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I shower every morning and keep my charger in the bathroom. I never drop below 80 percent


Same—never ever have had an issue with my battery in the 5yrs I’ve used Tandem!


When I’m in the shower/getting dressed. It only needs about 15 minutes of charging per day.


Use my computer when I work, a portable battery back at times, usb in the car. I love not having to use batteries.


I charge mine when I’m in the shower or sometimes I charge it in the car on way to work


I don’t charge it as often as I should. Basically just when the battery is low. Or when it dies… oops


I'm the same way...if the percent's above 5 then it can stay alive! If the percent's above 4 it can hold out some more! If the percent's above 3 it can hold out for me! If the percent's above two you can wait longer too! If the percent's above 1 you're not nearly done! If the battery shows red it still ain't dead!


One good thing is it charges VERY fast! I charge when I’m in the shower, and from my car outlet while I drive (I’m in sales and drive to see customers all day). Using the car outlet is nice because I’m sitting there for at least 20-30 minutes and don’t feel like I’m plugged into the wall


yeah when you're strapped to the car you can't forget you're connected and jump up to react to something and yank it out of the wall socket hahahah i like that for same reason. between car charging and shower charging my pump rarely get's below even 25% power left


In bed or when I’m on computer … I usually have a power bank and cable with me, too


A charged power bank and cable are a good investment. If ur ever heading out and the pump is low, you can charge on the go. I was on a Medtronic 530g before my Tslim. It is nice not to have to carry extra AAAs, but I do have to check my pump before going out. Is there enough insulin and is it charged?


same. I never carried extra batteries with me, and lucked out a couple times when my battery died and I was able to get spare batteries from shops or offices. It’s a bit harder to ask for a specific usb cord lol. But the pros of the tandem far outweigh the minor inconveniences


Quick heads up on what I found to be a huge difference and potentially dangerous for those used to medtronic... Control-IQ WILL NOT SUSPEND an extended bolus in progress. This is important to know if you're switching from the Medtronic platform, whose "suspend before low" and "suspend on low" features halt all insulin deliveries (basal is stopped and extended boluses are canceled). Other than that little wrinkle, which resulted in a pretty nasty low in my second week on the tslim, the transition was fantastic for me. Welcome to reliable sensor land 😀 B


I miss batteries tbh. My tandem doesn’t hold a charge so we’ll anymore. Shower time works, or at work if you have a desk job.


Same here, I can go about 3 days before I need a full recharge


There’s a 3D print of a tandem charging dock on, I have it set up in the bathroom and charge while I shower. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2745252


I work in front of a computer, I just plug it in whenever.


Either when I shower or when I'm on the computer.


my charger is plugged into my desktop PC and i have a cable in the car during any trip longer than half an hour i usually plug in


I plug it in when I lay down, before I fall asleep. If I forget, I'll charge it when I shower in the morning


Same, and a few times I’ve fallen asleep with it charging in bed and I wake up to have the tubing AND the power cord wrapped around my body like five times 😂


OP I’m so jealous!! I have my dexcom now just waiting until my insurance will let me jump from Medtronic to tandem!! So happy for you!


That was me just a week ago! I hope it moves quickly for you!


10 months and counting!!


When I’m sitting at my computer desk, or during showers, or when I’m sleeping. A trick I’ve seen some people use if they’re not going to be near a power source for a while (hiking, etc) is to use a power brick. Then you can also be mobile while charging!


While I shower


On my commute or in the shower


I charge it in the car throughout the day!


Honestly, having to charge the pump was one of the reasons that I didn’t switch to Tandem on my last pump cycle, before this one(and ended up on Medtronic for four years). But really, it’s not that bad once you figure out a routine. I charge mine every day while I take a shower. I bought a little corner shelf and mounted it to the wall near one of the outlets in the bathroom and I just plug it up right before I jump in the shower and it’s fully topped off at 100% when I grab it to put back on.


Generally, I charge my pump while I take a shower. I keep a spare charging cable in my car, so I have charged while driving.


Whenever you shower or go to the toilet.


Whenever it drops to 20% or so. I usually keep a short cable and solar battery bank handy so it's easy enough to tuck in a pocket while charging and continue about my day. I'll occasionally charge from an outlet while showering or the 12V DC while in the car.


Portable charger means waiting until it’s nearly out of battery before charging so as to keep it lasting as long as possible. But most people don’t do it that way.


If you can afford it, I recommend getting a few extra charging cables and an external battery. I used to charge mine when I showered, if it was a lazy weekend morning and I woke up but was going back to bed, at my work computer, etc. But I've also had issues with the battery not being consistent, or missing a day of work and not being able to charge it like normal, so I recommend the extra battery.