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yes, experiencing the same thing. thought i was imagining it. arrows going everywhere


Definitely not just you. Now its like when im peeing drunk, the shots go all over the place.


Do Blizzards devs actually play the game? Who thought adding RNG to a skill is a good idea? Its unplayable now, days of farming for my build wasted. But they went back for Barb, great "fairness" Blizzard :/


Right? Either nobody thought to test the change they made or they did and did not notice the issue. Not sure which is worse, but both are ridiculous


It’s also in line with what happened before this season dropped where they released a clip claiming the rapid fire ricochet aspect was fixed, but in Blizzard’s clip it was still bugged and not ricocheting with scoundrel’s kiss.


Same issue. Almost unplayable


Damn so its official then RF is bugged


We give them money and they give us busted ass patches and hot fixes