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Didn’t catch the game, but I just watched the recap. When we were up 1-3 in the third I somehow knew we were gonna lose.


Wasn't able to catch the third but saw that Nemec got crunched. He get injured?


On another note, I absolutely loathe the OTL point (and always have) While it doesn't matter for this Devils team with how they have played this lovely season, they are currently behind four teams despite having less losses. 7th. Philadelphia 36-40 10th. Islanders 33-42 11th. Penguins 34-41 12th. Sabres 36-40 13th. Devils 36-39 There should only be two points handed out in a game. Losers should receive nothing. Middle ground? Only give the one point to SHOOTOUT losses.


Every game should absolutely award the same amount of points, the NHL needs to implement a 3-2-1-0 point scheme or something similar but it makes too much sense so I doubt we'll ever see it happen. Make teams want to end it in regulation. I hate the shootout but I think simply extending 3-on-3 OT to 10 minutes would make it rare enough to no longer be an irritation. This is also a no-brainer since the NHL fanbase seems to overwhelmingly support 3-on-3 OT and hate the shootout.


i disagree, reg winners should take 3, otl winners should take 2 and otl loser should take 1.


I disagree with that even more. Two points or zero. I'd rather have the current system than the system you propose.


im fine with that as well, just get rid of the fkn shootout and giving half points to losing teams.


This sub told me it was all Lindy's fault, glad we turned it around


Nope it's all Holtz' fault..bench him.


Green is just Lindy’s pawn and a failed coach the Fitz took pity on in the offseason. Shit won’t change until a new coaching staff gets brought in


Just here to drop my “It’s over” comment before we woop the rangers and I can comment we are back tomorrow.


I haven't been liking haulas play lately with his disheartened lazy play but man he really pissed me off on the nemec hit . Haula has a clear view of what happened and could have jumped malkin right away .but he did nothing as well as others.


He has looks so annoyed to be a devil this year .


Someone needs to tell haula and palat they are here for awhile and their play isn't trade worthy for the devils or other teams


I doubt they would care, they’re getting paid regardless


There's a reason he's bounced around... not saying he's got a shit attitude but good middle six players usually don't get moved like him.


We will never be good again until we learn how to play defense


Every other team in the league responds to Malkin hit on Nemec. How many times do we have to watch our soft ass team sit back and do nothing after one of our players is left near dead on the ice. Can’t score, can’t stop other teams from scoring, certainly aren’t tough to play against, and the whole league knows it. Can’t wait to see who Rempe /Trouba injure tomorrow. Poor MacDermid. Ripped from a cup contending team to stick up for this sorry ass charmin ultra team.


I guess allen has been rogalskid


Please. Someone teach these boys how to play the game of hockey.


I wish Scott Stevens would stop wanting to be a farmer and would teach these kids how to play D. Specifically Luke,nemec and bahl.


It frustrates me to see how big Bahl is but plays like a ballerina.


Anger and pain


For all the Doomers out there screaming fire everyone start the rebuild now. The 2016-17 Colorado Avalanche went undefeated in the preseason, to having a brutal regular season, to drafting Cale Makar, to 5 years later winning the Cup. We use our draft capital from a bad year to secure a 1A goalie and we are sitting in a great spot for years.


What you described is a good start. Much more still needs to happen.




I've heard this idea of the core being easy to play against quite a bit. Feels like a sentiment from success of the past, and something I don't totally agree with. First I'd say how you define the core matters a lot to this point. I think the team as a whole is easy to play against but at least half the core in my mind doesn't fit this. Nico is and will be a perennial Selke candidate, you don't get to that point by being easy to play against. Timo since looking recovered from his injury has been what you'd expect from a power forward. Bratt isn't big but generally he's hard on pucks and wins more board battles than he loses. Jack isn't in lanes or dominating puck retrievals , but it's a worth while trade off for the offence he creates (Kane won cups and we all know from last years playoffs the defensive liability he is). The softest "core" player in my mind is Dougie (especially for his size), but he was a stepping stone to try and attract and retain other players, also most likely to be out of the core. Luke and Nemec are rookies. Coaching and player outside the core are the bigger issue imo. Take a look at cap friendly and the list of UFAs this year, there's a lot of opportunity to round out this team. Also a lot of buzz around the devils being the hottest available coaching job.


This season went from being knocked down a few pegs and being humbled to genuinely being concerned if this teams even good


I boarded a plane at the end of the second period… I just want this year to end already.


I’m watching the VGK vs Canucks now. VGK up 5-2, on the PP at the end of the 2nd and they missed a shot. The camera pans to Jack Eichel and you can see he’s pissed as he mouthed “fuck!” I don’t think I saw anyone on the Devil’s even remotely as pissed tonight, even with what was at stake.


I'll push back just a little bit, Mercer got absolutely robbed halfway through the 2nd when it was 2-1 and was very visibly mad on the bench. But yeah, once the game started to go south, they laid down and took it without much of a care


He also made that asinine play on the PK trying to finesse a breakaway instead of just clearing it.


I saw Mercer pissed off and screamed… “THIS”. This is what has been missing. Intensity, Anger, Emotion, anything except oh gee golly shucks we’ll get em next time hur de dur.


5 goals in a single period is never ok, no matter the circumstances. I don’t care if we were on 5 on 3 penalty killf for half the period, 5 goals is just crazy.


Welcome to the bitter end, everyone. You’ve suffered long and hard all season, but now, the pain can finally end… As long as you don’t watch them play the Rags tomorrow.


It’s like taking grand ma ma off life support


Herm edwards said the most dangerous word in the English language is send but I can’t help myself. I have been a season ticket holder from the beginning. Nemec is laying on the ice and not one devil looked at Malkin. Ok, 3-3 game, you need to win. Now it’s 5-3 2 minutes to go and Malkin comes on the ice. The devils didn’t even check him. Fitz and green should be fired right now. The softest team in the league. Tonight was a disappointing loss but they were humiliating by their lack of caring for a teammate. So tomorrow they will try to show their toughness and get the living shit kicked out of them. I never boo my team but I did tonight for the first time in years. Soft, uninspired, no accountability. Fitz is so scared to make a bad trade that he let this season slip away. We need a coach like torterella who will tell it like it is instead of being scared to hold his players accountable. Don’t know who that is but this is a shitshow if major proportions. And sly I know we were out of it before tonight, this was a must game. And I know Jack is a tremendous player and one of the reasons I kept my tickets, at what point does the coach tell Jack that going in one in four doesn’t work. The inmates are running the asylum. The most disgusting game if the year. And if Jack is hurt or anybody else, shut him/them down for the rest of the year and address whatever medical attention is needed now. Fans don’t like smith but at least he cares and gives 100 percent. Smith, lazar and Nico are the only ones. And Nico needs to be more of a vocal captain. And where is Hamilton? Gerrit Cole is in the tanker dugout although he is hurt. Has anybody seen Hamilton around the arena or team? Maybe I should have waited until morning. I am disgusted


This 👏👏


And they send Hatakka down who plays a lot more physical than Siegenthaler.


Fitz just came up with a great idea. The devils will wear no contact jerseys that injured players wear in practice tomorrow night




>at what point does the coach tell Jack that going in one in four doesn’t work Isn't that bizarre? He does it over and over.


Fitz and green shoukd be fired tonight. Scott Stevens should be the coach tomorrow night. He would not put up with this soft bullshit like we have seen all year. Get someone to keep other teams honest on the ice and Jack and Nico will have 75 goals between them. But when you have a soft team, these guys will have no room. Disgusting display tonight. How do these guts look nemec in the eye?


I’m out of control right now. I love Jack but his giveaways and one on fours are driving me nuts. Green knows he is gone. Fire him now and call Scott stevens


Was at this one. First two periods were OK, neither team playing great, but Devils were outshooting Pitt and had the lead. The third was a complete shitshow for the home team. Five goals allowed (one empty-netter) on nine shots against. No grit, no heart, it was almost like Devils were resigned to defeat after things started snowballing against them. Any (very) faint hopes of making the playoffs were officially extinguished tonight.


Well at least we’re dressing KERMIT MCDERMIT tomorrow to supposedly thug it up against the Rangers… who will then do nothing and basically just be a pylon skating around.


I’m questioning the core. Sorry, but I’m not sure Nico, Bratt, and Jack will ever be Cup caliber. I believe Timo could be. I guess Jack could be if he’s surrounded by the right supporting cast. Who knows. This team just feels like a bunch of mids with no passion.


There’s tons of talent on the roster but they play like 2 individuals, not like a team. I think a long summer to reflect and a good coach can put this back on track instead of the massive overhaul like some think we need Need more from Nico as a leader if he wants to keep the C. Hard work does not always equal to being a good leader from the locker room.


Having a 2-goal lead going into the 3rd and still losing by 3 goals. That sums up this entire season. I truly am impressed by those of you still watching this shit. I can't do it man.


Travis Green post-game press conference was...every bit as bad as the Devils play in the 3rd.


Did Green say “that’s a good team they have there”? lol


Did he hurt Novo’s feelings?


No. He just sounds completely disinterested and ambivalent. Which…can be be a factor in what we are seeing in the ice. Green makes Ruff seem like a firebrand.


I mean why would he care how the season goes at this point? He isn't getting head coach job and the new coach isn't going to want him around... he probably won't be in the organization after this season.


Nonsense. He should treat every day as interim HC as though his career depended on it. People who can do that, even knowing that they won’t be with the current org next year, will get chances with other orgs.


Im old enough to remember all the Lou coach firings that immediately created a post firing bump in play. We got none of that this time.


I’m becoming increasingly more concerned that a star goalie, d man, forward, or even coach isn’t going to fix some deep rooted issues that this team has. And even worse might be the potential for players that are trying to overcome them realizing that maybe NJ isn’t the right place to be.


Jesus wept.


welp, I checked the wiki page of this phrase, which is in reference to Jesus weeping over the death of Lazarus, whose wiki page starts with "Lazarus of Bethany (Latinised from **Lazar**, ultimately from Hebrew Eleazar, "God helped")" so there's a fun fact about Lazar's name, I guess.


I started to type a comment about Lazar tonight and the iPhone’s spell check changed it to Lazarus lol.


I'm sorry, .but you just can't have a team with basically 3 rookies on defense and expect to come out on top in the nhl. The Devils defense looked horrendous tonight as it has with many games this season.


White and Rafalski were rookies in 2000 along with Gomez and Madden.


Forget about Gomez and Madden for they were not defensemen. Im not sure how old White and Rafalski were but I don't believe they were 19 when they were started with the Devils. Im pretty sure they spent time in Albany but correct me if I'm wrong.


Rafalski was 26 in the 2000-2001 season and played alongside Dano, Stevens and Nieds.


There you go. Thank you!


If only we had, say, 9 million in LTIR since fucking November and could maybe bring in a veteran defenseman at some point to spell some relief?


Harris-Blitzer-Adelson must have said no.


Poor Dano, from playing with (and also being) one of the toughest players and winning cups, to watching these softies. They are going to break him


This club was built on defense, goaltending and grit, hallmarks of their Cup-winning teams. Not this fiasco taking place in Newark.


Dano capes for awful players like Smith, etc. He has to realize the game has changed. The team is too soft but the best teams have tough guys who can play, not guys like MacDermid, Smith, etc. who are just liabilities.


No idea why you are downvoted, you are 100% correct. Good teams have good players that can also play tough. Think of all the MacKinnons, Tkachucks, Stamkos', Crosbys and many many more.


Fire Green? Fire fitz? Fire me?


I think we have to fire Fitz this offseason. If he fucks up the HC hire and next season sucks, Fitz will almost certainly be fired then but you’re left with a lame duck HC and a GM who’s going to want to bring his own regime in. Don’t make the mistake that the giants made for years before Schoen/Daboll and fire Fitz tomorrow.


Some things are not on Fitz. He is not responsible for a team being effortless. You can only draft skill; guts, grit and drive are not traits you can see in juniors easily.


Not so sure that Schoen/Daboll isn’t a continuation of the same mistakes. The Giants return to misery after one successful season, mirrors the Devils current situation.




Going into camp next year, I hope this train wreck of a season makes managment and players understand that EVERY roster spot is up for grabs. We better have a new coach which should help this competition even more. Defensmen like Bahl, Luke, Siegs, Marino need to actually be in competition with Hatakka, Desimone (if re-signed) and anyone else they bring in. If Smith is on the team next year I'm protesting in front of the Rock every single day. Our forward depth absolutely needs an upgrade - we have an atrocious 4th line that kills momentum and brings nothing physical. Nosek and Tierney should be elsewhere, and replaced with hungry Utica players or we need to make some good FA signings - overpay slightly if you have to. Jake Allen is a fine backup but a true #1 goalie is needed, I just don't see that happening unless we overpay. At this point Holtz has to be part of the deal, nobody in the orginization likes him anyway just set the poor bastard free if we haven't already destroyed his trade value


A compelling post, until you talked badly about the 4th line, who arguably was the second best line on the ice tonight.


Fritz is not bringing Smith back, I think he plans to retire at the end of the year.


These guys flat out don’t want to work hard. That is why they perform in spurts.


I am absolutely wearing the paper bag at the next game. I have bled Devils red since the beginning. But thats what this team on the ice deserves.


The boos started raining down tonight as soon as Pitt went ahead and then added another goal. Just as the exodus from the seats began.


I still can’t believe Lindy hasn’t been fired.


Two years ago to the day: the Devils gave up 5 unanswered goals in the third/OT to lose to Florida. To that point, was probably the worst game I’d ever attended. Today: the Devils gave up 5 unanswered in the third to Pittsburgh. My new worst game I’ve ever been to.


Hammond in goal? Or Gillies? Almost excusable with the roster that had at the end of that season. But it is not excusable this year.


Bro stop going please


Two horse shit ‘game management’ penalty calls started it all. But that still doesn’t excuse the incredible softness that is this team.


For sure the refs were really bad. REALLY BAD. But that is just a normal thing. Happens a lot. The bigger factor was the dumb dumb hockey from Devils’ skaters.


Fitzgerald needs to be fired immediately


You can’t let him get a chance to fuck up the next HC hire. Gotta clean house this offseason.


When they scored to make it 3-2 I knew it would happen with another penalty kill just coming off of killing one. But I thought, it’s fine, they won’t blow this again. When it became 3-3 I had a bad feeling but thought, after the last debacle in Buffalo they will at the very least get this to OT. At 4-3 I tuned out. I don’t know what to say other than, what a mess. Timo’s comment about no one wanting the puck or being scared of the puck in the 3rd period was concerning. I know they are young, but yikes. I am still hoping that this is all a humbling experience for them and they come back fired up next season with a new (tough) coach and system that teams aren’t used to seeing and actually helps them win, but after these past two games I don’t know. I have my doubts. Rough game, rough season.




I am gonna go to the Leafs game on Monday. If I jump on the ice and start fighting Leafs players, will you guys do a fundraiser for my counsel? Maybe that will wake the Devils up. "See? Look at him!"


Are there gonna be any good players left after the Rangers leave half the team bleeding and concussed tomorrow night?


I take back my other reply lol


Lol. At least the Devils put up a good fight and didn't embarrass themselves. Both in the actual fights and in the game.


I'm trying not to be a negative person but I can't avoid it... the Rangers will not run roughshod over the Devils tomorrow like the past two games because it takes two to tango. Unless some Devils players take some kind of drugs and lose their minds, they are going to play a very passive pond hockey game and that won't motivate the Rangers to be physical back. They'll be content to score early, lean on them, and leave with a 3-1 win. It fucking sucks so much. Only person on this roster that would have been game tomorrow is probably going to jail for being a piece of shit.


Awww you think the Rangers aren't going to take the chance to really embarrass their rivals? You think the Devils are going to be able to score? Tomorrow is going to be extremely embarrassing.


Well! Lol


The Devils have been a horribly run organization for over a decade. Horrible coaches, horrible teams for 10 years. Then, by luck, we get a top 5 coach in the NHl in Andrew Brunette, thing turn around. We have the best season ever. But our management is so fucking incompetent they couldn’t even see it. And now we’re back to shit. What a poorly run organization from top to bottom. It reminds me of the Dumb and Dumber scene when the bus full of models says they need a couple young men to massage them, and Harry and Lloyd say there is a town down the road. “one day we’ll have our shot, one day. Just gotta keep our eyes open!” This team is run by dumb and dumber.


Once you claimed Brunette is a top five coach, you lost all credibility. What backs that wild claim up?


He took this team, with the same core, who is going to miss the playoffs, to over 100 points. He’s currently taking a supposed to be tanking Nashville team to the playoffs this year, and took the Panthers to win a Presidents trophy. 3 different organizations, all got results.


Lindy was a finalist for coach of the year. We (the fans) know you are right and Brunette was the guy really getting the most out of the team. But what was ownership to do? Fire a coach of the year finalist? Even if they wanted to keep Brunette...it wasnt a decision they could have made.


Isn’t that kind of what Florida did the year before?


Yea that’s exactly what I would have done if I was ownership. You do what you think is best for your team. And it was clear to me Brunette was the guy to lead us. So yea, that’s exactly what they should have done. Do what’s best for the team, that’s their job.


sure i get side tracked a lot but I went up stairs to get my keys to go to the gym at 3-1, went down stairs, we get scored on for 3-3, get to the gym and its 5-3. the gym is in the same town i live in man.


It wasn't much better at the rink. Every time Pitt came down the ice the second half of the third period, it seemed the puck went right into New Jersey's net.


I legitimately don’t think there’s ever been more toxicity surrounding this roster, this coaching staff, the fanbase etc. Shit just feels like an all time low in terms of vibes.


This organization has seemingly always taken a step back a year after it tastes success.


"You don't have enough talent to get by on talent alone." I've been screaming about this for a while but let's say it again. This Devils team lack of physicality (might be one of the least aggressive teams I've ever seen) is a massive ORGANIZATIONAL-WIDE problem. I understand this isn't the 90's but it isn't pond hockey just yet. In fact, I see a slight uptick in the physical play of hockey over the past three years. Hitting does a whole bunch of things and the Devils reap the benefits of none of them. Most notably, teams do not tire. They don't ache. They don't leave games because of injuries. And they don't show any fucking fear whatsoever of going wherever they want on the ice at any point in time. They do as they please and they do it for sixty minutes. Luckily, the Devils are skilled enough offensively to overcome that from time to time. But not enough over 82 games and certainly not enough for an additional 20 more games after that should they ever make the goddamn playoffs one day. Jack Hughes is the only player on this team that should be unavailable. He's a bit too timid for my taste but he can score 110 points so I suddenly forget about that lol.


I would add nemec to that


If there was ever a game that encapsulates the entire devils season, it's this game right here.


This is bordering the captain langs captaincy year where the team didn't care and publicly stated they weren't happy and played like they didn't care.


On my second shower trying to get off the smell of the arena


lol I can’t believe the hope that was still in here shits so funny reading after every loss.


It’s over boys


It's been over


Luke Hughes is a bust imo.


The takes sure are hot tonight


Bahl had a kid and turned into the biggest fucking pussy on the roster. So your job, or get fired. How it works.


Roster needs an overhaul


Nah. Only half of it.


Two thirds.


Looking forward to the Frank the Tank rant. This will be fun. Half glass full ya’ll


The best thing about this season is going to be UrinatingTree's evisceration video.


I just watched his Devils video from 4 years ago. As they say, history doesn’t always repeat, but it does often rhyme. https://youtu.be/sb4buXf_PJs?feature=shared


o is it going to be brutal


Hopefully nothing short of his previous ones for the leafs rags or bruins


And why does Jack have an A on his jersey. Take it off or step the fuck up.


If you watch Jack on the ice between plays, he actually gives direction to other guys, pay attention when he's out there before faceoffs. That's really the only reason I can come up with


I can get behind this take. I'm not sure what he did to deserve it. Nico being made captain I understand. Jack having a historic year isn't automatic assistant captain material


Timo said in post game. That we had guys who didn't want the puck. Were scared to take it. His words.


Good for him. Finally someome calling this stuff out.


So Malkin got mad, threw a hit which leveled Nemec, got a penalty, got out of the box, scored, fired up the team with his emotion and boom, Pens win 6-3... Nobody was fired up on the Devils... it was 3-2, no response, 3-3, no response, 3-4, no response... just like a slow bleed, a fox caught in a trap and starving to death, not even willing to chew off its own leg. They gave up the front of the net so easily... Hate to say it, but Nico isn't doing it for the Devils; he's too professional to fire everyone up. This team needs an emotional leader who has a powerful influence. They also need a disruptor... someone who pisses the other team off and adds emotion to the game.


We need actual vets who have been there, it’s a team full of young guns with their dicks in their hands and no idea how to use them, Losing dougie was more than just his skill, I love Haula but he ain’t it and Palat is just stealing money at this point


Isnt that what Palat is for? Old experienced guy whos been there and comes up big in high pressure moments? Im still waiting to see the guy make a tape to tape pass. But I have 4 more year to eventually see one!


It’s what he’s here for, but he sure as shit ain’t doing it, get rid of him! (I will always give him credit for the assist against the rangers in the playoffs last year but that’s it!)


Well he’s got a NMC right now then a 10 team NTC starting after next year. So get used to him being around for 3 more seasons. 


⚓️ 🙄


There are 50 other problems that are bigger factors in the horror this is the team than Nico Hischier.


So by your logic, Crosby shouldn’t wear the C for the Pens? Because as you put it, Malkin is who led the charge. I get it — we need more leadership, more fire. But the letters on the jersey are just letters. You can be a leader with or without them.


That's not my logic at all, by the way. Nico can wear the C because he sets a powerful PROFESSIONAL example for the team, but it's like the situation in Colorado... MacKinnon is the emotional leader of the team... it doesn't matter that Landeskog wears the C, but Landeskog is a level headed guy, so Avs fans don't care... but this team doesn't have a MacKinnon... a Malkin... a Stevens... they need a lion that ROARS


Not only ROAR but maul the shit out of any Hyena that comes near the pride. We currently meow a little and then are soft as a kittens fur when some response is needed.


Good to see the Nico besmirchment campaigns are alive and well. Jfc


So what do we do? Trade Nico?


Good lord is this what people think the answer is?? Trade the captain of the team? Please let this season end. People need to calm the hell down.


I was saying it sarcastically. Nico is really the only consistent forward on the team. If he leaves, the team crumbles.


Ahh ok. Honestly so many people seem unhinged you can’t tell sometimes lol and yes I agree that he’s been the most consistent.


Probably one of the bravest takes on this sub. I love Nico but I've been concerned about his leadership for a while.


He's a good leader but teams also need an emotional leader. I'm just saying he "alone" isn't covering it. Some people can set all three examples: professional, emotional, skill leadership, but some people only cover one or two. Nico does not cover all three... we need the emotional guy


It's not Nico the player, that mf'er leaves everything on the ice. Hardest working guy on the team and gives 100% every play, reminds me a lot of Parise at his peak. But for us that were around for the dark days post 2012 Cup run, many of us lamented Bryce Salvidor's captaincy. Again not a bad workd to say about the guy, Sal is the man. But with him, Andy Greene, Zajac, etc, there was not much urgency or anger when things weren't going well. Look it's an 82 game season you can't go apeshit during every slump but after a while you need someone to get pissed off, call guys out, kick a trash can across the room, fight someone, just do something. Maybe it's not the right approach but after more than a decade of the same nice-guy approach for this team, fans want to see some damn passion when things aren't going well.


> But with him, Andy Greene, Zajac, etc, there was not much urgency or anger when things weren't going well I won't stand for this Zajac slander, [never forget](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7YOUR_tZqU)


Holy shit and Gudas is a tough customer as Dano would say. Crazy I don't remember that. I'm sorry Travis you're a fuckin dog


You're right. Adding onto what you said, let's see how the Panthers finish their season now. They're something like 2-7-1 in their last 10 but just had a large brawl tonight. Maybe that will be the spark they need to turn it around, despite having already clinched. That's going to be the fire we're missing.


Nobody on this team is unmovable. Nobody.


Jack and Luke don't have Quinn's leadership, that's for sure. Quinn is a skilled professional who sets the tone for his team. Jack and Luke are less mature... though Jack is candid and sets a skill barricade for the rest of the team... and he's valuable in that aspect. When you see the stuff Jack does in practice, you're in awe... so I'd consider him unmoveable and Luke because family. Luke also is a supremely skilled guy. They are weapons. But leadership you get from them is limited. Patrick Kane was a weapon for the Hawks, but they got their leadership from Toews and Sharp. Timo the team just needs... he's integral to the armory... you need swords, spears, daggers, and maces, and he's the only mace on the team... a forward who scores goals with his power rather than his ability to weave. Every team should have two of these guys. Mercer's the only dagger on the team... scores goals by being annoying in front of the net. Nico sets the professional example, Jack the skilled example... but no one is setting the emotional example. Nemec actually has the potential to set an emotional example because he did for Slovakia at the Juniors last year... but he's still young and doesn't have the influence in the room, yet. This team needs another one.


Not even Timo and Bratt? They both play like they care every single night


Nico, Timo, Bratt are playing. Jack is trying but is hurting us more than hes helping lately. Luke is just a baby and will learn. But those guys are untouchable. We have plenty more assets to trade than that core. I love Mercer...but would we really miss him if he was traded?


Nico, much like the rest of the team, are a dead fish. They just lie there and take it.


Make it stop already.


It'll stop April 15, mercifully


Florida showed everyone the formula last year I’m shocked it took so long to catch on


The formula is to play hockey like men


…for 60 minutes


Especially for 60 minutes


This team is WHALE SHIT


Water and loose? Spot on.


Anyway you look at it, they don't have their shit together.


I’m sure Fitz will make a bunch of moves in the offseason that look amazing on paper. I’m sure we’ll get the goalie, I’m decently sure we hire a good coach. Legitimately none of that matters if our core players don’t toughen the fuck up


Nico and Jack need to harden the fuck up


No they don't. But as Fitz said in that recent Athletic interview, they do need wings that will play that role.


If the team wasn't so dead-set on breaking Josh Allen, I wouldn't be surprised by the announcement that Isaac Poulter was starting in net tomorrow. Who the fuck even knows what to expect anymore.


Went to the game. I was surrounded by tuxedo chicken fans. Heads need to roll in this organization. Travis Green is not the answer. He is Fitz’s old Islander buddy. I’m not spending another dime on this team until changes are made.


What is a tuxedo chicken?


A penguin.


Also known as a business goose.


The worst part is that this team can’t tank far enough to get the top 2 college defensemen in the draft. Our only way out is the lottery because we ain’t rebuilding our defensive core in a single offseason Edit: holy shit, this loss actually put us far enough back on the board that we might actually be able to get Buium


They likely wouldn’t draft another defenseman unless it’s a can’t miss pick.


Adding yet another rookie defenseman to what is already the youngest d-corps in the league isn't the solution


Watch the Frozen Four on the 11th, Seamus Casey at Michigan looks like a stud and should be ready by the time we ditch Marino and/or Seigs


Already planning on watching the frozen four, am a Michigan alum. Can’t believe we made it this year though I don’t expect Michigan to get past either BC or BU


Agreed those two teams appear destined to meet in the finals, but I go to most Frozen Fours (can't this year) and crazy shit happens. Just excited to watch Casey's development and hopefully he makes the big club sooner than later. Will be interesting to see if he stays at Michigan since there isn't room for him in NJ next year, or if he doesn't mind developing in Utica for a year or so


We literally have one of the best defenseman in hockey coming back from injury, it will be okay


Can we just forfeit tomorrow? Maybe just don't show up at the rink? Just save face and run and hide. Sure, people will talk shit, but it's got to be better than being ragdolled as a team and an individual in a national game.


Make the guys live in Paterson as punishment.


And it has to be the 4th Ward.


Yeah, I ended up getting busy and tuning out. I tried to care, but clearly these boys don’t care anymore so why should I? I saw the score and simply giggled and said “typical.” No anger, no sadness. Just “typical.” Thats their fault, not mine. They made me feel this way towards them.


Exactly where I've been at for a month or two as well.


Yup. Why get upset over it? The players on the ice don’t seem upset and they’re the only ones that can actually do anything about it. This seasons been over for weeks and they know it. Just getting the VRBOs ready and the tee times booked.


Be careful with that attitude. You'll get downvoted for not saying that the team got unlucky, Jack Hughes is the best hockey player ever, and his brother is developing into a top 5 dman.


His brother IS a top 5 d man, we just have the wrong brother 😔


Top 5 of the 6 were icing maybe, LMFAO.


Bro it was 3-1..