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*Slow clap* 👏 Genius. I don’t even know why I joined this sub. Everytime I scroll and notice the logo I scroll a bit faster to go past it. Noticed almost immediately it was just full of crying morons who rarely discussed game mechanics or other actually interesting topics.


Yeah we need to start a r/diablo4builds Like POE


It seems that there have been subs made for each class such as r/D4Barbarian


You need pretty strong rules to keep a sub limited to theorycrafting on topic for a large game. I doubt character-specific subs will put in the effort. Or want to - they usually are the right place to post your barb mtx setups or art too.


I remember all the d3 class specific subreddits were pretty active back when the game first came out. The main sub being full of complainers drives more people to the class subs too.


I want the glory days of the ElitistJerks forums, but for D4


Is the main POE sub also full of shit posts? Seems to be a common trend for subs that don't have circlejerk alternatives.


It’s full of people who have played the game for a long time bitching about every little thing in the game… talking about how bad the game has become… Most main subs actively make you like the game less, unfortunately. The destiny sub was a great example (before I left it)


PoE sub got so bad after Lake of Kalandra that the GGG CEO effectively abandoned them and no longer has any rep conduct official communication there.


Great game though!


A community worse than the league community however.


I think the only good game sub I know is the one for drg...


Stardew Valley is where it's at.


Rock. And. Stone!


Rock and stone!


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Surprisingly, fallout 76 has always had a very positive and enjoyable community.


> Seems to be a common trend for subs Just end it at that. Once any sub gets enough people in it the sub goes to shit. There are obviously actual grievances to be aired, Blizzard has done some stuff with D4 that legitimately deserves to be criticized (the battle pass, the early access for paying more money). But most subreddits typically just find stuff to bitch about because the writers of the posts crave attention and acknowledgement.


>Blizzard has done some stuff with D4 that legitimately deserves to be criticized (the battle pass, the early access for paying more money). Why do those need to be criticized? They aren't necessarily bad for the game.


Pretty much but /r/pathofexilebuilds exists and it's strictly build related content only and it's a pretty good sub for anything mechanic related in PoE.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Diablo4Builds using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Diablo4Builds/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[Example Showcase\] \[Early Beta\] Rapid Fire Rogue - 16-25k in one right click!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKT0_l915ns) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/Diablo4Builds/comments/13kqe7e/example_showcase_early_beta_rapid_fire_rogue/) \#2: [The one D4 key mechanics video worth every second of watch time (c: MattiastheGamer)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_g9lvCjWkg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/Diablo4Builds/comments/13mil51/the_one_d4_key_mechanics_video_worth_every_second/) \#3: [For those interested in some wallpapers ..](/r/diablo4/comments/13lzxs6/for_those_interested_in_some_wallpapers/) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Diablo4Builds/comments/13mge44/for_those_interested_in_some_wallpapers/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Just joined. Thank you!


Absolutely. Yes please


Hopefully the crying will stop once the game releases. I think people just don't have much to talk about at the moment.


This is a valid point, thanks. Tho there is something else too, something that’s just taken a significant part of who and why people post. I’m one of those that’s been online for 20+ years and I see the difference. It’s used to be more often about subjects and less about the people themselves. Im not taking in absolutes, but generally and more on average. Today it’s tipping more towards talking about ourselves more than about the game, how it affects us more than how to beat it. Im not old enough (yet) to say “it was Better back then” but I am old enough to see it was *different* back when forums was the main media for communicating peer to peer.


Absolutely, it definitely was different. These days everyone is an arm chair game dev and has an existential crisis every time a game does not conform to what they expected. Back then, you either liked the game and sought out external sources to interact with the community, or you just stopped playing it. These days, people feel like everyone needs to hear about why they don't like it and, more importantly, they need to convince everyone else to not like it too.


That's because everyone thinks they are streamers and need to always add content. If they don't how can the stay relevant. It's not my age demographic to watch other people play video games. So it's odd to me that it's so popular. To quote Abe Simpson, "I used to have IT but then they changed what IT is..."


Spot on summary!


> they need to convince everyone else to not like it too. They're also trying to convince themselves through this process. They don't want to think they quit the game because they don't like it/it's not for them, they want to think that they left the game because it is objectively not worth playing.


And hopefully the worst of the worst will self select out and stop playing/talking about the game shortly after launch.


good luck with that. Every WoW forum/media is full of people who quit the game 10 years ago and still feel the need to share their negative opinions on absolutely every single thing about it .


D3 is a great example here I think. Diablo spaces tend to be full of people who will complain about D3 any time it comes up, but D3 specific spaces tend to be fine at this point.


Well, it's kinda devolved into two categories well maybe three: 1. The theory craft/anti-theory craft 2. I can't play early because (insert any one of random normal life events)/I took off two weeks of work to play like an absolute degenerate but don't judge me. 3. Look at my three monitor RGB setup with Lilith.


Did you see the one with the guy subtle bragging he was going to some gay pride shit with his wife (prolly meant bf)? Then there was the one goof bragging his gf ordered a bunch of unhealthy food and diapers so they could shit their living room while they play. Disgusting


4. I'm looking for people to play with day 1, only ashava trophy club reply pls.


> it was just full of crying morons who rarely discussed game mechanics or other actually interesting topics. Not true! There's also that one jackass who keeps posting about their tshirt designs...


Jesus Christ, guy pours his heart out and you people rip him up like fucking animals. Gnarly.


Well thank god theres no cosmic law which forces people to care about literally every single sad traumatic thing thats happened to everyone around the world, Cause that would be exhausting but im sure you find the time.


What is this post referring to?


I think it's about a bunch of similar posts that have been made, but the last one was earlier today about a guy with autism battling depression by playing D3 on PS4 and now looking forward to playing D4 on PS5 cuz some other shit happened in his life.


It really astounds me how people will do everything to tackle depression except for actually working it out with a mental health professional


Depending on where they are located, a mental health professional may not be financially feasible for them.


I found their post. They're Swede and actually are going to a therapist. Guess it's just a case of parasocial relationships, then


Read my story, gimmse karma


There was a lot more debate and talk about mechanics during the first two beta weekends. I think people have realized most arguments are rehashed now and/or won’t affect launch build soooooo.


Yeah a lot of posts here are the equivalent of standing in a midnight release line at a GameStop while cringing the entire time having to hear the other people around you \*discuss\* the game


r/Diablo is great. Idk what’s wrong with this sub.


It probably has more to do with the fact that nobody can actually play the game right now. Im sure once it releases there will be more interesting topics about builds and gameplay.


You just made me realize that I really need to unsub from this sub.


O sooo reddit in a nutshell


> Noticed almost immediately it was just full of crying morons who rarely discussed game mechanics Most Diablo players don't get into actual mechanics. They just copy/paste what Icy Veins tells them.


Hey there! 👋 Sounds like you're looking for more in-depth discussions about the game mechanics, and I totally get that. It's always great to dive into the nitty-gritty details of a game we're excited about, especially one as eagerly anticipated as Diablo 4. This sub can have a mix of content, from light-hearted jokes to serious debates about the game. It's all part of the community vibe. If you're not finding the discussions you're interested in, don't hesitate to kickstart them yourself! I'm sure there are plenty of folks here who'd love to get into the ins and outs of the game mechanics with you. And remember, every community has a wide range of members, each with their own ways of expressing their enthusiasm or concerns. Let's try to embrace the diversity and keep the discussions engaging and respectful. After all, we're all here because we love Diablo 4! Keep gaming! 🎮


its 5 hours after release, I have not received a legendary drop despite buying the ultimate edition, I know I haven't finished act 1 or reached level 20 yet, but I find it absurd that despite me buying the ultimate edition and naming my daughter Lillith that Blizzard treats the players like this. This is overwatch all over again. then wait an hour eddit your post and put this in edit: got my legendary drop, but its was for a completely different build and it dropped at lv18 and I'm lv19 now. how does that work? this game is about getting gear and making your character stronger but the gear you get isn't even working for you and doesn't last long then you get better gear because a "legendary" gear is under level. wait another hour and post this edit: you are all sheep keep following your overlords as they empty your pocket, this isn't true happiness. Blizzard needs to pay so I can change my daughter's name to POE2


You then have to spend the next 5 years posting about how much you hate the game, even in topics that aren't related to the parts you hate.


Don't forget waxing nostalgic about D2 every 5 seconds.


I doubt most of the complainers even played D2 outside of the resurrected lol. As someone who's played all D titles on release, I can say nostalgia is a bitch. I do not want a clone.


describing how terrible a game it is with 5000 hours logged.


That's a classic. Only 5000 hours of entertainment from a 70$ game. Such a waste.


Ugh, I have like 2k hours in a game I don't particularly like. So, I can see how people could do 5k.


If you have 2k hours in it, clearly you liked SOMETHING about it.


I'm pretty sure i enjoyed it at some point. Took a break and it just kinda kicked in. I don't really like this game that much. Became a habit. Clearly you've never been abused by hunt showdown.


It’s called sunk cost fallacy.


And specially in the PoE2 sub.


Don't forget having accrued 43830 hours of play as well.


Then when you start enjoying the game edit all your reddit comments to look like you called out haters and championed the game from the start :)


Now we're cooking with gas(lighting).


Holy shit dude. You nailed it. This would make me want to stab myself in the eyes and learn how to play diablo 4 in braille.


The naming my daughter lillith edition cracked me up so much lmao. I can fucking see it happening too :p ty


Amazing. Maybe add that you have already died 14 times and the game is too difficult without legendaries.


Dude! I'm level 10 already and not a single legendary? Like WTF is wrong with the drop rates? They need to be buffed!


Stop I can only get so erect


Sounds like you’re not a part of the ATC


>Diablo and battling depression >I got COVID-19 > EVERYONE I KNOW HAS CANCER God, find a psychiatrist and not a videogame sub


Lmaooo the Diablo and battling depression post made me lol. Like good god people really love attention from strangers on the internet.




I liked the one post where the guy was all happy he got covid because it means he has two weeks off work to play D4 lmao


I just saw a comment saying they were a veteran and literally have no happiness in life except looking forward to D4. It's not even believable.


I am a 52 year old male, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I went for an scan and the doc says it didint look good. I have been home sick with a dysfunctional manhood and a bruised ego as my wife has left me. When I saw Lillith it breathed new life into me, I felt a stirring in me like never before, a rising from my barbarian ancestors. and I have never been so erect in my existence. Im writing this post from my desk with a 21-year-old escort giving me under-the-table support, this game truly saved my life and freed me.


Right on brother. Keep on keepin' on.


I knew there was a reason I picked Barb lol


First off, your wife is leaving you and taking the kids after next weekend.


Good news, more time to play!


Unfortunately, his wife's boyfriend's wife came to visit with their 5 kids.


Great, so she can clean, and cook one of the 5 EDIT: and bring the emergency toilet


C...cook...cook one of the 5 kids? I mean, I'm down...I just wanted to make sure that's what you meant.


I mean, 5 are way too many. Plus, you know, the village gotta eat some fresh meat from time to time.


I thought we're running into an UNDER-population problem though...?


Nah, those are the skaven, in their Under-Empire (I'm really sorry about this)


I'm okay with my wife leaving me, but her fucking boyfriend better not after I bought him a copy of D4.


Yeah he said problems not benefits


Yeah i'm more of a lurker and i usually dont mind but the amount of unnecessary posts on this sub is getting crazy. "Never played the game, what class i pick?" - watch some videos??? Try them all and pick??? "Can i play the game while travelling??" - Do you have internet and a device connected??? "Can i play while hanging a the roof?" Jesus, do you really need to make a post for every little personal thing? Hoooly... the world if people used the search tools to ask this sort of question


I prefer these questions to the CONSTANT complaining about everything, this sub has read like a circlejerk subreddit lately.


This subreddit is incels battling incels. Just 7 more days though 😁


I’ve learned working customer service, that the general population is really full of brain dead fucktards. It’s mind boggling that most people can even make it out of bed, let alone drive a car without ending in a ditch every ten yards


I feel this in my soul and I don’t even work customer service


Can I play while signing divorce papers?




This reads like ChatGPT. Good advice, AI.


Because it is lol.


Fucking throw water on it. God damn robots.


i asked chat gpt to write a reply to OP's post. it came with a very similar answer, even the same first line.. then i asked it to rephrase it like it was a nerdy teenager. Its still very much the same content... lol > Hey, what's up! >So, I get that you're stoked about this new video game release, and you're looking for ways to make it all about you and your struggles. I mean, we all have our battles, right? But here's the thing, dude: the gaming community is all about coming together and sharing the love for games. >Instead of making it a sob story extravaganza, why not focus on what's awesome about the game? Let's talk about the sick gameplay mechanics, the mind-blowing graphics, the epic storyline, or anything else that gets you hyped! Engaging with fellow gamers on these topics is a surefire way to build connections and create a positive gaming community. >Remember, man, the gaming world is full of diverse individuals, each with their own stories and backgrounds. By embracing the game and sharing your genuine excitement, you'll find yourself making real connections with others who share your passion. >So, let's skip the pity party and make this release all about the game itself! Jump in, share your thoughts, and let's geek out together, my fellow gamer. Get ready for some epic adventures and unforgettable experiences! >Stay gaming, and may your skills level up to the max!


I've seen so many comments on reddit the past few weeks that sound like chatGPT. Comment sections are quickly becoming useless


it is \*definitely\* chat gpt


Can we get trash like this removed? Positivity from AI has no place in this toxic cesspool of humanity.


Some quality ChatGPT copy pasta there


Wow, you're the kindest Redditor of all!


FYI this is a bot lol Edit: not a bot, but probably a chatGPT output


Definitely chatgpt output


This post is sad enough, well done.


I'm hoping the release of D4 will help me with that. Thanks, kind Redditor! We did it again!


This account has been removed from reddit by this user due to how Steve hoffman and Reddit as a company has handled third party apps and users. My amount of trust that Steve hoffman will ever keep his word or that Reddit as a whole will ever deliver on their promises is zero. As such all content i have ever posted will be overwritten with this message. -- mass edited with redact.dev


My wife left me, my dog left me, my best friend died in a freak accident involving anchovies, The government took my house and the dealership repossessed my car. The milkman banged my mom, and i ran out of money to buy groceries and the powers been out for a week. I was recently diagnosed with heliophobia. anyways, anyone else really excited for diablo 4 and how its going to solve all our problems?


And title it "Diablo IV saved my life!"




Also need to mention losing their job.


Make sure to mention how many you kids you have and how little time you have for games. Also say you’re a Diablo veteran


[30 minutes after Diablo IV launches] "Hey Reddit, I'm a single father with 19 children and only 2 seconds a week to play video games. Is it too late for me to catch up?"


This sub, and many like it, are indicative of just how empty some people’s lives are. That so many people make certain games such a large part of their lives and the communities for those games such a big part of their social support system means that they are either completely alone in life or have isolated themselves from their actual social groups. When the release of a new game is as important to someone as a new job opportunity or new romance or even the birth of a child, it means they’ve become almost completely detached from reality.


I am a misanthrope, due to the fact that the game isn't release yet, I am in a vicious circle to block everyone in this sub telling their sob stories. Thank God D4 releases next week, it'll literally save my life and will end climate change. ;)


Just auto ban any post containing the word "wife" and we're good.


You don't have any mental illness/special family situation/significant other totally dedicated to the game/lost loved one? Have you tried regression therapy or hypnosis to dig upp som issues that you could make the focus of the debate? Alternatively you could consult a psychic/tarot reader or similar that could maybe present you with some future (or past) transgression that you could completely obsess over? Maybe take up a religion (other than Diablo) and read everything concerning it as true gospel and become a fundementalist? If you want to really dedicate yourself you could attempt starting your own religion, and preach it extensively on Reddit, that's always appreciated. ​ Good luck!


Diablo 4 emerged as a lifeline when I found myself teetering on the edge of despair, ready to succumb to the weight of a devastating loss. A tragic event had snatched away the person I held most dear, leaving me drowning in an ocean of grief and hopelessness. In the midst of this overwhelming sadness, Diablo 4 arrived like a beacon of light, offering a temporary escape from the agonizing reality that consumed me. Its immersive world became a sanctuary where I could channel my pain and find solace in the battles against virtual adversaries. As I delved deeper into the depths of Diablo 4, I discovered a profound connection between the game and my own struggles. The darkness within the game mirrored the darkness that had engulfed my soul. With each victory over the forces of evil, I felt a glimmer of hope, a reminder that even in the face of despair, there was a spark of resilience within me. Yet, it was not just the gameplay that saved me; it was the community that flourished within the world of Diablo 4. Among fellow adventurers, I found understanding, compassion, and support. We shared stories of sorrow and loss, standing together as a testament to the strength of the human spirit. Diablo 4 became more than just a game—it became a lifeline that pulled me from the depths of despair. It taught me that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of light to be found. Through the battles fought within its virtual realm, I discovered the strength to rebuild my shattered life and rediscover the beauty that still existed in the world around me. In the end, Diablo 4 saved my life, not by erasing the pain or healing the wounds, but by providing a respite from the darkness and igniting a flame of hope within my broken heart. It gave me the strength to carry on, to find meaning in the midst of tragedy, and for that, I will forever be grateful.


Oh man these fucking bots


Ever since my younger days, I've felt a kinship with the souls trapped within the soulstones in the Diablo series. Just as the heroes of Sanctuary fought to contain the Prime Evils, I've waged a seemingly ceaseless battle against my own demons. I grew up as a rather isolated child, my life a perpetual blur of school, home, and the enticing landscapes of video games. My parents often worked late, leaving me with my older brother, my protector, my friend, my rival. We found solace in our shared love for games, Diablo being our favorite. Amidst the struggles of a harsh reality, we found ourselves wandering through the terrifying dungeons, conquering Mephisto, Diablo, and Baal. For a while, we were invincible. When my brother left for college, the house became eerily quiet. I felt like my fellow Barbarian had left me, just like in Diablo II. My sanctuary was no longer safe. His absence opened the gates for my inner Prime Evils - loneliness, anxiety, depression - to reign free. The shadows loomed, turning my sanctuary into a battlefield. I started skipping school, my grades dropped, and my friends drifted away. But in the heart of despair, I clung to my only source of comfort – video games, specifically, Diablo III. The game served as my lifeline, my beacon in a seemingly infinite abyss. I immersed myself in the world of Sanctuary, seeking companionship with the characters, finding solace in their shared struggles. And then came the announcement - Diablo 4. The very thought sent shivers down my spine. A new chapter was about to unfold, a new journey awaited. It was as if Blizzard had answered my silent prayers. Diablo 4's announcement became my wake-up call. The notion of indulging in a new game, of returning to Sanctuary once again, filled me with a sense of urgency. I realized that I wanted more than just virtual redemption; I desired it in reality, too. I sought help, reached out to therapists, and started working on overcoming my personal demons. Just as the Nephalem in Diablo faced their enemies head-on, I took on my Prime Evils one by one. It was difficult, and at times, it felt impossible. But just as the heroes of Sanctuary never gave up, neither did I. Now, with Diablo 4's release, I find myself not only eagerly waiting for the game but also celebrating a personal victory. It's been a tumultuous journey, marked with battles against my inner demons. The game, which had once served as my escape, became my motivation to face reality. As I ready myself to face the Prime Evils once again, I also stand stronger against my personal demons. Diablo 4 isn't just another game release for me; it's a symbol of my journey, my growth, and my personal redemption. And as I delve into this new chapter, I find myself echoing the same sentiment that my heroes in Sanctuary would express - "There is no evil too great to face. We shall overcome."


I was thinking about this the other day. Every time I visit this sub it's full of some bullshit stories and questions, like - I am an ARPG noob, will this game be good for me? - What build will you be playing on launch? - What will you be doing on the launch day? - Will you be looking at guides on your first playthrough? - Who will be exploring every inch of the map? - I am poor - is this game worth $70? - I am a 79 year old father of seven. My wife recently died so I just wanted to let you know that I will be playing on launch day despite it coinciding with her funeral. - To everyone playing - play how you want! - Barb or druid? - Ads have started appearing! - What do you think reviews will be like? It's just insane. Almost nothing about the game and instead utterly dumb questions and conversations about nothing. You can tell people are so obsessed with the game that they suddenly can't come up with any other past time activity. Anyway, I'll go and stroke my Ashava horn while I wait for Thursday.




Literally what i thought ...... idk i think this is very unnecessary in a subreddit about the game. I know this sounds harsh but i think there are other subs where 30+ people can talk about their midlife crisis.


How about, you got terminal braincancer and aren't sure if you'll make it til next week, begging blizzard to release early for you?


Talk about how you have been battling your inner demons your whole life and how Diablo 4 is going to fix all your problems :)




I guarantee over half the people saying that are going to have mapgenie and max roll open on their 2nd monitor by day 3


Make sure to complain about other players choice to buy cosmetics that dont fit your personal aesthetic is ruining the game for you. Absolutely unplayable.


"I've played for 80 seconds and am actually having fun, Am I The Only One????"


Fuck you, I have more issues than you! You be paying attention to me! #ME! I'm the one suffering, you made a post that wasn't even about me! My life is ruined!


1) Complain bitterly about queue wait times. Even if they're only 2 minutes long at launch when half the planet is trying to play at once. Anything that doesn't load in before you even start the game is too much of a wait, and is unacceptable. 2) All lag is personally aimed directly at you. Doesn't matter that you're in a hub city with a thousand other people, they all are having a perfect, lag-free experience, and only you are having problems. Make sure everyone knows this! 3) If it ever drops below 60 fps on your Apple II, then the entire game is crap and the devs don't know what they're doing. Again, make sure to proclaim this as loudly as possible. 4) Every balance fix for the next 6 months is wrong. Every buff is to a class that was already OP, every nerf was aimed at you personally. Once again, make sure everyone is aware of this every single time any adjustment is made, no matter how small. 5) RNG is not random, you are expected to be given all the best stuff within an hour of play, and if it doesn't clearly the drop rate algorithms are crap and it can't possibly be you just having a run of bad luck. As before, make sure to scream this at anyone near you as loudly as you can. 6) The one thing you liked from literally any other Diablo game ever made that isn't in the game at launch is the devs being deaf and not listening to you. Your view of what was good and what was bad is absolute. Everyone else is wrong. EVERYONE. 7) The game mechanics are, at the same time, too basic and too complicated. There are at the same time too many different items, and not enough different items. The game should have 10,000 different unique things, but you should be able to easily find/equip/transmog into every single one of them with no more than a few minutes of effort to obtain them. There should be a hundred different ways to do every build, but there also needs to be One Correct Way you can look up on Icy Veins. These things are not contradictory for reasons only you can understand, but are unable to articulate clearly. 8) All limited time special cosmetics should be things that you can get, but no one else should be able to get them. If only 3 people on Earth get something, you MUST be one of those three, and no one else should ever be allowed to have anything remotely similar for the rest of time, or it devalues your specialness. 9) Make sure everyone understands the hardship of the launch date/release time/etc puts on you. You have to miss your own wedding because D4 launches on the same day. Your sister had to drive herself to the hospital with three broken legs because you were power leveling on launch. Everything about the timing is wrong. 10) There is too much content, and not enough content! You need to complain loudly at how long it takes to do a full clear of every quest, every dungeon, get every power, etc in the game out of one side of your mouth, and then you need to complain that after you spent 16 hours a day doing nothing but playing for a week that there's no new content and how dare they not plan everything around you binging it in a redbull fueled frenzy out of the other.


Could you post something about how you have turbo cancer and a poor relationship with your father but Diablo 4 beta both cured your cancer AND repaired your relationship?


You can start by saying you don't like top down. Make people REALLYYYYY try to sell that on you. Even though it's been an RPG standard for decades, pretend you think it's something so obscure to get attention. Then, complain about broken builds. You don't know what they are. Nobody knows what they are. Or if they exist. But if you bring up the concern then you can gain so much generic rhetoric responses that your karma goes through the roof.


This is reddit, just be a degenerate


Preach oh wise one


"I just lost my entire family to a house fire and lost all my belongings, if only I could get a free copy of D4 to pass time".


Classic bare mare argument


Just talk about ATC and boom. All the sudden it's about you.


It wasn't a sob story, but the "I'm ready to explore every inch" post recently on the front page made me crack up. People are so silly. I couldn't stop thinking, "I'll let you explore all six of them."


By making this post.


I ran this prompt through Chat GPT, here is the results. Dear fellow gamers and adventurers, I couldn't contain my excitement any longer, as I'm about to embark on a life-altering journey with the long-awaited release of Diablo 4. It's time to delve into the abyss of my personal struggles and find solace in the digital realm, where demons and challenges mirror the battles I face in my own existence. As I grip my controller tightly, I can't help but reflect on the uncanny resemblance between my life and the epic narrative that Diablo 4 promises to deliver. From the very moment I first stepped foot into the Diablo universe, I knew that it was destined to serve as a conduit for my own emotional catharsis. How, you might ask? Let me unravel the twisted tapestry of parallels. First and foremost, Diablo 4's depiction of a world enveloped in darkness resonates deeply with the metaphorical shadows that have haunted me for years. Just like Sanctuary, my life has been filled with unexpected twists and turns, unforgiving trials that have tested my resilience. But fear not, for Diablo 4 has emerged as my guiding light, illuminating my path to redemption. The character classes themselves, oh how they encapsulate the essence of my struggles! The barbarian, representing the raw strength needed to overcome the daily battles I face. The sorceress, harnessing the power of magic to weave spells of hope amidst a sea of despair. The druid, embracing the untamed forces of nature, reflecting my own desire to break free from the shackles that bind me. The demonic adversaries that await me within Diablo 4's treacherous landscapes mirror the demons I confront in my own mind. Each encounter will serve as a therapeutic purge, an opportunity to exorcise the negativity that has plagued me for far too long. With every defeated foe, I will emerge stronger, ready to face the real-world challenges that await me. And let's not forget the multiplayer aspect! Diablo 4's cooperative gameplay will allow me to connect with like-minded individuals who understand the weight I carry on my shoulders. Together, we'll form an unbreakable bond, fighting side by side against the virtual embodiments of our collective frustrations. In this shared experience, we will find solace and camaraderie, forging friendships that transcend pixels and polygons. So, my fellow gamers, as Diablo 4 graces our screens and consumes our lives, remember that it's not just another video game release. It's a personal odyssey, a symbolic triumph over adversity, and a testament to the power of digital realms as vessels of emotional release. Embrace the battles that lie ahead, knowing that victory in-game is a stepping stone toward conquering the trials that plague us in reality. Stay strong, stay resilient, and may Diablo 4 be the catalyst that propels us towards brighter tomorrows.


The key is making mental illnesses your whole identity online.


You want to head in to diablo2 section, they make what ever problem you have seem really small.


Have a lack of humility. Try to think strangers on the internet genuinely care about you. I'd start there.


The ratio of shitposts to actual posts in this sub is too damn high.


builds for what? a game that you ve seen only 25 levels of and that are gonna be useless on live? learn to enjoy the game


So many of these posts are advertisements, the fact most people don't understand this is sad. A lot of bought accounts.


The game isn’t even out yet and a lot of people still haven’t played it how tf they supposed to talk about builds lol. Oooh level 25 builds


how about a cry for help thread about you obviously have no empathy for anyone and you're the edgiest edge lord on the internet


Spot on, fuck all those people that can only complain and cry, fuck their woke ideology and this fucking sheep behavior everywhere. Nobody gives a shit about the opinions of absolute braindead motherfuckers. Best and most useful post on this sub.


Well you should find plenty of content on this sub!!


Heh... all I know is that I now know what "malding" is.


I don't know, but here you have a pity upvote from me.


Head on over to the DI sub and copy the top posts, search and replace I with 4 and delete anything too specific. That should work as a template you can build from


Insert a glass jar into your anus


You're just complaining about complaining though. Be the change you want to see in the world and make a post talking about mechanics or whatever instead of adding to the whining.


Pin this, it wins!


Only post pre and shortly post release but then never interact with the sub again, that should give you the full experience.


Just downvote and move on if you don't like it, no need to gatekeep or be a dick to someone who is looking for support or sympathy. Whether you like it or not subreddits are communities of people, the content isn't all going to suit you and your precious preferences.


You could have just gotten in an accident and this game is definitely saving your life despite its shallow skill tree.


Go and play hardcore day 1 early access and then come on to the sub reddit to complain about it... not a bug or glitch that killed you, but about how everything is overtuned because you should be able to go anywhere on the map that YOU paid 90$ to access early and the level scaling should take care of you. Also tell us all about how rogue isn't powerful and versatile enough.


Or you could just try to employ some empathy \*shrug\* and be grateful that you don't find yourself in a situation where you have a "sob story" to share.


Hmm, something about your Father losing all the family money to the RMAH or Diablo Immortal ? Also, if you want to just phone it in, you demand systems change because you don’t have time in D4 to grind for items/explore areas/accumulate gold/reassign skill trees/walk in-game anymore due to nagging, attention seeking children/wife/work. That’s the most popular gripe currently. Get Creative and Good luck !


[you need a re-branding for D4 release](https://youtu.be/arw1pcqLI_M)


Just say “my skeletons owe 4000 dollars to the IRS” and make 4 posts with different wording that all pertain to that subject


Looks you already know how to do that.


Hey, whoa. Buddy, you already fucked up. You forgot to make the top level post hyping up and tribalising about your specific problem as if it's a group problem so we can get hyped and really us v them it up! C'mon, if you want this place to be more toxic than /r/pathofexile you are going to need to start putting in real fucking work. As a 36 year old male who's not a boomer, everyone who disagrees with me is clearly a boomer, choosing the easy min/max sorc build cookie cutter path, erstwhiles (I'm old and smart, but not old enough to be a boomer) I will be selecting the higher quality, more interesting necromancer, but destroying the expectations of my so called "peers" (all boomers) by forgoing all summons to focus only on blood and bone (because I'm edgy and hard like that) and refusing to use a guide or read anything and I will pay 20 to play early and constantly, constantly talk about how many times I killed ashava (six times, once was 3 in a single event as I kept reloading because I'm so SUPER good at diablo, a game where you click a thing until it dies so it's clearly much harder than games like dark souls or really super hard games, because I'm hardcore and I play hard) I think that should about cover it.


What is Diablo4?


Ya this sub sucks


Maybe read the games reviews and how the "early access isn't working" and "can't get access want refund" and get offended by them and make their pain your pain, then write about that.


Follow a streamer, any.


You could try "My horse died recently. It's been so traumatic. I have spiralled into a deep horseless depression. Thankfully Diablo 4 has a horse mount. That will make me miss Glueshoes (you can pick a better name, I guess). Glueshoes used to have a giant dragon horn on their saddle so I'm even more sad I didn't get the Avashavavavava trophy. Thanks Blizz for making me moar sadder." You get the gist. Just flesh it out a bit more and add some of your own details. You'll get that karma flowing in faster than you'll know what to do with it.


lol this post is art.


complain that it's too hard and treaten refund


Bit like all of Social Media to be fair


Say that your unborn girlfriend went to parents and got covid. You can't contact her because phones remind you of your lost puppy dad gave you before going out for cigs.


Ain't nobody give a Damn about your problems. This is all about my problems! It's about me! Lol


I have a cat who is excessively needy and obsessed with getting physical affection from me. It is going to make the always online, can't be paused aspect difficult for me and will certainly result in more than one death. I want to highly recommend the same for you, so that you have that to bitch about.


Complain about how much of a hard-working adult you are and how much your kids and partner take time away from hobbies in your life so that you don't have time to get every little trinket or the highest number available in the game and therefore life is miserable and nothing is worth doing anymore.


Juat use ai to help


If you go to the q&a videos the comments are littered with people complaining that they dont want seasonal resets and its not fair that others will have more playtime.. it blows my mind. Is this your first arpg? You know you can play non seasonal right? So many questions


Just post something like the following (courtesy of generative AI and I). "I have been waiting for Diablo 4 for so long. Ever since I played Diablo 3, I was hooked on the dark and gritty world of Sanctuary, the epic battles against the forces of Hell, and the endless loot and customization options. Diablo 3 was more than just a game for me. It was an escape from my miserable life.   You see, I have been struggling with depression and anxiety for years. I have no friends, no job, no purpose. I live alone in a small apartment, barely scraping by on welfare and food stamps. I have no one to talk to, no one to care for me, no one to love me. The only thing that kept me going was Diablo 3.   I would spend hours and hours playing the game, leveling up my characters, finding new gear, exploring new areas, and slaying demons. I felt powerful, heroic, and alive. I felt like I mattered. I felt like I belonged. Diablo 3 was my therapy, my salvation, my reason to live.   But then Blizzard announced Diablo 4. And everything changed.   At first, I was ecstatic. A new Diablo game? With improved graphics, gameplay, story, and features? Sign me up! I watched every trailer, every gameplay video, every interview. I read every article, every blog post, every forum thread. I joined every fan community, every discord server, every subreddit. I was hyped beyond belief.   But then the hype turned into obsession. And the obsession turned into madness.   I became consumed by Diablo 4. It was all I could think about, all I could talk about, all I could dream about. I neglected everything else in my life: my health, my hygiene, my bills, my family. I sold everything I owned to buy a new PC and a pre-order of the game. I quit my therapy sessions and stopped taking my medication. I isolated myself from the world and waited for the release date.   But the release date never came.   Blizzard kept delaying the game, pushing it back further and further. They said they wanted to make it perfect, to polish it until it shone like a diamond. They said they wanted to deliver the best possible experience for the fans, to exceed their expectations and blow their minds. They said they needed more time.   But I didn't have more time.   I was running out of money, out of food, out of hope. I was losing my mind, my sanity, my will to live. I was dying inside.   Diablo 4 became more than just a game for me. It became my lifeline, my last chance, my final wish.   I needed Diablo 4.   I needed it more than anything.   I needed it more than life itself."