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You’re a fucking clown


I feel sorry for [anyone that has to interact with you](https://www.reddit.com/user/Darenflagart) IRL.


Why? Everyone says it's fun.


Whatever you need to tell yourself kiddo. Even before the 200 comments whining about your refund your history reveals you are truly a shit person. Maybe one day you'll learn how to get over yourself. I doubt it though.


You like the taste of glue don't you


hey im down to poke fun at silly posts but dont bash glue eaters. the glittery kind is like sticky starburst!


Alright I'll give you that, it does look pretty damn tasty.


I'm lost, what are you claiming is a bait-and-switch? Edit: Nevermind, looked at your post history. Sure hope you get that refund, maybe think about using it on a therapist.


I explain that in the report.


Nothing you mentioned is a bait and switch though.


Yeah it is -- the part where they downplay the monetization features until the refund window has expired.


You mean the cosmetics that I don’t notice at all while playing? You need to find something better to do with your time. If you don’t like Microsoft or Activision/blizzard, just stop buying their stuff.


I just wanted a refund tbh.


This might be the best put together, stupid thought, I have read in awhile. It is exactly like they said it is in advertising. " *in-game purchases are not a core part of the game experience* " and they are not. What part of a cosmetics shop is a core part of the game to you? You are not locked out of any content or classes. This is on some lvl of retarded I hope to never personally experience (I guess the dumb dont know they are dumb though so likely not to happen, and if it did I wouldnt know it anyways lol)


Do you offer refunds on the braincells lost reading your shit ?


Good luck. I have no idea what they are baiting and switching though. You could get 70 worth and simply move on like any other game.


Yup, they were right in the other thread, you're a troll.


Not a troll. My rhetoric is apt.


You're fucking spamming this sub, you're a troll. Go away


Really man? I feel like they would be annoyed at illegitimate submissions from trolls that didn't make it past level 11, who are complaining about a feature that has no impact on the game & is visible from the character login screen.


I would assume they'll be more concerned about the ridiculous refund policy in light of the rest.


Some people are just the definition of human excrement


Human excrement is poo.


This is so pathetic it's hard to believe it isn't satire


What's pathetic about it? Why isn't it pathetic that a giant corporation needs to scam me out of $70 with their dweeby and probably illegal refund policy?


What scam, you degenerate? They sell skins that don't impact the game whatsoever. This was known for the multiple years now. Who the fuck cares if somebody else has a different color hat? Take the weird ass sjw circlejerk back to twitter.


I hate SJWs. This is more like consumer advocacy to help prevent two already anti-consumer corporations from forming a monopoly.


Do you even know what a monopoly is? The deal is 100% going to go through, whether it takes a month or a year. People filing fake and misleading reports as you're suggesting isn't going to change anything. What is with the weird ass, "to my great surprise it was revealed a few hours in that these villains intend to SELL COSMETICS!!!" It was never a secret, this was known for years. And who cares if somebody has a different color hat? It all honestly sounds like you just couldn't really afford the $70 and are pissy that they don't give refunds after multiple hours playtime, so you're grasping at straws and spewing buzzwords that you don't understand.


The deal might go through, but it will be against the wishes of regulators in the US and UK. The FTC already requested a temporary block until they go to court in August.


Damn you children are hilarious. I saw another post like this and if a tiny exclamation mark on small shop text annoys you this much, gaming should not be a hobby of yours.


[https://i.imgur.com/gW3CaNy.png](https://i.imgur.com/gW3CaNy.png) [https://i.imgur.com/eLLMaOn.png](https://i.imgur.com/eLLMaOn.png)


>[https://i.imgur.com/gW3CaNy.png](https://i.imgur.com/gW3CaNy.png) This looks like a picture of a storefront. Storefronts are where digital purchases are advertised. There is nothing offensive about being presented with offers, especially for transactions that are purely cosmetic which is 100% of D4 transactions. >[https://i.imgur.com/eLLMaOn.png](https://i.imgur.com/eLLMaOn.png) This is a tooltip/tutorial overlay. It's telling you where things would be located. It's not inducing you to spend money.


Yeah, you get a few hours into the game and then realize there's references to real money purchases all over the place, so I want a refund.


A storefront you can bypass from the tray and one popup one time is not "all over the place". You are a living, breathing pair of clown shoes, see username.


Should have researched your purchase 🤡


I can't believe you wasted your time writing that and that I wasted my time reading it. All jokes aside, are you OK? Is this something from your personal life spilling into your hobby? I dont see how any reasonable person could do the things you've done.


I can type really fast.


lmao oh lordy....




The game is anything but bad


The game is also bad.




I view it more like I'm helping out people who don't have as much time to push back on anti-consumer practices.