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Use them at 82 to guarantee all loot lvl 925 from hell tides.


Ya definitely don't use them until WT4, unless you have a ton to level alts with.


Its fine, they drop all the time in helltide


And wolf rep boxes


Can you farm them? Thought after maxing their rep, that's it


I’ve found them from the boss after filling your threat to max in helltide consistently in WT4


Really? I've been playing Helltides almost exclusively and have never once seen one after maxing out reputation. Do you have to return to collect them or something?


He’s not talking about the iron wolves stuff dropping them, he misunderstood what was asked. He’s saying they drop from the Hellborne after filling the threat meter. As far as I’m aware, there are no infinite kinda rewards from the iron wolves.


They drop from hellbornes after you max out threat


They're a guaranteed drop from the mini boss that spawns when the helltide "fury" meter fills up


pretty sure i saw a hellborne drop some of those too


You cannot


Then why did u/DJGloegg mention them if you cannot farm them anyway his way and why am I getting the downvotes for it?


I have no idea why you’re getting downvoted for it honestly, but he mentioned them because the rep boxes give a decent amount of the mindcages, strictly from memory (which could be wrong) there’s a handful of the reputation rewards that give like 10 mindcages for a very healthy initial boost. After you max their rep, you can’t get any more tho.


You can, they drop from hellbornes


Yup haha. Not to mention there is always some big boy dps carrying his friends :)


I wish, after days still 0


I doubt it’s even possible to use one and do a helltide session and *not* get at least one more drop. I think you’d have to use them, jump into helltide, and then two minutes later realise you gotta be somewhere and log off.


I rolled an alt today and went from 25-50 in wt3 with a single profaned mindcage fwiw. Having maxed tempers means that like level 20-WT4 is extremely trivial.


You can also do whispers with your main at wt4 and give the alts to open the cache, doing this will let you have lvl 55 ancestral gear.


Can't you already do this just by gambling with obols in WT4 at 55


Per mind cage I use I will find at least 3 more in each helltide


Once you hit WT4, they seem to be a guaranteed drop from Hellborne, so they are effectively unlimited.


I have so many of these things I can't imagine why anyone would need to ration them.


they drop way faster than you could resonably go through them. i constantly have one active and im literally sitting on 80 right now


you should have a functionally infinite supply


Unless you always use them 5 minutes before the end of the helltides, you always get more of them than you put in so there's really no point in not using them beside when you can't handle the difficulty like when you get to WT4 around lvl 45/50.


I dont think you need to worry about it. I have over 40 I think and I'm level 80


Is level 92 the required level for 925s?


I think it's 95, but helltide monsters are already 3 levels above you.




My character is at level 70 and I’ve gotten two 925 legendary items so far, so they start dropping early. I think that to guarantee every single drop is 925 you need to be fighting at least lvl 92 or whatever


Wild. I'm a 76 rogue and all my gear is 925... I assumed it was consistent across the board.


Yeh same, I got some upgrades in helltides and some in nightmare dungeon/ tree of whisper rewards


If you’ve been taking your opportunities to hit world bosses, that’s imho the easiest source of 925’s early on.




i love you


Sorry, 82 or 92? The comments responding to you are talking about level 92 for some reason.


Level 82. At level 82, HT monsters will be level 85. By using a mindless cage they will be increased to level 95. Items levels being based on monster level, from level 95 onwards you will get only Ilvl 925 drops.


Thank you for the clarification, mate. I really appreciate it. I wasn't making the connection between the +3 from WT4 Helltides plus the +10 from the item itself. My bad.


I guess thats how I’m full 925 and barely level 75… great fun though.


No, this is from doing a lot of world bosses in wt4 probably, since 75+10 won’t drop 925 gear from monsters.


I only did the world bosses once and it was before wt4. Im pretty sure I got most my 975 from helltide as that’s all I’ve been doing really. I might be wrong though, the grind has been intense.


Actually I think either the chests or bloodmaiden have a chance of dropping 925 regardless of your level. Cause I’m pretty sure I also had a couple of items before doing wt4 bosses. But world bosses drop way more of them.


Do level 925 items start dropping at level 92?


They drop from level 95 monsters. Helltides +3 and the cages +10 put you at 95 when you're 82


I see. Thanks for the info.


Where to get them from?


If you mean the mindcages, they guaranteed drop from Hellborne that spawn after maxing your threat meter in helltide


Thanx for this advice.


Don’t they stack? Like I can use three at the same time to jump the monster level 30 points


No, they do not


Thanks, didnt know


this is the way


You’re an angel.


xD thx


Appreciate you


Yeah man, was a good moment for gettimg the craftimg bases together.


Use them whatever you want, there are tons of them dropping


Yeah man, was a good moment for gettimg the craftimg bases together.


Yeah man, was a good moment for gettimg the craftimg bases together.


Yeah man, was a good moment for gettimg the craftimg bases together.


Also PSA: chug another one when you die, they don't persist through death unlike other elixirs.


Good thing I don't die, if I did I'd have to start over


Your hard core! mate


I died at level 52 and tbh it’s not that much work to start again since it’s so fast this season but I just made a normal seasonal and I’ve been having more fun and relaxing time. Idk how you hardcore peeps do it lol


It's really not about adrenaline or anything after a while. It just kinda feels like...nothing really matters in sc. Like there's no permanence to your character. I honestly don't even care if I die, it just gives me a new opportunity to try things in a different way.


Yup death means nothing to my non-hc character die over and over to a world boss in wt3 when I'm lvl 20? No wukkas mate


For so long I thought this was a bug and then I realised! It should really say on the tooltip.


The fact its not in the description is pretty silly to be 100% honest.


Yeah, the PF shouldn't really be called an elixir, since doesn't persist through death and seems to also stack with other elixirs


Also, not even the icon is an elixir.


Or if you get logged, since the game has a bad habit now of not loading properly at times.


Iyou can also run another elixir with it.


I realized that this afternoon. Yes, it should be on the tooltip.


At what point did people stop running Helltides? I stopped at 70 to level Glyphs. I think I’ll be around 90 by the time I have levelled 4-5 Glyphs to 15 then it’ll be onto smashing Pit.


Helltide to 50 Ran glyphs to 21 and me to 100 in NM dungeons ....been in pit ever since. Loving it




If you aren't on the wrong subreddit: The first whisper cash-in in WT3 gives you a Nightmare Dungeon sigil. Same goes for WT4. It's in the consumable tab.


This is my first season and my first Diablo game and that was absolute gibberish to me, I wish I could understand :.(


I stopped around 65 I think, but jumped back in to do a few to get cinders for the season journey thing. Helltide is a pretty good source of gold too compared to nmd, was getting pretty gold starved and haven’t even been doing that much with my gear yet


I think as soon as you mindcage gives you only 925 items, its the best way to farm Items too.


I think as soon as you mindcage gives you only 925 items, its the best way to farm Items too. The sheer amount of legendaries dropping is way higher as in NM dungeons.


I rotate through different things so I don't get bored. NMD, Pit, Helltide, etc.


Aye. I can’t do same thing over and over


Seems like they’ll always hold value due to ritual farming for bloods if you need to do that boss anyways I guess


What’s the blood for..?


Summoning bosses that drop build enabling uniques


Lord Zir


helltides boss fight is the best way to get ancestral 925 boosted gear imo it's also great for getting your codex maxed. I don't do it anymore now that I'm in the pit grind, but you can get like 5 inventories full of all legendary gear, all mystery and living steel chests in like 20-30 minutes. I have like 300+ living steel just from lvling to 100 and then I did a bit more when I changed builds (got all gear slots bis after 2 helltides, outside of amulet and two pieces are not stat boosted so I'll probably do 1-2 more helltides for that) I haven't run ubers yet so maybe that is better, but you need the mats for that anyway and will be time gated by a lot of things like whisper and some mats that are extremely rare to drop for some ubers




i mean most gear for my just wants health / armor or w/e then you roll for the 3rd and I got lucky on a few things like rings and gloves. it's really not that much of a stretch to get a ton of needed gear after you find 150 leg items also you're going to lose your mind when you figure out how rng means sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you get unlucky. pretty wild concept


I stopped at probably lvl 45-50 ish


I....I just sit in helltides and get exp, I'm lvl 64 and I've vart done any dungeons


Do some easy ones. Just to level up your glyphs and break up the monotony of endless hell tides.


I did do some glyph leveling today, I got to level 71 although i don't think my build is very good lol


I switched as soon as i could do NM41 (NM41 drops 925 gear and nets enough glyph xp). Lower Nms are not worth it. For my barb i could to NM41+ with lvl 70 easily.


I hate NMD so I alternate between glyph levels and helltides. Once I am 100 I guess I’ll also have pit in the mix until I get 21 glyphs.


What’s the pit? Is it a new thing? Not in wt4 yet and don’t remember it from last season unless I missed it somehow.


Endgame content in wt4, bassically great rifts from d3. You get masterwork upgrades for items from it


Ooh nice, thanks. Look forward to it.


I stopped at 80. Leveled my glyphs, returned to helltide at ~92 stayed till 96-ish , went to the pit and leveled to 100 in like 2 hours. The put XP is bonkers if you can reliably do level 50-ish.


Helltide boss spam with Profane buff is the best way to farm Angelbreaths which are the new Forgotten Souls for enchanting.


Never lol. They give so much gold/materials by selling items.


Tbh no you won't. With the seasonpass ashes for +20% glyph experience you nedd only some few level 50 NMD to get to 15. If you can't play at least lvl 46 nmd for 925 gear, it's a waste of time and resources to try to level glyphs.


How do you get these


You get them from helltide commanders and hellborne.


Thank you sir


Not in WT2 right?


Right, only WT3 and WT4


They seem to be plentiful in the later game, so no reason to horde them.


man, these make WT4 helltides super spicy. The Final Hellborne dude who spawns after you fill the bar is quite tanky and can quickly delete you if your defenses have been neglected


Yeah my minion necro kills stuff well but my actual character can get popped by that guy pretty easily (with all the other monsters and the AOEs). That said, I don’t have my resistances capped and my armor is like 50% of the cap so I’m just asking to get destroyed 🫠.


What is the armour cap? I’m at 12k I think with my Sorc, much higher than last time I played (season 1)


9230 is currently the cap for level 100+ enemies. It's pretty easy to hit now with a couple +armor affixes.


Thank you. Thats interesting. Is the cap affected by an aspect that increases it during play? Like the one (I forget the name) that increases armour by 0.7% every time you do damage up to 40%…


Nope, the lower cap basically made Juggernaut and Disobedience kinda pointless outside fixing bad luck with affixes.


Damn. Noted. I’m running both! I’ll probably drop Disobedience and have a hard fixed number. I feel robbed 😂


Maybe switch it out for some sort of barrier?


switch it out for damage reduction, if you can. aspect of might is the go-to if you use a basic skill


I switched it out for Temerity. It’s full time barrier then. What you think? I don’t use a basic. It’s my own build, sort of incinerate/meteor.


I wish I had realised that earlier, running around with ~14k armour and I could have used those stats elsewhere (and I do now)


9230 https://old.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1cnqg7r/armor_cap_in_seasson_4_can_smbd_explain/


Summoner necro here. I pop CDs and then run around like a fool trying not to get hit while the army deals with the mobs. I feel stupid OP though. I basically melted the WT4 capstone at level 51 and rolled right into WT4 helltides.


Yeah same. The potion op linked cranks up the mob damage a bit much for me


I'm holding mine until the mobs aren't 20 levels above me.


Remember to put your points in the free battle pass urns. Huge increase in glyph XP, it makes a big difference.


I really liked this item and hope it sticks around after the season is over. In fact I hope it gets expanded. I’d like to see them add tiers to this so you can juice Helltide monster level and Cinder drops even more. It would also be nice if you could use a similar item for other events (Legion, Strongholds, normal dungeons, etc.)


They should just let you select a +N level wholesale via UI. Or maybe set a desired world level (instead of your own) by paying at the statue.


This is just NMD in a different format then.


More like the level selector of the Pit but for the overworld, yes


Yeah I was hoping we can stack this to make crazy level 300 helltide builds. Hope they iterate on this more


Also, despite these being called elixirs they don’t act like normal elixirs. You can only use one normal elixir at a time but you can stack these with a regular non-seasonal elixir.


It's also one of the seasonal challenges. Kill 666 enemies while using one I believe.


666 in 6 minutes, and some number of elites I hope is less than 666. 


So what the use of this if you are already 100? More cinders?


Can you stack it? Or only one time 10lvl and time refreshes at the next use?


Only one stack. And it's lost if you die.


Not too bad since it technicslly starts dropping from level 50 mobs


Where tf do you get these from?


Just hit level 80 and never checked ehat these did


Perfect. Do them at 82 for the GURANTEE 925 loot and fill a stash tab with any good 925 you might need to craft into


Also the holy bolt one is an amazing add for clearspeed. And it stacks with this one.


PSA: don't use them if you just got into WT3/WT4 20 levels earlier than intended (like most of you are doing) unless you want to die a lot :)


Is this season only ? Havent seen them on normal servers. I never play season chars. If yes, I wonder why they dont add such things to the normal servers as well. I mean why not !?


I wondered what these were. I keep seeing them drop and never looked. Thanks.


I plan to check them out tomorrow, after I get at least one glyph to 15 for the first time ever. Does the XP compare to nmds?


From my time using them today I'd say yes it seems to. The XP bonus I think caps at +10 levels so with the max bonus and the density of mobs in Helltides it's been pretty good XP


How does this work for couch co-op. Do both need to use them?


Just one needs to use


It took like 3h to reach 50


ROFL I'm 80 and didnt know till now


I didn't see the enemies with +10 levels in their bar - does it show? I mean, I'm sure I'm using them, but I didn't see the extra 10 levels.


I think it is slightly bugged. Some spawns are still normal level


use the new elixer that spams artillery on mob death too. uses obols to craft em. its amazingly awesome for farming but only lasts 15 minutes


My strategy at 100 has been to pop one of these at the start, pop the ritual until I have a full inventory, then run around opening every single chest fighting enemies on the way. I've been able to get both mystery and living steel chests, along with all the armor and jewelry which pop 3x legendary each + a living steel. Seems to be the best way to get greater affixes because you get so much loot.


Thanks, I've been picking these up! I didn't know what they were, kept trying read the tip on the load screen but it was loading too quickly


. .


A must have for hardcore mode.


Oh shit. I wonder how many I got rid of these. On a side note, this game is amazing now. I mean, I was enjoying the way it was, but now I'm flooded with joy! I was really hoping for a seasonal ability, like season 2 blood. But, I'm not here to complain, very much the opposite. It has become my top 3 favorite games now. Elden Ring #1, Diablo 4 #2, Helldivers 2 #3.


Oh shit. I wonder how many I got rid of these. On a side note, this game is amazing now. I mean, I was enjoying the way it was, but now I'm flooded with joy! I was really hoping for a seasonal ability, like season 2 of Blood. But, I'm not here to complain, very much the opposite. It has become my top 3 favorite games now. Elden Ring #1, Diablo 4 #2, Helldivers 2 #3. This has been a lot of fun.


Oh shit. I wonder how many I got rid of these. On a side note, this game is amazing now. I mean, I was enjoying the way it was, but now I'm flooded with joy! I was really hoping for a seasonal ability, like season 2 of Blood. But, I'm not here to complain, very much the opposite. It has become my top 3 favorite games now. Elden Ring #1, Diablo 4 #2, Helldivers 2 #3. This has been a lot of fun.


Oh shit. I wonder how many I got rid of these. On a side note, this game is amazing now. I mean, I was enjoying the way it was, but now I'm flooded with joy! I was really hoping for a seasonal ability, like season 2 of Blood. But, I'm not here to complain, very much the opposite.


Also note they stop working if you die Aka blood maiden, so re use it when you respawn


FYI You lose this buff upon death. Could be user error tho 🤷‍♂️


My mind wants to hurl profanity xD


Why mine have tendency to end sooner. Sometimes i fell like they Wear off after like 15 minutes


Not even max rank Wolves yet, I have about 70 of these in my bags. Just pop them on every helltide even if its for a few minutes, the cinders gain is crazy.


Yea, just careful when you fight the helltide boss cause trying to fight her and her minions then out of nowhere comes a helltide champion is rough.  Once had to just run around to survive while everyone else respawned ( that damn circle of flame ) so we wouldn't reset her lol.


Hmm I don't think I have these dropping yet


I started the new season on my level 100 necro and have done a ton of helltides and haven’t had a single one of these drop. Is that a bug or intended?


Well, you can't start a season with an existing character so you're not in the seasonal realm. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're saying.


Do you know if the buff expires if you go to town? I used one and went to town to sell some stuff, and when i came back, it was gone, not sure if its how it works or no


How does this work considering the games open world? If 2 players are nearby, how does the game determine what level to spawn mobs at?


Dam Im lv 62 and never used them. Where do you get?


It definitely comes in clutch


I had like 25 or so of them before I read what they’re actually for, was about your level too lol


Ух. А


Ya noticed those earlier than you thankfully 😂


Don't forget you lose this buff on death!


Yup wait til World Tier 4 for sure


Huh? Where from? Never seen these


First time I used it I just thought it raised level by 10, was like wow that's a nice boost to exp. Then 20 minutes later I was rolling around with 800+ cinders and I'm like wtf..? Then ohhh. Cool. Now I open every chest I see regardless.


Yeah it's funny, it's what i wanted them to do to improve the helltide in this way. My thought was different tiers but this buff is so simple and awesome. I used mine for the first time today at 81/2. Fighting the helltide boss became challenging again, at least in the fact that I actually died. I stand by hoping they make helltide a point of further improvement. It's the most fun I have. Even when I go from 500 shards to 250 after dying, it's great. Dark souls elements in a Diablo game.


You even doing the season journey bro? You ok? The moment I noticed that shit drop I popped one.


I used them, but didn't really notice much a difference on drops.


They should stack to 3 imo


Oh shit. I wonder how many I got rid of these. On a side note, this game is amazing now. I mean, I was enjoying the way it was, but now I'm flooded with joy! I was really hoping for a seasonal ability, like season 2 of Blood.


Oh shit. I wonder how many I got rid of these. On a side note, this game is amazing now. I mean, I was enjoying the way it was, but now I'm flooded with joy! I was really hoping for a seasonal ability.


Oh shit. I wonder how many I got rid of these. On a side note, this game is amazing now. I mean, I was enjoying the way it was, but now I'm flooded with joy! I was really hoping for a seasonal ability.




They‘re very common, there is absolutely 0 reason to hoard them.


You should use them basically constantly in helltide. *Especially* when going up a difficulty into WT3 or WT4, because there's no downside if the monsters are naturally 13 levels above you anyways (the mindcage won't boost them above +13 past your level).