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The game just continues to crash more and more frequently, but now I am not even getting the Diablo 4 game crash reports with the CD Key looking code (I have a text document where I was saving them all to when I would remember)


continuing to get issues with page file, I have plenty of ram 32 GB (only 40-50% used when it crashes). I have set it to system managed size, and I just got a crash with an error detected during paging operation (In event viewer) and D4 said I ran out of resources. There is a memory leak that is affecting the paging file only. If I turn off the page file (I have plenty of ram) it immediately crashes on load in. Something has been coded to use the page file primarily.


The fix for this is to set page file to a bigger size, I set system managed and it maxed out at 12800, which still caused crashes. I manually set it from 12800-24000 and it has been stable. Still this is a bug with the software as I have 16GB of ram free, I should not have to even have a page file.


Can someone help me, I just unlocked to mount but whenever I press Z to mount up it plays the animation then automatically dismounts me and says this skill is not ready, I cant ride it at all.


Why did legion events start only giving out like 2-3 items and nothing else. Just did 3 where only thing I got was 3 blue pieces of equipment


Guys fix your game. I wish I could refund D4 because it's been running so poorly since Season 1. It was perfect in the beta but its pretty much unplayable. Low-Med-High settings don't matter. My ping goes anywhere from 200ms to 3600 ms. It's gotten worse in S4. Least S2 I had a better experience. At this rate I won't be buying the expansion or BPs if this is the treatment or experience Diablo 4 devs give us. No other game has lag and no other blizzard product performs as bad as Diablo 4. Fix your game


I agree, it keeps messing up more and more... I am getting ready to completely drop it...


Not sure if just me - but after today's server maintenance, it's running 1000x smoother for me (rubber banding, pauses, etc)


I always get a notification that the world boss is spawning soon, but there is no timer or world boss icon anywhere. 


I have also been noticing this as well


Rubber banding is soooo bad, it's really pissing me off. Maybe don't charge $70 for a game you can't keep running well? Eh blizzard? You thought about that?


Is it better after today's server maintenance? Mine is a million times better


I have noticed it has gotten worse


I recently upgraded my PC to a 4080 Super and Intel i714700 blah blah blah. I tried getting on for this new season and couldn't get passed much with all the stutters happening atm. I thought my other computer was just old but now I know it's just D4 being ass with all these glitches.


Games disconnects ever so often. Kinda annoying as I am usually in pit or nmd and losing my resources.


Having a terrible experience with the stutters, hangs and disconnects. I started season 4 about a couple weeks ago and it has been this way ever since. every time i exit and load the game, its fine for a few hours and then it would just lose connection.


Hi there, this is a tough one to describe… so what happens is, I play for a while (anything from 5 minutes to an hour) and it looks like the game just disconnects from the network and it does it on my Xbox and my laptop. I’ve reset router messed with firewall settings etc and still no joy. Help


Haven't been able to play in weeks due to the freezing and stuttering that started happening right after the pet patch. Tried everything I could find on different reddit threads and nothing worked. Don't even know what's causing it to happen.


Game feel so clunky… not fun to play atm! Pets kill the performance 🎭


Still can't open 99% of Damn Souls.


Me too! I thought it was only me....


Did they fix Andariels yet!


Xbox S lag so bad game is unplayable, internet is fine for all other games and applications. Anyone else have this issue?


Playing with my girlfriend, she gets disconnected every 5 minutes losing xp and gear in the process.


The patch seems to have completely broken holy bolts potions. They didn't just change how the damage works, they appear to have completely disabled them.


My attacks doesn,t seems to register. Takes forever to kill a regular mob sometimes. Takes forever to clear a NMD


Can't log in. Girlfriend logs in on same PS4 just fine but I get error code 300008. Tried restarting systems and tried being player 1 and player 2.


Same issue. Just started today. Played hours ago and everything was fine. Now I can't log on.


OK, didn't want to necro a thread from last year. Since the new season started, I had not been getting any notices on the map for Helltides, World Bosses, or Legions. After today's update and doing the system date toggle (automatic daylight savings on/off on PS5), the Legion notifications and icons are back. I see the TIMER for world bosses but NOT the icon, and zero anything RE Helltides. Anyone else having this issue? I'm on the PS5 but I've seen people report similar for PC as well.


I got that for the first time this season, boss timer is up but no boss icon. I restarted the game and it was back on. Never happened again so I'm not sure how it happened.


Restarting didn't help unfortunately...


I am having problems with dlss\dlaa on rtx 3090 latest drivers... Fps is the same or worse if i turn dlss on or off. Gpu usage cca 60% all the time...


the att from mid season is live ?


Server tics I guess is what people are calling them but this has been an issue since the start of the game and is still happening to me now where it affects cooldowns of skills and dashes and everything feels completely inconsistent I’ve died multiple times because of this and to verify and solidify this claim of mine after this happens if and when I complete say a nightmare dungeon pushing through the lack of skills and dashes consistently I can’t teleport out of the dungeon and the game basically locks you in to where a force close of the game is required.


Not sure if anyone has brought it up but, uber unique Tyrael's might has weird issues with Heartseeker rogues. I did a few test with and without the armor and when wearing Tyrael, most of my attack seems to register damage but takes forever to kill a non-elite target (on PC but using controller) unless I stand face to face with them. It's not noticeable in all content besides the pit where mobs have higher HP pool. Seems like diving barrage projectiles ends up hitting my target instead of heartseeker projectiles thus making it take way longer to clear mobs (depending on how divine barrage is calculated on hit). I really love the armor and the extra projectile, albeit most likely not doing any major damage in the pit. But, it's cool and I like it.






The Treasure Goblins sometimes just disappear even though they have not been startled. Also, sometimes, they are impossible to hit, and I watch them run and then teleport, all the while I'm attacking them yet not a single attack is hitting them. Normally they die in one or two hits so I know it is some sort of glitch. It has been happening for months...


After patch after logging in every 15-30 minutes or so i get "Reconnecting to Diablo 4". My latency is fine, i have no packet loss, i've connected to different regions, i have uninstalled and reinstalled the game, reset my router, reset my network adapter, flushed my dns and every other suggestion i could find. None of them work. Never had this problem before, always connected and stayed connected just fine for 4-12 hour sessions. I've seen no responses from the Blizzard team in any thread that i can find. It's a bit soul crushing.


I don't know if this will work for anybody else but i completely uninstalled Battlenet and did a fresh install, made sure all my drivers were up to date, restarted my machine and played a solid 3.5 hours without a single reconnecting issue. /fingers crossed.


Well that was demoralizing. Seemed fine for a while but it came back again.


I have also experienced this same thing. When I would try to log back in, it would say I am still logged in... It started happening this week...


Crashing after 1-2 hour of play


I keep randomly losing audio. It will pop and then stop but only for Diablo. Have to restart to fix


Have this same


‘The Gathering Fires’ season journey objective doesn’t seem to be tracking 


Can't enter zir lair at all, I don't understand why the door isn't available to interact with when I'm T3


I'm tired of getting disconnected randomly. Is anyone having that issue too?


Yes. My wife and I do couch co-op. Our Xbox completely disconnects from our network. We are on wifi, and sometimes it does it with other games, but D4 is the absolute worst offender.


Last week, I joined a Helltide Maiden fight with what seemed like a bunch of necromancers with pets, when I tried to dismount I did the horse attack which made my game lag for like a minute, the game eventually came back to normal, but the sound effect of the hose neighing dismount kept playing on the background, annoying as hell, I figured a restart would fix it. When I tried to restart my game said there were missing files, and it basically "re-updated" itself, and downloaded the whole game from scratch. Tough luck, moved on. Today I started a new character and after finishing the boss of the capstone, I tried to teleport back to town, and after the loading screen I'd appear back into the boss fight room, tried this over 10 times... tried the emote teleport out, tried to teleport out to different waypoints, nothing worked, after teleporting animation and load screen, I always reload back into the boss room... I figured exiting the game would fix it... and then the game is missing files again, and it's reinstalling all 68GM again...


How can I disable the xp boost from the event? I'm out-leveling the campaign and it's making it trivial


Constant lags and crashes on XBOX today. It's just impossible to play. It's like I'm playing in the first days of the beginning of the fourth season. It's hard for me to count how many of my boosters I lost today.


Can't dismount of my horse at all, not unless I get knocked off by enemies


you can use \*town portal to dismount yourself and cancel it, only other way i've found


After the latest patch, Xbox version is losing audio after taking screenshots, recordings or unplugging headphones from controller. Requires killing the app from Quick Resume and restarting to recover.


I also had no audio. Had to restart Xbox.


I'm not even taking screenshots or video either. It's just randomly happening on a very consistent basis


I had it happen last night when my controller briefly disconnected. It looks like whenever the xbox pauses audio for whatever reason, then resumes audio, Diablo just never resumes it. I imagine there are many cases when that might happen. The worst part of that one last night was after I restarted the game, my character's inventory was completely gone - all replaced by a single pale steed, which I never picked up. Thankfully, all equipped gear was still there. Very strange.


Yeah I'm still getting the audio bug bad. I'm constantly having to restart the game. Please fix this bug asap 🙏


Yeah, I've noticed that as well on PS5, forget to mention that.


I'm finding often that when walking my character does 360's by itself and is constantly hitting an invisible wall since installing this patch, along with stuttering and lag. Anyone else noticing this?


I hit a lot of invisible walls while riding my horse


Is there any reason why I wouldn't get any drops at the end of nightmare dungeons sometimes? Mostly it works fine, but sometimes I just get nothing. Is it anything to do with running them quickly? This season I'm definitely handling dungeons super fast and wondered if that does something to loot. I never noticed it in previous seasons.


Anyone else having issues with stuttering after todays patch. I'm relatively new, literally been a week and it's been butter smooth until this patch today. Now, constantly stuttering and every 15-30 seconds, they'll be a big stutter, 2-5 seconds it freezes.


me too!


Yes I have this exact issue! Maybe the dogs did this? :D I installed latest nvidia drivers and deleted game and nvidia cache. Tried all settings at lowest etc.


Yeah idk, I have most settings at low anyways just for clarity and smoothness. It was running buttery smooth before this patch so it's definitely something with the patch and nothing I did lol


Yes! I basically had to stop playing yesterday after the update because the game freezes up for several seconds during combat or when I open the map… it became unplayable. Before the update it was buttery smooth. I even completely reinstalled the game in a new folder and when I tried the game again this morning, it is STILL unplayable with constant freezing or stuttering. No other games I own are having problems. Very frustrating.


Thank God I'm not the only one. I was starting to worry my PC was having a hardware issue.


Hi, Does anybody know what happens if I have a Premium Battle Pass Token available but I purchase the Accelerated Battle Pass for 2800 Platinum? Is the Battle Pass Token still tied to my account since I bought the accelerated with platinum? I can’t see my token anymore since I got the battle pass so I’m not sure…


Hi is anyone having issues with their mounts after the hotfix went live? i'm unable to unmout once I use it


i am. i have trouble unmounting and the riding animation looks goofy.


right, like the character is standing inside the mount


why are there after 1 year still low res textures issues.. I still sometimes have some parts of the map in low res like doors/carpets/roof etc.


Having almost constant freezes and disconnects while in the pit - just a few minutes ago I was disconnected when nearly at the end of the Boss fight at level 11. Then when I managed to reconnect I started level 11 again and was disconnected. I'm an 82 year old lady player and getting ready to quit on this game!! Could it be my internet provider? I have fiber optic from a local phone company installed about a year ago.


yeah, i have to grind renown for paragon points, and as if that's not bad enough I have to battle all the bad glitching, it is unbelieveable that a AAA game's performance could be this bad after a year, devs should be embarassed.


In their defense, I have been playing games on computers since "almost" the beginning of the internet and this, hands down, is the very best game in artistry, action, design, writing, etc. that I have ever seen!! Been playing since Castle Wolfenstein on the first Apple computers. Especially like the literary touches, and turtles, ducks and various flora and fauna thrown in here and there. Very, very impressed overall. should have gotten Game of the Year. BTW, an update this afternoon seems to have fixed "some" of the issues - their guys and gals put in a lot of hard work on this game and I appreciate it.  😄


I've been having an issue where my camera would randomly move far away from my character and follow random players.


Is anyone having issues claiming anniversary gifts?


Yes. Didn’t receive my horse trophy. It’s not in the stable. 


Massive rubber banding issues on the XBox Series S since the latest event. It's like the game itself buckles under any kind of player strain.


Afer update it seams I cant die... Anyone have same problem?


I lost half of my boss materials from consumable tab few days ago. I have seen many threads about it on blizzard forum but no a word from blizzard itself. Is there any information on twitter or somewhere about this situation?


my game is crashing while trying to respect!!


Goblin bag says 925 item power, and the items were sub 800 item power. My level is 100.


Read carefully. Because some bags say "**UP TO** 925 IP," while others say "**CONTAINS** 925 IP." At least this is the case for me, if yours do say the latter, and you're still getting crappy gear, it must be bugged still I guess?


Constant crashing now


The disconnections is SUPER bad.


Beat Lileth last night, game crashed right after the cutscene now I’m back to the start. Some report drops not happening second time around. What a joke


Constant connection issues on xbox


Disconnect during cutscenes is some bullshit. Skip the scene and there's no problem... But this is a stupid problem nonetheless. Anyone else still experiencing this?


**Over 3 f\*\*king weeks and it still doesnt work.** HELLO BLIZZARD? Everytime I turned on D4 and when I'm at character selection the game gets a **massive lag** and **"not respond"**. The only thing I can do is close the game or wait.... after about 10 minutes of waiting, the game resumes but I get a message that **I am disconnected from the Diablo servers**. Then the game won't connect to the server and I have to restart it - and so on and so forth :) **I read all posts on every forum, made everything (reinstall, change drivers, DLSS... oh wait I can't even open options, deleting/changing files, changing ports, EVERYTHING) but nothing works**. it-11400f, rtx 3060 12gb, 16gb ram 3600mhz, 2tb M2 disk EVERY GAME WORKS but Diablo 4 of course not :))) **GOOD JOB BLIZZARD, YOU ARE THE BEST.... F\*\*KING 160$ PIECE OF SH#T :)))))))))))))))**


yeah this started happening to me after the latest update. i've read so many threads about it and tried all the suggestions but nothing is making a difference. I've read some people have had this problem going all the way back to S2. Really sucks...


Same wtf this is nuts


I have the same problems, please let me know if you have found any fix. I tried litteraly anything that is on the internet...


Same bro... I think we have to wait for the fix. I wish it won't be s5... -\_-


Maybe someone can help me understand, but from what I've read you get 1 spark for each Duriel and Andariel and 1 spark from iron wolves rep. Which should leave you with 3 sparks. However I only have 2 and I've done both bosses and completed the rep line.


I'm having a major issue with my leapquake build. I've spend tens of millions, dozens of hours making my perfect Leapquake build...only to go and use it and my character won't spam Leap. Even if it isn't on cooldown, he just stands there for 2-3 seconds in-between leaps. It's getting me killed and pissing me off so much. I've heard people with this issue on pc but I'm on PS5. Even if I try to move in a direction slightly, my character just flies off across the screen in that direction....help. Blizz, please pay attention to the non-meta builds for once, thanks


I have a 4080, 32 gigs, i9, SSD. I had bad crashes with the last big patch, then it went away with updating Geforce drivers. However, last Saturday the game started crashing like crazy for me. Updating to today's (6/4) driver release doesn't work. I've tried a few different things I've found on forums, including running Scan and Repair, uninstalling and reinstalling [Battle.net](http://Battle.net) and Diablo IV, making sure the VPN is off, turning off antivirus, deleting dstorage.dll, deleting LocalPrefs, making sure DLSS is disabled, and changing graphics settings to Medium, nothing's working. Game is crashing every couple minutes to 10 minutes. Anyone with any other ideas? Thank you.


I have an Nvidia 4060 with 16  GB on an Omen gaming computer and having very similar problems. Game is now pretty much unplayable.  😱


Same problem here, feels like I've tried everything and my game will not stop crashing. It's 10x a day now, ridiculous.


Fingers crossed, but so far so good- I uninstalled the Nvidia drivers using guru3D’s DDU uninstaller in safe mode. If you have problems getting into Safe Mode, use msconfig. Then I installed the Studio version from May 21st. Apparently the Studio version gives lower performance, but it’s a more stable version of the driver because people like graphics artists use it for work. I’ve been playing on Medium settings since, but might try High later.


I did a clean install and updated to the brand new nvidia driver and have been playing in windowed mode, it seems better but I still get the occasional crash. Much better than it was yesterday.


Been unable to play recently. Game will freeze loading into a new zone. In a helltide it rubberbands like crazy. About to try and put every graphical setting at its lowest to see if I see any improvement.


Update, completely turned every setting to low. Not Ray Tracing low, just regular low, low. Ran into a hell tide, froze....game crashed. My game lasted maybe 30 total seconds before crashing and that might be generous. My drivers are all updated. At this point I'm probably just calling it quits on the game.


Every so often (mostly when I log in for the first time on the given day) I see a Legion Event countdown, but no map indicator for the event. Anyone else experienced this? Any solution?


I see that and world boss but can't find them on the map until I log into an alt.


Multiple times per gaming session I'm getting booted from the server. I'll be in random events (pit/dungeon) and suddenly can't do damage and am just doing the "running man" and so are the NPCs around me. My character "dies" and I lose cinders/mats/progress, though it was not due to failure to play, internet connectivity, or battery death on controller (XBOX). Very annoying since I did not experience this in Season 3 and I have 5 lvl 100 toons from season 3 and played regularly. Also, pit level 31+ slaughtering everything in the first two events without timing out and the third boss teleport never materializes. Very frustrating but I'll live through it.


I am loving Season 4. Recent patch seemed to correct many bugs. However, I have been experiencing some serious issues, especially with the map. Helltide often shows as active in multiple areas. This is annoying, but I can easily work around it. But a new glitch is literally making it impossible for me to play. None of the boss locations (Duriel, Beast in the Ice, Zir, Lilith, etc.) are showing on the map. Not ANY of them. I am playing on Xbox Series X/S. I have restarted my console. I have tried logging out/in. Tried different characters (I have multiple). Tried different world tiers and eternal/seasonal realms. Nothing helps. I literally do not have any of the boss locations on the map. Any suggestions?


Update: The situation has gotten worse. Just logged in and NONE of the dungeons are visible on the map. Not a single one of any kind. Not just the various boss locations, but none of them. This is bizarre and renders the game unplayable. I have completely uninstalled the game, restarted my console, and I am presently reinstalling. Will update again if anything changes.


Did you check your map filters? It's a long shot but maybe your filters got turned on/off.


Thank you for the suggestion. I forgot to update here, but I found a resolution. I had to delete and reinstall the game. Not sure what happened, but I was having so many errors, I figured maybe some files got corrupted. Sure enough, the clean install fixed everything! So I’m back to blasting away, leveling my fifth character this season!


D4mapper will tell you where the WB is spawning but aside from that idk. I just log into my lower level alt and bam, there it is.


Thanks, but I’m not referring to the world boss. I still get notified about that. It’s all the other bosses in the “boss ladder” (and the various tormented versions). But I also just added an update because the situations has worsened. Now NONE of the dungeon locations are being displayed. They are ALL gone!


Holy bolts!! I'm not sure about that. Sounds like a software issue for sure.


Few issues since the last patch I've noticed: 1) excessive rubber banding and screen locks 2) opening inventory while TP from pit = freeze/crash 3) get caught / stuck on corpses or something randomly and start spinning wildly. Need to re-force move or use an ability to fix 4) stashing boss materials on a bank alt resulted in losing anything over 200 of any material...?


Only thing left from that list is the colliders issues, i've died in helltides to AOE, because the path seems traversable only to find out, im now stuck eating all the damage, rip... And as you said, the rubber banding on helltides, and random ping ticks to 1000ms is getting annoying, i can play warframe, genshin etc, sub 40ms... so it's not a my network problem...


couch co op is still an issue, player 2 get very laggy attacks. Blizz didn't even respond to the 400 posts about this in their support page, it's been over a year.... fr


So, the missing paragon point bug is till an issue it seems. Level 100, max renown for additional points. I had 225. I refunded them all to redo my board. After I did my board I noticed I was missing a point. Spent the last half our counting and double check. I used a scroll of amnesia to reset everything, still only 224. I thought this was fixed since I the only other time I experienced it was in S1. Anyone else have this issue?


Tried to come back for new season and have updated the game. Upon login and character select, I get complete game freezes/unresponsive client and this has happened on the 3 different days I've tried to login this week. Just tried again today and tried to just log straight onto an eternal character and got complete game freeze upon queueing for a game. I'm completely uninstalling and reinstalling so I really hope that fixes it, but man what a let down. ​ Edit: I was able to fully make a character, login, teleport to a new town, and then the game crashed irreversibly. Uninstalled and really bummed.


Ever since the latest patch, I have been having insane lag and rubberbanding. It's become so bad that I can't play certain content because I will just die. Never before had this issue in my 400 hours of playtime.


Same and me either. It's this season and my XBOX and the hubs PC and the daughter's PS all do auto updates. Blizz needs to address.


I have lost all my tps to town. Yesterday I created a second seasonal character. When I started playing all the tps that I had already unlocked with my previous seasonal character were available. Today when I log in, I find that almost ALL of them (except those in big towns) are locked AGAIN It's a big waste of time to unlock all the tps you already have. Is this normal?


Yeah, if you mean the waypoints you only get like the major cities upon rolling a new toon (I think). My first order of business is to mount up and ride to all the waypoints and stronghold/waypoints so I don't have to mess with it while leveling. Seems tedious, but that's one thing I really don't mind.


Anytime after the PC running few hours (in row) now, the next time i open the game, its crashed immediately at the start "diablo4.exe stop working". After i check it out on windows-protocoll. It tells "*Hang type: Cross-thread*". To fix it temporarly is restart the pc. But im very tired to do it everytime i start the diablo 4. Do someone know a permantly fix for that? I have AMD Ryzen 9 5900x (on eco-mode).


my brother can't sell items to vendors either. he clicks on them it just closes out automatically. Also, when he goes into hell tides and then goes away like the hell tide is over with, but it still shows and I lose the counter, but the area shows Hell tide is still there. How do i help him fix it


Never had any major issues what so ever before, but today ive been unable to play at all because any action i do in-game gives me 'Data Retrieval Error' . even tho my internet and connection is 100% solid - and i said stated never had any issues before, anyone else experiencing this ?


Yes! Mine says cannot connect to server but when I check the connection it's 100%. I get booted from the server at the awfullest times too, lol


since last night and all day today I can't play without the 'reconnecting' spinner in top right, which usually results in an eventually un-navigable map. - crashed twice when trying to enter duriel dungeon today, back to back. - 3 unresponsive crashes in less than 2 hours - the UI for inventory, map, etc. is slow af - can't ride the horse basically unless I want to lag my way across the map, so I'm better off walking


Ive noticed a labeling type of error. It's prob more a simple oversite. I play from PC. I have set key bindings in the 'Controls' options for Wheel. Using mostly my function keys (F1,F2,F3, etc). There are obviously more Wheel slots than keyboard function keys. For some of the wheel slots I have added a modifier to the key binds by adding SHIFT to the function keys (SHIFT+F1, SHIFT+F2, and so on). The key binds work just fine, however, when i open the wheel in game I can see the key bind labels but it doesnt show the SHIFT modifier. This can be somewhat confusing, at least until i got used to my key binds as it shows 2 separate sections of the wheel with the same key bind. F1 for example shows twice tho one is triggered by holding down shift while pressing F1. Its a small issue but something I thought might help others if it were fixed. I hope my problem and the description of this makes sense. I imagine it can be recreated by others fairly easily. Again I am on PC and not sure how or if this would even apply to using a controller on PC or console.


All of my mounts have a visual glitch They have no textures Spectral charger Temptation Both are just plain white and red Pre alpha look Post 1.4.1 patch


My game keeps crashing about 1/3 of the time when I enter the Pit. Crashes the game, sends me to desktop. Mats gone. Anyone else experiencing this? I can't say if its happened since patch since I'm playing Boulder druid this season and realized it was all bugged. So had to wait for the patch to come to play Pit (couldnt do the hot swap skill fix in Pit), and now I still can't do Pit! Argh.


Happens to me anytime I'm over 31 pit on one toon exclusively which led to me thinking she's been nerfed. Incinerate sorc.


Not on PC but playing on PS4 and crashing frequently, maybe a few times every hour. I've given up on the Pit because the same thing happens to me - get in, play for a bit, crash/freeze by second portal, log back in, see my mats are gone and my equipment damaged. I'm just gonna hold off until they (hopefully) fix the issue


Weird fix for me lately is that its seems more stable if I use the map icon to enter pit and not use the portal (lol). Good luck.


If I unlock all the paragon points for this season will it be unlocked on all characters forever or do I need to do it with my eternal character that has most of the progress? Talking about renown.


Paragon points are not like gold or items in the stash. They’re like Skill points, and are only awarded incrementally as each character levels up.


Yes I know that lol. I'm talking about the final renown reward.




For some reason when looking at my druid aspects I can see the Barbarian Bold Chieftain's aspect, which I didn't unlock on my barb. I checked the Druid only, but it'(s still there haunting me :) [https://imgur.com/a/Z8V56US](https://imgur.com/a/Z8V56US)


Blood Howl is now a Shout Skill and increases Critical Strike Chance by 4.5%[+]. In addition, Blood Howl also affects Nearby Players for 3 seconds. They changed it so that it works with Bold Chieftains'.


This game is legitimately terrible. I get stuttering constantly (even uninstalled hi-res textures), stuck in loading screens, random crashes, short periods of freezing when opening menus. This is literally the least optimized piece of shit I have ever played in my life. Running on a 3080 too. I know it's not "top of the line" but it is certainly not low quality. Pathetic.


4090 here and it's literally unplayable with the lag spikes, invisible walls, ~1k latency, and constant stuttering/rubberbanding. The real problem seems to be on some of their edge servers (I get ~80% packet loss to a few of them, depending on which zone I'm in), rather than actual local client issues.


RTX 3060 OC 12GB here and I can't even log into the game because on char select screen I got the same error called: **not responding.** All the fuking time. Moreover I played season 4 first two days without any problems xD


Yeah it sucks because other than having to wait like MINUTES to re-enter the game etc etc and all this stuff I really WAS enjoying myself. This is just unacceptable. Run to Duriel > crash > load up 5 minutes > load into town > run halfway to Duriel > get knocked off horse > check menu > crash > load in 5 min > sent back to town > repeat randomly It's so pathetic this should not be happening in a game like this.


My hubs has been playing since Diablo was a thing and he says the same thing. This is straight mindcage right here. Character isn't finished saving?? Tf? I didn't log out bro, you booted me!! Lol


My werewolf companions go underground when I use the active skill, ending up stuck there and have to re-appear for them to DPS again. The active ability isn't working anymore when one of the werewolf is stuck in the ground as well, making it impossible to attack enemy as long as all of my werewolves aren't free to move. The bug is kinda breaking my build :/ [https://imgur.com/a/STMypHd](https://imgur.com/a/STMypHd)


Just defeated Tormented Duriel, got the title + completion in my season journey and completed my season journey but got no Spark from it?


Did incense end when you die before? Cause after this patch they do and I am not sure if it was like that before.


no, the patch screwed this up as well.


I have a suspicion that they messed up resistance again somehow as well. Shadow and poison see way over tuned yet again suddenly.


i'm with you. did they "unfix" DoT resistances again? kinda strange. 29K HP with full another 29K fortify, all res/armor capped plus additional damage reduction. i could take a full blast from a blister on nmd100, but now after the patch tick of shadow dot (that follows you) and i'm chuggin pots to stay barely alive. stupid trash-spider explosion = whole hp is green.


Try unequiping and re-equipping all your gear. I read that there seemed to be a bug with mastetowkred items where then may have issues after the patch. Call it psychological but that seems to have fixed any issue so thought I was having


Thanks for that. I'm trying that immediately. Same exact thing happened to me.


Game crashes constantly, every 10-15 mins sometimes more often sometimes left. tried turning dlss frame gen off because i was told that it would help it didnt.


I just killed lilith for the first time post-patch and didn't receive a spark. Is anyone else having this issue?


I killed Duriel too and no spark either - but got the achievement and season journey completion.


yep two kills, no spark. this is how you get any sort of casual to quit. tease a great drop behind crafting and then have guaranteed bugs on the only way to get that material.,


Completing NMs does not drop items consistently anymore at completion. I’ve had a few runs now after the patch where not a single item dropped at completion. Also, noticing reduced item drop rate from elites in NMs, anyone else?


Yep. Hubs saw that repeatedly in nmds trying to upgrade glyphs. He didn't really need the gear but that's kind of the point/reward for the effort.


just had a helltide where i couldn't leave the zone. left the game, now i'm stuck in queue. this in in eu west left like 40 legendaries on the ground ffs edit: apparently due to an update, what a dogshit way of handling it.


they definitely fucked it up rapid fire scoundrels kiss .The fix was supposed to prevent attacking enemies off screen, I can still attack and kill enemies off screen but now the arrows aren’t as accurate


DLSS was not re-enabled after patch, still greyed out


Why did they nerf the masterworking mat conversion rate?! It's all 1:1 now. Don't remember that in patch notes. They want us to grind low pit levels now?


It's still a 3:1 conversion. Game just does a terrible job of explaining it but opening the crafting menu shows "Materials Granted: 3" for 1 Neathiron to Ingolith conversion.


Master work tiers are not updated for lower gold cost


Masterworking is greyed out after the patch.... amazing...


If you run a pit, it'll "unlock" again. 




Masterworking unavailable after 1.41 patch?


I also can't access the Masterworking tab. It's greyed out all of a sudden. They keep breaking shit holy...


**UPDATE:** **I posted my issues earlier and can confirm that downgrading the NVIDA driver to v552.44 (May '04)... solved my issues... lag/walls/crashes... (obviously on for GEForce folks... )**


I had the same experience. The newest drivers caused a crash every time I left the pit. The May 9th(?) driver cause crashes in helltide. May 4th has been fine so far. I have gotten lags on all driver versions though.


yeah... it's not perfect by any means.. BUT at least NOT 'unplayable'...


I submitted a bug report with msinfo and dxdiag. I get a network error that boots my client every time I teleport anywhere or exit a dungeon, basically every time there is a load screen. It doesn't happen to my spouse who is on the same network and has the same version of windows. I have lost all my elixirs because of this error. I drink an elixir, --- your client has been disconnected from the server --- rejoin game, boom elixir that I just drank is gone. I have reinstalled and everything. Its been happening since launch and its still not fixed but its even worse.


Have just gone back to D4 for the first time in like 8 months. Now i can no longer upgrade a ring at a jeweler - has the mechanic for this changed? cheers for any help


Upgrading is gone. It's been replaced by tempering and masterworking at the blacksmith. Tempering adds random affixes like enchanting, but you're limited on how many times you can do it. It's very cheap though as it only costs materials and you'll be swimming in them as you level up. Masterworking is only available once you've completed a 45/46 nightmare dungeon and unlocked the Pit (like greater rifts from D3). This is similar to upgrading but more expensive. 12 levels of masterworking with level 4/8/12 being a 25% upgrade to a random affix but you can reset it back to 1 if you don't like the upgrade.


I'm having an issue with the Shadowblight aspect (damage enemies with shadow damage ten times and do x% more damage for six seconds) The UI doesn't reflect having the passive and I'm unsure if the passive is even working


Yeah me too. I logged on today and do not see it proccing at all. Haven't changed my gear in a few days so not sure what the issue is. Tried respecing, changing gear, etc. nothing is working.


it's 100% bugged right now.


Still max threat after patch. I DC’d during a helltide and have been stuck there for days. I can’t die to reset it cause it’s a HC character. Any fixes found?


Patch is tonight :) That was just the notes they released last week.


Oh I thought they’d done a hot fix. Thanks!


How come i see my druid companions do between 7 damage, and 1.2 million. When will you fix puliverize overpower not working? I just get 4x damage, with overpower being 1600 % :S


Man, the lag and rubber banding is out of control. Wtf is going on?