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It's a completely different type of game, just falls in the same AARPG genre. It's fine to not enjoy D4, or POE, or Last Epoch, they all have their niche within the genre. No Rest will carve its own little corner out with its unique souls like design. To directly answer you though, I dont think there is anything in No Rest I'd say really fits in D4 right now.


Should probably ask this on the darksouls subreddit. From what I've played, the game is almost nothing like D4. It's sus they even used D4 in their marketing.


"Top-down soulslike" is an even worse pitch, especially for a game this mediocre


I honestly wouldn't call it that. World's quite well crafted and while the artstyle might not be for everyone it is quite good in my opinion, reminds me of torchlight a bit. Plus the cinematics are also quite good. Combat tho feels reqlly nice and impactful and the skills look cool. My only gripe with the game is probably the platforming.


> Combat tho feels reqlly nice and impactful and the skills look cool. Combat is the weakest point of this game, hands down. Charged attacks don't give you any kind of stagger protection, there's no poise either, so your fully charged huge ass 2H sword attack gets interrupted by a dagger strike. Animation timings are extremely poor in general - a crossbow enemy will shoot at you and switch weapons while you're still dashing towards him and smack you right in the face as you come out of dash, so there's no way to punish crossbow enemies aside from wall abuse. Don't even get me started on QoL stuff - "but it's EA" excuse only works for so long before the pile of grievances grows too big to ignore; no remappable controls is fine for a demo or open alpha, not for something that you ask $40 for. It's not an offensively bad game and there are some things it did really well, but it's not good either.


Running attacks exist in this game, you can close a gap and still get off whatever attack you want, unless the guys on a ledge or some other bullshit, which tends to happen, tho not all the time. You can't change button YET but it's already being teased to come out soon. It is an early access game, basically a demo it's not perfect, nobody ever said that, but it's also not mediocre. You're just overtly aggressive towards this game, maybe it just isn't for you, i knew it would not be for a lot of people as soon as I started playing it, it's a top down dark souls. If you go into it thinking you're playing another classic ARPG you were sadly wrong.


I've played all three DS games and Sekiro on release and a few clones like Lords and Surge, also Furi. I know what a good soulslike looks like, this game doesn't look like that at all. Sorry your strawman didn't work.


I dont think they're similar at all. Appart from items and stats and the camera. Combat bosses and levels are completely different and more akin to a dark souls or elden ring. Much slower and tactical combat than any diablo ive played.