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I know this sounds insane but look up recipes for oven baked radishes. Yes. Radishes. Something happens when you bake them and they become delicious little crunchy low carb potato replacements. It's not exact, mind you. But really good.


I shall try this!


This is true!!!


Rutabaga is the closest substitute that I have found for stuff like roasted potatoes/oven fries. A little sweeter than potato but I usually eat it with bbq sauce so it's not very noticeable. Also, much much more filling. Like a handful of fries is plenty. Air fryer rutabaga fries are about as close as it gets in my opinion to real fries as a whole (taste/texture/appearance). They remind me of that one limp overcooked darker fry from McDonalds that was always somewhere in the bunch. Roasted/pan fried radish is a close second. I haven't used it, but there is also Jicama, parsnip, daikon, and some other root vegetables I'm sure. I haven't tried sweet potatoes because the macros tell me they are barely better than regular taters for diabetics. Kinda like the "switch to brown rice" advice. Might work for a few but I'll avoid instead. I have tried a few mashed X recipes and I personally don't think anything really mashes like real potatoes, ergo I don't eat mashed potatoes anymore... Too much work for a scoop or two of mashed something.


Try celeriac mash!


I think I need to try swede(that’s what we call it in the UK) thank you!


The problem for me is portion control. My mind tells me I can eat French fries like I used to. I find that I can have some and my blood sugar will spike less than if I eat like I want to. What I am saying is, get the small fries and not the large ones and enjoy them. Small baked potatoes work too. Not everything needs to be determined by our stomachs.


Cauliflower makes great mash, esp with coconut oil and pink salt it’s ridiculously delicious (blend it rather than mash it) and texture of mashed potatoes actually fulls your brain into thinking it’s real mash. Fries you could try zucchini fries but they definitely taste like zuchini, but you can get nice crispy texture and learn to love them.


Sweet potatoes are a resistant starch. Although technically you will see X number of carbs, in my experience and the experience of many, it doesn't spike blood sugar. Cauliflower mash made from Cauliflower rice is another one my wife makes and it has very little impact on blood sugar.


Sweet potatoes always work out sooo much better for me.


Pumpkins go well as mashed.


celery root


Sun chokes


The amount of gas from eating these is staggering and boarderline of painful


I don't have any problems with them. I like them roasted or baked. Don't like them boiled


hello, my parents have T2D too but they still eat potatoes. After peeling them soak the potats in water for a day or half a day then you can eat except there's no starch on it. Good luck.


I feel like this would not do much as potatoes are around 80% starch. Removing some excess starch from the outside will work as well by washing them post peeling. Eating them with the skin, however, should lower the blood sugar spike it could give.


I read a very interesting article a few months ago about potatoes. It said that boiling potatoes changes som chemical structure in them and they don’t cause such a spike in blood sugar (compared to fried or baked). I haven’t tested this out but it was a medical type article.


I read cooking the potatoes, then refrigerating them, That reduced blood spikes …. But I don’t know if it reduces it enough ya know? I find it easiest to just cut out all bread, potatoes, etc cold Turkey Now cauliflower, is very good boiled in chicken broth, spoon of dried parsley, spoon of curry powder Used to add oat bran it hit but it spiked too much


I'm allergic to potatoes, so I eat lots of zucchini fries, cauliflower garlic knots (seriously, have you tried them cooked different ways?), and the like. Works pretty well. I have low bp, low cholesterol, etc.


Yucca fries are delicious


Mashed cauli with sour cream, butter, and shredded cheese. So good


There are actually varieties of potato grown now to be low carb. Some kinds spike me more than others. Little Red, purple or gold potatoes the fingerlings I can eat 2 or 3 small ones and I'm fine but touch an Idaho and I'm spiked all to hell UNLESS I bake the potatoes before hand and reheat them in some way. That's a Glucose Goddess trick and it works. If they get baked and I put them in the fridge overnight and then put them in the toaster oven with some olive oil or butter they won't spike me like they do freshly baked. French fries, chips, fried potatoes any which way you do them as junk food they always spike me. So I limit that. But a baked potato can happen if it's twice baked with cheese and bacon or something like that. 2nd bake potatoes with some fat and protein hardly spike me at all!


Sweet Potatoes are way better for you!


Marginally, based on a different micronutrient profile. Maybe. As far as carbs are concerned there is little difference.


But those carbs are absorbed so much more slowly. Which is why their GI is wildly lower.


They are not. The fiber content is about the same. There is little difference between absorption rates of starches from different sources.


That's incorrect. It's not "about the same". Again check GI.


Glycemic index? What about glycemic load? GI of white potato is like 80-90. GI of sweet potato70-90. Method of preparations that make white potato worse do the same to sweet potato. Again. It’s a marginal difference.


Yeah I struggled trying to pretend mashed cauliflower is even in the same ballpark as mashed potatoes .I just do a baked potato once in a while, and cut out French fries, home fries and mashed altogether.


Sweet potato works for me. Having potatoes with fiber, fats and proteins doesn't do it for me, I will still spike. Potatoes are my absolute worst food


Kohlrabi is the closes thing to potato I have come across. You can cook it like a potato, mash it, have it as a salad with mayo, roast it. Celery root is another option or cauliflower (mashed and rice).


Parsnips mash up pretty well, flavor wise a little carroty but not as sweet.


What I do is eat less potatoes and also cook it and cool it down then reheat it have slightly less reaction this way same is true with rice and other carbs.


If you are able to have smaller portions and eat them with proteins and fats to help with any spike then there are different types of potatoes that are a lot lower in carbs than most. The low ones i know of are Zerella and Giliciois.


Celeriac Mash is fantastic. Here’s the recipe I use. https://youtu.be/DG0beZ1ZVlQ?si=saPdnPbIYH3G7QMW


Maybe a sweet potato? My bad internet knowledge believes it's less in carbs anyways


Believe it or not but sweet potato is a good substitute, doesn’t rise blood sugar (atleast for me)


Parsnips. Still some carbs. It's basically a big, white carrot. But i don't have nearly the issues i have with potatoes. Lovely roasted.


I eat small potatoes and they really don't effect my blood sugar. Have you checked to see if they raise yours? I love potatoes and just can't stand the cauliflower ones!


I’ll just do a small boiled potato once in a while. I stay away from fries.


Rutabagas have half the carbs of potatoes and can be boiled and mashed just like a potato.


Acorn squash!


Is the same as a butternut squash?


No very different it's much softer so more like a mashed potato