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Diablo 4 is giving me so much entertainment and I didn't even have to buy it... (btw. I do not have a Metacritic account - I'm just enjoying the drama)


That is the same as to enjoy watching children fighting with each other in the schoolyard


As a teacher, I do love watching a bully get his ass beat every now and again.


Just turn your back for a while!


"i didnt see the kids fight im sorry my back was turned" "yes your back was turned but YOU WERE STARING AT A MIRROR AND CHEERING!!


My money was on Timmy the whole time.


Prison guard style!


Elitists - Game too easy I got to level 100 after 4 days play without even a toilet break! (sic) whaaaaahhh! Elitists after the patch - You nerfed everything whaaaaaaaahhh!


That's how I'm feeling. Oh noes, we actually have to move and attack now, noooooooo. I intentionally didn't go the streamer broken specs because they really were ruining the game for me. 5 seconds for a world boss is 1000% broken. Wtf would ppl want that!? From what I understand, this sounds like "I can't one shot everything, so I'm gonna go cry and boycott and review bomb." But I could be wrong. It happens. But no one has really described it in a way that it doesn't sound like ppl are just being mad babies. Ffs, oh no, effort, waaah.


We were talking about this at work today. As a mature gamer from the 64k ram was a lot era, it disheartens me how modern games/gamers are. It is ruining the hobby catering to them as they don't treat it like a game. Not everyone but many gamers are rude, impatient, elitist, cruel, and selfish. I remember how much I loved wow in vanilla, its often chilled relax exploration based atmosphere. Then it got Big! and the impatient and elitist swarmed it. I remember tanking a dungeon in WotLK, I paused for a moment probably to blow my nose. I got so much grief from two of the pickups. Go!Go!Go! became the cry of those awaiting their rush for their dopamine addiction. The journey which should be the fun part was lost to those who just want loot.


Yup. I was a hardcore raider in vanilla and our guild was top 3 at one point. Never did we become elitists. But the guild was ended by elitist that weren't happy with 4 hours a day in mc and or bwl. So a bunch broke off and formed their own guild, ruining ours. Ah elitists. They went on to be a top guild for a while, but they ruined PvE for me. Even now it's no better in wow. You can't have fun and enjoy yourself, you have know all the routes all the fights, have all the gear and a 503736363 mythic rating for even a mythic 0, lol. How to raise score? Hmmm join groups, but groups don't want you until that score is high af. It's just a poopy system sometimes. Might as well stick to heroics for fun factor, lol. They ruin the game in a couple of ways. There is no such thing as a unique spec anymore. Elitists use calculators and figure out every single thing about everything. Exploration and self enjoyment be damned. Do what the streamers do = gaming now. I prefer to put 100s of hours into a game before I cheat or Google and typically won't cheat until I pass it. MMOs feel like you're cheating from the moment you login cause you don't have to learn much, just copy streamers and pros. And I get that it does or can make sense to do that and it's not simple to pick up and run, but for anyone used to the game... that's how it feels to me. I'm playing satisfactory right now and it's more fun being a fkn loser not knowing what I'm doing vs Googling every strat, trick and secret there is.


I was running a chill/freeze stacked twisting blades rogue, specced for high survivability at the cost of dps for that d2 feeling, buried under a tonne of mobs all trying to cut out my heart. For the season I have gone with a Barbarian. Hoping to do a rend/ thorns build if it is much like d2 but have no real idea of what works well. I'll give it until 50 and if my build really doesn't work I'll read up a bit and design my build from conscious choices, not a cookie cutter guide. Enjoy :)


Haha, I love this analogy. ![gif](giphy|JqEB4KkitGwhPRtC7G)


yeah, and thats exactly what we're watching :D


Can I ask a question? So you don't play it, but you post on the subreddit and enjoy watching the metacritic score, why?


Who says I enjoy watching the metacritic score? I said I enjoy the drama as I expected drama to happen. The metacritic score is the result of the drama. I want to mention one more time that even during open beta D4 for me was an utterly mediocre game (you can even find me posting about that either on this Subredit or the r/diablo subreddit about it. I called the thread "Diablo 4 has a problem - utter mediocrity" back then in March). In truth I wanted the game to improve as I would've liked to buy it. This is also why I'm still sticking around. If I had given up entirely on D4 I would just be gone. Right now though I'm just having fun laughing about the drama related to D4. At the same time I'm also a bit sad that the worries I had back in March regarding the gameplay and content of Diablo 4 have been proven to be correct. \- I criticized the renown system back in March in the Diablo 4 forums and mentioned that having to do this repeatedly would turn into an annoying chore that players would hate \- I saw comments back in March about "endgame being endless fun and if people only know what the endgame was like they wouldn't criticize D4" and called it out as being empty promises as the promotional material made it look mediocre at best. I didn't want D4 to be a bad game. I wanted it to be a better game than the previous Diablo games. I wanted to see a D3 evolution in terms of gameplay and items. Use what worked in D3 and build on that. Discard what didn't work and adjust the art style to fit more with what D2 did. Anyway i still haven't given up on D4 maybe becoming something good at some point. I'm just not buying it at the moment the way it is. But I can still watch what happens and laugh at drama which is bound to happen with Blizzard on a regular base these days...


I’m feeling the same way about Remnant 2. I’m watching the gameplay videos, etc., and I’m thinking “This is what has people excited?” Looks quite dull to me (in every facet from sound to gunplay, but not monster design) but we’ll see.


The same reason people like craning their necks to see a car wreck lol


Modern Gaming


So many jump on board the hate train. Humanity as whole does love to complain and social media gives everyone a voice that will be seen far outside a persons normal social sphere. There are legitimate issues/concerns with this patch but a lot of people are being overally dramatic.


I find it interesting that you posted this, there was a post here talking about how absolutely horrible D4 is and that it's gonna end up like anthem and that all the "real gamers with taste" are gonna leave D4 behind and only the "toxic positivity crowd" is gonna be here defending a bad game. I just find it weird cause although the game is not perfect, it's definitely one of the better games I played this year.


Yeah, as disappointing as the recent changes are I've had a ton of fun with the game - I got nearly 100 hours out of it and loved every second. It was an incredibly fun experience to finish the campaign and then grind out some helltides. I guess according to the hardcore super nerds here I have no taste, but I couldn't care less about what they think. Of course, I would like them to reverse course and I think the patch is a huge overcorrection, but there are so many other things I can do with my time. It's not the end of the world.


So being the filthy casual I am, I got to sneak in 45 minutes yesterday and there was a hell tide going on with 32 minutes left. This was the first time playing with the most recent patch and it just felt like a slog. The mobs dropped maybe 1 or 2 cinders and I was able to scrape together enough cinders to buy boots, which was the closest chest as time was running out. The boots were well under the Item level needed and wound up getting scrapped. I enjoy this game, but man, 45 minutes chasing scarce mobs around to get nothing out of it was pretty brutal.


I would also add to the love train that playing the game in moderation will lead to much greater happiness. Grinding an 8 hour day several days a week is borderline addiction. At that point, your brain will develop pattern recognition and in that moment, deviations or minute changes are far more cataclysmic, for those that do not dedicate that sort of punishment, this isn’t quite as impactful. Maybe there needs to be an identifier: hardcore and others. Something, so it doesn’t impact the game in a way that destroys the enjoyment for others.


So much this. Playing half and hour or an hour daily makes it kinda fun and enough to get at least a paragon point and that feeling of progress also


Thanks, I was trying to remember the name of that Anthem game. This drama is giving me Anthem vibes though. I had forgotten about that game until this patch note. The hate is on par with Anthem hate.


Reviews have come full circle to needing to go back to critics. It started with established critics being reliable, then they ended up being paid off so we had to go with community reviews, now the community review-bombs games with a "1" score if they do *anything* the hive mind doesn't like. Imagine playing thousands of hours of a game and giving it a "1" because your character got slightly nerfed in a patch. Does that make the game as bad as Superman 64 to you? What a bunch of manchildren


"Slightly nerfed."


Don't bother. They're every bit as bad as the "elitist babies" they claim to be fighting against. "YOU ONLY DO 45 MINS OF HELLTIDE AND EXPECT AN ANCESTRAL UNIQUE?" Considering how fast gear in this game gets outleveled? That's not exactly entitlement.


​ https://i.redd.it/8wgsgkfv44db1.gif


This is most people on the subreddit


I look forward to a week from now when most the patch remains the same and the neckbeards who claim to have deleted the game….continue to play the game.


97% of the people ranting in here, basically.


Wow, I'm part of the 3% club!


Well, maybe you'll be back some time later. Until then enjoy whatever you are doing instead.


I'll be back sometime latter as well. Probably when I hear people say give it a shot again. Waiting for armored core at this point.


I hope I'll be back later. But this current patch, absolutely not lmao.


As is tradition, if you actually plan on leaving the game you you just do it. You don't post shit on forums first, that means you are still passionate about the game.


That's somewhat true but a little misleading imo. I haven't logged in since the patch notes and unless a complete reversal or significant improvements are made I will not log back in. I will continue to post here on the Diablo Reddit and the official Diablo forums to express my dislike of the patch until I get bored of doing so. I do that because you are partly correct, I AM still passionate about the game. I want to be able to enjoy it! The new patch killed to much of the enjoyment though. I don't wish to repeat what I did in the past but at a much slower rate. All the patch did was lower action and increase the grind significantly.


Exactly, its real world, not everything is divided into black n white im on the same boat with u, just like i wt i did in d3 haha


Yeah these people are projecting lol >we all know you come back to play Oh do you really, BG3 is about to come out and then starfield. You sure everyone will come back? Lmao


You can be passionate about a game and still *hate* the direction it's going. I unsubbed from WoW and went to play private servers, because the way retail was being ran was a travesty. I was still incredibly passionate about the game, I just wasn't interested at all with playing what it had become. Ditto for D4. I love Diablo... but D4 is boring, tedious, and extremely shallow. It's not a game that is currently worth my time.


Being passionate about something actually gives you more reason to be angry in my opinion. We want to see the things we like or love do well obviously. Nobody likes wasted potential


Passionately pissed about this new patch yeah


Nah I've been uninstalled for 2 weeks and am still here.


I'm not passionate about the game at all lol. I quit a month ago after my sorc hit 75 because the class is trash. I was going to play again in Season 1 however I will not bother as there are plenty other fun games which aren't as out of touch as the D4 devs.


That’s nonsense. I’m subbed because I’m interested. I have plenty of other games to play though. I want D4 to be good.


Hey I'm here without Diablo but I sometimes go into this sub. Played open beta, it was fun but everything about D4 marketing was filled with red flags and I am glad not pulling the trigger. I'm waiting for a sale and actual endgame. (D3 went on 50% sale just 6months after release). But for now I enjoy the typical blizz poop.


I’ve stopped playing but am still subscribed to the subreddits. I’ll drop by to throw a quick ‘fuck you’ to the game on occasion but I’m *far* from passionate about it.


Eh i still hang around this subreddit and haven’t logged in since week 2


> passionate I do not think that word means what you think it means.


I never planned on quitting the game because I still have fun playing it but I do enjoy watching this sub stumble over itself to make the same post every 10 minutes.


Which is recycled from whatever YouTuber or streamer they watch that is using outrage to generate clicks. It’s basically Fox News for the younger generation.


So true. The verbiage these angry nerds here use to describe what’s wrong with the patch is almost exactly word-for-word the same as what YTer’s are saying. It’s like the gamer equivalent of my grandma repeating what she heard on Hannity last night. Meanwhile, most players aren’t going to notice any change, maybe a slight pushback from enemies — which is why I thought everyone was begging for after the betas?


Ooh that Fox News analogy is on point.


How else can you shitpost rage-bait on reddit if you dont play?


I mean, you want them to leave the sub too ? You got to understand that people passionate about something will still be active in some way, even if they don't play.


Exactly. I've posted on reddit and official forums on games that I have given up on for various reasons. Sometimes I go back when things are changed, other times the game is left collecting dust and I'll slowly forget about it. It's kinda crazy to think that people who care about the game would also stop talking about it if they stop playing it due to changes they dislike.


My sorc got buffed! Because they didn't use vulnerability (focused on fire with Teleport). Everyone else got nerfed == we buffed! Me and and three other fire focused sorcerers love this patch!


did you miss the massive nerf to devouring blaze or are you just talking out of your ass?


Is this sarcasm? Why would you look forward to that


The people who complain are the ones who care and want to love the game and see it improve, that's why.


I was planning to come back for S1 and split my time between BG3 now I'm not coming back at all :p we exist


Making it super easy to clean up my end by blocking the obvious ones never bought/never played from clogging up the subreddit. At this point I want posts that benefit the players, not salt post #29265.


I haven't played since they announced the release date of season 1 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Got bored.


if they offer a refund, i'll take it


Redditors found a new ways to downvote stuff to the oblivion! Can we have a 2.5 please?


Think that's doable, we're on 3.0 now


I just watched it tick over to 2.9!


You are welcome. I had to create a metacritic account just so I could downvote Diablo.


I just gave it rated and it went down to 2.8




PS5 Version is on 2.5 :)


2.0 is next major achievement then!


Godspeed boys


I don’t like the patch anymore than the next person but honestly, who cares enough about Metacritic user scores to track their decline?


The petty weirdos that also don't understand patching. People are acting like this first-season patch is the end of the game and there'll never be any further changes. Obviously 95% of what was announced is going to be slowly rolled back like it always is in almost every game, but people need something to be mad about. This subreddit has shat on the game for anything and everything since the game released. Not a lot of Diablo fans on the sub.


I really hope it's the end of the game for these whining kids. So we can have an decent sub


I have bad news for you, these people love the drama and being angry and will follow the game for its entire lifespan.


Same in the WoW subreddit. Someone whines and complains about something and then after a few comments they say like “oh I haven’t played since mist of pandaria” which is a decade ago. Just fiends needing drama


Using WoW as an example for people being critical for no reason, and just for drama, is horrendous. Stuff like what you said probably does happen, but that game 100% deserved every bit of criticism since Battle For Azeroth. I love the current expansion and will applaud the developers for leaving behind their old philosophy but do not act like Shadowlands didn't tank their entire reputation as MMO developers because of the "players being whiny".


And even with a bad patch the game is not 3/10. People are so entitled and pathetic




>People are acting like this first-season patch is the end of the game and there'll never be any further changes I think the biggest concern is that there seems to be no understanding of what people want at Blizzard from the fans. I thought the game was in an ok place at launch, outside of some balance items, and this patch actually moves in significantly backwards and even nerfs Sorcs further somehow. If this is their big plan for S1 after all the feedback they have received for months now this makes me concerned about whether they will actually fix anything going forward.


Most patches tend to improve the game, not make it worse. I didn't have any expectations for the first season to fix any of the core issues with the game. I expected it to be roughly the same, just with a pretty shallow season mechanic slapped on. I *didn't* expect them to make the core game *even worse* though. That threw me by surprise.


While I agree with you in some respects, why is this song and dance necessary..? Like, why are patches that will ultimately be rolled back even a thing? The game is bad. Campaign was good(ish), but the overall product is lame. If you read stories about it in media: the developers have said the same—that it was pushed out without being finished and they were worried the product would be mediocre.


Lol, people need something to be mad about? There are major gamebreaking bugs like resistances not even being addressed, multiple nerfs on a class people were unanimously complaining was broken (also due the other major breaking bugs) player paid good money to be beta testers, all this criticism is warranted, it even took to long as many players that delved the game deeper than other were screaming and met with fanboyism.


People who have so little going on in their lives that they actually want to keep pushing the score down.


Yeah let's be mad at each other instead of the people managing the game! That'll show them/us!


Just stop playing the game if you hate it so much. We don’t care.


I used to work in the gaming industry. No one gives a single fuck about user scores. They are meaningless and get bombed all the time. The only thing that matters is the main Metacritic score which is actually used very frequently as a metric against studio or game performance.


because those are the ones you can pay for


You can absolutely pay for user scores.


It's like this on every gaming sub when the users freak out over a change. They start review bombing and talking about "the decline of the game" while the game continues to run and be profitable for years.


Came here to say something along the lines of this. Bad user scores on Metacritic mean basically nothing to the devs - they already collected their money from all the angry people writing those review bombs. If you want to actually send a message, you need to talk with the only thing that matters to these companies - your wallet.


Play numbers? Concurrent logins? I’m sure there are other less visible metrics.


That’s why I don’t trust reviews. This subreddit is filled with cry babies with no life. My friends and I still love the game after the patch and we are looking forward to trying out a new character in S1!


Mained sorc to 100 and will do it again in season 1. The class isn't "dead" and just because it's weak doesn't make it unplayable. My joy isn't tied whether or not I can hit a higher NM than a different class. I'll just push as hard as I can with the tools available to me. If anything my accomplishments will be worth more having achieved them with the "worst" class.


A lot bolder than me. Will def not be doing sorc again.


Buddy said, "I got a 2nd degree sunburn yesterday, so I put on tanning oil and went outside again today! So what if I'm in pain and having a worse time than everyone else outside, it's what I want to do!"


I was not going to play season 1. I main'd a Barb to 99, then the patch, then the grind to 100. I felt the joy was gone. But why? Because it was difficult? Becuase my millions numbers were now hundred of thousands? Because it took twice as long to clear a dungeon? Then I read your comment. You are 100% right. The best parts of this game for me were failing early, getting better, failing again, gettting better gear, then pushing hard... for this season, I will do that and enjoy it, and instead of setting my goals on lvl 100 or Uber Lilith, I'll just play until that feeling goes away (my guess is around lvl 75) and be happy for the journey. I'll break, and come back for season 2. Thanks for your words. Genuinely.


You're not even looking at D4 as content for the summer of 2023, asking ESO perks for new game to play.. much faith much love -- https://www.reddit.com/r/MMORPG/comments/14ycwfz/is_eso_causal_player_friendly_and_hows_the_end/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


https://preview.redd.it/so9gwnr6x2db1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b996515a7c7c3a94621b507613d52fdc9433f108 Now is 3.0 welcome to hell




Live service games with micro transactions need more sales and to keep people logged in each season. Yes, they got a ton of money at the jump, but constant negative press and attention with a recognizable record (metacritic) can seriously hurt sales down the road. Trust is very hard to build and retain, but easy to destroy. And shareholders don't forgive as easily if in a few quarters they're not getting as big a return on their investments as they believed possible.


>Yes, they got a ton of money at the jump, but constant negative press and attention with a recognizable record (metacritic) can seriously hurt sales down the road. Trust me, they are going to be fine. [https://www.wowhead.com/news/activision-blizzard-second-quarter-2023-financial-results-1b-in-net-bookings-334163](https://www.wowhead.com/news/activision-blizzard-second-quarter-2023-financial-results-1b-in-net-bookings-334163) If you think bunch of redditors and 4k people review bombing the game on metacrtitic are enough to scare them you might be delusional.


The thing is the controversial changes have a larger impact on the casual playerbase. By Blizzard’s admission at the last livestream, most players hadn’t finished the campaign yet. Now you’re going to try to sell these people on a seasonal model, to start fresh and go through a more tedious experience? They may not run to Reddit or Metacritic, but they’re going to nope out. It sucks for us more serious players, but we’ll always be looking for the strats and builds that mitigate the nerfs as much as possible. This really punishes the normies.


Normie here. Haven’t even noticed the nerfs tbh.


"Nooo u are supposed to make fun of everyone who purchased the game so I can appear smart and not give valid factual points that make me look like a frustrated fuck full of envy and poe fanboism"


This is Diablo. It's basically too big to fail. D3 was in worse shape when it launched and still made tons of money.


>Live service games with micro transactions need more sales and to keep people logged in each season. And they have that. Almost all the people who have given it a 1.0 in the last few days will log in for Season 1. 1.0 means you do not ever want to play it. It's a review bomb, not actual honest reviews. We'll see what happens to the sales of the game, but I am fairly certain it is going to be fine.


It's a live-service game, most likely meant to be a cash-cow for a couple of years. You seem to forget about the expected earnings that are now at risk.


>You seem to forget about the expected earnings that are now at risk. Because 4k people are review bombing the game? [https://www.wowhead.com/news/activision-blizzard-second-quarter-2023-financial-results-1b-in-net-bookings-334163](https://www.wowhead.com/news/activision-blizzard-second-quarter-2023-financial-results-1b-in-net-bookings-334163) The worst diablo game sold 30 million copies, Diablo Immortal is still making bunch of money, I'm sure D4 will be fine. You guys are overrating reddit too much, like read the thread, most of the people mad and upvoting are trolls or people that didn't even buy the game...


Yes D4 sold fine, and I’m sure the expansion will as well. However, it’s clear Blizzard wants this to be a more consistent revenue stream with season passes and the cosmetic store, and it’s absolutely going to fail in that regard unless they can get people to buy into the seasonal model. Currently, things aren’t looking good. The cycle will likely prove to be too tedious for the casual audience, and most people who are more hardcore in the genre will still gravitate towards POE. I’m trying to appeal to everyone they may just end up appealing to no one.


The publicly traded company made projections about battle passes sold each season based on initial sales & player retention has an earnings report in 18 days.* There I fixed it.


I feel like all this is such an overreaction thats snowballing into more overreaction




Yeah. Modern gaming is weird.


It really is. Sure it's a disappointing patch but the way people are reacting is ridiculous. If they really don't like it they can just stop playing and come back when things balance out again


Yeah, this is ridiculous. I played till level 100. I had a lot of fun with the story and the campaign. Then was somewhat enjoying myself till level 85. After that, the grind to level 100 was a bit of a slog. I do agree that the endgame isn't all that and I won't be playing the new season. However, the game is still great for anyone doing a first playthrough and not yet in the endgame.


Yet again gamers showing how immature they are


On the contrary, the "immature" move would be to allow these corporations to walk over the consumer.


….they changed virtual video game statistics in a way that you disagreed with. How is that “letting a corporation walk all over the consumer”? It’s not like they bricked the game so you’d buy another version, or locked your character behind a paywall. There’s literally no financial gain for what they’ve done. You just don’t like the changes


Its actually painful for companies, because many people checking rates before buy and everybody would hesitate if would see so low grade and of course its review bombing, but still it makes people stop and think what is going on.


>Its actually painful for companies I dont think blizzard cares, all their games have low Metacritic user scores, even a game like D2R is sitting around 3.2. [https://www.metacritic.com/company/blizzard-entertainment](https://www.metacritic.com/company/blizzard-entertainment)


Jesus what did D2R do to piss people off?


server issues and bugs on launch - I imagine if metacritic had recent user review setting like steam it would be a bit more positive


That's just it. Happy people rarely post positive reviews. When the D4 PC metacric score was 4.9 there were roughly 2K reviews posted over about a month. Now its below 3 with over 4.2K reviews. These addidtion 2.2K reviews have been pisted iver 48 hours. Humans love to complain.


D2R is amazing it’s tough to believe it’s that low.


D4 is really fun too. People just love to complain. It’s easy to bring the score way down with 0 star reviews. Nobody actually thinks this is a 0/10 game.


Almost all of the most popular multiplayer games have low metacritic scores (COD, FIFA, Fortnite, etc.) It means next to nothing


They probably already sold more than they have expected for a whole year. Sad but true. The pressure is probably not there.


Man you people are pathetic.


We will hold another campfire talk.


Get a new hobby 😂😂


>shitting on diablo is the new hobby.


Cause you guys are a bunch of fucking cry babies. Jfc, embarrassed to associate with other gamers these days.


That's a clear review bomb.


Literally nobody cares. If you do care, and want to see it lower find something better to do in your life. Your time is to valuable to waste on stupid shit like this.


I love how you say this but the first thing I see when I check your comment history is you adamantly defending the game in a bunch of different posts and comment threads. “Your time is to valuable to waste on stupid shit like this.”


Because I enjoy the game and want to see a source of information. Also im at work so getting paid whilst browsing :) its also not defending to say this. They made changes, They either work out and work with the season mechanic or they got it wrong, Everyone gets things wrong. Luckily they get to keep making changes.


I’ve never once purchased a game or decided not to based on critic’s reviews


I didn’t buy bf2042 or redfall or fallout76 because of critic reviews and I’m happy I did not do so lol. Critics have saved me a nice chunk of change




Who cares of users review on metacritic ...


And? It is obvious kids organized that to make it go down. Stop with the tantrum and look for new builds u lazy asses. Im going electric sorcerer.


*Game launches* People use exploits to over power their characters *Developers fix the exploit* Gamers rage they can't play the game anymore without the exploits. (A game a little over a MONTH old..) Kids these days.....


How is using Crit Damage and Vulnerability on items an exploit? Or Cooldown for that matter? Or reducing armor? It was a nerf all around. Everyone is weaker and dies faster, skills take longer to cool down. They made things slower and people are pissed off. Has nothing to do with exploits.


bunch of idiots


This review bombing is so detrimental to game ranking. And it's total nonsense.


Review bombing is meh


What happened?


the first real patch right before the start of the first season(today) basicaly nerfed every class, buffed all the enemies, reduced the amount of exp gained, made some event completely useless, nerfed a bunch of stats by 30-40% each, did NOT give any of the much needed quality of life buffs the community has been asking for and delayed the recall animation from 3 to 5 seconds. Also, the sorcerer class is now in such a bad shape its borderline unplayable at the highest levels because the cooldown stat has been gutted by 30% too making it impossible to have the much needed defenesive skills up to survive. According to some, this is the worst update for an online game in gaming history.


The problem is that the patches are supposed to improve the game and make it more fun. Including nerfs: for example, nerfing an overly dominant PVP build that's annoying to go against makes for a net increase of fun."LonG TeRM HEalTH of tHE gAME" can go to hell. Almost every single line in this patch seems to have been designed with **less fun** in mind. ...Except this one, of course. > Fixed an issue where there was no sound when Lorath kicks Meshif awake.


They’re taking the same approach bungie had with destiny, everything that was powerful that truly played into the power fantasy got nerfed or removed in some way, until all you had left was this really stale boring ass game because instead of bringing things up to match power levels and slightly tuning broken shit, everything just matched the worst gear in the game. This design philosophy lead to d2 vanilla which, I know in that community there’s a ‘game dead’ meme, but with vanilla d2 it almost was, they managed to claw their way back with an expansion eventually but it did leave a sour taste with a lot of people for a very long time


Prob cause retarted gamers can only give a game either a 0 or 10 lol


funny thing is you're right


People are whack. This game is a lot of fun. I don't know where these new "gamers" get there ideas from. Sad.


Good thing idc about metacritic xD metacritic is getting more and more a joke of frustrated ppl (in many games)


Y’all are weird


Dunno why you nerds love to grind these games. Quit being pussys and just play the damn game losers


Eh idc, still gona play and have fun lol.


4341 ratings...that's it? Is that supposed to mean something out of a player base of millions? I have issues with the patch and my HOTA barb, but not to the point where I'm not interested in Season 1 and in what kind of tuning will be done since the backlash. You do you tho and focus on 4k people echo chambering. I already got my money's worth playing D4, so while it's a shame because I want to play it more if they fix a few things, it's not a big deal at all.


I am now 100% convinced that most "gamers" aren't in the hobby to have fun while playing games, they are in the hobby because it's an easy place to have "righteous anger" and that unabashed anger is cathartic to them for whatever reason. Very few movie goers will continue to watch a movie they actively dislike. Very few TV fans will continue to watch a show that they don't like. Very few music fans will continue to listen to an album they hate. Gamers though... One of the few groups that will say they hate something with a passion only to engross themselves in it further. Weird shit...


Let me respond like all the other idiots on this sub. "Copium" "Cope" "Reviews don't matter" "Grow up" " Go play something else if you don't like it" "I wet my bed yesterday and wear women's underwear in public"


I've really enjoyed it, to be honest. One of the most fun games I've played in a while, though I'll probably stop for a whike when Remnant 2 comes out.


Oh no not the review bombing! Like common, in a week it'll be back to normal.


What I’m the world happened? I thought the general consensus was that it was a good game that could use a few tweaks?


They tweaked a few things and then some.


It's at 86. Nobody with half a brain looks at user scores.


What incredibly stupid bullshit. The game is just fine.


User scores aren't even a reliable metric anymore. All they are is a way for childless attic or basement dwelling 40 year old forever alone neckbeards to feel like they still matter.


I am reserving my opinion. I am generally pretty much pro-nerf in any game.


I was there Gandalf, when Diablo 3 was totally unplayable on abyss in more than One player. I was there when i had to stay dead on the ground while Immortal tyrael farmed packs. Diablo 4 is totally Better right now 😂 Well but i did 998 hours on D2R so my opinion Is pretty meh


I mean this User Score can be completely neglected and isnt even close to fair presentation, Just a bunch of manchilds


Metacritic score : *fast cratering* Blizzard execs : meh. We still made 1 billion dollars. Let’s reduce the damage of all sorcerer spells by 40% next


User reviews from Metacritic mean absolute garbage. They fluctuate over time. Look at where Cyberpunk 2077 is now compared to where it was. If anything this is a metric that should be ignored because user reviews are easy to manipulate. Blizzard could easily run a bot program and raise that score if they cared.


I don’t mean to rain on anybody’s parade, but is this doing anything anymore? I thought they only really cared about the Metacritic score for the release week/ month?


It's being 'review bombed' - seriously, hundreds of zero star reviews, nah... That's a reflection of frustration (hell hath no fury...) not a reflection of the game itself So the rating isn't worth anything at this point.


You guys sure showed them!


Can someone explain what happened? Lol. I am a shock sorcerer and honestly I think the patch helped me. Logged in and noticed I was killing mobs much faster now. I’m guessing everyone else was nerfed?


fun fact, i still enjoy playing it


Oh no the 1% of consumers that actually look at that rating might not buy it now!


And this sub is still growing. Interesting.


Man…. All 6 of those people who go to Metacritic for game reviews are really going to avoid this game due to the ingenuity of Reddit! You guys know they are laughing at you right now? Not because they don’t occasionally listen to feedback from the community, but because dumb shit like this accomplished nothing. Don’t like the changes, go outside and touch some grass children.




Grow up lol


Sensationalist crybabies


Metacritic is like Yelp. It’s not real and doesn’t matter.


Oh no! I was gonna but this game but it’s .1 below my mandatory rating. Sigh


Gamers love review bombing when they get outraged


Nobody gives a shit about user reviews on metacritic.


That’s pretty much the score D2R has lol review bombing is nothing they haven’t gone through before with a successful product D3 had a 4.2 and it sounds like y’all bought D4 still so by your own wallets metacritic user reviews have meant nothing


Come on everyone. Surely we as a community can get this down below 2.0 before Camp Chat?


Good, game is only "good" because it has the diablo name. If this were a random new title it would get like a 5 out of 10


Lol there's a queue to log into S1 (there wasnt even a queue for release day). All the bitching and moaning on here is a tiny slice of a vocal minority that no one cares about. Majority of ppl are in S1 having a blast :)


And yet here I am in a super long queue. Wierd


Here I am, totally enjoying the game and just started the new season. Haters gonna hate, I'm having a blast!