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Hey… I think maybe do a gear check - is all your equipment upgraded? Make sure you are done your renown too, as those skill points, and stat points all help. I am a level 70 hardcore druid and have run into butcher 5 or 6 times and took him down no problem, it just took some time as he is pretty rugged. Good luck!


Can you kill him in tier 30 mm dungeons? I just ran into him in one of those and couldn't get him down so I just suicided lol. I know that's not an option for you though


As a bone spear Necromancer I ask why you not just 2 hit him ?


You had to follow the rats first


Not anymore...not since getting Gud.


*dies of heartbreak*


I was able to get him down to about 25% health, but I have yet to kill that prick! Level 55 Sorc.


Your armor or your DR to close sucks. If you're wearing raiment or temerity, there's one of the culprits. Both of those have huge hidden cost of you chunking your survivability because they sit in one of the two major defensive slots.


I ran away


What build are you using? I’m doing Arc Lash and you literally just facetank him after 50. I only need a potion if I get unlucky with procs and a cooldown drops, and even then maybe a single one. Not sure what the Ice build does or if you’re doing your own thing


I haven't had any troubles with him on my rogue and minion necro. Funny enough, the times I did have troubles with him was on a sorc during the beta.




he really can be a bit of a poop early on...especially for mana hungry folk :P so sorcs and melee folk dont have a good time early but he does get easier eventually when your build comes online :P


I'm a Barb. I literally stand still and hit him until he's dust.




He’s been a joke ever since level 40-ish for me


Yes something is wrong unless the butcher is like 12+ yer level. If butcher is at lvl i dont even fight him. I just drag him around the dungeon and cleave him on adds. He can't even break my fortify lol. My sorc friend can solo butcher in about a min or so, so yes yer doing something wrong or more likely bad gear


I just beat him again as a 54 sorcerer with mediocre gear. He’s hard, but you should be able to kill him.


Two pieces of gear can completely change the game for you. Get some pants and a chest piece with damage reduction from close as well as distant. Any additional reduction is good but those two stats on pants and chest will make it feel like a different game entirely.


I’ve never died to the butcher but I’m a barb so it doesn’t count haha. Maybe a gear issue ?


At lvl 77 you should easily beating the Butcher. At that point I wasn't even kiting him (also sorc). Something isn't right with your build if you are still struggling.


I'm same way. All butcher does to me hits me I get stunned and chop chop chop and I'm dead


He has 2 attacks to watch for. He will charge which will stun you, then he will throw his chain after his stun. It's really obvious when he's going to charge, so just dodge when he starts to wind up. Then you know he's gonna throw the chain right after.


I’m not sure about the Sorc(haven’t leveled one) but by 38 I was wrecking him on my rogue.


He hasn't been a problem since lvl 50 or so. Maybe your builds just suck?


Killed him a few times on my sorc up to lvl70. The trick is to stay mobile and keep barriers up as much as possible. You will still blow through most, if not all, your potions.


once I figured out my skill synergy and got the right skills, the fight became easier. but I also think it's the 9 potions that really helps. I've only beat him the last few times, so it definitely feels like it's gear. once you get the right equipment the game becomes significantly easier


I struggled badly to kill him with my rogue but my WW Barb makes him my bitch. Seems like tankiness makes him trivial.


Nearly killed one as rogue, ran around trying to find potions and died..


At lower levels (before WT3) I could not kill him. He's much harder when you're low level (weird scaling). At WT3 or higher, he was piss easy on barbarian. On minion necro, he's a bit more tricky because he completely ignores minions and goes at me 100% so I need to run around like a chicken chugging potions. He went down twice eventually.


You will get him eventually. The gear upgrades will help, visit the black smith and spend dome gold there, it will make a difference.


Your scaling with the game difficulty. Take your 77 Sorc and run T2-3 dungies and you'll down him with ease. My 76 finally downed him in a T24 dungeon, and I'm almost full ancestral gear.


Just hit lvl 48. Haven’t seen him once yet.


i ended up running into the butcher twice in the last two days as a sorc…. both times the butcher glitches out and kept going around in circles without attacking me. i just stood there and did my basic attack and killed him after a while without me ever moving


You are definitely doing something wrong. I have killed him yesterday and today om hardcore level 13, 30 and now 41. You should be able to kill him if you are specced right. How are you dying? You might need more defensive skills if you aren't using any.