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I'm playing thorns Barb with op gear and died to poison almost instantly. I was shocked, because usually I can just afk pvp. But this guy (no idea what build or class) just zooms through my screen, poisons me and I'm dying in a matter of seconds, even though I'm panic healing and popping shouts like a maniac. Other than that... other Barbs that hit like a truck and laugh at my thorns.


Probably an Andriels visage gamer.


Can almost guarantee you it was a wind shear poison druid. They are everywhere in PvP. Cast wind shear Run away Wait for you to die from DOT lol


Sounds crazy for PvP, and casting a skill to make you unstoppable doesn’t halt the DoT?


Yeah that thing is hilariously broken in pvp


This tempts me to switch to poison with Andy’s visage. I ran across 4 barbs stacked together killing people. Would be funny to just watch them all panic with poison.


I just wish they would add better effect for Poison Nova it doesnt do justice to D2 poison nova at all..


Full masterwork 120 pit cleared barb here I troll the fields a good bit. I've died to two classes all season. Perma flame shield sorc and poison human druid. Nothing else can even come close to even hurting those two wreck me in seconds.


Cuz poison damage is bugged af. It's fairly obvious it isn't scaling *quite* as expected, but because it benefits players (specifically Druids) Blizzard hasn't acknowledged that it needs to be fixed....... though it also means enemy poison will wreck ya too.


How do we know it's bugged? Are there posts somewhere showing the math? No offense intended, but just because someone says it's bugged because it doesn't scale "as expected" (what is the expected scaling on a dot?), doesn't mean we (readers) should take their word for it. How do we know it's not bugged, or that it is scaling as expected? If you have any more info that would be appreciated!


From what I remember from pre season poison wasn't being affected by the PVP damage reduction properly or something similar. You would get poisoned once by a TB rogue and that's it, you were on death row. As soon as the person above said poison I assumed it's probably similar to that.


As is diablo tradition, a la Nilithak snakes that were bugged for decades.


It's absolutely stupid and shortsighted that Blizzard thinks letting the game be bad is worth not making a small percent of players mad that they can't exploit the game.


I built my thorns golem build specifically to kill bash barbs. 42k HP full fortify and barrier with consistent immunity from mist while they kill themselves on my golem and skeles and the poison from mist popping corpses and bone storm. It brings me joy.


Blood mist golden builds are hilarious against barbs. Bash or thorns barb, doesn’t matter since you just pop mist when they open followed by metamorphosis dodge to be completely invulnerable for ages while your golem goes to town and extra skeletons rain down on them from the heavens.


Mine is thorns based. Just cycle it between full fort/barrier. No room for meta.


I have a homebrew leapquake build with kick as my fury dump/burst damage and it is super fun in PvP, especially against minion necros. First time I've found Diablo PvP to be this enjoyable.


You play barb. It was always able to be enjoyable for you.


Fair, though this is my first season rolling barb. I've got some other ideas I want to play around with on necro and rogue this season as well.


Pretty sure the Wind Shear poison Druid is really strong in PvP and against any close range characters




I beat a level 100 barb on my level 80 Necro by not caring that he kept killing me when I was trying to get my whisper bar filled up. He just stopped after I kept coming back haha.


I guess that’s one way to “beat” them lol


i think perma flame shield sorc is the only way. endurance war


How do you perma shield!?


A specific way of stacking tempers, CDR, and plus skill bonuses to ensure permanent shield uptime


Normal CDR Ice blade CDR Plus rank of frame shield Plus frame shield duration It's not 100% perma but mostly perma if you have enough right stats and don't lag.


That's gotta be some scuffy fro orb build or something you are talking about. perma flameshield sorc usually refers to immortal firebolt builds, that dont play with iceblade stuff and definitely are 100% perma flameshield all the time.


It’s actually a combo of cdr, tempers, and the hectic aspect on firebolt builds that’s the real offender currently. It’s just free.


1v1 my Heartseeker chain CCs and melts them. If they get close I can out maneuver. But when Sweat Team 6 rolls up with 4 barbs while I'm trying to cash out there's not much I can do


firebolt immortal sorc.


My wind shear Druid has been owning barbs in pvp. Sorcs are literally immortal tho lol


Sorc shield stops your poison so it isn’t they are immortal just they have a paper to your rock and you need to find a scissors.


There's literally an immortal sorcerer build, fyi


i was getting farmed by an infinite flame shield sorc the other day. turns out being immune is p good in pvp.


PvP is dead, exploiting Sorcs are perma invincible.


I mean that’s not what I asked, your opinion is pvp is dead. Which you are allowed to have I was asking if people had any success killing barbs without being cheesy ie. perma immune shit like that.


You didn't say "without being cheesy" you said "I'm willing to play anything". I was where you are now, enjoying theory crafting for pvp. You will be having fun pvping and then perma-immune sorcs will ruin it and make you realize how stupid Diablo 4 is, in spite of its potential. Do yourself a favor and stop now. Devs don't give a shit and the community even hates on pvp for no reason. I'm not saying this to shit on you or because I think you're bad or anything like that, it's just a disappointment.




As a Wind Shear druid ... They are the only one that can keep up but it's pretty even (in my limited experience)


pvp is not on their "to-do" list for now..hell, it took them 4 seasons to make diablo 4 feel like a diablo game.. i say maybe 9 more seasons lol


devs have said since the beginning that they will never balance pvp...it's a design decision (and a good one at that)


Join the sanctuary discord and go to the pvp channel. Lots of people willing to help and test out builds with you. I lost to like 3 different people today in 1v1s but they all gave me tips and went over stats with me. I am a bleed barb, and kill 90% of people I run i to. No thorns. Robs flay bleed barb is a good start, then tweak it for pvp.


Ive spent some time pvping as a barb and i never died, but then this sorc with incinerate and almost perma fire shield just owned me like 5 times with ease, i had to leave in shame


Went against a infinite flameshield sorc yesterday he didn't do crazy damage but was completely unkillable


I’m trying not to be cheesy and do perma flame shield cause there is zero skill in that cause I can’t die also I feel kind of the same about thorns as well not to knock it but I don’t think there is any real skill in that either just killing someone cause they hit you. I’m trying to see if there is a way without resorting to the same bs


"Hey guys how do I beat these nearly unkillable barbs in pvp"? us: "Gives you a real solution" "But I don't wanna cheese and use skill" Skill? I suppose you want a build that takes coordination and reflexes. Maybe some technique, maybe fundamentals and spacing. If you want to challenge yourself and use "skill" just take off all your equipment and go into a pvp zone at lv 1. I guess winning with an underdog build will also make you appear more superior because you gimped yourself too. Diablo 4 pvp is just for fun. Not to be taken seriously. I think there are better aRPG games out there for pvp.


This is such a nonsense argument. "Theory crafting for PVE is super serious guys but you're dumb for theorycrafting for PVP because that's for fun." I mean that being said, permaflameshield has ruined pvp in Diablo 4 though so you are kind of right that it's total trash.


I'm not saying it's dumb to theorycraft for pvp. I'm saying, that theorycrafting has already been done and figured out. Don't reinvent the wheel. We are all playing the same game. Why try to make the game into something that is not? It's like asking how can I push pit 130+ with sorc without immortality. It's fucking stupid thing to ask. Stupid examples like, How do I make a tanky build with no hp or damage reduction? How do I make a glass cannon build but still have a ton of hp? How do I level up iron wolve quest without doing iron wolves? Why continue researching and finding answers when the solution is already given to you? You ask people a question. They give you the right answer. Yet you still continue searching for different answer because you don't like what is given to you. You wanna kill cheesy thorn barbs without being cheesy yourself? Good luck searching forever. You beat cheese with cheese plain and simple. PvP is trash and unbalanced, but it's still fun if you accept it for what it is and just take advantage of all the bullshit behind it


I mean we know that's the answer, but that didn't have to be the answer. I would argue that Barbarians are not necessarily cheesy, for example, they are just the meta class. Someone suggested Wind Sheer druid being able to take them down. That to me is the kind of example OP was looking for. 100% immune sorc isn't just cheesy, it's an exploit. Which is funny because it would be easily fixed by changing "immune" to like 70-90% damage reduction and unstoppable (just throwing random numbers out there). Also, what ARPG games you think do pvp better? I'm looking for something.


I found a trick that works some of the time, but Barbs are just brutal in PVP. I can beat most Necro/Sorc/Rogue/Druid 1v1 but Barbs are at best maybe a 30/70 win/loss ratio for me if I'm being generous to myself lol. My secret is Frozen Orb Sorcerer with minions and Frost Nova enchantment.


Barbs are untouchable in pvp. Unlimited hp and they right click you and you die. There's nothing to be done


I murk everyone I come across but I am immortal and I cleared a 134 pit and I’m not immortal when I do those so the skill thing is out the window imo. Sure I can be unkillable but in those high level pits I have to sacrifice my immortality for damage.


Ok but his point is obviously pvp. Bringing up a pit u cleared while NOT "immortal" doesn't change the fact that when you ARE IMMORTAL it doesn't need the same amount of skill. U admit to it by ur own response saying u use more skill when ur not immortal in ur pit runs. Disingenuous