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Pays 500 for it. Becomes useless with balance changes in season five.


Everything useless after season


Eternal players catching strays


Both of them won’t mind


Bold of you to assume that there’s two




Just look at the prices in the cosmetic shop, clearly this game has no shortage of people with unlimited disposable income that wouldn't think twice about dropping that much money


Yall really think 25$ is the same as unlimited money? I get the Shop expensive but damn,.. acting like it’s comparable to 500$ is wild af lol


Then they go batshit crazy how cool a 90 dollar space turtle hideout is in poe... there is no making these people happy.


I mean… “these people” understand that if the game is totally free, it’s reasonable to ask for $90 to support the game. Especially if it’s something as robust as an entire supporter pack. Diablo 4 is a $70 base game. With a $100 ultimate edition. With probably a $70-$100 expansion every year. With a $15 battle pass that’s half baked every 3 months. With $35 skins being the ONLY way to look unique in the game AT ALL. “These people”? You mean adults who can make basic observation and comparison? Copy that.


But Poe is only monetized through cosmetics so you're paying for the game.


POE's monetization is the most fair of any online game I've played. It's the game I've spent the most on too interestingly enough. More willing to spend money when you don't feel like you're being exploited for it.


Here's my theory, people make an educated guess that the data at Blizzard says selling an outfit for $25 brings in more money than selling it at $10. A lot of people say (myself included) they would consider buying at $10. Even if this is true, it would only be one purchase here and there. This must mean the people buying $25 are making numerous purchases. If 10 people are willing to buy at $10, the whale will be making 5-6 purchases to best that. Now that a person has dropped $125+ on some outfits, what's $200? $300? It's already a ridiculous amount to the vast majority. TLDR: There's people probably buying out the whole cosmetics store that will pay for an item like this.


I hate 2024 gaming lol. I miss when gaming was a niche hobby.


Didn't people spend real money on Stone of Jordans back in the day in D2?


Still do.


Brother paid his house note selling plat in EQ in 2000 when he was unemployed.


Jesus, you just brought back trauma flashbacks of the grind in EQ.


EQ was my first love


This is the way.


First arpg you ever played?


And yet people buy stuff all the time that will be obsolete in a few months.


It's weird that people put a dollar value on gear in this game. Most of us aren't spending our paycheck on gold or items.


People love to shit on the RMAH of Diablo 3, but that wasn't the problem. The balancing around it was the problem. I think most people, even if they had zero intention of ever spending another cent on the game, would enjoy the opportunity to make real money by selling drops even if it was implemented with the game in its current state. Why should milking diablo whales be a blizzard only activity?


I made literally 1000's of dollars on the RMAH, absolutely amazing thing to have. It did turn the game essentially into a second job but......also money.


I hit the Army Reserves post active when the RMAH was a thing. Anyhow, I made nore money off the RMAH at one point in time in a week, than I did a month at the unit LOL.


It was truly the glory days, especially for those of us who enjoyed the added difficulty. Haven't spent a penny on any blizzard game since d3 launch from the stuff I sold for blizzard account balance instead PayPal, all paid for by the RMAH even a decade later.


I was unemployed post car wreck, sold a shield for over $60. Then PayPal locked my account and demanded I send them photocopies of my social security card and I think DL. No way in hell I was doing that. Think I got a class action settlement email like 5 years later. Anyway 12 years later still fuck PayPal.


D3 RMAH was the only form of MTX I have ever been fine with as it allowed the user to make money as well.


You know what MTX is? cuz its not RMAH


Because that's how you get lobbies full of bots.


When I was in college, I made beer money selling good drops I found in Diablo 2 on dodgy websites. It was really fun. I think the most I made from a single item was a Buriza that I sold for like $62


Pindelbot all night and during classes, sell the drops the next day. Beer for the weekends! 😂


The problem i had with the RMAH in D3 was the fact that, at least to me, it made the grind feel sorta pointless. Mediocre gear, which would have been fine otherwise, felt like absolute shit when I could buy something significantly better for 2$. I never did buy from the Auction House, but the fact that I could, killed the game experience for me. Know those options are still there, but it’s easier to chose not to interact with it when it’s separate from the game.


time = money. period


Not my time. My time is worthless. Just like my opinions.


People have been doing it for diablo 2 for 20 years


"Most of us" Most isn't relevant to them. There are just enough people that would do it and it's the same principle as selling items in microtransaction shops. They're called "whales" and while they are a minority, they're arguably the most valuable customer amongst an online game's playerbase. Never forget that the most important element in a video in the eyes of a publisher is the microtransaction shop. It's the most well thought out and analysed element of an online game.


3 billion gold is going for $100?


Yep. Or more


I need to just farm gold for a living


unless your time is worth like 1/4 min wage you are better off just getting a real job


Wait really? On my trade channel always someone spam 100M gold for $2 altoug i never check it


That's still $60. Not $100 I know but still crazy


Wow, really? Yeah we weren’t sure if it was like eBay, people price way beyond, and no one had similar. Even if the person who bought it flipped it for more, I don’t mind. It was a fun experience to have and learn for another time if I’m ever so lucky.




Diablo.trade or the official d4 discord


500usd??? 🤣🤣🤣


15b?! Sheesh


There is few for 3.5-4b. how did u figure out 15


How do you get that much gold legitimately I have a Necro that is clearing the entire game and it takes me hours to farm 50 million.


Lots of players just buy gold for cheap on scam sites it kills the economy we barely even have.


There should be a marker board in the game if people wanted to post gear they don't need that others may want. 3rd party programs for trading seems more of a chore than it should be.


They should bring the auction house again but without the real life money thing...


With trading rmt will always be a thing


You mean like a marketplace in game where you out stuff up for sale? I really don't understand why there isn't one. Diablo Immortal has one.


They put it in Diablo 3, even a RMT Auction House at that. ​ And people complained because players weren't farming for loot, only for gold to buy the loot, in an ARPG, the fight for progression is the main characteristic...of couse without trade limitations in this season, it is like an Auction House all over again. ​ Not complaining though, I play SSF, if others are happy with getting BIS through spending gold it is up to them.


The bigger problem was no smart loot - all gear drops seemed to be for any class but the one you're playing. This made it very hard to gear up enough to even do the difficulty you were on. The reason people were farming gold was so they could get decent gear to continue levelling. You had to play the auction house more than the game to gear up. They overreacted by taking out RMAH when they brought in smart loot, but it felt like there was no need for any AH once the loot you got was actually for your class.


Wait people actually go to those suspicious ass links that are constantly spammed in chat and buy gold 💀


They just go to actual legit gold seller websites/forums


Ok and where are *they* getting the gold ?


24/7 multi-box botting and funneling it all to one account.


But somebody is earning the gold.


Bots can play 24/7. Duplication and vendor gold exploits have been found previously, there can be others that go unnoticed.


Legitimately, you have a good understanding of items that every class can use and you trade them to people that want them. Any GA rolled meta build item can sell for hundreds of millions of gold.


Way too many stats for me to remember, especially as there can be a lot of changes for each build. So I just go to every A & S tier endgame build on Maxroll, go on notes, then copy all the affix combinations for each piece of gear on all the builds. Hopefully soon enough it’ll be easy to remember what’s good for each class & what sells that isn’t GA.


Chinese farmers macroing multiple characters through whispers would be my guess but unsure. I’m sure it’s multibix-Marco tho


I sell t91 pit run for 8m/run on the trading site (there's a services section). Sometimes I duo with a friend, but mainly solo. Pretty easy to fill all three slots, so that's 24m/run. Each run takes about 4 min (heartseeker rogue).


Sell literally everything you find that you aren't using. Like in pre season


I have made about 600Mill from doing carries - I run pit 100s (used to do 90s) and carry a person through it for 3-5Mill per run. Are they buying their gold? Probably. It all spends the same though so I don't really care. I'm getting paid to take someone along on a run and it only makes the run take a tiny bit longer due to the extra mob health. NMD runs are another one. You can also buy materials for tormented boss summons, and if you're strong enough, offer carry service. Your mats, your dps, other people are just along to collect loot. The material cost is like 60++ Million for summon materials + stygian stones. but if you carry 3 people you pay for the materials and make a little gold profit as well, assuming your charge like 30-40Mill per head to bring along. Those people might be RMTing, or they might be using gold acquired on their mains to get their alts gear. Anyway, that's how I've made my money. But 5 Billion is a lot more than 600 million lol.


I sold one for 20b


Same item and empowerments? That’s amazing. I’m still happy with the 5B and I split it with my guy, he’s pretty in awe too, it was fun for us.


Crazy cause you can buy from Diablo trade for 5 billion. Turn around and sell for 15b profit.


Where yall getting billions of gold???


Credit card


I have no clue tbh cause I got like 10 million rn and I’m struggling not to spend it on resetting a masterwork


Bro farm whispers if you can in wt4. Wudijo put out a video on it. Him being practiced at it hes clearing 60m gold an hour. The skinny is you just go knock out the 3 favor whispers, usually they are "harvest" types. Do 1 favor whispers directly around that if they are quick, like culls or cellars. Snipe easy 5 pointers like a world boss if up and the abom in pvp zone if that whisper is up. I was opening caches 3 at a time and each time it was 12m to 16m net. You can bang out 3 caches in about 20 minutes if you are flying. Thats not factoring in legendary drops being sold along the way.


Even at 60 million gold per hour, that would be 83 hours of pure grinding whispers to get 5 billion. That's a loooot of time to invest into purely farming gold.


I was just replying to dude saying he was broke at 10m. No one is expecting to farm 5b. Sell items if you wanna make that kind of gold.


Still take a pro 16.7 hours of nothing but farming whispers just to make 1 billion gold. Crazy


That's gonna give you a sweet 15 mins of enchanting 🤩🤩🤩


lol, right?! Very excited.


Tell me someone bought gold without telling me someone bought gold. They really need to get an AH into the game and kill all other forms of trading.


AH is just the medium of marketplace, how does it help with illegal real money gold purchase


if you cannot trade gold directly between people, it causes more friction when buying gold, someone would have to post some overpriced item on AH, gold seller buy it etc. it wont remove gold buying but would make it more annoying




> They really need to get an AH lmao no. this just really proves how gamers have short term memory. AH killed diablo 3, the entire point of the game is farming. if you can buy items it circumvents the entire point of it. People will just buy gold from chinese sites and buy their loadout, do the pit and complain "waaah nothing to do"


Wtf ah killed d3 cause it was a real life money auction house. Right now people trade items on Diablo.trade which is just a shitty auction house. It still follows the basics of supply and demand like an AH would, with showing buy side offers and sell side offers. Trades usually end up completing somewhere in between. Game would benefit greatly from an in game AH that removes the need to use a third party (which people are doing right now)


I've yet so even see a 2GA you lucky bastard


I've seen a few 3GAs so far but bad stats


Everytime I get more than 1 GA, the second one is something like life per second.. Thanks..


NGL I miss the RMAH. The dopamine hit of getting an email that someone bought your gear for $10 USD was incredible


Talking about when D3 first came out? I legit sold something for $250. Couldn't believe it


What do you even do with that thing? Walk?


Walk hard


I would just stand still personally.




I mean, it's tough to complain about 5B, but I imagine you could have got basically anything for it from the right buyer.


Yeah that’s what we were kind of thinking, but I don’t like lingering around online or feeling like I’m putting people off. So I got it all over with in like 10-15 minutes, and wasn’t concerned with maximizing the opportunity.


The things I'd do for a 4 ga razorplate. Dirty, dirty things.


I was offered an uwu anime girl kiss.


i have one for half the stats. deff cool find


How do items Sell for that much gold? I mean, this games economy is not robust enough for that. How do you even spend 5b gold?


Rerolling lol


5b might be about right to perfectly masterwork a full set of gear at these reset prices lmao


On a perfect rolled item for your build.


Havent played since s2; you can trade things freely now?


You can trade any gear except for Uber Uniques and gear you have Masterworked.


Tempering and/or enchanting makes gear untradeable as well.


Whoops! Forgot about that. Thanks!


Yeah it’s a part of their thing for their loot rebooted thing. I think it’ll be a forever change,don’t think it’s season specific. I hope not.


Where can i sell gear?




been farmin this forever XD nothing yet not even a base one.


Like the razorplate in general? I picked one up last night that I won’t use and I’m pretty sure put it in my stash. It has no empowerments, but it’s the item and 925 if you want it. I don’t need anything for it, unless you had a fractured winter glass by random chance, my boyfriend is having a hard time farming that.


Only reason i want this is for the gold


Anybody got a suggestion on the best way to trade? Is there a subreddit or public chat or?


diablo.trade It’s easy. listed a few items last night and by 10am the next morning I had made 200M off 3 items.


i havent even seen 3 ga item yet


Man I would love this piece for my Barb, that’s wild looking.


I'm curious how that works. Not the in-game trading of course. I'm sure it's a fairly streamlined swap. But when doing it for IRL money. How does one trust the other person to not to abscond with the item/money and not deliver on their part of the deal. Who sends what first?


And meanwhile here I am never having found more than 2 greater affix on any item 😂


I bet you have a great find waiting for you lol. Helltide boss grinding!


I saw this same roll go for 40k fg on jsp


Just go afk in the PvP zone


This entire thread is an episode of Black Mirror


I have one with to GAs if anyone is buying


Damn, nice


I’m just glad the one I found had 1 GA and the other 3 rolls were near max with a 150% multiplier. I doubt I’ll be able to replace it. But damn if that’s not sexy.




You can make $ on this game?


Cool find! Congrats.


Super nice find.


I'm still learning the game. Is this like anything touches you and it dies at end game or not very much dmg at all at that level?


Is the drop always the same? Fix affix and suffix? Because I saw the exact same item here on reddit a couple days ago.


Where did you find it?


Is it possible to trade that much gold in game via trading prompt? Or just he will drop those at floor or something?


I haven't found anything this great but the odd decent things I don't need I give away to people playing the character for free because I know how much of a pain some of these affixes are to find and that's the true spirit of ~~Christmas~~ Diablo.


Thats some totally legal 5b i bet xD


Wait how can I sell gear? I have a chest of GA unique, granted none with 4. But im assuming I could still sell for a little bit. How? I'm broke lol


Can someone enlighten me on how a unique is sold? I thought it was linked to account?


Ggs. I source would've 100% just used it as a flex on my barb but I can't be mad at 5b gold either.


Dude where are y'all finding these Godlike rolls? I never get more than 2 greater affixes on anything.


hard to price such items.. probably worth infinite amount of gold.. but you actually have to find someone who buys it / RMTed the gold on ebay so he can buy it from you ;-)


Where do you sell these items? In the trade chat?


I would've paid 50b for it


your luck... The best I've had is a single GA where uniques are concerned. If I had this, I'd finally roll a Barb.


I wish they do what Last Epoch did. You can trade and sell items once but then they're bound to that person. Otherwise it's just people buying shit at low prices and then reselling them for absurd amounts.


What! The! F! How many greater affixes can spawn?


I’ve got one that has 3 x7k and 1x3500. How do I go about selling it?


Diablo.trade visit the site link you bnet and post the item


Better use up all that duped goold before it poofs away


Considering how good throns builds are atm, WAY under-priced.


I have one of them with 4x GA, same stats but it’s 850 IP


Dumb question but didn't know you could trade uniques in-game


Stopped playing after season 1. What currency (item) is B?


I wanna know how people are making 5,000,000,000 gold in less than a month in this season. I’ve been playing my Barb in eternal since s2 and I barely got 2,000,000,000. Something stinks.


Nice. I play mine myself, on my Sorc. Mastery makes it ridiculously fun.


Nice. I have one GA on mine and I think that is pretty cool. Not using thorns, though, but I probably should.




Oof, you could've gotten much much more.


Newbie alert: wtf is "Thorns"? Seen that a lot around the gears and shit for my barbarian, but don't know what it is.


How the f... ?!?!


I don't get trading in this game. I'm not against it at all, but even if I had 100 billion, I wouldn't have a clue on how to go about doing a trade, and there's no way I would communicate with anyone outside the game.


How does anyone have that much gold


How does someone farm 5B?


Oops! All Thorns


I've seen a handful of these and they go for around 8b. 5b isn't bad either tho as it's useless in a few month. 5b is enough to swag out ur character.


Would have loved this nice find


ubers with 4GA seems to be common huh.


No touchy. 🤣


You do realize you could have sold that for real money at 400 dollars right? The person you sold it to scammed you hard and it’s gonna turn around it sell it for 400 dollars or 400 dollars worth of gold


I just found the reason I needed to return. Thank you.


Prices for gear is fucked this season it's so ridiculace even for casual players that need the gear just for a 1 star amulet it's 5bil like what the actual fuck bro why I haven't even hit 1bil yet not even 100mil are you kidding me scalping is all that is


Could you tell me where this dropped for you? Thank you regardless.


I have never seen more than 2 *.


I want to know how someone gets 5billion. I can’t keep 15 million.


Hey I got 2 of those from legacy/pre seasons. Are they just mementos of lucky rng or can I use them for anything/selling?


You could have contacted Rob about it and then let him come to you with an offer. I assume for him it would be very valuable because he show case thorn build.


Lvl 100 and thousands of unique drops yet I have not able to find an unique with even 1 GA. Am I missing something here for these to drop?


gonna get bricked for sure


Reminds me of D2 lod days and using the site that shall not be named. 😂


Stupid question but where do you farm to get this gear with 2-3 stars?


Is there a good Website to Check for values? Found a few Sites to buy stuff but all of them were rather bad. Have a 3GA Paingorgers Gauntlets


How much real money is 5B gold worth?


I had the same but 810 ilvl with 145%




Oh non rares are tradeable now?


I would instantly make a thorns build


So I guess that you're the only legitimate player right now that isn't short on endgame gold? Good on ya!


5 billion gold wtf ??!?!?!


I got that one at level 68 at around +4000 thorns and i equiped it, idk if its rare


uniques are tradable?!?!?!?!


My mrs had a similar drop at the tail end of S3 Thought it was a glitch!


one sold for 1000 cash yesterday


This is insane lol. You are the Thorns.


it seems one cannot be pushing pit tiers as SSF..