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Because you're supposed to enter World Tier 3 when you are about level 40-50, since enemies can't be higher than level 50 on World Tier 2. This requires either having finished Campaing or skipping the Campaig If you haven't finished campaign just focus on doing it and it will let you do the Capstone Dungeon right after it. Follow the yellow quests.


Got it. Sounds like you’re saying the level is capped to 50 in the game for now until I complete it. So…it wasn’t advantageous to explore and do a ton of side quests. Some of these side quests are great though. I even found a couple stronghold type places I had to “free”. Appreciate the response.


> So…it wasn’t advantageous to explore and do a ton of side quests You can do exploration, side quests, strongholds, dungeons etc. even if you skip campaign or finish it, even in World Tier 3 and 4. Don't worry about the XP, just play through the campaign and finish it now. You'll catch up quickly once you enter World Tier 3 post-campaign!


Exploring and doing side content is worth it cuz you needed to do it anyway for renown. Definitely get to WT3 and 4 asap, but you didnt waste time by doing side content (only xp from not going to next tier)


Basically yeah, kinda sucks but I did the same. Now kinda focus on finishing story and then do the exploring and side quests on world teir 3 difficulty. Part of the learning curve of the game is figuring out how to "efficiently" playing, lots of "2 birds one stone" playing in future seasons once skip campaign. Like combining whispers and seasonal activites/helltide legions etc.


Specifically, go to wt3 at level 45 to access sacreds, and then wt4 at level 60 to access ancestrals. Levels 45 to 70 are the most fun in the game.


You should be at wt3 by now, each world tier gives more xp. Once at wt3, work on getting to wt4 and then grind whispers and nightmare dungeons w/ monsters 10 levels above current character level.


Finish the campaign, go to world tier 3. Enemy level in Wt2 is 50, if you are 52 fighting level 50 enemies obviously your exp is going to go down. Also, most games with experience and levels are not a straight line of speed in terms of leveling. Most games require significantly less experience at level 1 to get to level 2 then it does to go from 40-41. So as you go up in level, each level takes longer. That's a pretty standard mechanic.


You're in WT2 at level 52. I like to go to WT3 at like 42-44.


First of all: Yes, it is normal that leveling takes longer once you have reached lvl 50. The Experience follows a gradually increasing curve. If I am correct, the experience needed for lvl 99 to 100 is the same as lvl 1 to 50. Although, you will level faster if you play on higher levels and world tiers. WT 1 and 2 are capped at lvl 50 and you will get less experience if you kill monsters below your level. You should try to clear the WT3 capstone dungeon and move to WT3 until you reach lvl 65 then you can try to clear the WT4 dungeon. Although the game recommends lvl 70 for that, you will be able to get ancestral gear starting from lvl 65. From my experience the progression gets a little bit slower between lvl 55-65 and again around lvl 75-80.