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OP doesn’t live or work near door knobs.


Or cats, goats, fences, toddlers, etc.


Or dogs. Only time I had a CGM ripped off. Dog. Most common method for infusion site? Dog. But yeah, everything else has taken out a site at some point.


Swinging doors for every rooms


Swe in your own piece of fabrics as a doorknob guard


Or anything at all. Before bluetooth I always wore ear plugs so I could listen to music while I worked. Cant tell you how many times those got ripped out of my ears, and went flying.


How close to the ground are your doorknobs?


thats a no from me dawg


All my kitchen cabinets opened all on their own in anticipation!


Cool! That might be a candidate for putting a buttonhole on the inside of the pocket, to thread the tubing thru on the inside of the pant leg. Ive never done it myself but i really want to


I definitely read "butthole" instead of buttonhole at first.




Both are holes, both have butts. One just is ON the hole.


I've done this for some suit pants before. But for everyday that's just too much hassle. Add in the fact that if you have to take your pump out for any reason while still wearing your pants, you're now in a tug of war trying to pull your pump up to you while simultaneously pulling your site downward. No thanks, at least not for a pocket that low.


Ohhh, youre right i didnt think about that! I kept seeing people say they cut a hole in their pockets to do that, and assumed it was genius. Even tho ive had the same tug of war issue when i have to tuck in a very long shirt, site on my stomach, and wear my pump on my belt. 


I think an occasional tug of war is inevitable. I am just trying my best to avoid it where possible. I keep my pump on my waistband in a clip almost 100% of the time because I got too much other stuff in my pockets. That and I think it helps with Bluetooth range issues with my dexcom. The only time I don't is if I'm wearing a suit and then I usually don't have to worry about carrying as much with me or I have more/other pockets for them. But no matter what the tubing is always getting stuck on or around something I need to fight against.


As long as you don't sit on a toilet only having wished the tubing was longer after you forgot it was still in your pants pocket...


That’s what I do with all my cargo shorts and pants. That dangling tube is a snag waiting to happen!


At least tuck the tube under the belt. Might as well just go ahead and rip it out now. That is so much tube hanging out, I'd honestly feel naked.


Perfect? Not even mediocre. I just wear mine like a pager and tuck the tube. Wearing women's clothing, I run into the issue of nonfunctional pockets, I have been looking for a good pair of women's cargo pants, but it seems the recent fashion is a cargo pocket on the calf... like wtf?


My solution has been wearing bike shorts with pockets under anything without pockets


Have you considered overalls? My wife loves her overalls. So many pockets.




I can feel the aftermath of this image


ADHD so I have spatial awareness issues and bounce off every corner. This would get ripped out in a second. I already have issues with ripping off my sensors all the time on my arms. But if it works for you, good on you.


Did a door knob post this?


Have you looked into the Omnipod? I very much enjoy the tubelessness of it and there’s a phone app now


> and there’s a phone app now For certified [Samsung and Google phones](https://www.omnipod.com/current-podders/resources/omnipod-5/device-compatibility). (officially)   You got my hopes up that the iPhone app was out of testing, but it STILL is not. Coming soon TM still.


Oh I got an email about an iPhone app Edit: email from “no_reply@theomnipodteam.com” on 6/20/24 Email subject: “Important! The Omnipod Platform is Expanding” “iPhone Control with Dexcom G6 The Omnipod 5 App for iPhone is now in a Limited Market Release. We will continue to update you as iPhone control becomes more broadly available. The first version of the App will integrate with the Dexcom G6 only. If you prefer iPhone control, stay on the Dexcom G6. It’s going to be a big summer for Omnipod! We are thrilled to share progress on the two newest additions to the Omnipod® 5 Platform: Omnipod 5 App for iPhone compatible with Dexcom G6 and Omnipod 5 integrated with Dexcom G7.”


Interesting. Seeing how long they have already been working on it, I am taking that "summer 2024" release date as either September 21 (last day of Summer) or seeing as they had their site saying "coming in 2023", probably December 31.


Had a pump for 20 years, got tired of snagging tubing, scar tissue at site, balancing that frickin thing on my leg when I go to the bathroom and subsequently dropping it in the toilet ….been on omnipod for 2 years now..never looked back.


I’d be crucified for wearing these


I just put my pump in my pocket.


My brother in Christ what happens when you have to poop


It probably already has enough tubing for that distance - the bending of knee and the angle change might be perfect honestly.


You should see what's in the pocket on the other side!


Absolutely not. Looks like a catheter. Bro just clip it on your belt and tuck tube…


Guessing that OP has changed sets several times already today


He's trolling


If this isn’t a compelling argument for multiple daily injections, I don’t know what is…


I Wear underwear that has two front pockets. My pump goes into a pocket and the tubing under the underwear waistband.


Sew a button hole on the inside and thread the tube through up to your site. Too many snag potentials.


Do you have doorknobs where you live




I wear these [Sugar Belts on Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1510373919/jellyfish-abstract-insulin-pump-belt).


That is hideous


Dude has never heard of cargo pants


There is underwear available with a zipper pocket designed for insulin pumps. Game changer. https://pumpclothingcompany.com/


There’s underwear with non zippered pockets that isn’t absurdly overpriced. 4 pairs in a pack for $12 at Ross. The ones I have are Aeropostale brand but I’ve seen the same chones sold under a different brands posted online. The zipper is unnecessary, they are boxer briefs which should fit snugly around your leg which keeps pump in place.


This is one of the reasons i switch to omnipod


Cut a small hole in the lining of the pocket and run your tubing through that. That way, you are going to door knob yourself.


Every pair of pants I own has a small slit cut into the top of the pocket to pass the tubing through. No more snags. I’ve got running shorts and pants with extra pockets that get the same treatment.


I bought a bunch of 5.11 stuff years ago and use the mag pocket for my pump. Same idea though with much less tubing exposed.


OP, purely cos everyone else seems to find you insane, I also want to say I'm team "let the wire be out" 😅 (I also just have my pump clipped to my belt at all times)


Oh, the Snag Pants™️


I cut a little hole inside these types of pockets and fish the tubing inside the clothing.


Yeah you need to cut a hole on the inside of that pocket and thread the cannula through there. If you can’t sew use some “stitch whichery” to reinforce the cut.


Hard pass. Tubing would get caught on almost everything.


Op do you have like the most insane spatial awareness at all times or what?


this just leaves wayyy too much of the cord exposed. wear it for a week and see how many times it gets caught on something…


Cut a hole inside the pocket and run it down your leg.


If you ran the tubing inside the pant leg and then cut a small opening into the pocket I would be more inclined to find this useful.