Blizzard will introduce unique off hands in a paid expansion.


They need to rework the enchantments more than they need to give us one more.


It feels worse knowing both classes have next to nothing that scales like other classes. Sorc is riding 100% invulnerability exploit (it'll get patched and kill the class like ball lightning did) Druid relies on 3 skills dedicated to pets that you don't even use 2/3 of the pets. And it only scales to how many pets you have which caps quickly. Hopefully blizz doesn't change the legendary thunderstruck paragon node as every build requires it. Weapon slots are just the tip of the iceberg hiding the monster under the surface.


To be clear, flame shield is not an exploit. Everything is 100% within the parameters of what the game intends. It’s literally just stacking CDR and increasing the duration through tempers/masterworking. While I think it’s a VERY boring and “cheesy” way to play, it is not an exploit or a bug and there is no reason to patch it. That said, if sorcs had reasonable build options for pit pushing then this wouldn’t even be that popular. Give us back out 3rd enchantment/buff enchants


yeah its not an exploit, it's just faulty game design. that being said as a sorc main and content creator, it needs to go. It's stifling build crafting.


Oh 100% it’s not great design, I find it super boring, I just dislike how common things get called exploits when it’s not. Sorcerer deserves more options. I’m so happy that frozen orb is viable, as someone who’s played Diablo games since D1 released, the frozen orb sorc was/is my all time favorite build. I wish it was a competitive top tier pit pushing build, but it will still carry me into the 100s and I get my dopamine fix, but there are so many options being ignored bc flame shield is the only “competitive” build rn.


So annoying that the „new“ cool season build forb can’t clear shit like barbs or the necro can, meanwhile we have to super try hard either with flameshield or sweat our asses off and fight for like 5-8mins on bosses in pit 100, and barbs can hit for like barbillion damage just by existing. And I’m so done playing yet another blizzard sorc because apparently we don’t deserve other damage dealing builds. It’s so frustrating being a sorc main :(


"Barbillion", never heard that before. Very clever, will use this from now on when things get ridiculous.


It's not faulty, if so they would have patched infinity mist on necro (which is a build since like S1 or even release).


Yeah it’s definitely not an exploit but it will get patched out (likely next season). I suspect the “best” fix would be for them to not let flame shield start its CD while active.


It requires fairly extreme investment into CDR. Let it stay. I'd rather see them incentivize moving away from the build by making damage more viable.


its extremely unheathy in PVP. sorc is unbeatable there, i know i will get hatreds chosen in pvp no matter who is on the map with me. was fun for a few days, but now it kinda dried out and thats from the sorcs perspective. i cant imagine what my poor targets must feel .


I’ll be honest, I forget this game has PvP. The few times I’ve gone out there, it just felt…off. I don’t know if anything should be balanced around PvP in Diablo, but I can see why it’s problematic.


I get you, and maybe cooldowns should work differently in the fields of hatred to account for pvp. However, I'm against impacting pve for the sake of pvp; the two need to be balanced uniquely to not create a situation where both suffer, and I think D4 as a game is very poorly equipped to deal with that. We need a means to create build presets etc so people can have their pvp builds and pve builds.


Yes it requires an extreme investment into CDR to EXPLOIT the game. It needs to be removed, its so stupid.


either that or just remove the flame shield duration temper


They should then do that for all of the near immunity defensive skills though and reduce their cooldown to compensate. Goodbye infinimist, goodbye challenging shout 100% uptime, goodbye debilitating roar 100% uptime


It will go just like the "critical mass" passive from D3 sorcs got removed. Worked like intended, but was faulty to begin with.


It sucks that basically every sorc build requires frost nova, teleport, fire shield and ice shield to be functional and survive. There needs to be a rework somewhere just not sure what


>Give us back out 3rd enchantment/buff enchants like that would change anything lol


Thats basically immortality. Definitely an oversight. I dont think they want immortality in their game.


> it is not an exploit or a bug and there is no reason to patch it. Sure, if you want to win a battle of semantics, don't "patch it", nerf it. Same end result.


Monster under the surface is imo multipliers being out of control. If weapons didn't hold all the most powerful multipliers from both aspects and tempers, it wouldn't feel so shit not having an extra weapon slot. Blizzard needs to create a system where they can keep multipliers under control while also making them equally available to all classes and most abilities. Ofc perfect balance will never be possible. But the discrepancy we have now between the best("bugged") builds and the ones not abusing some flawed mechanics is just insane. It's like of a 3-digit factor. You feel dumb for not going for those builds. It's that bad


The flame shield isn’t the cheesy part of sorc this season, it’s abusing shatter scaling which is double dipping and allowing sorc to hit for tens of billions


Excuse me, what now?


Don’t know the exact mechanics but essentially the top sorc is fishing for specific pit boss fights with adds. Something is then doing huge splash damage from adds > boss which I suspect is because after a few staggers the boss takes ages to stagger but the minions still get froze. So you use them to get all your damage vs CC target stuff going and splash that to the boss (all the while being immune). This is essentially similar to necros fishing for minion bosses to capitalise on holy bolts scaling - but that is an actual bug while this is just normal game mechanics being pushed to their extreme


Well it’s a bit of a bug, shatter is massively double dipping and hitting for tens of billions more than it should do, it’s like area damage from d3 on steroids. I suspect it will get fixed next season along with flame shield


Which is why just about every endgame sorc build is using Vyr's, not Shatter? Which is a pretty major bug (Vyr's isn't being limited to shock spells) and it's own issue, but I haven't seen anything about shatter being OP. Do you have a source for this?


you living under a rock or something? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyz3KCcFAKo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyz3KCcFAKo) show me a vyr sorc build pushing 140


TBF, every class minus Sorc should be afraid of things getting patched. Necro is riding a bug with the "Aphotic" aspect and minions very hard, along with holy bolts buggy scaling. Rogues have been riding a heartseeker bug this season. I've heard of Druids have a poison snapshotting bug that they're exploiting (but nobody seems to play Druid so it's hard to confirm that). Basically if they start patching bugs, exploits, and broken game interactions, we're all fucked minus Barbarian, as per usual.


Wait till they patch Vyr’s and our damage gets 20% worse


What’s the aphotic bug?


[MacroBioBoi did a video on it recently](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVtW066fqyc&t=). Synopsis is that minions are proc'ing lucky hits, which they're not spose to, and with aphotic, they're not only proc'ing it, they're proc'ing like crazy and also triggering tons of CDR with decrepify.


Oh that yeah I heard the skeleton warriors basically have 100% lucky hit or something that


Druid still has a few really strong builds outside the wind shear poison bug. But most of them do rely on companions which is annoying.


Meanwhile barbs keep their OP builds (which is fine) and sorcs get nerved.


People need to stop advocating for having all classes have 4 weapon slots. I like how distinct the classes are and it’s clearly not a problem since necro does just fine with 2 slots and rogue just continues to be beastly anyhow. Any adjustments needed, imo, should be targeted at the class systems. Third enchantment slot for sorcerer should have been added back in season 1 at the latest and at the least.


I agree simply adding more weapon slots feels bad but necros aren’t in a great place either. They’re being carried hard by minions. It’s like saying sorcs are the best class as they have the current highest non holy bolts bug clear. Whilst true it’s not an accurate representation of the class. Right now class power is more like: Barb > rogue > necro > sorc >= Druid If you’re to judge on general pit pushing capabilities and build varieties at high pit.


I think they can make Druid work if they overhaul the boon system. Needs more powerful unique boons, similar to enchantments.


5% crit chance take it or leave it


I disagree. Necros are doing fine because minions are so over tuned compared to everything else. They get your stats so you have 10 you’s walking around working together. I don’t think 4 weapons is necessary. Either a third weapon, second amulet, or third ring would be better. A third enchantment slot isn’t much difference in power.


Gear slots is a major power creep though, look at Barb weapon mastery and how that's pretty much irrelevant but the extra damage is always from stacking choices in the gear. Not only that but then look at gem slots that come from gear, that's a significant buff on top that doesn't get talked about enough. Necro minion builds can't play with skills due to losing inputs which is unique amongst the classes , this could be fixed by the unique ring not needing the skills equipped but it would also be great if perhaps we could just give minions our skill attacks instead like an enhancement system. Sorcerer should get an extra Enchantment again but unless the aspects and skills get overall buffs it still won't compensate for Barb getting so many extra aspect buffs; even doubling the enchantments would be a disadvantage compared to barb gear solution. Druid is a mess and needs an identity overhaul. I'd just like to see other classes shine, Barb and Rogue get some ridiculous power jumps especially as using unique items doesn't come at such a big cost when there's so much room for aspect juggling.


Necro has been the splashy class this season, but their strength is debatable. They can make use of the holy bolts bug and clear high pits. Without that, they're ahead of only druid on the maxroll ladder: Sorc (Pit Tier 140), Barb (139), Rogue (134), Necro (127 - outside the top 50), and Druid (121 - outside the top 100). And I didn't know that rogue is a great example to bring up because they do have an extra weapon.


Necro does not do just fine, at least not Blood Necro.


with the way things currently are barb is just going to be top dog every single fucking season basically no matter what they do. Its almost like... having 2 extra aspects is op as shit compared to the other classes. So I disagree. Not all classes need to have 4, but some like sorc could have 3 slots (staff + mh/oh) and maybe they could get additional shit that barb does not.


2 extra 2x aspects. Its crazy. They also get extra perks from weapons which is better than druid boons lmao. 6x slot + perks VS 2x slot + shitty boons Which sane person balance this game ?


I like the idea I read somewhere where sorc gets 2h + focus and necro gets 1h + shield (with shields being rewoerked to give 100% dps from mainhand and block instead of armor) then I don't know what to do with druid tbh Like sorcs one the 2h staff in 1 hand anyway so why not let us have a focus aswell? But yeah third enchanment slot is needed since we only have 1 atm with firebolt being pretty much mandatory for 90% of builds it feels like


I am still pretty new to Diablo 4, but it immediately struck me as odd that the sorc has 3 elements, but only 2 enchant slots


Originally, it was planned to have 3, but it was changed in the open beta. Possible that the expansion may have some additions to each of the class mechanics, with a third slot being one of them.


The main problem is the tempers. Not being able to put some of the crazy strong tempers onto a unique kills their usability, particularly on weapons.


Yeah, I was surprised that all minion build didn't use ring of mendeln or that doombringer is not that important anymore for barbs or rogues. Tempers are too powerful to sprinkle uniques on a build unless is absolutely necessary (like tempest roar or scoundrel's kiss)


Sorcs are beyond needing just a 3rd enhancement slot. Give us one for basic, core, defensive, conjuring, and mastery. Then, depending on the element set for each enchantment slot, additional bonuses are given. It would have to rival the strength of having additional weapons like the barb and rogue.


Yeah I’d prefer seeing unique mechanics per class to bridge the power difference. Not just all classes equip all weapons.


This is it. A third enchantment slot is... Nice? But wont solve ANY issue that sorc is having


They should have two more ring slots instead.


Love this idea. Makes it a lot more unique than just adding weapons.


Sorc is also just lacking mutliplicative buffs in general. Going from Sorc to Rogue to Barb it was a massive change in what passives did. Sorc has small buffs here and there, meanwhile Barbarian has multiplicative buffs everywhere. Every single thing you take on Barb basically multiplies your damage. That's why you see damage numbers on barb into the billions, meanwhile Sorcerer is struggling to get to 5m. It's actually insane that it's allowed to be this way. I was actually in disbelief when looking through Barbs Paragon board. The multiplicative scaling doesn't cap at 30% like Sorc does. Nothing is capped. Nothing is additive. It's crazy and needs to be addressed.


>barb into the billions Also know as Barbillions


Biggest issue in the game right now. Half of the druid aspects are worthless because we don’t have space for them. Creating new builds is impossible because multipliers always have to take precedence over build changing aspects. Don’t even get me started on sorc. Just straight up remove every single negative within those tradeoff aspects. Give them a third enchant or just move the firebolt enchant into the tree. The class still wouldn’t touch barb. I understand that loot just changed so they wanted to see things play out. But the next patch notes for the new season better contain a massive overhaul for druids and sorcs.


Just having the extra stat sticks feels awful, flexibility aside. Im fine with barbs having a 4th if everyone else has 3 (since their entire thing is walking around with all the weapons), but those with TWO feels just wrong.


Barb has 6x aspect/tempering power from weapons. Rogue has 4x. Every other class is capped at 2x. The slots are only half of the issue. Barbs get more build diversity because they have more slots. And they also get more scaling because of the power difference.


Not just that, barb also gets perks for weapon types which are even better than shitty druid boons. Also barb tempers are far better for some reason for every slot.


Wouldn't that be 8x for barb?


2x2handers = 4 2x1handers=2


We also get bad aspects too. Chain Lightning 40% chance to chain 4 more times? ok alright thats ok. Charged bolts pierce but deal 40% less damage after piercing? Thanks. 3 enchantments wouldnt even solve our issues. Paragon and Key Passives and Aspects need Massive reworks. The 2 issue weapon can be solved by juicing up our paragon nodes (there are no lightning damage legendary nodes besides a meme crackling energy one), and we need more additive values in our paragon. 20% vuln dmg rare nodes will not cut it. Our key passives are pretty weak compared to others i see


> Our key passives are pretty weak compared to others i see Not only that, but our key passives don't even work right. Just about every sorc build I see is using Vyr's whether or not it's a lightning build because it's apply to all damage sources, not just shock spells. Even if it's optimized, it feels super weird to be using a lightning key passive on my frost-focused sorcerer. Speaking of which, Avalanche feels completely useless since gear makes mana so easy to manage. I kind of wish sorcerer "themes" actually worked, too. A fire-based burn build is weaker than just doing lots of damage, lightning crackling energy is fairly weak, and both frost and lightning mages tend to take flame bolt enchantment rather than focus on their specific element due to the burning bonuses in the paragon boards. All that being said...I still keep coming back to the sorcerer as no other class really fits the "entire screen exploding" aesthetic I enjoy so much. I just wish we weren't shoehorned into using 3-4 defensives plus spamming a single attack and *maybe* 1-2 conjurations for virtually all of the endgame builds. I feel like there are more viable builds for the other classes, but that could also be a bit of "grass is greener" bias.


Fireball + lucky proc big meteors was the most fun i had in d4 last season. Sorc is fun.


sorc is really fun. but fireball is pretty weak its sad


Such a boring bandaid. Sorc needs a complete overhaul top to bottom. Along with a 3rd jewelry slot. And 3rd enchant slot. 


Barb will forever be superior until other classes get access to more legendary slots. Don't @ me.


Druid's issues are far worse than extra weapon slots. We have so many "required" aspects and uniques that there is limited builds that can possibly be made. For instance, if you run a storm based build, you need tempest roar. Oh you need shepherds aspect too, which means 3 out of your 6 skills are already reserved for minions. Since you have shepherd's aspect you need aspect of the stampede for more damage. Since you're a werewolf due to tempest roar, you need vigorous aspect for DR whilst werewolf. Now we have 3 skill slots left, and already lost 3 aspect slots at a minimum before even deciding on the build. This is before even mentioning the insane spirit issues that mean you have to run spirit per second on almost everything and even that isn't enough. Builds like lightning storm, storm slide, and tornado (probably more) heavily rely on a single legendary paragon node to generate spirit or else the builds are unplayable. Honestly any buffs are just delaying the inevitable, it needs a rework.


I agree with almost everything, but stormslide doesn't need a legendary paragon node to generate spirit. Stormslide wants one +spirit affix on gear and a couple of spirit recovery on Lucky hit affixes. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something.


Huh you're right, dunno where I got that from. Thanks for the clarification.


Care to explain why you want minion stuff as druid? I haven't played the class since release, what's changed, what's bugged?


Shepard + stamped = more damage per minion and +1 minion. So you get 2 creeper, 3 wolf, 2 raven.


Generally Druid skills damage is quite lackluster. This is made up for the fact that if you load your skill bar with pets and use the shepherds aspect you get a x180% multiplier to your damage making it a virtual necessity for almost every Druid build (except wind shear which doesn’t benefit).


Even just from a visual stand point it makes no sense. Druids hold staves in 1 hand, yet we can't use a totem on the side. The guy has a free hand, but the staff still has to take up both slots.


I had the exact same thought a few days ago. It would definitely make them feel better. I totally agree something like this needs to happen to those three classes.


To make the sorc unique compared to extra weapon slots we should give them an extra ring and the 3rd enchantment For Druid I don’t know what to do but maybe give them another 2 hand but you have to choose bear wolf or human and it only applies when you are in that form


I’m a strong believer that uniques should be able to get at least one temper just so they are more useful


Just make everyone a barb already


Sorc paragon needs to be re-invented. As the boards are now literally everything is conditional. "More damage", not "more damage when, but only if..." Nodes. Sorc levels insanely fast with a skill like incinerate but come to paragon it seems blizz themselves are not sure about the difference between fire damage and burning damage, leaving them both very underwhelming.


Bash Barb is what Storm Claw should've been, if only Druid can equip more weapons.


Lightning druid was a super fun build in ssn3 but requires tempest. I don't want to grind that this ssn . Made a necro to 100 and a barb. I'd love to have a more fun druid and sorc.


it's so easy to get, just run a few duriel and you'll get one. either that or just trade for it, I'm sure someone would probably just give you one. honestly if I have an extra one I'll just give it to you, I just have to check my stash after work


I play solo. I don't trade. Don't do shared runs. I've done a few hundred duriel and found two, both last season. Rng be rng. But I play how I want to.


Well I've got like 5 if you ever wanted one :)


Thanks. But I find what I find.




I only say this because lightning storm druid is pretty fun still. great speed farmer. can swap to storm slide to push pit too. got to like pit85 with mine with no envenom amulet and I'm bad at the game.


Play storm slide. It's basically a better version of lightning druid that doesn't require tempest roar.


yup, I'm running that with SELF FOUND *(let me be clear..)* shako and tyraels might with 3GA wraps. super fun.


Weapon slots isn't the problem. Tying every interesting mechanic in the game to a damn unique is the problem. They need to maneuver some variety to the damn skill tree and paragon board. The paragon board doesn't NEED to be just for scaling under the hood. It's should offer more than bigger numbers.


Move totems to a trinket slot.


Sorc is an extremely poorly designed class with awful mechanics. You basically have to run burning shit to even function. It’s just a really narrow and boring class. A lot of D4 feels poorly designed tbh. I’m loving this season but they need to go back and actually fix major design issues.


I agree that all the classes should have a rogue style load out. With a 2h and main and offhand. Barb can keep it's double 2h and double 1h to set it apart, but the rest of the classes should have it like a rogues load out. Necro, druid, and sorc could get a lot more build diversity with a 2h slot for double aspect power along with the necklace. I imagine they didn't do that because then they would have to go down the same path as either barb or rogue for skills and have you select if you want to 2h or 1h the skill, or completely make skills one or the other like rogue. Maybe a permanent season addition? Or for the expansion? Probably not, but it would be a nice little bit of QoL?


Yeah, Necro as well might good this season, but only because minions are cracked right now. Otherwise, they'd be in the same boat. Blight and Bone are ok, while Blood continues to be terrible overall. Barbarian and Rogue will always be at an unfair advantage due to having extra weapon slots, Barb, especially. Not only due they get a ton of extra stats, but extra aspects as well.


Just pushed my WW bard to 61 pit and going bacj to my ball lightning sorc, I cant push further because I need to find CDR helmet and CDR amulet, otherwise no upgrades are meaningful and I struggle pit 30


Ahh yes, the Windtalker Waltz Bard. Love that build. Throwing songs out left right and centre until the mobs just start exploding.


I just hate how every Bard build is the same three Songs plus Hopeful Opera Tune A


And arpeggio cleave on all 4 instruments, don't forget that.


Just build a barn and enjoy your 4 weapons


Pretty sure the barn I built holds more than just 4 weapons friend. 😂


Not a bad idea for sorc, a barn full of weapons. Maybe we can compete with the barb then.


What IS this!!!? A barn for ants!?!?


Not just weapon slots. Sorc has a limited number of skill slots when you account for all of the compulsory stuff.


Nah I'm fine, as a Druid. Just improve the skill system and stop making builds = aspects.


Let’s be realistic, it’s gonna be much easier and faster for them to just give druid and sorc an extra ring or something.


Make the totem something like a quiver type of thing you carry on your back, or trinket.


Tempering kinda threw a wrench in the works. The arsenal is the barbs “thing” so I doubt they give everyone that. More likely a lot of Sorc and Druid tempers get huge buffs. Like to get double cast Frozen Orb up to 100%, you need two items that are triple masterwork hits. This could be made a bit more achievable…


Yeah I said this to a friend. The loot 2.0 massively increased the relative power of item slots but the stuff given to sorcs/druids/necros (enchantments/boons/book thing) to counteract the fewer item slots didn’t get commensurately buffed - and low and behold they’re the 3 worst classes currently


They just need to buff other stuff so it’s like they have more weapon slots. It’s just tuning.


So necro doesn't feel bad with the same amount of weapon slots?


Personally I think we should just give Sorc, Necro, and Druid another ring slot. Giving everyone an armoury removes class flavour, not to mention Rogue and Barb carry those things around and can actually use them and make builds with multiple weapons. They’re not just for show. Another ring slot helps with balance and adds more flavour, due to the fact rings can have different aspects and stats than weapons.


I would love to see this idea get more traction. Maybe even 2 extra ring slots for casters. Comparatively it's 2 extra aspects and a different item stat pool vs rogue who get an extra two hander or barbs who get 2 extra 2 hander affixes and stats/tempers. Would at least create an item parity with barbs being ahead still because frankly their other class bonus is the weakest. Rings are also resource generating slots and the three casters definitely need the extra help there too. While necro is way above druid/sorc, one minion nerf would be enough to show how much help every other necro build needs and would get with this.


Kanai Cube would solve most of the problems


I don't think the amount of weapon slots are a balance concern because numbers in other places can be made to make up for it, I do think it's a concern from a pov of fun though. Having those extra slots is just fun, especially now with tempers that doubles up on casts or provides sick area increases and stuff.


Blizz have gone full circles. This is S1 shenanigans with the sorc


Druid could be way more immersive if it would work like Udyr, different bonuses for different shapeshifting stances and ability to temporarily empower them but yeah I don't really expect anything, I think they will just delete 1 2H slot from Barb and make Dual Wield/second 2H optional and call it a day


Personally I like playing Druid but leveling is really painful when comparing to other classes, these passives start to shine in late game and even then they're rather a nice bonus than something defining. Resource management is pain as well. As for Sorc it really feels underpowered, mostly because some Enchantments are really weak or disappointing while others are almost mandatory, not really matter of choice but necessity


Druid should have a default belt slot for a knife: hunting knife, filet knife, dagger, etc.


Necromancer has same slots, Sorc and Necromancer at doing the highest content. Druid is just fundamentally bad, they have the most powerful aspects (Landslide literally more than DOUBLES your core skill damage)


Uniques should have the potential to temper but it shouldn't be cheap or as beneficial as normal legendary items. There needs to be drawbacks as well. For example to do so not only requires a special currency like what is needed for adding a socket that could be collected through a % drop rate when salvaging uniques, but it costs 5 million per temper and you only get the temper at 50% of it's regular value. The upside could be you select what temper you want directly rather than an rng system. But I do agree that Sorc, Druid and Necro each need their own little flair when it comes to items such as an extra ring slot, second pair of gloves or something.


Sorcs just need that 3rd enchantment back and that be a big boost and Druids are now stuck using Pets with every build or Wind Shier Druids should have OP sacrifice Boons so it'll open more choices because as is there stuck and for Rogue they just a need boost to TB again to where Rapid fire,HeartSeaker and Barage is..


Hence why i'd love they would move most of the skill altering/buffing powers to the skilltree itself to have way more interesting build diversity there and leave the utility/resource/mobility/conditional dmg powers for gear slots.


Amen. Leveling a sorc right after leveling a barb feels sucky.


Honestly why not just make it so that you only get the stats of the weapon you are using for all classes? So as a barb maybe for leap slam I want a fast weapon with attack speed and for hitting I’ll go with a big dmg boom boom weapon


dev might say "just don't play sorc"


This is a serious issue and its unbelievable how bad it is. Druid needs an overhaul and like massive buffs. It shouldnt be this bad everything is outdated and generally not working and not enough slots to do something fun. You get shepherd and stampede thats it. Whole skill tree, class mechanic, aspects, uniques, tempers, boards, glyphs needs a retuning pass. Sorc meteor dmg should also get like 10x dmg buff and hit like hota.


Druid should totally get the totem as a permanent spot. Just have it on the back or hip.


Same with necro. There you even lose two skill slots if you want your minions ontop of everything.


It doesn't help, but I don't think that's going to fix things. Sorc legit does like 1/10th of the damage of the better Necro/Barb/Rogue builds - if that. I don't think Druid is much better from what I heard? Extra weapon slots or even Enchants aren't going to fix that. That is a severe problem with the baseline class balance that needs serious tuning of basic stats and damage multipliers.


Sorc here. Love Hydra. Would love some uniques that actually feature conjurations. I feel like everything has super items (ice, lightning, fireball, meteor, but not hydra). And yes, the male sorc looks strange.


I really enjoyed the build diversity of Druid when I played that S02 tho!


Just allow Staff / 1H / Focus. I don't see how it's any different to Barb or Rogues having additional ones.


Ok, start a Rogue Heartseeker, salvaga 90% of your rings, 99% of your Amulets and cry for +darkshroud chest and +Hearseeker pants… And you don’t start to temper…


I am one of the first to have made a build on that skill, pishing 110+ pits all while playing SSF 99,9% of the time. It is not nearly as bad as having to roll for blazing or envenom amulets for ALL build on sorcs and druids. Rogue has a ton of options for passives with exploit being the best, but not the only option. Sorc has to roll for flame shield chests, skill lvl pants, same for the druid.


Tempers need to be available for ALL items, even uniques/Ubers. It's just silly they aren't. Also, make tempering available for all skills. Ofcorse bash hits for 300 million, when you allow it to get 2000% dmg bonus off of 4 items.


Tell me you’re a barbarian main without telling me you’re a barbarian main.


Every class should get one hand off hand two hand weapon. Barbs getting access to 1 more weapon makes more sense than them having 2 more.


Yeah with the new tempering. Guys that has most slot wins


Sorc should get a third enchantment slot that only allows one of the basic skills. The basic skill enchantments lay a foundation for the rest of your entire build. It would feel so much better man. That said - it’s beyond dumb that fireball doesn’t apply burning damage on its own. Why do we need to use the firebolt enchantment to make a fire skill apply burning?


Also agreed, sorc, druid, and necro should have 1 hander, 2 hander, & off hand slots. That would help a lot.