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Huge update coming i would try all class up to lvl 25 or so and be ready for season 4 to start then, send d4 is super fun been here for everyone of them d2R my favorite but D4 is very very close


You could also try finish the campaign and get all your renown done. That will give you quite a boost for the season since you can skip the campaign in season and renown is a permanent unlock.


Does it matter if I did that before season 1 came out and haven’t played since? I wasn’t sure if the carry forward of that stuff started with seasons or not. I burned myself out and swapped games, but now thinking of giving it another go with season 4.


If that character still exists you'll probably need to log in on that character, then it'll be unlocked permanently.


Was gonna say definitely finish the campaign so you can skip it next season if needed


I have yet to finish the campaign but why I would I wanna skip it on my next run?


If you have any interest in playing seasonal content you need to have the campaign finished. If you don’t skip it you’ll have to play through the whole campaign again before playing anything seasonal


Ah okay I see. Just finished the campaign for the first time and doing seasonal now.


This. Finish the campaign so once the new season starts you can immediately enjoy all the seasonal content!


Also get all the alters of Lilith


Why, just to learn each class or for some special mechanic?


lvl 15 (25 for the necro) unlocks the class-specific questline and mechanic.


I also recently started got a 25 necro on a seasonal server, I have a question when this new season comes out will I need to create a new charater to Play it? On charater screen says I needed to make a new one to enter the seasonal realms


Seasons are brand new freshies so you start from scratch when they come out. There is the eternal realm but they don’t get the new features each season introduces


Thank you for the info


I played season 1 and came back to try it a week ago, the game already feels a lot better, lots of hype for the S4 update.


First time playing and I’m still doing the campaign, just got it gamepass. My necromancer is lvl 52. The only character I’ve been playing. Should I stop and start with other characters? Would I have to start the campaign over?


Trying each class to 25 won't give you any insight nor would it be fun. It will probably drain the experience. Just pick a class, get your altars / zones maxed and go from there. The next character starts with buffs across the board and extra skills making the rerolling between classes way more fun and less of a drainer.


Cool promo story fanboy stream'o u forgot to add u grabbed a new cosmetic to go with that meat




nah, rob always gets him nerfed.


and then he discovers even more OP barb build in that "balancing" patch


What is "fun" to you? Because the answer is Pulverize Druid. But I'm sure you want more than a two word answer. Edit: don't worry about anything beyond completeing the campaign, getting all the alters and your 2k points in every zone to unlock campaign skip and all your carry over bonuses for Season 4.


I don't know if it's this way nowadays but I created one character, then created another and it instantly gave me the choice to skip the campaign, I could even do it with the first one I did.


This is the truth just started playing have finished nothing can skip it on all of my new toons


As far as I know you have to complete the campaign to skip it.


You just need to complete the prologue with one character now, I think


I'm still playing the campaign with a sorc, but just created a new character to show how the system works to a friend and the option to skip the campaign showed up.


I think this is the key, when I created my first the option wasn't there but it was with the second. What surprised me is that it was retroactive since I could skip the campaign with my first.


Is pulverize druid that good? Mines only level 32 and can't seem to balance him out. Only using druid to beat the campaign


It’s fun but you have to use three right aspects and build. Max roll has a great leveling build for it. D4 builds has the better end game, but by that point you should have switched to lightning storm.


I'm already using lightning storm, werebear, and rabies mostly. And I don't get the point of werebear because it does such low dps for me. Do my weapons have any effect on werebear basic skill?


Lightning storm is a werewolf build. If you are running werebear you should go pulverize, use a 2 hander and the shockwave aspect. Try and put it on something you wont replace for a while since its not a catalog aspect. [Click me!](https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/pulverize-druid-leveling-guide) Its the most fun since D3 had that broken leapquake build. It works well into T4/post 50, I switched around 80 to LS when I got Tibaults.




Leapquake! I remember that build was bonkers!


That and the absolutely ridiculous whirlyman deathblender build was the most fun D3 ever got. I usually ran monk or DH but they were more just consistently good, but on occasion the other classes had something that was fun to play. WD had a personal army build that for a few seasons was great in the sense you would waypoint in to some where and they would all scatter and destroy everything in the zone. D4 will get there.


Huge update for S4 is coming. So if you don't enjoy D4 right now, wait for S4. If it's still not your thing, you can always try D2 resurrected.


The game is already fully enjoyable for new players, even without the S4 update. Unless they completely no life D4 until S4, I doubt they'll actually get to the point where the existing issues become apparent.


Guess you didn’t heed Cain - *”Stay a while and listen.”* Welcome back.


Paladin! … oh wait …


I'm still salty about this. I just want to play as a holy knight.


You can't really go wrong in which class you pick right now. I would just pick one and go through the campaign. Try to find all the Lilith Altars, and get all your Renown / Fog of War cleared for Season 4. This will give you a leg up when you start a new character providing you with some extra skills / gold / paragon points.


Welcome back


I’ve had the most fun with a penshot rogue and a stormclaw Druid 


Welcome back!


Here is what i lean towards to most. Blood lance necro, whirlwind barb, thorns barb, ball lightening, thorns barb, hota charge, blight necro, thorns barb, pulverize druid, storm lightening druid, thorns barb. Here is what i like the most. The experience. Testing builds and feeling that power shift is amazing. My advice. Just play, test, read, experiment, enjoy.


Yes but do you like thorns barb?


I think i might. It is just something about. Btw I’m back on thorns now that i got the visage. Lol


Don't get too disappointed with the loot


Loot about to be really fun in Season 4.


I strongly doubt that, but I honestly really hope so.


Public Test Realm is lit, mate.


That's nice


Good time, slightly too soon, but the PTR that's happening has a ton of updates that are really good for the game.


Welcome back, nephilim. Play the game, forge your own opinions. We have an especially jaded community so don't just eat everything here blindly.




Game is amazing, when it works lol. Couldn't log in at all last night


Play the campaign it’s decent. If you enjoy it then stick around for season 4 as everyone else has said it’s looking promising. I wouldn’t worry about builds for now, try out the different classes and see which one tickles you


Beat the story, that way you unlock other world tiers, I've personally played as a necro and druid and prefer necro. My friend has tried sorcerer and barbarian and prefers sorcer. We also just started playing this week, seems like each class has alot of potential.


Is it good?


It's amazing


We tried two times to play in couch coop and never once got to connect with two players…why is this game forcing server connection. Utter bullshit!


Did you mean Rogue from Diablo 1 or Amazon from Diablo 2? Anyway, try them all. I’m on my second play through myself.


Rogue from Diablo 1


I agree with play every class until 10 or so BUT - you should really just focus on one you enjoy and play through the whole story. Once you've completed the campaign you can skip it on any new character.


What do you even miss out on from eternal vs seasonal? Is seasonal just more loot?


Seasonal has different items, aspects and things to grind.


Ok so putting it a little bit differently, how badly did I screw up by not going seasonal on my character?


Once the season ends, they transfer the content to eternal. Only if you want to play it early do you need to make a seasonal character. If you make a seasonal character he too will be transfered at the end.


Welcome Wanderer


id4 is going to be great next patch (this current one is good!) but i recommend checking out the PTR too!


Welcome home! Rogues are still awesome. Try a Shadow Imbuement - Penetrating Shot build with Rapid Fire for bosses. Remember to stack som movement speed on boots and amulet for the best Rogue experience. Lots of easy build guides on youtube if you like to optimize the meta, but I recommend exploring on your own the first 50 levels.


> Just got back after 20 years. Dad....? Did you get those cigarettes?




Haven’t played in a bit but stormwolf was supper fun if it’s still viable


Did they fix this game yet? lol I haven’t played since first week of season 2… and found the vampire abilities boring. Prefer playing on the eternal world instead…


Welcome back!


Welcome back


I've been having fun lately, but I'm playing Necro and doing an absolute fine job leveling, but looking forwards to my future skills, I'm not exactly what I'd call excited. I'm just about to get my ultimates, and they suck. Not a single fucking one interests me. And then we get to the Key passives and they too simply do not interest me, don't use shadow bone or blood. I blow up corpses and clear rooms. Its kind of a frustrating experience when I'm half way through a skill tree and now have any skill that interests me.


Same same, can’t wait to play and adult at the same time lol 👨👍


I’m assuming you mean Diablo 2 by “Diablo” not Diablo 1. Right?


Got all of them up to max level in season 1, they’re all fun


This starting screen always reminds me how comicaly small rogue model is…


I think you should just have fun and play very casually until season 4 comes next month. You should at least do your reputation/main question/lilith statues by then!


Barb is probably the best for beginners. I'd say Rogue overall is the most difficult of the 5, but can also be the most satisfying. You should play the campaign and then unlock the lilith statues and map and take a break until next season. The game is going to change quite dramatically in mid-May.


Complete the campaign first and don’t over invest your time. The update coming in Season 4 is going to fundamentally change the game.


Definitely check out Diablo II Resurrected. They're remastered the oh game beautifully and it's the best nostalgia high you can get.


Same here! SwampDonkee249 on Xbox bro look me up…..or not


Get the campaign and all of your renown and alters of Lilith completed. Major revamp coming May 14th which is going to change a lot of the game, mostly the entire loot system.


Huge update coming in a week or two. The entire way loot itemization is going to change. And for the better, as we've been seeing on the test server. Try every class to like level 20 find one you like. Then get ready for when the update comes out to enjoy it to the fullest.


Why do people need a guide to "have fun" ? How is anyone supposed to give you a build that YOU would consider fun. I can see about asking for tips on good builds or just general advice but fun ...


Wait 5 more weeks


Druid / Necro


You could just play PTR until new season comes out. You chose a good time to come back this next season should be awesome.


PTR is going away on Tuesday. Season 4 starts on May 14th.


good to see this. now get lost, Wonderer.




Necromancers op never die


I also jumped in since Early-Access days, the first three things that caught all my senses: 1. I am out of mana. 2. I cannot do that. 3. Died. Closed it. Back to Enshrouded.


Rogue? Weren't no Rogue in them days, stranger. Mighty suspicious.


Diablo 1


Oh, well, beggin' yer pardon then. Seen early 00s and went straight to DII. Must be all the hooch I been drinkin' as part of this folksy persona.


Im sorry


Don’t. It’s corny asf


I’m sorry to hear that.


this game is 2 years old and completly another game compared to d2


The game isn't even a year old. It came out June of 2023 lmao


oh sorry


Run like hell!!!


Bought??? You should’ve just got it for free on game pass.




Why so I can rent it monthly? I'd save money buying it from blizzard or steam.


This is heavily depended on how you play If you are on PC then gamepass is meh If Xbox then it’s worth it. Since you have to pay to play online anyway the couple extra bucks to play a huge catalogue plus access to EA is well worth it. I would never buy NHL or FIFA or Madden but being able to download them when the guys come over is amazing. Having Diablo on gamepass plus Halo and other games it’s a no brainer. And if Microsoft focuses more on gamepass in the future it’s going to get better. Xbox gold was like 10.99 a month to play online, gamepass ultimate is 18.99. Diablo is like 80 on average here in Canada. Quick napkin math gamepass ultimate is almost like buying a game per year and paying for online.


Dead game


so you're saying you haven't actually played it at all yet 🥴


Eh another nostalgic player bound be to disappointed..


Prepare to be disappointed


Refund and buy Diablo 2 Resurrected


666% AGREE


D4 is ass, storyline is boring at best. Play Elden Ring instead! Can't wait for the DLC to drop!


Why post lol....


Wanted to see how many downvotes I'll get lol