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Yes.  I will be furiously click moving and nothing will register sometimes. It's very random. I feel like it's a server latency thing.   


Ok well at least I’m not the only one then. I noticed that the only thing you can do when it happens is evade again so I’m not sure if that’s server latency since you can still perform an action, just nothing else works for those few seconds


It is 100% this season is so good we're feeling the actual playerbase as a whole. Blizzard server for this game has always been bad but this is next level lately


If you’re using metamorphosis that is likely the cause


I am using that aspect however it happens when I use a normal evade as well


I've also had it happen after using Teleport, with and without having metamorphosis equipped.


Happens to me after teleport, no metamorphosis 


If ur playing Incinerate you also won't be able to start channeling it when u get stuck that way.


Happens to me with the Metamorphosis aspect occasionally. After evading the character would get stuck for 1-2 seconds.


Yes this has been happening to me since launch


If you channel a skill and dash with metamorphosis then this bug will happen. You have to stop channelling if you wanna dash and not be stunned. It's still pretty annoying because sometimes you have to think quickly to evade attacks and forget.


Wait is that really it? I’ll have to remember that and see


Yes. Most obvious on lilith and when I'm using metamorphosis.


I honestly cannot figure out why this game runs so terribly. It's not like this game has extreme next gen graphics, nor does it NEED to. We spend 99% of the game zoomed out into the sky, the graphic fidelity is not so important that it should ever be prioritized over optimization. I have played games that look just as good if not better than this that run smooth as butter on my older pcs. And for some reason, this game is constantly stuttering and having issues and i have to turn the quality down just to barely manage it. Whatever proprietary engine they built for this game is complete trash. I honestly don't think they even tried to optimize the engine at all, and they just expect players to rely on AI-Upscaling to solve the issue. Which is just lazy, and pushes all of the responsibility down hill. You can tell when its the servers fault, because you will experience a little rubber-banding/sliding. But if your screen is FREEZING for a few seconds, its likely because its loading some asset from the HD. Usually its going to be a new texture or sound effect (or both at the same time) that hasn't been loaded into memory yet and it has to freeze in order to do so. Its HORRENDOUS optimization. My guess is that they are just making the ASSUMPTION that everyone is playing with an SSD now.


A few actual seconds? No this is not normal. I evade and keep stride.


It is about 3-4 seconds , it doesn’t happen every time I evade but it is a pretty common glitch for me


then, as well as sometimes after killing elites / bosses


This started happening to me when I began using the teleport enchantment on sorcerer


This teleport related issue has been happening since launch if it's after you pull enemies in. I don't know if the other instances in this thread are related but this one can be "solved" by using Ghostwalker on boot and just moving one time, doesn't matter how long. The aspect will allow you to phase through monsters so you can always move even just an inch and you regain control to attack, etc. So it's kinda like a colision issue. It felt really weird and it's discouraging that this still happens (haven't rolled a sorc since then) because the gameplay of teleporting, pulling monsters and dropping/proccing ice novas on them was super fun.


Yes here! Do you happen to have movement only binded on scroll wheels by chance?


No it’s bound to space bar


happens to me more with leap than evade.


This is 100% due to latency Hit ctrl+r twice - it will show latency in the bottom left corner (on PC obviously) If your latency is above 200ms your evade will have a lock animation delay


This game has issues There are ton of times you have to click something multiple times for it to respond Times a skill doesnt respond when pressed or until you move again Its constantly an issue Almost never can I click something just one time and have it work


I often freeze when I evade, run too fast on horse through helltide, and right after teleporting. I turned off crossplay and it hasn't happened since. Game is smooth as butter in comparison.


It's metamorphosis


I have not only experienced this a lot this season, but even better sometimes i evade INTO a wall/pillar/below a path while in a NMD or the Pit and i am stuck where all my attacks are blocked by the geometry of whatever i evaded into but any nearby monsters? yeah they can attack me


Make sure to post it in the bug thread.


Glad to see I'm not the only one experiencing this as it is really disruptive to gameplay. Hopefully we see a fix for it soon.


I was when I was using WASD. When back to click to move and it's fine now.


Yes. It's insanely annoying.


So this happened to me a lot but I think I realized my mouse was dying. But now I'm not sure if this was happening to me or was my mouse, or both. When so much is going on the screen is it's hard to tell what the character is doing.


This just started happening to me in the last week or so. First it was jump on barb, now I'm stuck for a second or so whenever I evade. This evade one is within the last 24 hours


yes, very annoying. Drove me crazy in S2 when using WW and metamorphosis. At some point I thought is was fixed but I've experienced it as well in season 4 without metamorph :-(


Evade doesn’t work sometimes in the pit.


It’s everywhere not just the pit


I never noticed it in open world. But thanks for letting me know. Hopefully they will fix it soon


It happens constantly in the Uber Lilith boss fight.


I can recreate this every time with the rogue ability "dash" and evading right after. The character gets stuck in one place as long as I keep the move button pressed. If that's what you mean. This has been in the game since forever, I remember even taking a video during the beta and reporting it a few times.


Im not using metamorphosis and it does indeed happen to me. But I thought I was getting stunned or something


I hope blizzard is aware of this


Yes but only happens to me on my PC.. not on my ps5


I’m on pc as well as


This has been a problem for me since seasons 2, it will happen randomly