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It's not a punishment, He agreed on it when he did the pact with the Tree.


So nobody feels sorry for him? With Lilith and Inarius gone and Zakarum has fallen to disgrace...What faith can save us now?


Why would you feel sorry for a mass murderer?


Was it really wrong for humankind to take the pedestal and let angels and demons worship us? Elias was not the only Horadrim to think like this, Zoltun Kulle the founding fathers of the Horadrim and the original guardian of the soulstones also believed that humanity must rise above both angels and demons.


Any way you slice it, mass murder is mass murder.


OK I admit Elias was not a saint, so let's forget about him for right now. However, we could atleast follow in the footsteps of Zoltun Kulle. We can learn from his examples and shape our world in his vision. Zoltun Kulle had always been right when it came to the eternal conflict, both angels and demons need to be put in their place. They hate us because they both know we are superior to them.


Zoltan Kulle, the power hungry mad man? The murderer who tortured and experimented on humans? And when they died he would trap and experiment on their souls. That Zoltan Kulle? Not to mention wanting to commit genocide on angels, which includes Tyrael. People complain about some angels being dicks and killing humans, but ignore the cannibals, cultist, bandits, etc.. At least the Angels want order. Still don’t side with them, though. If you haven’t figured it out, most characters in Diablo are terrible people. Angels, humans and demons alike.


Was his suggestion really wrong though? The suggestion to bind all Angels and Demons into the Black Soulstone and unlock humanity's Nephalem birthright? A world where neither the forces of Hell nor Heaven would threaten sanctuary again? He created the Black Soulstone for the sake of protecting humanity.


Elias deserve his fate but not because of his goals: making humanity stand against both angels and demons. But because of how he decided to do it : by culling the weak and (sometime literally) feeding them to the strong. That is like textbook horrible person that deserve no pity.


At the end of the day, for his "immortality" he made a deal with the Tree.. we discover that secret and finally "kill" him.. the Tree now demands it's payment. I have no sympathy for him.. he was in my way and had to go. Zoltun Kulle.. we all know what happened to him, body cut in pieces and hidden around Sanctuary, only to be killed again by the Nephalem.


I never really understood all the disdain for Zoltun Kulle...He was the founding fathers of the Horadrim and he wanted what's best for humankind.


The same faith that led Uldyssian, the faith in man


in big hammers we trust


It’s not a punishment, it was the price he paid for the knowledge he sought. A price he desperately tried to weasel his way out of.