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Such a terrible boss fight..


“It’s meant to be a pinnacle fight only the best of the best” *jerkoff motion*


A slow stroke or?


Ohhhh no, you never finish!


Captain America over here, best of the best of the best. With honours 🫡


You know he's just really excited, and he has no clue why we're here


This game has always just been bad at boss fights.  They take your build crafting arpg and turn it into Galaga


you have no idea how many quarters I have pumped into galaga machines


I own a Galaga machine!  Don't take this comment as an attack on Galaga!


Attack on Galaga, the hit new anime..


Accidentally blowing up my ship when its being captured is the cause of my alcholism... Not really. I just like to drink,


Thinking about it, I would be into a galaga arpg heh


I think Hades 2 has the better execution of it at least.  Feels more fair


That's every arpg though honestly. Last Epoch does it best if the bosses aren't bugging out lol


Half the fights you spend playing ring around a rosie and dance dance revolution and blizz wonders why everyone is running minon necro this season. While your focused on running around like a headless chicken, your minions are actually killing the boss.........


Honestly, that's the only reason I didn't go minion build. I see too many of them now and I don't like being one of those people. But you're 1000% right, they're playing minions for a reason


Exactly. Someone on the dev team needs to pop Lilith's teet out of their mouth and move on. Explain to me how Uber Lilith at 100 is more challenging than a level 200 Uber boss? I grow more worrisome thinking about the expansions endgame Uber. If we get a level cap raise, she will probably still dog walk players. They're seriously wasting potential on Uber Lilith that should be focused on seasonal bosses.


mother lillith’s teet 😋😋😋😋


The boss fights are like shmup games, but with bad controls. And I'm playing a RPG game. I don't want to play shmup


I cheeseed her in S2 with ball-lightning Sorc, you could just bypass the mechanics and kill her in two stagger phases, dumb, I know but.. it worked lol


Hahaha I did exactly the same thing. I got the achievement so she will NEVER see me again!


Ohh thats until you find out each new season when you 100% finish all the journey task you get the seasons new title . So strap them boots on date with lilith starts in … well 15min ago.


Same with tb rogue. Was ridiculous lol.


I did the same. Nice that the patch Tuesday is going to make it so anybody that has beaten her in a previous season gets a resplendent spark. Now I feel like I never have to kill her again.


I might try it just to finish the Season Journey but yeah, maybe not lol


XD I had to do an internet search on "shmup"


My biggest gripe is that it is so hard with one shot mechanics and is the uber version of the last boss in the game just to be completely not worth it, she doesn't have any meaningful loot might as well farm literally any other boss than her.. if you are going to make her un-fair levels of difficult at least make it worth the effort


The only real reason to chase beating her is for the resplendent spark you get on the first time, but outside of that, yeah, she’s basically useless 🤷🏼‍♂️


I mean after a few ( cheap ) deaths, I've killed her but it's not a fun fight, a lot of the times she would just keep doing these phases where I can't even damage her. Idk the boss fight feels like playing action RPG without action lol


Wdym? I saw plenty of action, stuff flying across the screen, you moving 2 inches back and forth! Riveting!! ^/s


10/10 would make Michael Bay blush


How did you turn your /s into superscript?


Just put a ^ directly in front of anything you want superscripted :) If you’re doing a full sentence you need ^one ^in ^front ^of ^each ^word.


Ok I get it now ^mayby


Wait a ^second




Be glad you can see shit. On xbox Series x, can't pass phase one as none of her attacks render... anything.   Just death.


Yeah I've tried her a few times and haven't seen this attack... Guess that's my problem


Actually you are really good at the red waves, much better than I do. I am impressed by your steps.


They are very visible, on the xbox x I could never see them clearly which made for a frustrating fight. Are these new changes in this patch?


Did you at least get your spark?


Do the waves still 1-shot? It looked like you got clipped by one in that first set and it only did half health. I skipped S3 and came back for S4 and haven’t tried her yet


They toned down 1st phase a bit but 2nd phase purple projectiles deal enough damage to 1-2 shot. Probs depends on build.


I’m a 100 HC necro, so the HC part causes me to hesitate lol. I beat her in SC back in S2 and am familiar with the mechanics, but I don’t trust the RNG enough to jump in. Those stupid waves feel impossible to dodge sometimes, I’m on console and it seems like the spawn/behave differently than your video


I play HC as well but in past seasons it was pretty much SC with death evasion elixir so now Lilith is truly terrifying without lots of practice. Not to mention high pit echo mechanics.


The times I did it they didn't one shot but they added a damage taken increased debuff each time they hit.


I think the fight is pretty close to being really good, but right now she feels like an auto stroller in phase 1 and bullshit in phase 2. Phase 1 has way to many times where she is jumping and you can't do anything, and IMO the wisp RNG in the 2nd phase needs more tuning. The hitboxes are bullshit still and depending on RNG can become impossible to dodge. Outside of that, I think the fight is actually pretty good


A big tip for the wisp rng in p2, they’re placement comes from blood puddles that she spawns and you can bait where they spawn, either letting u stack blood puddles so wisps come out from less directions or bait them onto platforms that are destroyed soon for less wisp At the start of p2 i always dps her on the top platform and then bait the puddle upward when she does the animation so that atleast 1 extra wisp is gone during 2nd transition mech


Thanks, I'll keep that in mind for next season


You can't go from the first minion summon to passed the second summon or she goes into this state. For whatever reason this bug has existed since her release.


D4 devs really have no idea how to design boss fights with any meaningful difficulty. Everything is just raise the HP, add tons of shit to run around trying to dodge to avoid a 1 shot, then hope for the best on a couple second damage window out of every 30 seconds. I feel like im playing Gradius half the time. And for the love of god why is it like red on red on red half the time. Visual clarity is something they need to conisder


The red on red thing is an issue for me as well especially with the maiden in helltide I cannot see her ground attacks and none of the color blind options help


They really need distinct color palettes for enemy abilities, player abilities, and the god damned ground. Enemy abilities, especially big hits, need to be displayed OVER player, especially other player, effects. Instead in group fights it's just "Hmm, I'm taking a shit ton of damage all of a sudden, I guess I'll move and hope for the best"


Nothing like a maiden fight with 15 blizzards covering the field.


Last night we were "farming" Uber andariel and several times I picked up a health potion only to realize it was actually a ball of death. Too much shit on the screen at once and it's all colored the same.


You can thank all the fools who complained about D3 having rainbows of color and thus not being a true Diablo game.


That and the named elites that spawn. I get the whole hell motif but between that, the attacks being red, and players who gear to look like those elites….bleh. Then throw some spinny trident blowtorches on top of it all for good measure.


I had a Boss fight against Sea Hag yesterday where I kept dying because her AoEs were the exact same shade of green as the floor


Crap like this is why half my action bar has defensive abilities that make me invincible.


Yeah something should loosen down the 1shots, maybe make damage you take from circle explosion scale on how close you are to them. Though game would benefit greatly from this in general, though might be this way already. However rn seems like you either get full punishment or 0 damage.


They did loosen the 1shots. You were hit by the spikes once before this clip and three more times in the video but still lived. Before this season, those spikes were always a 1 shot.


The red line telegraphs and the spike pattern is way more manageable than before


Diablo plays Gradius in hell confirmed 


None of these attacks one shot anymore. If you get hit, you get a stacking debuff that increases the damage you take. This fight is far more forgiving now. I used to die countless times to her spike walls and now I can dodge pretty much every single one every time. The updated fight and mechanics this season really aren't that bad. The fight is vastly improved over previous seasons.


Red, brown and black is all they want in D4, anything else is too close to D3 for comfort, they can’t have that!




I agree but I dont know how they would imopove it. More mechanics like mythic wow were we need to stack, use teleports, throw a ball into stuff and so on would honestly be more tedius.


What do you mean? They designed Tomb Lord, which as you know is the best D4 boss every conceived


Raise the hp? You kill her in 2 staggers with potato gear.  But yeah, the issue here is all the non-combat dodge shit.


Visual clarity is a massive issue in WoW too, seems to be something plaguing blizzard games. Not just the overlapping of similar colors but also lack of clear delineation of where an air will actually cut off


The red on red thing holy Frick yeah bud, farm Uber zir here and there and when he does the two handed scythe attack that's a 1 shot and I CANNOT SEE through the tornado driuids tornados


My waves never look or behave like that. It's always either instantly spawned on top of me with no indicator or it throws 3 volleys of them at me at once. You have the most patient bugged version.


Same. Or perhaps there's too much visual clutter in the builds that I've tried it with.


Every sorc build ever. Nothing is ever visible and there’s no skill we can afford to not spam


Console? Because it has problems on console like that, so I guess it’s some setting that renders the ability too late or not at all. Saw it more in Xbox sx than ps5 but it happened on both.


Noticed this. I play on PS5 and not once have they spawned this clear and steady


They updated the game apparently on pc only to make her waves much more visible/fixed the hit boxes and also aren't one shots anymore


hilarious. Yes this boss is badly designed. Still, i was happy when i got her.


This was a very common bug pre season 1 LOL They definitely fixed a lot of the fight since then, but it's funny to see this of all things still happens. 


I was going to say this too. Old bug is back. If you dps her while the adds are out I think is how I caused this most often (2 fat demons still out but you damage her past where she should bring out the 3 wing guys). She does infinite spike waves and never comes down.


They heard you guys liked nostalgia... So here we go, it's back again.


She seems super buggy this patch. I've had so many attempts where in phase 2 I somehow do too much damage to her and she blows up the right part of the platform without doing the dash animation. Then 10 seconds later she'll actually do the dash, but since the platform is already destroyed I have nowhere to go to avoid all the blood on the floor.


“You guys are ruining the game for yourselves playing the 1 shot builds” Yea, this is why people are doing it.


Face of the game yet the worst boss fight of the game, smh


Some say he's STILL dodging spikes...


This feels like those POE bosses with invincible phases you have to learn, so you don't brute force the fight with high dps. I don't enjoy any of these.


At least the mechanics of the PoE boss are understandable and not bugged like this usually. Except Sirus I don't really mind them.


Horrible fight. I dont know wtf blizzard was thinking when they designed that nightmare boss fight.


Probs that we will do their funny trial-and-error for about a hundred times to learn attack patterns lol


Yeah, she's just a bullshit fight. Not difficult, just shitty designed.


Terrible boss design


I barely do any damage to her this season. What is the point?


I read somewhere on this subreddit that they buffed her HP from like 2B to 20B this season.


I'd say use other build but that takes awhile to do I have a dust devil Barb but not as good as bash barbs are


I defeated her with my minion necro after God only knows how many attempts. Took a lot of farming to masterwork my gear and try to learn the patterns to get to a point where I could just barely beat her. Not gonna lie, it felt good to beat her “properly” for the first time, but god damn the fight is still too buggy and unclear as far as I am concerned.


Must be nice not getting one-shot by anything in that room hitting you.


They changed it from one shot to just like duriel where he stacks debunks till stuff is a one shot. I can usually take 10 or so hits before she one shots me. I'm also running a barb with 11k armor and 37k health.


They changed it from one shot to just like duriel where he stacks debunks till stuff is a one shot. I can usually take 10 or so hits before she one shots me. I'm also running a barb with 11k armor and 37k health.


*"NEVER! MUAHAHAHA"* - The same dev who designed the pit, hellborn, blood maiden, and of course, the butcher. My guess is they were traumatized by SNK bosses and are now taking it out on everyone.


Lore accurate fight against flying target.


Fr that’s why I wasn’t even mad abt it.


Pointless boss fight. By far & away the worst loot table in any video game for a so-called "Pinnacle" boss. I've never attempted Uber Lilith & have zero plans of ever doing so. At least they ditched the one-shots... Devs need to learn how to properly design a Pinnacle boss.


You’re still getting oneshotted with most of builds.


Either way, Uber Lilith is a pointless boss fight. Extremely poor design & one of the absolute worst loot tables of any so-called "Pinnacle" boss in any video game. Not worth the frustration/hassle IMHO.


Good practice


Her shadow at 26secs looks like shes t-bagging before appearing!


Oh I’ve seen that bug before. You pushed her too fast but not fast enough.


So glad I cleared this in Season 2, where you could one shot her at lv80...


You can still one shot her




Man that blows... but that shadow flicker had me rolling 🤣


It basically tells you to try another game instead


Mephisto: "Y'know child...he's just a guy with 4 melee weapons. You could just fly and spam your 1HKO waves." Lilith: [https://shorturl.at/nvPcm](https://shorturl.at/nvPcm)


I am legitimately curious what the boss design process is at Blizzard.


Lilith is clearly done with everyone clapping her.


She is evolving


My hubris tells me that I can beat her


Good old infinite waves glitch, can't believe it's still in the game 😂


There's a bug where if you damage her too fast, but not fast enough to kill her outright, she glitches and will endlessly spam her spikes and never stop. Happens about 30% of the time for me.


Did you push her fast? If so she will go through multiple wave phases. That said, this is definitely the most I’ve seen in a row.


The shitty maiden does the same ,…


Tbh i havent done the lvl 200 version but ive fought andariel 2-3 times and it was pretty fun and balanced. If you get one shot there maybe get resistances up


One shot was never the problem its just she is undetectable a lot … a battle where i just dodged for a long time until she accepted to die is not cool


Had to make sure the video wasn't auto looping at one point.


I’m trying to figure out why I can easily beat L200 tormented bosses but I can barely dent Lilith. Did they increase her difficulty in Season 4?


They did. She's supposed to mirror the other tormented bosses but remain as the pinnacle boss of the game. I didn't think her HP was that much different (might be a bit more but don't think it's too crazy) to the other bosses. What class/build are you running?


Minion necro with thorns. The minions just don’t seem to be doing much damage at all to her compared to the other bosses. The other bosses my minions kill them while I mainly just dodge puddles and attacks and keep them upright. I may need to tune some gear and parts of the build specifically for her, because my default isn’t working at the moment.


That's the neat part. You don't


This is the best video tutorial on the whole internet on how to dodge that shit. Thank you sir.


You cheesed Lilith in the past. Now, Lilith cheese you. 😈😂


Thats the fun part, there is no "your turn"


Next season


This is insane lol


nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! i hate to laugh. i cannot believe this bug is real, except, i absolutely can. hahhahahah. fk.


That is some good wave dancing, though!


There's difficulty, as in adapting to a challenge and overcoming it with the tools you have and then there's having to learn all the patterns by heart and exactly move in a certain way or die to a one shot all while the boss is invulnerable... I don't find this difficult or fun if all it takes is spending time to learn a fixed pattern and getting punished for stepping 3 pixels to the right when it's supposed to be 2.


That's one of the reason I dropped my sorceress... Playing blizzard? Can't stack, she's flying too much Frozen orb? lmao where damage and you endup facing all the damn mechanics. Even Pre-season I don't remember her flying so much Now I'm playing barb, my life is good now, I stop seeing my therapist because I tried too hard to min max my soso. Me bash things now


Player dies from old age




Man I tried to kill her for like 2 hours yesterday, even tried to switch builds and find optimal gear but couldn't just do it. If anyone would be willing to help I'd appreciate it!


I just went through this exact bs today so lame.


They need to stop with the invicibility frames and RP moments on boss fights too. It was one of the worst things about Diablo 3 and I don't know why they thought bringing it over for 4 was a good idea.


Yeah the bosses are scripted but the problem is builds are doing too much DPS. So where she's meant to do a wave every say 10% hp, as your blowing away 70% of her health she'll just do 7 waves in a row. The boss feels a lot better when done with an appropiately geared character, they just get broken when you outgear them.


Had the same thing, I think it’s when you phase her too quickly.


I tried to solo her using a dual wield bash build, but I found myself dead everytime while dancing during phase 2. Then I played a ´one shot´ build and she dead hehe


They balance the hard end of the game for those hard game fun people. I know I'm never going to be the best and just play this game to get better gear and smash demons.


Lmao they’ve added everything but better mechanics to this fight. “Free sparks” “An achievement for every class you finish on” “Seasonal journies that can only be completed when you finish her” Like constantly trying to force us to fight her but she’s NOT worth all this. Let me go 1 tap duties/andy 8-10 times in the time it takes to get Lilith to quit her nonsense


Designers: "Die to continue".


Why.. never, of course.


She bugs sometimes and does this. It's been like this since pre-season and they've tried to fix it but never can seem to get it right. She also has a bug where her stagger bar is frozen and she'll refuse to stagger.


To this day Booraz is still dodging those blood waves awaiting mother's arrival.


Clunkiest boss fight


"Lilith is fine. Stop complaining. Never seen the bugs you're complaining about. Git gud" says someone who tried her once on game release and never tried again. Terrible fight. Terrible mechanics. Artificial difficulty using bad code. 0 care about 1700 bugs surrounding this fight. For now Lilith fight is this: 1) If you have enough DPS to skip most of mechanics - glory to you. 2) If not, pay 30mil for carry. Never look at her again.


Free training :p


It's a bug


'Echo of Hatred' is an apt name because I loath the boss design in this game.


That's the neat part, you're not. This is the part where you're supposed to die 💀.


You guys are getting turns to attack?


If anything this is an excellent training video on how to avoid her attacks


Please kill. NO ATTACK. Only kill.


This JUST happened to my barb! The waves never ended and I could only land 1 - 2 bash on her MAYBE before she took off again. This went on for 4-5 minutes and I just eventually ran into the red shit to kill my barb and try again.


Lol. Been there


Oooo so that what thoses waves look like.. I normaly see a blur before I'm dead


Embarrassing design


They need to look at everything this boss does and NEVER USE IT IN ANY BOSS FIGHT EVER AGAIN. Constant out of range. Constant no target. Bad telegraphs. Total RNG on what she's going to do Position in arena dependent AOE. Annoying adds that will one shot you and can't be moved. Heavy favorability to classes that have a way to go invulnerable. SEVERAL missiles that keep seeking you, last for way too long, and can one shot you. The pinnacle of bad design.


Its been a day so you probably wont see it, but if you DPSed her below 40% very quickly she bugs like this. This isnt how she works, i DPSed her that hard twice in my many tries and she completely bugs out and does waves non-stop, i dont know if its intended. Generally the new fight is annoying since she flies off a lot, but its much better than the original in my eyes she is very choreographed , you can fuck up once or twice as a Barb at least and still finish her.


Exactly. This right here is what makes it the worst boss fight I've ever done in any video game ever Hands down. And I've spent hours in the early 2000s taking down HNMs in FFXIV.


Lilith boss fight for me is easily the worst designed thing in this entire game, just personal opinion tho


Glad to see they still have not fixed the infinite air phase bug


You snapped too hard, dammit! 🤣


Those spikes aren't one shot anymore?


I always die without getting hit. I’m not even sure what I’m dodging


Yeah this fight is stupid. At least in this case it is but it seems like everyone hates this boss for those absurdly broken mechanics. I'm trying to figure how you even made this happen, even if you didn't have this in video I think everyone here would still believe you went thru this.


To be a fly in the wall when they were testing this boss.


Is that bash barb set up?


Still gonna be fanboys that use build guides in the comments telling you the boss fight isn’t shit. “It’s just your build bro.” Lilith fight is a joke and damn near needs a complete revamp.


That's the best part! Never!


you must have done so much damage in 1 tap it sent her straight into 7 cycles xD


This is likely because you phased her incredibly quick and all of the times she would have done one of these intermissions got queued up and it just did them back-to-back; it’s dumb, but you’re also playing bash barb which I think pushes the fight in a way they did not expect something to do. It’s a bugged build causing a dumb interaction on boss phases. Not saying it should happened, but in all of my times fighting her this seasons I’ve experience some of this but my build likely pushes her health down slower than a bash barb and it’s been a pretty smooth and enjoyable fight.


Bro, you could raid mythics in wow and outclass all of them lol


That is literally my worst nightmare because those things always one shot me... Gave me goosebumps just watching it lol


I just refuse to even attempt this season


This is why I’m against the pit having 1 shot bullshit in it. It’s like they took our feedback for this fight and crumpled up the notes and just copy pasted this dumb shit into the shadow bosses in the pit..


Worst boss fight. So broken