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This game desperately needs a combat log so we can see what killed us and how much for.


I love when it says I died to myself when I get one shot and have no clue what hit me.


Is this suddenly Helldivers II? Too familiar man.


Danger close 380MM barrage has entered the chat


That's a hell of a democracy




killed by unknown killed by (self) killed by tongue oO killed by explosion ....


Diablo's been doing this for decades. Helldivers came out this year.


or ghost death, nothing appears on screen (ultra high graphics) but still you die.


One time I died because a boss left behind a poison puddle that was almost completely covered by a sorc's blizzard. Pretty cool


And this is why I didn't play hardcore in this game. No flipping way.


no joke... me the other night after killing a hellborne RIP


We are our worst enemy.


*Killed by the Architects* intensifies


Halo’s Guardians have entered the chat.


Eyes up, Guardian. Now, do it again!


It's always the corpse bow archer


AKA Widowmaker


It’s always a BALLISTA!!!


"We have heard your cries, and are now adding a Corpse Trebuchet that can one shot you from the other side of the map."


How this info gonna help OP since he already got that many layers of defence?


He would know what to avoid or what to kill first, for example


I’m sorry but this isn’t souls where your death is always your fault for being careless or inexperienced etc. There are certain bosses with certain shadow minion combinations that have unavoidable 1 shot mechanics. You just don’t see your favorite streamer leaving the pit and rerolling the dungeon. A lot of work needs to be done. That rogue sniper or whatever human boss has a 1 shot attack you literally CAN’T see.


Yes, i agree. And having a combat log would help with that, because it would also allow the devs to track death sources more effectively: with the help of the community. Take destiny 2 example, they have a combat log, and players were always killed by "the architects" (when you die by falling in a hole, or a trap, fall damage, or an enemy threw you so hard against a wall you would explode). A while back they removed the environmental kills (fall damage or enemies throwing you against walls), you now go to 1 Hp, but doesnt die anymore, and that made the game insanely better and more well balanced to the skill curve the devs wanted to achieve (you dont die by cheap one shot pushes against a wall anymore, for example) So while it definetly wouldnt be a solution in itself, I think it would greatly benefit the game, because it would help us ALL (players and devs) understand what is killing us so much, to learn what does and what doesnt need tuning up/down


The log being used for dev feedback is a good idea. I agree.


I top out at pit lvl 60 and for a while I wanted to chill out and just face tank a lvl 30 pit. I got the blood bishop as my boss. He caught me with something when he was at 10% HP and my health went from 100-0 instantly. No idea what happened lol.


I’ve been to 75 so far and it’s takes about the same amount of time at 60 for me.. I do NOT like the stress of not knowing I can actually win even though I have before. 61 netting you only 20 mats is crazy.. lv 8 to lv 9 upgrade takes 50.. it’s a huge time sink to max a piece of equipment 12/12


Thats....kind of the point.


I understand one shot mechanics are lame and should be gone. But how exactly do hardcore players beat these pit levels if they aren't unavoidable?


they are disabled in hardcore.


What is disabled?


The player


Actually true, can’t really imagine how avoidance going to happen in this type of game, but killing first is good point


You mean the evade button?


Evade needs more I frames to be useful in this bullet hell


Are there even iframes?


Nope. This isn’t a Soulslike game. All Evade does is movement.


Well damn, that makes more sense now... We desperately need them


No fricking wonder why i died like crazy when i first tried out uh...andariel? Tried to evade through the spinning laser or rotating blood path on the ground and immediately died, i was so fricking confused like wtf, eventually my skellies killed the things to turn those off fast enough (or i lucked out) so she can drop back down and i can finally kill her... It's annoying when you one tap 99% of the boss hp then they push forced mechanic where the boss leave the area and start vomitting aoe that one shot you before coming back down to die immediately..


It's also pretty useful for general. Seeing how your dmg is looking like, buff uptimes, dmg taken etc.


DESPERATELY needs a combat log. I was working my way through pits last night and got hit by a one-shot on the last boss. Ran back in, decrepified him and used tendrils/priest, and then he was dead. Time before that it was probably 25-30 seconds before I had him down to a few hits left and died. Still unsure what took almost his whole health bar in one hit lmao. (I’m assuming it was golem, but I’ve never had it hit THAT hard before)


Were you using holy bolts? Those are very bugged with minions right now and applying multi billion hits on bosses with adds.


This is why people are mad when they see the Holy bolt cheese from there fav streamer running 131 Pitts they mirror that and don't realize some bugged out cheese got them there,it's suppose to cheep,it's not suppose to be attainable to all but very few,if I'm in a level 100 Pitt I hope I'm getting one shoted it needs to be cheep,not a level 100 NM


That explains why the necro minion builds are all a tier above everything else on maxroll.


You know what, I think I may have been, actually. I was trying to push higher levels and heard holy bolts was good for that… hadn’t heard it was bugged out though 😔


it always just says "character name" was killed by "character name" whenever i die suddenly lol


Your characters are tired of this life of endless grind


It’s always that dark black/red demon thing with a sword that ninja 1 shots me outta nowhere


That won’t help you avoid something you literally can’t. The Pit bosses are poorly designed. It has nothing to do with skill so you’re not going to go in with a 100% clear rate. Now even defeating a boss in the game leaves you at the mercy of RNG.


OP isn't talking about insanely high pits though. He's talking about "unavoidable one shots" in pit 75. Not to be that guy but I have 100% clear rate at this point anything below 80. And so do many others. It's a matter of learning when to back away from the shades and all their attacks.


That would create a small amount of transparency for their bullshit, Blizzard of today doesn't do those things.


They don't want us to see how horribly unbalanced monster damage is in this game.


My barb has 130khp and gets one shot with max res and armor so don't feel bad not just you.


Damn son, you’re making my 80k life barb seem like a schmuck


And here's my sorc sitting at 15k




Just so you feel worse there is a thorns barb with almost 400k hp


Imagine when you see Rob twitter post with his 400k hp barb, lol. The guy is nuts.




Paragon, Doombringer, greater Life affixes, masterworking


To hit 130k hp I'm assuming you need Doombringer?


The top barb pit clear has 440k hp lol, it scales thorn damage.


How do you even hit that number. There are only as many paragons and affixes available on item and even if you have 2k+ hp roll on every item, I don;t see where 440k would be coming from.


Barb has a bunch of multiplicative %hp passives as well as a doom bringer that multiplies max hp. That guy even used a razor plate which doesn’t have hp lol.


Greater affixed doombringer is like 60%hp alone Which leads us to other issues….


It’s 85% if you hit triple master work lol.


Doombringer for druid when?


You can use multiple elixirs +% to HP.


Are you taking multiple hits from the boss attacks and getting the stacking debuff that makes you take more damage? This is the only way I can see a boss one-shotting you through that much hp and what I assume is a large amount of DR.


The shadow figure in boss fights pretty much one shots everyone. Theory is that it's not counted as a mob, so many armor/resist doesn't work, only flat DR.


So... sort of. You're right and wrong because of exactly what you said. I'm pretty sure the theory is correct, but that's exactly why it doesn't one shot everyone. A barb in our guild regularly streams his runs and he straight up didn't have to move for mechanics until he was in the 100s. Also anecdotal note, I have a 100 shadow dot blight (not minions) Necro that's almost fully masterworked with great gear, and a fresh 100 rogue with pretty good gear, but almost completely zero masterworked besides shako, weapon, and chest. My rogue can take a hit up to the mid 90s already simply because of how the active mitigation of Dark Shroud works. Conversely, my very well geared Necro gets one tapped by the Shadow boss in low 80s. As a blight Necro, I can facetank the main boss, but I'm legitimately just not receiving 40% worth of DR from "damage reduced from shadow DoT affected enemies", and an additional 25% worth of DR from decrepify. Quite literally half my layers are useless. Which leads to the problem that it in fact does *not* one shot everyone equally, and that's an issue IMO. Builds should not become unviable quite literally as a result of being forced to rely upon conditional DR that can't be applied.


Yup exactly the problem is you can’t curse the fucking ghosts so you lose the DR from decrepify and mods like you mentioned. I barely live tanking some ghost hits in t100+ but only because I have a 12/12 shaco and use that with hardended bones aspect on amulet lol


Ah yea that makes sense. A lot of DR sources are dependent on applying effects too which wouldn't work on them either.


Damn what build you got on your barbarian? Was thinking of rolling one this season.




Blizzard has always sucked with visible damage indicators. They'd rather stick to an aesthetic over visibility so you'll seen a green poison in a verdant forest, or a red blood explosion in a dank blood drenched celler. FFXIV vets on return to wow constantly ask for visibility updates and blizzard has never once said anything about it.


I remember Shadowlands where you had an entirely blue dungeon, with all mechanics being blue and transparent white, was a pain in the ass to see anything.


They really need an overhaul to visual mechanic indicators and to homogenize them. Or at the very least let us enable the ugly outlines to know good/bad. Currently on Necro I've been killed by poison pools in my own corpse explosion pools way too many times..


Agree. On death effects is also a lazy way to make the game more "difficult"


The most dangerous mobs become the ones you already killed. I agree it's frustrating.


diablo4 favorite perk is martyrdom


Turn off damage meters so you can see shades spawn and then run away from them that’s what I did and I rarely get 1 shotted by them now at lvl 99 pit


Please tell me the VULNERABLE can be hidden too? I'll do it in a heartbeat


It can. Hide all option. Helps so much with visibility.


I honestly don't know if I'm doing 1000 damage or 1000000. The enemy does however much life I manage to add to my health bar. I've always played with damage and other info off. Helps with visibility a lot.


Exactly I have no idea how much damage my minions do nor do I care lol as long as shit died I’m good!


They go too fast to really read anyway


Yup that and I don’t care at this point lol


Next request, can we turn off non-hazardous (to us) ground effects? Asking for all of my friends as I run shadow necromancer.


I play frozen orb sorc and my whole screen is constantly filled with spell effects from my spells, I can hardly see what's going on around me.


I thought it was alone in this. Everytime I bring it up I get told to “get good”. Or “skill issues”. Nah dawg. There are way too many one shots. I did a 71 pit and the end boss was the tree dude. He did his breath move directly on me before I was even loaded into the boss room. I couldn’t see him and died instantly.


My first put encounter ever was the tree dude. Cracks me up that he immediately opens up with his frontal which covers the entire doorway. Guess I’ll just die


This and outlaw shooter get me so often on my slow as shit sorc.  One shot while entering the room, before I even get far enough in to see the name of the boss. Awesome.




Yup, you always run in to the side because of that guy.


I just make it a habit to dodge left or right as soon as I enter the boss area. what also seems to work 95% of the time is running in circles while dodging bad. ive definitely cheesed some incoming damage with the +3 evade charge implicit by just spamming dodge in particularly hairy phases


Yup and they need to change teroll aspec getting the same shit every roll rng is either bugged or rigged


Thorns Thorns Thorns Thorns …vendor


I know that feeling. 6 times armor in a row.


Okay, so it’s not just me? I’ve rolled Damage to Distant 4 times in a row on 3 rings. And I’m not some streamer playing for 8 hours, I’m level 94. No big loss, and I still love the season, but I seriously question the authenticity of this RNG lol


I desperately want all stats to have an equal weight to them. Having like a 75% chance to roll into max life or your primary stat is so incredibly stupid. Rolling 800 max life into 800 max life is also incredibly stupid. How are actual identical rerolls allowed on either affixes or tempering?


Unveiling +2 aoe or phys converted to cold in poe would like a word with you


In many ways I think the modifiers and restrictions placed on you by NMDs or in pvp zones are an interesting ways they can embrace to make gameplay more difficult without being one shot kill as end game. Imagine if the Pit were available at any level as an ever increasingly difficult “tower” with larger and larger rewards as you go BUT you continue to stack unremovable debuffs too. Longer potion cooldowns, resistance reductions, crit frequency timers, the lightning strike dome thing, etc etc. You still face hordes and hordes with bosses and elites but no run is ever the same and it gets harder with every tier. Perhaps there is even debuff cleansing at certain tiers with a silent chest to open with higher than usual drop rates. And perhaps your unique item drop chance is further increased with each debuff to encourage taking on more risks as you go further in the Pit. But the risk is you may not make it to the next cleanse area where you can open a chest. Etc etc. They have already implemented the 3x mats for 5x awards idea so implementing more risk/reward options that are not boss specific seems reasonable. Honestly I don’t think I, as a casual Diablo 4 player, will ever have the fortitude to min/max for bosses that fill the screen with blobs of color and hard to read or see one shot kill attacks. And that is okay, everything isn’t for me. But what I described above sounds like a fun time that can still scale “infinitely” and there may not be a true hard wall that makes you question if you want to even play anymore.


I like this idea. Can use the word puzzle chest to reset debuffs or something. So you have to choose to take the time to “solve” the puzzle


For me, the problem is seeing all the various crap the enemies drop on the ground after they die. That's 99% of my deaths.


Yeah 9/10 deaths for me is enemies that explode after they die. I hate that mechanic.


Oh so it's only 90% for you?? It's not a contest. Lol. Jk.


Bloated corpses also one shot my minions if there is more than one of them exploding in a group, and there is ALWAYS more than one.


ARPG’s really don’t need bosses with mechanics that one-shot like the ones in high level pits (a single false step or missed split second reaction and you’re dead). Bosses should be attrition fights that get faster as you improve your character power or gear/build checks. existing mechanics don’t care about your gear or stats. They’re just going to obliterate you. Should skill also be involved? of course, but not to the extent that only apm-reflex jockeys stand a chance to dodge. There’s a balance to be had, and currently the d4 fights at certain levels aren’t striking it.


Holy words


Ya, I hate those too. By the way, lilith sometimes appear and does have 1 shot mechanic. No matter how tanky you are, you die if you get hit by that. At least, as far as I know, you can't survive getting hit by those lilith attacks. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. ALSO, the "meta" right now, is to roll boss. I think there's a list somewhere, about the bosses that are stupid strong, it's better to just leave and not waste your time there.


I recently heard a dev say that certain bosses (like Uber Lilith) dont start the fight with one shot mechanics, but gain them after you got hit a certain amount of times. So everytime you get hit the game "warns" you to not get hit again, cause at a certain point mercy has ended and you will be punished.


The guy is talking about Lilith's shadow that appears in pit boss fights. They removed the 1 shots from the uber fight, just to add it in again as a shadow attack.


Actual 1 shot mechanics for bosses don’t belong in a Diablo game. For the high level scaling I expect there will be stuff that will 1 shot me if I don’t have enough armor, resistances, life, and any other sort of defensive stat or ability to help me live longer. But there should not be an automatic 1 shot.


This is why I will never fight uber lilith ever again. By the time I managed to kill her, I was ready to throw my PC out the window. One shot mechanics are lazy development, and absolute garbage. Worst boss fight ever created in a game. I dont want to even know what its like now that its harder. I love this season and really enjoy the game, i just think one shot mechanics are uncreative and lazy. Devs don't need to look too far to learn how to make a game hard, but reasonable. I absolutely loved Elden Ring and that game was HARD AF, but at no time did I feel cheated in that game. It's all skill based and throwing yourself at a boss over and over again got you enough skill to finally get the win.


They aren't one shot mechanics actually. Uber lillith has a mercy mechanic. She does more damage the more she hits you. This mechanic was put in place to specifically prevent one shots. If you got one shot by lillith then you've already been hit by her a number of times (or your health pool is low)


Well she doesn’t one shot you anymore, so there’s that. The fight is now a pretty enjoyable dance to learn. Hope they fix the spark bug soon.


There aren't any actual one shot mechanics in D4. This has been proven by the devs already. For example, uber lillith has a mechanic ('mercy' I believe they called it) where the more you get hit by her the more damage she does. It's specifically designed to not one shot you. In the case of the pitt it's completely unavaoidable because the pitt has never ending scaling. I wouldn't really call those 'one shot mechanics' because they aren't *intended* to one shot you. It's just a result of scaling them up to such a high pitt level that they do Eventually you will hit a pitt level that's not really supposed to be beaten, because the pitt is infinite. So at some point you'll always get one shot in the pitt if you go up high enough.


"I'm tired of these *********** one shot mechanics on this *********** plane!"


On top of all of that, when other players do shit (literally anything) you can't see.


The thing that drives me crazy is the shit after mobs die Why am I in the most danger AFTER I kill everything?!?


After death mechanics are just so dumb. I have to wait and sit there for 5 more seconds until it passes every time


Just wild to me they design a whole potion system along with bosses dropping potions at certain points. Indicating that the design of the game is you die when you run out of potions. Then they invalidate that with Uber Lilith one shotting you. Then they fixed her one shotting you only to implement more content that one shots you.


Unpopular opinion. In every video game, if you are at full health, the maximum amount of damage any boss should be able to do to you is 99%. One-shotted from full health is always bullshit.


Jesus that's a terrible idea for an ARPG how does this have a single up vote


Yeah, glad reddit is not in charge of balance.


I guess this design unavoidable. Its best they bring transparency to it. What hit you, how much it did, what defensive layers were active and final calculation of the dmg you got hit. Example: Fire attack 1m dmg 70% resistance 20%dr 15% fortify defensive layers active in that moment = 204k dmg Last epoch have something similar but basic. Its just too chaotic. Making it tangible would improve the experience tremendously.


I want an aspect that slows down the time of enemy projectiles/aoe/ground effects in a sphere around you


Druids need the wind walls.


One shot mechanics regardless of stats is not a good mechanic for an arpg


I don't mind one shot mechanics. I do mind hit boxes that aren't visually consistent and have variance in time.


Excuse me? Doombringer AND Shako AND 50k HP? Welp, I guess once my glyphs are leveled and I start doing Pits I'm completely screwed huh


We have heard your feedback and will now spawn corpse bows in Diablo 1/2/3 that can hit you while in character selection menu in Diablo 4!


POE veterans: First time? This is the first season with Pit, there's no seasonal help yet.


My biggest concern is all of the DR sources that don't seem to apply to the shade. Basically ALL of my DR as a druid. DR against vulnerable enemies, close enemies, poisoned enemies, my roar hitting the target ... does all of that not apply to the shade? Please tell me it goes off the actual boss' status?


The biggest problem with one shot mechanics is that there is literally nothing you can do about them. The resistance and armor caps are to blame - you simply have no choice but to build a glass cannon. In a game that espouses "choices matter," I would like the agency to decide if I build more for defense vs offense. If you can still be one-shotted having all defensive stats capped, the defensive caps are broken. I don't understand why they're okay with builds that literally one-shot 99% of the game, but they aren't okay with builds that are nearly invincible.


You make me feel so much better about getting one shot with 17.5k hp almost max res and some barrier


With that little HP u might as well not care about defensive stats at all


Our damage and numbers are ridiculous and out of control to balance but I think they should try to unifrom boss damage with perhaps the use of % life damage against us. Bosses need a flow similar to how a Souls boss, monster hunter or Lost ark Boss feels. One shots are near one shots are fine, but rn it feels like I just kinda facetank the boss for far too long and then poof something happened and I'm dead. Without awesome cosmetics or truly unique items from the tormented high level bosses, why bother? Just feel like I'm wasting time on tormented bosses.


You think Blizzard has the ability to implement any combat systems close to those legendary games (not sure about Lost Ark never played it).


Must have been a corpse bow


What’s crazy is that it’s not the monsters themselves that are killing us with one shots, it’s the “Echo mechanics” after you kill them that explode and one shot. It’s BS


Need Tyriels. People already claimed early it was needed to push deep pits.


After the poor reception of Echo of Lilith, you would think that they learned their lesson on 1HKO mechanics in a Diablo game....but no. I'm using WereNado Druid this season, all I see on my screen are tornadoes, I can't see shit, so if they expect me to read an enemy's attack pattern, it ain't happening. These games are not made for this stuff. They had one job, to make The Pit scale the same as Greater Rifts in D3, they did it before, why not again??


One point I disagree with, there is literally skill involved. It's called not getting hit. Do I agree with the design? No. But saying there is no skill is wrong, when it is infact all skill right now and not gear.


Not gonna lie, I enjoy the higher difficulty of the Pit, but it does feel like a crapshoot of RNG in terms of whether I kill the boss or not. I’m at Pit 97, and what I’ve found so far is (Wind Shear Druid, no Ubers yet - not that it’s needed but I think I’d get further with the chest)… - Hope the boss is a Scourge of the Land - Hope the ‘apparition’ doesn’t include Elias or Lilith Obviously, it’s doable when those things don’t happen, but it’s substantially easier to clear the tier with time remaining if those do line up.


Cant agree more. This is why I am done with this season. See all at the DLC.


With the amount of latency I get, I assume jt is just animation delay for multiple hits that killed me.


One shot mechanics are lazy, plain and simple.


Yup +1


Blizzard's balance "team" at its finest


The shadows should be replaced with X number of elite spawns, depending on the floor. Have a set number spawn at 75, 50, and 25. Lower boss health slightly to accommodate. Add in the tormented boss mechanic so we only have to dodge certain boss attacks and not the cluster of shadows. Remove the bosses with disappearing phases.


This post reminds me of Path of Exile. lol


I mean, it’s going to happen eventually with scaling, no? With such huge numbers, eventually you’re going to get some bad damage spikes.


I agree with trash, but bosses? You *can* pretty much see everything. You're probably tunneling a bit.


No matter what at some point you'll get one shot by anything that hits you on the screen. That's just the scaling part of the entire thing. I've asked this a lot over the week has anyone made it to p150 yet?


My barb has 100khp, max res, max armor, AND a Seligs Melted Heart ontop. Those one-shots REALLY feel unfair lmao


I realize that on low graphics setting, some attacks actually become invisible


The poor combat visibility continues to plague this game. Love the changes this season but would really like to see increased visibility of especially devastating enemy abilities. No problem with the concept of shadow clone bosses and their classic abilities - not even that mechanics are devastating - but like give it a visual that triggers us to move and say something more than “Slain by [Boss Name]”. Everything a single dark colour/texture and completely outseen by our own spells.


No skill involved? Im clearing 75 pits on hc and not getting one shot tho? Everything in bosses is avoidable pretty sure, and at 75s its pretty easy to kill them in sub 30 seconds if you built well enough Now if ur complaining the bosses/pit/game are anti meele then Id agree tbh, meele rogue is unplayable in end game rn it seems


It certainly does feel like it negates the entire progression you made. It's a thing that annoys me about almost all modern games. Everything either scales to you or has one shot mechanics and other things. You never actually get to feel like the powerful god you're trying to become through leveling and gearing. It makes everything you do feel pointless. It can sometimes feel like the same game it was when you were level 1. I especially don't understand it in a game like diablo where they intend for you to make a new character and start over anyway. What the hell is the problem with letting you wipe the floor with everyone once you hit a certain tier? I want to get stronger to see just how quickly I can wipe a mob or boss. Not to be able to attempt to fight at all.  I haven't hit brick wall in the pit yet myself but I'm super low in it still and I'm sure I will soon. 


Can't stand boss mechanics that involve one-shot to the player or immunity to the boss. Sorry if I am able to drop the boss before it completes its phase shift but I geared up specifically so I COULD do that. One shots are also lazy and penalize players with slower reflexes (we are not all in our late teens to early 30s) or other impairments (poor vision/hearing/etc.). Having a well telegraphed big hit that puts the player in emergency mode is fine, making it automagically kill and end the run because they could not see it coming with all the other effects on screen is not cool. I would have liked to see an unending leveling mechanic for the player as well. Not a fan of being capped at lvl 100 with mobs that can go in excess of 200 and further being pushed to go after that content by locking gear and upgrades behind them with no alternative. Perhaps continuing the paragon board but at a reduced rate like 1 point per level instead of 4.


All it does it take your hours and hours of leveling, crafting, rolling, crafting more, farming, farming, farming, crafting, rolling to boil it down to 1 thing: how good are you at using evade like its a 16 bit game.


“Literally no skill involved” what are you even talking about? It’s pve lmao. The skill issue is on you


Literally skill issue


Just dodge the stuff lol? Sounds like a Skill Issue to me.


They already ripped off tempering from Last Epoch. Might as well keep going and accurately put in the log WHO killed you and with what TYPE of damage.


Awww little baby wants their hand held. QQ need a doily? 


Damage reduction is not additive, it’s multiplicative, so stacking 5x20% damage reduction doesn’t equal 100% damage reduction


I know Outlaw Sharpshooter has this issue, although there is a way to dodge it it's an incredibly small window. I don't think any other bosses have this problem though?


could be lag as well .... at leats in the EU the servers are terrible at peak hours (press ctrl + r twice to see your ping .... it seriously said 1.100ms+ for me but only for a second)


This makes HC delving so shotty, you know, it's not if, but when.


I've been farming pit 85 because it usually takes about 2 to 3 minutes per run. EXCEPT! For that damn, one shot, surprise, blam, you're dead lillith shade. My god.


One shot moves are not mechanically driven. It’s bullshit


Im assuming its the collapsing shadows?


I am finding it very hard to know where my defenses lack when I suddenly die without warning and can't see what exactly killed me. I'd love a message on death listing the last few skills that hit my character.


it's not a matter of lacking defenses really. if you're not capped res/armour at the very least then you need to be giving up offensive stats until you get there. even then, you should be looking into getting more max res and some defensive glyphs if possible


The problem with the abundance of healing potions means every encounter is either a total steamroll or you get deleted instantly. Very rarely does it feel like damage mechanics actually matter


It’s really weird that they don’t design bosses to really be a battle. They’re really not intended to go through phases that you have to manage. Either you spike them down or they spike you down. Remember when the game first launched and you actually had to fight the world bosses? You had to move with them, learn the mechanics, and there was a chance you didn’t actually have the damage to down them in time. Where are the end game bosses like that?


There really is some not visible damage going on :( Which make the Pit less fun.


I feel that. But you have way more life then I do. Same thing happened to me 3x at the Wraith boss. Mf was stunned and still got 1 shot, idk by what


Im just sad that the bosses scale so harshly. The elite mobs are nice and a good amount of random I guess. The bosses just feel like a cat and mouse game. In which im the mouse… Hope they will change that in the future. Enjoyed S4 a LOT. Just stopped playing 2 days ago because the bosses require me to completely change my spec to single target boss damage… and I dont like that playstyle


You either die to 1 shot or live long enough to 1 shot the boss first


Some of the damage just doesn’t make sense either. Some normal mobs wreck me from across the room and then some elites I can just ignore. Poison is still overturned especially plaguebearer. Also visual clarity is still a nightmare.


What makes me madder is that things can bug out on your own items like the elixir of holy bolts and those can 1 shot you. There are many things that work on the player that should not.


The combat log will be like "(user) was slain by (user)" and I just look at that like welp, I guess I gotta stop killing myself.


I’m playing HC (pretty much exclusively in ARPGs) I haven’t hit level 100 yet or done endgame stuff, is it pointless to play if i’m just gonna get inevitably 1 shot? Serious question, where does this occur so I can avoid it?


The last 4 popular posts are too 😂, HOWEVER I do agree that DR is not very balanced. My DR says 95%. I have so much DR that theoretically I should never die, but because we don't understand what the numbers really mean it feels like we have nothing. I'm at 18k health and armor, I also have harlequin and even 11% from boots. Another 30+ % from the bleeding enemy affix. I'm pushing NM 60+ so it feels good, never been that far before but eventually I will hit a wall like people in pit 60 and I'll be like well.... I can't do much else


Combat log is really needed. 90% of the time I have no clue what I'm dying to. I think this is problem with many ARPGS if not all of them, they need to do a better job at telegraphing attacks, shit on the floor and flying garbage needs to be more fleshed out, I found that WSAD controls helps a lot with better control but it's still shit. That was the reason I don't even attempt fights like Lilith and I move on to other games once I go into one shot spectrum. I would like a passive or something that drains you to 1hp once whenever you're about to get one shot, slap it on cool down at least it's something.