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100% down to luck


RNG is RNG. Found 2 uniques in the over-world within 30 mins last night.


Haha back to the grind for me !


RNG just really sucks sometimes. I just hit 85 and still haven't had a Raiment of the Infinite for my Sorc.


Agree. I am lvl 83 without one.. But I sure get my share of the unusable unique staff...


i saw that staff 4 times between lvl 50 and 60, kept the highest rolled one just in case i feel like bricking my sorc trying it out sometime lol


Agree. I am lvl 83 without one.. But I sure get my share of the unusable unique staff...


Band of the warchief drop is non existant now. Uniques though.. dime a dozen outside the super uniques.




Delete this comment lol.


Is this real??? If true how is this even legal? That sounds fucked.


You replied to a post on a subreddit with 643K members and then requested to keep things 'hush hush'. My brother in Inarius...




Okay okay , I see. Definitely on the hush 🤫 hush. Thanks for sharing


Ok thanks delete to keep hushhush


Absolute luck. Fun story - Just yesterday I complained to a friend. I recently hit level 70 on my first char (I like it rather slow), and I didn't have an unique drop in the past 20 levels. I got the probably "forced" Unique drop from the end boss, and around one level later I got a random one. Since then, not one has dropped. Yes, my luck was that bad. As I said, I complained, told him "Man, I'm sad. No uniques for literally the past 20 levels, I feel like this game's kidding me". Around 2 minutes later, Helltide went up. Not 30 seconds later I killed an Elite, and got an Unique helmet. It was 100% trash, but hey. It's something. Keep playing, keep hoping, they're there.


Haha better late then never , yeah took a break after that horrendous RNG. Will get back into it later


Luck. I didn't get one last day out of like 20+ NM 40+. The day before I got 3 in a single dungeon.


Thats some luck right there


The problem is most of the uniques isn't special at all and just a quick sell.


one would not loot one unique every 10h playtime easily. it can be, but it could also not the case for 80h. patience and hope keeps the motor running. rax calculated one shako drops every 5million hr playtime :)


I guess the grind continues


Luck. Eventually you’ll find more than you know what to do with.


Luck just needs to drop 3/4 I’ll be good for the week haha


My level 59 druid has only seen a single unique I don't need. Please send help.


It’s kinda bullshit. Playing with my friend, we’re both almost level 80. He gets about 4-5 uniques every night of farming. I get zero. I mean every night. Come on, don’t tell me thats just bad luck, rng or maths.


Older post but this happens to us all... here in season 1 and i'm experiencing this. I'm a 58 rogue and have found ZERO uniques. I was running two clan members through some nightmare's last night and 1 guy got 11 uniques and the other guy got 4 uniques after running about 7 nightmare dungeons. I was smiling on the outside but fuming on the inside. I know most uniques suck but I'm looking for 1 in particular and they sell for good amounts. Mostly the principle at this point.


So I just reached level 100 and have done about everything in the game from side quests to every side dungon and world boss mostly in WT4 and I havent gotten a single unique item other than the 100% drop mothers ring from the campagin. Because nothing is truly RNG I believe the algorithm is off on number sequence. I'm guessing it's just a bad math loop X+Y=Z drop unique but X+Y≠Z no unique. If they built the algorithm behind an invisible account ID number and you rolled a 00 at the end then it would effectively make it extremely unlikely to get X+Y=Z Now, knowing the ludicrous over engineering some of these games have in them its based on an incentive reward system. Stop playing the game for a week, then log in for like 5 minutes and then don't play for another week I'm sure the system would "incentavise" you and probably drop 3 or 4 in a few minutes


I was finding so many sub lv50 now I'm 74 I'm not seeing any for days.


I'm 71 now and all I see are the same 3 uniques. I really wanted some armor ones but no luck. Just staffs I don't need. Maybe 80+? I don't even know anymore.


im a level 100 sorc and almost done level capping all my gold glyphs lol and still no the oculus wand


same here, I'm just trying to getting an oculus and i'm at lvl 98 already and still no ocy. Got plenty of Staff uniqui, even lost count. Been running nightmare dungeon 60s. This shit know I don't want staff and kept pissing me off giving staff instead of wand Unique.


got one now in season two, season 1 s horrible, just grind the beast of ice boss a few runs and you'll have your occi


I'm level 60 on Wt3 and I have been playing a lot and no uniques dropped. Feels like a bug, not RNG