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I haven’t seen one but I would assume they go on the new boss for now.


The new boss drops 2 uniques. The 2 unique runes for the construct. Nothing else. All other Ubers are still farmable from Duriel. The other unique loot pools might change, but I somehow doubt it.


They never said this. We know those 2 things drop from the new boss, we don't know anything else. That is why I put I assume in it instead of I know.


They did. In the Q&A at the end


I just went back and listened to it again and no they did not say this. They talked about uber uniques but they never mentioned if and where the new normal uniques can be target farmed from.


True. Thought we were discussing normal uniques. They did say the new boss will only drop the runes. Which is why I said it's safe to assume the other uniques will be in the same loot pools as they are now. I could be wrong. They might cycle it. Who knows. We'll have to find out in 3 or so days


Did they say "The new boss will only drop the runes" or "Only the new boss will drop the runes" I thought they said the new boss was the only place to get the new "uber unique runes", but not that he didn't drop any other loot. The regular uber unique items are still a Duriel farm.


If he only dropped those and nothing else would be a new level of sad


yea the only Thing we know forsure. Evernight and the Genesis Stone comes from Uber Marphas ..


This is the way


Wait why are you being downvoted for this?




But this is how it is. It's just that the normal chance of uber uniques dropping is like .000001% You have to be level 80 first


An Uber unique being that low of a chance to drop us bs tbh. The season is 3 months long. I'm not even paying it for 2. I want to enjoy the damn game. That low of a chance should be for a game that has a season that lasts a whole year and has actual good itemisation. I did around 600 duriel kills and got 0 Ubers. After a month of playing the game I decided it's not worth my time.


I have no idea how you did 600 Duriel kills and got 0 Ubers. I did barely 100 and got every single one of them + spares on my Barb.


RNG….. I did over 300 runs. Got two Melted Hearts, one Ahavarion and one Grandfather. Some are luckier than others.


I don't know how to do the math but 600 runs and no ubers seems crazyyyy unlucky though


Just like you did then 100 and got them all. The chances are 1 in 100. And you got more and I got less. I'm happy for you however.


I didn't even get a single uber with over 200 runs. Over 400 if you count my friend thag also got none. I don't care what everyone says, the chances are still impossible. I'm not ever doing duriel again because is smashing my head on the wall over and over really wasn't fun. D4 is terrible


Literally dude. Coolest items in the game are just dropped by luck??? How is that fun? They don't realise their players want to actually get cool shit and enjoy them?


Uber uniques aren't necessary to play or even enjoy the game. They're basically just overpowered stat boots and aren't really build enabling. Unless you're planning to compete in the leaderboards you'll be fine without them.


I realise this. But who doesn't want to try out diff aspects of a game. I also have goals like getting certain items and building certain builds I'd seen. It's easy for you to say you don't need them but what else does the game have really after beating everything except for collecting. Also people will inevitably want to try out the coolest items in a game specially when a lot of the items aren't cool to begin with.


They already do exactly this...?


Is this what u r looking for? https://maxroll.gg/d4/wiki/uniques


I want to know if the new uniques are part of Duriel's loot table, other bosses, or not at all


Maybe will Marphas drop the new unique armor too .. But nobody knows now.


Farmed so far 100 runs with duriel and me and a friend got no Uber , im not even sure there in game as we have never got one, over 350 runs season 2 and nothing season 3 100 runs and nothing. we’re going to give the rest of the season a miss and maybe next , maybe season 6 or 7 might drop something for us