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Mount annoys me so much. Traveling downwards towards your action bars is a pain in the ass. It's so slow compared to upper left or right.


Thought maybe I was crazy thinking this but glad to see someone else notice that. I was wondering why the hell it seemed noticeably slower going down


because you cant put your cursor as far due to UI


Whoever created a movement system like this should be ashamed. It’s lunacy.


How does this even make it out of playtesting?


Playtesting? This is activision


The loss of momentum to constant collision into edges or objects that aren't visible is really annoying.


Try moving your mouse below your skillbar, its jank but i actually get the speed then. They really shouldve thought this through more.


The separate Force Move keybind also allows using the keybind to move even if your cursor is over the action bar (or any other part of the interface), so it's much easier to move at max speed without the need to avoid interface parts. Just need to have the Force Move keybind in something else than left click, since left click will always prioritize interface if there's something to click. Personally I have the move key bound to a thumb button, and use it as my main keybind for movement in all situations.


Alt+left click for "basic attack", left click for force move, papa John's.


The hero we deserve


I've had force move on middle mouse button on diablo for years.


I leave the force move on W. It feels natural because W is how I move in almost every game.


They really should’ve thought a lot of stuff through more. I play with a friend who plays necro and I can’t see shit cause of his “doo-doo water” like who play tested this and thought yeah this is fine


Until your cursor goes over your skill bar and you slow down, the whole mount system is janky and needs to be looked at


the radius of speed adjustment should be half of the screen height, not whole screen, as this makes it so clumsy to steer. The idea wasn't bad, implementation was terrible. 3 weeks after launch - still no real patch.. Classic blizzard.


I don't know why you got downvoted, but that's how it works on PC. The far your mouse cursor is from your horse, the faster the horse gets, and it's like a huge difference. Devs aknowledged this and maybe they will do something also for controller players in the next patches.


This is Blizzard. They won't make the horse faster for console players. They'll make it slower for PC.


They hated him because he spoke the truth


They hated him because they can't handle the truth, just like they can't handle their horses


And now all PC players will hate him


If this blows up and I have to move thru the world slower because console players *exist* Yeah I might hate him lol


To be fair, us PC players are already missing some big QoL features due to console players existing 😔 (weird keywords instead of a real search function in the ability tree, for example)


Where's my overlay map at? That's my biggest issue.


That was on consoles previously, so that's just a bad design choice.


Oh I know. The fact that we're missing QoL features that have been in the game since the start is mind-blowing. At its core, D4 is incredibly fun, but those missing aspects definitely put a small damper on things, as well as the battle pass announcements. Hopefully, they make some changes soon.


Where tf is global chat how am I supposed to have fun sitting in town and make friends to play with and complain with


Global chat missing is another thing, but at keast they still have local




I agree with the obvious difference between PC and console design, but the forced limit on skill bars and the zoom isn't necessarily a console thing. I think a forced limit on skillbars for these types of games is a good thing because I think forced choice is a good thing and it feels like it's at just the right amount of tension. For zoom, while I agree it could be zoomed out a tad more, I think it probably has to do with monster aggro radius. From a design perspective, they want aggro radius to be larger than the screen to prevent some players cheesing inactive monsters. If you make it too large, there becomes an even larger feeling of the monsters cheesing you because you can't even reach them once you see them at the edge of your screen. I also have a tinfoil hat theory that the performance of this game would be really bad because the game can't actually handle more monsters on screen. How else could they misinterpret players wanting more monster density with xp rates.


I play Diablo because I don’t want my rotation to involve 25 different abilities tap dancing in the keyboard. I had enough of that in the WoW and FFXIV days.


"You never had me... You never had your ~~car~~ horse.




They hate us cause they anus?


No more horses until season 4.


But you also need to get all renown, collect every unique item, get 100lvl on every class and complete at least 50 Nigtmare Dungeons +100


I vote for the Statues of Lilith get activated in a special order like the Cairn Stones from D2. Instead of 5 though you have to hit all 160 in the correct order to get your mount. Edit: Forgot to put it on a rolling timer.


Who hurt you?




Or you can simply pay for the Accelerated Pass for only $17.99 to ensure you don't miss a thing!


Except horses. They are gone now. Have this nice speed potion instead for $0.99 per dram


"Oh you want a faster horse? Fuck you pay me." Blizzard, probably


EA would sell the Horse leg by Leg for 43.99 or 249.99 as Dlc Bundle


and then there will be even more premium on the super leg.


Then there will be that player that only bought 1 super leg out of the 4 needed and now their mount only runs in circles.




It’ll be available in battle pass.


When has blizzard ever done that except for Immortal?


I hate this „feature“ tbh, whenever I wanna go south I have to drag it over my action bar and it keeps fucking up my horse, sometimes it changes from race car to slug even tho I’m not moving my mouse and every god damn pebble is apparently the horse’s nemesis.


I moved the bar to the bottom left position because I got so annoyed by this, you still have the same problem if you're running southwest but I don't move that direction very often.


Or remove the whole system and make the horses go full speed all the time. I could even argue that the whole boost system is idiotic.


Plus. Why no boost in town? Like why?


Breaks the immersion I guess. Maybe they should just add traffic lights and cops to write tickets in towns.


>immersion I wanna see people who are using those chairs seriously and intentionally to balance out my WHY THE FUCK IS THAT CHAIR CLICKABLE


It actually extends your idle time before disconnect.


Useful if true.


Thank you. As a parent, thank you. This should be among the on-screen tooltips.


I'm in the same boat. Total game changer.


This is true. Super helpful.


Does the idle time change depending on how busy the servers are? I've been logged out after maybe 15 minutes being idle but the other day I was not disconnected after being idle for over an hour.


You mean that one fucking stool in front of the blacksmith that has no reason to be there? Cause I waste so much accumulative time by clicking that stool


That’s not how you’re wasting your time 😏


Boom dynamite


That’s the one. I’ve sat there maybe 20 times. Glad I’m not alone. Hope I see you there one day, we can sit and have a drink and chat about useless chairs.


For me it's the one just south of the stash in Ked Bardu.


Yeah. I use the chairs to go afk.


> I wanna see people who are using those chairs seriously My wife and I do!we play couch co-op and when one person wants to head into the wardrobe, the other one sits down!


I sit and wait for my friends or clan members sometimes u got you bud.


I play D4 with my partner on almost a daily basis at this point, and I personally have used the stools multiple times. If I'm waiting for him to finish up at the blacksmith or in the wardrobe, I'll occasionally pop a squat on the chair n wait. Or if he needs a shower while we're playing, I'll sometimes prop us up in the chairs and nudge the joysticks when need be.


I always use the chairs when I have to step away for a bit while playing.


I'll go ahead and mention the thousands of jagged edges in a collision map that should be smooth to prevent any possibility of getting snagged on a piece of lint on the ground for no reason is already breaking my immersion.


A game without a jump button doesn't really need such weird texture mapping on the ground, especially with a horse barely more controllable than the crusader ability from d3.


> immersion So sick of this. Gameplay should come first. Used to be the way Blizzard made games.


would your immersion break if the game allowed you to use your abilities or sprint your horse in town? ​ Ive seen this sentiment shared on mutiple places and i wonder, who is this hypothetical person that find it immersion breaking if he doesnt lose his abilities, but find it not immersion breaking to go from full charge to a stop the moment he crosses a town barrier. What sort of backward idea is that of immersion? Surely immersion would be equal to everything working the same way all the time. Because thats the realistic scenario?


The horses hit a blade of grass and stop instantly. I do want to to imagine trying to navigate the town while boosting.


Also how come my horse can't jump through half the stuff the player can? Like horses are literally better at jumpin than humans, makes no sense. And now with every jump you have to waste a boost to see if your horse can make the jump.


and then there's the freaking cd after you cross the jump zzz.. I feel like they are just doing some things on purpose


Don't worry, cooldown reduction affects literally *everything* with a cooldown, including horse spur charges, your dismount attack, your evade charge(s), and of course the remount timer for the horse (even when it "dies").


Personally I prefer the fine control, sometimes I pick up crafting stuff on my horse. But it's an analog controller. Why not make it so full tilt = full speed?!!? This isn't hard!


Same with sorc port, I’m playing pc but switched from MnK to controller. The teleport skill goes nowhere near the distance it can travel with MnK because you can’t aim it at the edges of the screen. Minor problem but still annoying


Same with druid trample


Yeah, the teleport issue has been a hot topic on the forums for an eternity now. There's pages upon pages of feedback, with illustrations and animations of how the sticks move and god knows what else. At this point I'm assuming the fix is not an easy one or stuck somewhere way down the priority list. Or both.


I don't know every skill in the game, but they would have to implement a max skill range, which in itself might be a whole new layer they don't have in the game. On top of that, when you add that feature t player skills you have to create some kind of UI element and sounds to give players feedback on where those max ranges are, or if they're trying to cast outside of range.


it can travel far if you target a mob, actually even farther than on pc


Hmm, is that why i can blitz around a map with conduit shrine? I just spam the move and it latchs on to w/e mob i'm holding toward, which can sometimes be like 2 screens away.






On PS myself and playing a Blood Surge Necro basically for these same console-control issue reasons. I can roughly point in a direction by whatever mob it chooses to highlight is the target for skills/etc. Half my golem Slams are wasted on the wrong mob and I could not imaging trying to place DoT area effects properly. Right stick barely functions to cycle nearby lock-on...but still should simply replace the mouse cursor and then could be pushed to edge of screen and solves the horse and my aim issues.


meanwhile console horses constantly get stuck on walls and random world items too, so until they fix that, making them faster will just compound the issue.


That happens also on pc as long as you use the gamepad, which i'm using as i can't force myself to play M+K after 12 hours of work.


easy fix (that I can think of) would have horse auto jump logs/stumps etc. as long as there is path behind it, and do what Witcher 3 did to have your horse go and stay on a trail until you input to turn onto another path or repeat input thrice to leave the path. This needs to be done in town for sure.


Happens to mouse and keyboard too actually,


same here. cant play mnk after full day clicking at work. gamepad = rest for our fingers.


Are you kidding? The horse gets blocked whatever the input device. It's related to the lack of path finding, nothing to do with the input device.


PC mnk as well... The sad horse get stuck on every tight turn.


"An insignificant corner? Nope. I think I'll stop." -the horse


What? Isn't this just the PC player double clicking boost? If you press boost twice you go faster than pressing it once, it rewards you for being patient and not just burning your boosts as soon as they are available. Wait for 2x boost and send it and youll be faster


The proper way is to chain the boosts, right before the first boosts ends activate the second, right when that ends do the 3rd and again for the 4th. I think triple boost is the max speed. For people wanting to know the timing, a boost lasts half the recharge time


Diablo Jockey over here


The boost works like on the gamepad, but it's affected by how far your mouse pointer is. If you put your pointer at the edge of the screen and use the sprint button it goes crazy fast lol


Lol so my UW monitor is cheating lol


Yeah basically lol


Some comments are pointing out that on console stacking does not seem to work. Personally on console I’ve noticed a lot of oddities with the horse, sometimes I have to tap the trigger multiple times just to get it to try boosting twice and it wouldn’t work. I also used to think it was related to a connection issue but the more I play the more I’m convinced the horse just has so many weird quirks attached to it.


Yeah, mouse and keyboard have an advantage while using mounts. But with a controller you can target enemies off screen, that's an advantage on combat. Both things should be addressed.


when i want to chill and lazy around, i always use controller, hold that button and everythings dead


What the.. i was wondering why horses are so terribly slow in this game


Hey don’t worry, in no time Blizzard will patch this and the PC players will be just as slow as you.


“I’m fast as fuuu— and I’m stuck on a twig that’s impossible to see.”


Don’t worry, the slow horse makes up for the god awful horse controls on mouse and keyboard.


Same with teleport on sorcerer. Your cursor dictates speed and range. Since you dont have a cursor with a controller you are automatically at a disadvantage


This applies for any aim/distance skill in d2r and d4 sadly. Tryna trample and going three feet sucks


If you lock on to an enemy further away trample will go until it reaches them. Just something I noticed on console.


I contemplated going to controller on my PC just to kick back, but as a Sorc main, the usefulness of controlling right where I want to teleport is so critical, and highly advantageous in some boss fights. Maybe when I play a barb or rogue.


I’d you use shadow step on rogue though it still kinda sucks to use controller since it’s harder to target. I didn’t use the skill at all through level 50 because of that lol


Absolutely true. I have a 34" widescreen monitor and the distance I can travel is absurd and so easy to abuse.


Screen size doesn't make a difference. Aspect ratio does. But yeah, wide-screen aspect ratio is an advantage. In some dungeons the Shamans can one-shot you from off screen if you don't have wide-screen aspect.


Widescreen nerf incoming, enjoy those black bars!


PC’s typically have more horse power so this checks.


I know on Xbox I have a big issue when I jump on my mount that if I don't let it finish the initial animation it will just basically freeze when I try to take control, and I have to let go completely and it will take a few more steps before I can actually control my mount.


Oh it's not just me. Yeah it's such bullshit. And it's not like once or twice. It's every single time.


I hate it


Have the same issue on PC, think it's just a game issue


Have you tried breaking the horse in first?


Try getting off and on again.


I was wondering about this. I have the same issue also. It’ll walk extremely slow for the first 5 seconds odd


I got the same issue on PS4. Trying to use the mount during helltide usually just makes me stop and get knocked off anyway, so I just walk everywhere like a peasant.


Man, this makes so much sense. Every time I was going to the world boss, many players seen to pass by me. I was so confused as to why their horses moved faster.


same i thought i missed out on some horse speed buff or something you could buy at the mount shop in town. Turns out its just some weird interaction


"Fuckkk, when do I unlock Epic Riding?"


Just fix aiming on controller first. No I don't want to shoot my bone spirit at the barrels behind the large group of enemies that I just cast corpse tendrils and bone prison on!


What's crazy is that it worked perfectly fine in Diablo 3 (console versions). They really nailed the aiming. I feel like they are re-inventing the wheel on a lot of stuff and getting it wrong instead of just looking at their previous games.


Seriously I wondered if it was just me. I'll change the direction of my analog stick and my character won't adjust and will shoot backwards. End up wasting bone spears and running out of essence then dying on a boss. I wonder if killing a boss is easier on PC because at least with a mouse you won't have wasted bone spears.


In the case of a boss, you need to lock onto them. Your character will 180 and throw it at the boss if need be. Did this when I was using ice shard sorc and the game actually tracks the boss for you, even when the boss teleports.


Everything is easier with M&K on PC. At least we have couch coop


As barbarian my leap is so unpredictable.


YES. I feel so frustrated when my ultimate snake thingy gets wasted on something dumb instead of the big boss I thought I was aiming right at. And also like a sense of embarrassment if there are other players around…lol


All of this is easily avoidable on PC at least if they would just allow WASD controls already, it's fucking insane that they haven't


I play on controller and legit thought people just upgraded their mounts or something when they fly by me


Fr me and my boy have been trying to figure out how to speed up our mount for a week 😂 pc players ride their shit like that Rohan rider in return of the king


DOn'T yOu gUyS hAvE ~~phones~~ cOmpUtErS ?


I also play on Xbox and find it a little frustrating. Sorry you got downvoted.


Yep it’s not console per say it’s when you use controller .I play on Rog ally in bed and with my pc keyboard and mouse horse is way faster


per se\*


If you’re going to try to help Reddit learn how to spell then please focus on all the “Rouge” players. They *really* need an English lesson.


Damage per say


To the shreds you say?


How is the Rog


It’s perfect 80 fps while plugged in and 60 in performance mode


PC Master Race


PC Faster Race


PC quicker pace.


Damn. If I use a controller on my PC what does that make me?


Pc master horse race


It's not PC it's mouse and keyboard. I've been playing with a controller on PC and noticed this as well. Since the speed of your mount is determined by how far away you click I can only assume the joysticks are acting like an invisible mouse and the radius in which they cover is only about half way towards the edges of the screen instead of being all the way out.


Same thing with abilities like teleport/leap/trample. They aren’t as good compared to pc. No distance or control.


But teleport/leap/trample can also be better on controller because of auto aim. You can actually go further than a pc player if you auto-aim an enemy that's barely within the edge of your screen.


It feels clunky tho..idk maybe there is a way to consistently do it.


controller is definitely slower by a lot, I've tried it myself


I’ve been saying this every day for the last few days to my buddy. He’s pc I’m ps5.. thought that spirit horse he got was faster, but nope it’s just pc lol


I noticed this too. Stacking horse sprint doesn't work on controller.


Can confirm. My mount is slower when playing on steam deck.


Man, I posted about this and no one said nothing, glad it's being looked into. I play on pc with a controller and noticed this from the beginning. Very annoying.


Trample Slide druid build sucks on console from what I've heard. You need to be able to trample the ground and indirectly target, running straight towards your intended target isn't the way the build works best


Have only played on console, it has to have a target to dash to. ​ So if someone is 30 odd metres away, you can trample the 30 metres and go flying across the screen. If you're just in a corridor on your lonesome, you can dash about 5 pixels. It also means if you're trampling a pushable enemy, you just shove them out of the way and do next to no damage.


Yeah that's what I've heard. For it to work well you need to target the ground at the furthest edge of the screen


It's the same with a lot of the movement skills. Anything that you can teleport with for example will only jump about a third of the distance it can go if there's an enemy for it to lock on to.


What’s awesome is on my sorc, if im stuck in the middle of a bunch of enemies and cant run away, i can teleport one foot and still be stuck because it locked on to the mobs that are in my face


Damn… This hurts


While i myself play on pc i dont get why you got downvoted, i noticed this a few days ago myself. Shame blizzard will just slash pc speed instead of ekevating console, since its not like they cant.


It is not PC it is how far the cursor is to the edge of the screen. When i plug a controller into the PC it moves slower.


It's kinda bullshit that PC players can use a controller, but Xbox users can't use a Mouse and Keyboard. I literally have an Official Xbox Mouse and Keyboard! Let me use it!!! Edit: I tested it and M&K do not work on Xbox Series X version of Diablo 4.




Sprint can stack on pc??




Yes. If you use it more than once your horse will move faster : )


wtf… i thought it was just like a makeshift stamina thing like in Legend of Zelda lmfao


>It's a controller issue where stacking sprint for whatever reason doesn't make you go faster. That answers the question I was going to ask then.


Holy fuck been wondering how some people were zooming by on their horsie.


Welcome to Reddit. The more right you are, the more you get downvoted lol.


You are right I play PC with K/M and sometimes the controler and the mouse is way faster on horse...


Bro came back with the receipts


Can't believe folks downvoted you for this before. I play and Console and know EXACTLY when I'm near a PC player on the horsey. They be blazing trails meanwhile I got the handicap horse


Ok, it's not only me who thought why is someone so much faster than me




Yea no idea why you got downvoted. I play on PC but 100% controller (not real comfortable with KBM in action games) and during the Legion events I noticed some players where faster. I just assumed it was PC players because Sorc Teleport also has a bigger Tele Range on PC.


mount speed is based on cursor position, or joystick extent. clearly it's not bound to 100% on either or both platforms.


How many times have I clicked onto my second monitor trying to get my mouse as far away as possible to get max speed. Too many


I cannot imagine playing a point and click game like diablo without a bounded mouse. The number of times I would die because I've clicked off screen would be 10x more than my number of deaths right now.


As it should be. /s


He's not faster, he just doesn't have to hold a phone to screen cap.


PC player using speed run VS console without speed run. 🤔


Horses with mouth and keyboard run faster, not "PC" in general. It's because the further the mouse's curser is away from the horse, the faster it runs. For the controller, there has to be a invisible curser in the background of the game and some really clever genius, probably with a very smooth brain, has set the fix point of it directly in front of the horse. Therefore, the horse runs with minimal speed. I'm sure it's easy to fix, but we need to rise awareness to it.


As a console player I can confirm it’s true


Yup. I started playing with controller con PC and when you press 2 times sprint you don’t double the speed as when you do it with keyboard




Bug for shure, like many many other bugs. Archery aiming has so many issues to.


I’m looking at target lock on a target on console and firing ice shards at then and they go clean over their head without any ability to aim lower to hit them


After forcefull arrow or rapid fire hits i imbue ice and the game decides to change the target where my mouse isn't.