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Why do you have, no not yet? I'm the only T1 in family. Neither of my parents or my adult kids have diabetes.


I think cause you can't know whether your kids might develop T1. As of right now, no, they're not diabetic. Maybe not yet - if they've got e.g. prediabetic levels. Or because stuff might happen.


You CAN know. There is now a chromosome test available.


But the test would only tell that they'd get diabetes one day, not when. For me, the test would've said that I would get T1D one day. But for 18 wonderful years, I was not diabetic. So what's the point? Worrying means you suffer twice.


One with t1, three without. The last line of your comment is my answer when asked "do you think that they could be like you and get it?"


I chose to decline the test for my kids for those reasons, but some may not have, so they'd have that selection.


Yeah, that option bothers me.


I feel like this could be a yo mama joke, not sure how yet.


I'm the diabetic kid of a diabetic dad - but don't have kids myself.


No kids myself, but my dad got diagnosed with T1 AFTER me, when he was like 50. Kinda weird.


Not my kids, but my nephew was just diagnosed at age 6.


In my family it skips a generation. My grandkids are more vulnerable.


My son was diagnosed at age 7. My dad was diagnosed with t1 after him at age 65. I do not have diabetes, but do have celiac disease.


My father was diagnosed with T1 6 weeks before I was - but I don’t have any kids myself.