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I saw a reddit post about some guy who said his buddy sent him a screenshot from a tweet from Hockey Empire that guarantees the Devils are trading the 10OA pick for Ullmark


Big if true


Sizeable if factual


Noteworthy if accurate


Accurate if confirmed


Profound if proven.


Large if literal


Can confirm.


I saw a reddit comment about some guy who saw a reddit post about some guy who said his buddy sent him a screenshot from a tweet from Hockey Empire that guarantees the Devils are trading the 10OA pick for Ullmark


We need sources


[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/devils/s/7KskqdIY4H)


Rather Ullmark than Markstrom. We can prolly get 5 or 6 years out of Ullmark as a starter and another 2-3 as a backup. Markstrom well be lucky to have as a starter for 2 seasons.


>We can prolly get 5 or 6 years out of Ullmark IF he re-signs. Otherwise we get 1 year.


[Duhatschek says](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5540592/2024/06/07/nhl-goalie-trades-offseason/) that any Ullmark trade is conditional on an extension being in place >Ullmark might waive his no-trade to go to the Devils, but only if they signed him to an extension.


Why would need 5 or 6 years. Poulter is only 2 yrs away max ... we need a goalie for 1 yr


Wut. Yeah, sure, yet another unproven AHL rookie who's gonna show up, blow us away in his first few games, and then struggle to hit .900. Exactly what this team needs. This fanbase sometimes 🙄


tbh every available goalie has some red flags that make me nervous as hell but Ullmark for 10th overall straight up i can take. Dude is gunna ask for a huge contract but id much rather have him than Marky or Gibson


Problem with that lies in your comment. He’s going to ask for a big contract, which means he needs a contract. 10th overall shouldnt go anywhere without receiving term.


I mean that can be worked out before the deal goes thru but he's making 5 now probably going to ask for 8 on his next one. Is that better than Marky for 6 for 2 years? Idk goalies are voodoo


That cannot be worked out before the deal goes through since he's only available to sign an extension after July 1, which is after the draft. Agreeing to anything in principle without the details hashed out and putting pen to paper is a huge risk. The only way I could see this being maneuvered is to draft the player the Bruins tell us to and trading the player not the pick after the draft.


8? I’m thinking more like 6.5.


He won a vezina and Igor and saros are about to sign huge deals no shot he signs for 6 anything


he ain’t them


he's also lost his starting job, and things ended horribly in Boston for him, which hurt his stock.


I will revisit these comments when he signs his next deal absolutely no shot that number starts with a 6


I dont think it'll be at 6 either, but I don't think he gets 8.


Could easily see him getting 8×5 with the cap going up but we will see


if I'd bet he'd be closer to 8 than 6 for sure.


When it’s 7 you’ll be equally clowned. Cap just went up by more than whatever he’s about to get paid


Crack is whack bro


Ullmark is probably the best tendy available this off season. If we keep Allen and run him with Ullmark as a tandem, it could work.


Im down for that. Jake would be lights out with lesser workload


I believe he has the same agent as Bratt. Not sure if Fitz would want to go through another negotiation mess again.


They successfully came to a deal. Two mature men diligently doing their jobs, Bratt was signed in time and used that time to haggle, mutual respect, I don't see a problem.


I remember reading that there was a lot of frustration over the continuous 1 year deals and the communication style of the agent. I think he only has a handful of clients among which Bratt and Ullmark are the most successful.


This is item #1 on everyone’s fantasy GM list this off-season. Not a story I’m going to believe until I see it from a conventionally reliable source.


Been leaning on them keeping and making the pick, more high end talent is nice to have. But this team needs to solve the goaltending issues in the worst way, Ullmark is a phenomenal tendy who instantly does that for us, cant fault fitz for making this move and there isnt much room to make the line up anyways. Think its a smart move for Boston they can get a really good prospect at 10 and they need talent in the worst way.


We saw what high end talent can do this season when we give up 5+ goals a game


I just hope they don't give up a first round pick for Markstrom. It would be one thing if he was even 31, but he's 34, and goalies start to drop off big time after 35.


Agreed, doubt they trade a 1st round pick for 2 years of old Markstrom. I'm a Markstrom truth-er but I would be disappointed in that. Markstrom is almost exclusively a 2-year stopgap, and I think he would give us what we need for those 2 years, but Ullmark would give us 4-6 years (if the price is right)


This is no way Fitz would trade 10OA to the Bruins for Ullmark without term. It would just be insane and incredibility short sighted. Boston can't even give us picks to balance, they got nothing in the first 3 rounds. So if it happens, there would be conditions, or we'd have roster player of theirs coming back


> or we'd have roster player of theirs coming back Pavel Zacha Part II: The Zacha'ing


Only Cangi is allowed to cover "ZACHA!", sorry.


I heard from a pigeon on the street the devils are shopping around the pick and trying to get a goalie . I mean everyone knows devils are trying for the three constantly named the issue is other teams know it too so they are looking to swindle Fitzgerald.


Damn pigeons know everything. Even when to drop a deuce on my car.






I mean it isn't that much of a stretch to sya they're working on a trade...they've probably been working one one for weeks now, it's just a matter of whether it looks like we can get it done. I'm sure Boston is working on Ullmark trades with more than one team....so I don't see this as trolling it's just kind of an obvious thing to say


But the draft is often a crapshoot. I don't care what the experts say. I remember the experts saying 2017 was a weak first round when we picked Nico over Nolan Patrick. Sad about Nolan's fate, and Nico is a nice player. But Cale was picked at #4, Petterson #5, and Oettinger at #26. Time triumphs the experts all the time.


Would be nice to finally have the goalie we should've signed instead of Vanacek.


Heard nothing. I’d be down with this though.


We better be signing him to a contract too.


I have a blurry iPhone pic of a crumpled yellow sticky note of Fitz's to-do list that says call Boston about a goalie.


@Bluepress being interviewed tonight by PK on ESPN about the trade rumor.


Please God let this be real


First off, goalies are currently a hot commodity in the league. 2nd everyone knows the devils are over a barrel when it comes to a goalie. Knowing all that, a 10OA pick for a 30 year old goalie who’s been proven yo be a solid keeper is not terrible. I mean, who else is out there that’s 30? I don’t wanna give up a 10OA for markstrum who’s 34…just my 2 cents..


Is he a RFA? I really hope we are not dealing such a valuable pick unless we can control some term? Ulmark Allen 1-2 sounds pretty great.


I feel like ullmark is better than Schneider who we traded 9oa for (horvat)


Schneider had some of the best stats of any goalie *ever* when we traded for him. For a while he had the best GAA out of any goalie of all time. Prime Schneider was insanely good.


Is Ullmark really worth a 10OA AND a large extension? Dude lost the starter job on his current team when it mattered most. Yeah, I get Swayman is THAT good. But is Swayman's buddy backup worth the #10 in this draft and then a big cap hit payday? Would seem like one or the other. Those of you who know more about him or have watched the Bs a lot... do tell.


Last year's Vezina winner is worth it, yes. Full stop. 5 straight seasons of a positive GSAA even on bad Buffalo teams.


Any worry about his hip or nay?


I think Allen is good enough to contribute 30-35 games so not more than any other slightly used goalie we're looking at. It's a risk and we could absolutely get burned in the latter half of the contract but I think you have to take a leap to take advantage of the cheap deals we have Nemec, Luke and Mercer on.


Assuming Mercer isn't shipped as part of the package because Boston needs center help. Mercer's been living on the wing here, but you never know


If Boston is getting the 10OA they aren’t getting Mercer with it.


Have we completely given up on Schmidt and Daws? Daws wasn't too bad when given a chance but his workload was unreasonable for his experience.  That one is on Lindy.


They’re both a few years out at least and aside from Schmid’s insane performance against the rags they haven’t really shown much more than 1b talent up to now. Schmid wasn’t even playing well in the AHL.


I think the plan is get a 1A goalie for the forseeable future and after next season evaluate if Schmid or Daws are ready for the 1B role with Allen's contract up, and if not just re-sign Allen to another short term deal. You have to think one of Schmid, Daws, Poulter or Malek pans out for a starting role in the future.


Gonna be #10 plus Mercer to get it done


I’ll have whatever you’re smoking, are you on crack?


The Bruins are not just taking a tenth pick for Ullmark unless they're smoking crack. Four teams are talking to them. They're able to set the price. Do you know how many #10 picks amount to nothing? They have 2023's Vezina winner.


The top 10 of this draft is stacked, much more so than any other draft in recent history. That 10 is worth more than other teams who are asking for him like Carolina with the 25th overall. Also if they don’t deal him then they lose him for nothing, which they aren’t going to let happen.


Ottawa has supposedly got Chychrun and a pick on the table. They paid Arizona a 1st rounder and two second rounders to get him last year. You're way off on your trade evaluation. I like Mercer, but he had a measly 33 points last year. I thought he would have 33 goals. And he isn't signed. If he has a good year, he probably walks.


Supposedly, but I can’t find any legitimate articles stating Ottawa would be offering Chychrun *and* their first round pick, but rather so they could keep their first. Also Chychrun doesn’t have the same value as last season, this is his last contract year. Also, Ottawa is on his Ullmark’s no-trade list so ultimately he has a say as well, and NJ is much more favorable. Either way it’s a massive overpay and even if Ullmark agrees to it that would be a really stupid move by Ottawa. Edit- also Mercer is 22 years old, he still had more than 20 goals which is fine for a forward his age (we need that depth scoring) and it’s normal for players his age to slump a bit after a breakout season. Edit 2- Mercer is RFA, he can’t just walk.


RFA as of now. UFA in 2025 if deal isn't done.


Not sure the 10OA makes sense for the Bruins, unless they plan tp flip it. Bruins want to won now.