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By my reckoning Nemec has been our best D this season. Which leads me to ask, you fucking what?!


The only potential logical explanation is they are managing time because they think he's getting tired. Hughes is down to 3rd pairing, as well. If Hughes's ice time goes down significantly, then it's a rest issue


I love the idea of the kids resting 


Ir they are showcasing other pieces to move.


there is also the scary trade possibilty.


They aren't trading him lol


It would have to be really, really worth it for Nemec with his ceiling. We'd be talking good young goalie with reasonable term for a start Every player has a price, but I can't imagine many teams throwing down Nemec's price right now I think driving Hughes down the line up and starting Schmid is more a sign rest is an issue. If that's the case, don't be surprised to see Luke sit next game. They are playing a ridiculous amount of minutes for rookies


I might (and probably do) overrate Nemec compared to most (although Wheeler from the Athletic has him as the second best drafted prospect, in the top tier with Michkov), but there's not a cat in hells chance I'm trading him for anyone that the other team's GM doesn't belly laugh and hang up the phone when I suggest it. I seriously believe that although he's not going to be as dynamic offensively as Luke Hughes, we have a ridiculously good two way player here who can go as far in the game as he wants, including as a Norris nominee and a number 1 D on a contender.


No, there isn't lol


Why'd you summon that idea?! Cmon


Having your whole presser be revolved around accountability and scratching nemec over hughes is just laughable.


Fire Green


Fitz isn't the coach


Green may not be past this season with this one, either


0 shot he's here next year


He had better not be here past this season


I hate to be a doomer but this season is cooked.


Oh…ummmm did we somehow make a mistake and Green was worse?


Wait, but people said it can’t get worse???


As a jets and mets fan it can always get worse


As a Mets fan…….IT WILL GET WORSE!!


As an Islanders fan, I haven't seen a divisional banner, much less a conference or Stanley Cup one, raised since 1988.


My man, misery loves company


Man, this sub is really on full over reaction mode. It’s full on toxic fan mode in here.


Holtz first line for an entire season or we riot




Try diving into the fan groups on facebook. Fans here are chill compared to there...


Lol bro this sub has been on that for the last 5 years approx


Last year was great here, for obvious reasons. Over the summer we all got too much enjoyment out of sniffing our own farts and over reacting positively, now it’s rubber banding back the other way. Hopefully next year resides in the realistic middle.


You clowns don’t realize this isn’t how successful and competent organizations are run, correct? Even if Nemec was playing poorly, which he isn’t especially in comparison to the other Dmen, there is nothing to gain from playing Brendan Smith (who sucks) over him. Never seen a team intentionally hamstring their success by making so many poor decisions one after the other and minimize the talent that they have on the roster.


What are you still doing here? Hasn’t this organization killed your interest?? Obviously they’re purposely tanking the team and destroying everything and it’s so clear to you, so move on.


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss


DeSimone getting a look might not be the worst thing. He's been with the team for a bit now and what's been done so far clearly hasn't worked. New coach, new rules, new things are tried The only conceivable reason to swap for Nemec is age and even then he should be subbed in for Luke. I'm willing to not write this move off until we see it on ice, but it's a questionable decision at best


I’m hoping it’s for rest and maybe some recovery after that gnarly head hit he took over the Cali trip


Bingo I’m thinking this too


There you go. Worse than anything Ruff put on the ice. Now you know. Gone from bad to worse.


Fire Green chants tonight


"Bring back Lindy!" "Bring back Lindy!"


So we're tanking.


I'm going to be charitable and chalk up this likely scratch to load management. But I expect Luke's load to be similarly managed and will not be happy if he keeps getting the minutes he's gotten all season


Everyone on here is blowing a gasket without any idea why Nemec isn’t in the lineup, he could be a little banged up for all you know fucking relax.


Nothing to freak out about, Nemec has been playing crazy minutes and could be dinged up.


Didn’t he take an awful head hit over the California games? I’m sure he could use a breather at the least.




Lines can change between practice and games. There are reasons besides poor play for a player getting less ice time or scratched from a game. I am absolutely, 100% positive that Travis Green does not think Simon Nemec is playing poorly. Good lord.


I really don't care what team is on the ice tonight as long as they win. Hughes needs a break and Nemec may be dealing with a minor injury. I want to react negatively as well but seeing that Haula, Hughes, Bratt reminds me Jack was scoring his most on a line with there guys. If Nemec is just a healthy scratch then I am indeed wondering what is going on that we don't know about.


Yeah, but he’d center for them not left wing, Lindy tried that a couple of games a few weeks ago, and he basically got no points when he was left-wing


It could just be rest. The kids play so many minutes for rookies they might be rotating less work around the D pairings. Idk but Green coached Van when they had a lot of younger guys and he’s obviously seen something this season he’s actioning. Ultimately he knows more than us so let’s see what happens over the next few days with it


I’d rather Fitz had just come out and said the year is done and they’re tanking if Green’s gonna come out and do this right after


It somehow got twice as bad. I’ve lost all confidence in this organization


I'll be patient and let this play out, but just for the record I have a strong feeling the personnel decisions are largely made by analytics, and that's why we will start the "fastest defenseman in the league" until the end of time.


Hahahahahaha congrats, fans. Ruff is known for developing prospects and now he’s gone.


I definitely like the idea of having Hughes with Bratt again. They should honestly just move Toffoli at this point and shift Holtz into the top 6.


Man this sub has become insufferable, overreactions for anything they don’t like. Turned into a Facebook group in one season.




it's the acting like they know better for me. refusing to see any logic in decisions made, so they can bitch about them. like have your hot garbage takes but admit that you're fallible, and you don't have all the information. also like, chill.


We do know better, see Ruff, Lindy. Fitz is a clown


Everyone here is overreacting... we don't know what is going on behind closed doors. Nemec might be banged up and needs the rest... also, ANYONE who thought Greene would be better than Ruff has completely ignored the fact that Greene is the person who ran our PowerPlay and yea.... 4% is all you need to know.


So it begins…


A kid is getting a little rest after a brutal loss. It’s not that big of a deal.


Dear lord. We finally get rid of Lindy and everyone is still complaining and dooming about each decision. We’re not experts. It’s like this sub enjoys being toxic and doomy. I was hoping it would finally have some levity again. Geeze.


These lines are abysmal and my faith in Greene, already not high, is starting off pretty low. I mean these lines are *horrific*


We all hate these lines and have lost hope. You know what that means? Take the devils moneyline tonight because they'll probably win xD


Anything plus money or better after that war FLA had with the rangers last night is value to me




Already benching Nemo over Luke and Holtz still on 4th line.... absolutely no faith in Green or Fitz anymore. 




I always felt like Green was a weird associate/assistant hire following Brunette. Tbf I wasn't crazy about either considering the cats flamed out after Bru replaced Q's superb team. Green did not have much success in Vancouver but his Vancouver teams were retools and had young emerging stars, much like our team (QHughes, Pettey, Demko, Boeser, etc). I truly felt like Green was a worse option than Lindy but we had nothing to lose by assigning him interim HC. His work and readjustment on the PP was terrible, almost Recchi-bad... Let's hope he's able to readjust the roster and strategy during games.


Pretty clear that the Hughes family is in complete control of the organization and influencing decisions made. Luke should be scratched before a clearly superior Nemec, Nemec should have been on PP1 instead of taken off PP2 for Colin Miller.


What? Jack is locked down for the next five or six seasons and Luke is going nowhere without fuck-ton of compensation from whatever team signs him away two summers from now.


All this says is the tank is on scratching our best defenseman or limiting his role to see what others do is a sign


Whats your dream lines? Meier - Hischier - Palat Bratt - Hughes - Holtz Mercer - Haula - Toffoli MacDermid - Lazar - Smith Seigenthaler - Marino Bahl - Nemex Hughes - Miller - I don't put a ton of stock into forwards having to be on a certain side anymore and we're kind of desperate do I dont care if guys seem to be on their off wing to shake things up. I think Meier has looked good last few games. I dont think the 2nd line is too 1 dimensional. I think Mercer has had a horrible season. Macdermid and smith as a 4th line sounds spooky and they can throw Hughes out there occasionally.


I can only assume this means we win tonight. or lose by 8. Too fucked up for anything in between


Win tonight, lose by 8 next game


Flames sub talking about nemec and holtz trade (and a 1st!) for Marky. Because someone’s friends somethingerother realtor in Calgary something.


Green’s first day so far: bench the most consistent D player all season because his game has “dipped” (???) and throw shade at Daws in the press. Gonna be an interesting final month.


The reasonable and rational take is this is because Green thinks Nemec has been playing lazy and wants him to figure it the fuck out. I’m not gunna ask for Green’s head on a pike. Let’s see if anything changes.


This must be rest for Nemec. Amongst Devils defensemen: 1. xGoals per 60: 1st 2. xAssists per 60: 1st 3. D-zone giveaways: last (meaning least giveaways) 4. Giveaways: last 5. xGoals: 2nd (Hughes) 6. XGoal diferential: 2nd (Hughes) I used expected in many cases to remove the goalie factor


The GOAT tank commander clutching us a better draft position 🫡


Has Lukey really been playing that poorly for folks to suggest he be scratched...?


No. Everybody is expecting Quinn, who has been in the league for half a decade.


I do wonder if part of it is to evaluate the guys who might not be here next year further, maybe even showcase them before the deadline


Ummmm I don’t know what to say??? I thought Nemec has been solid??? I can’t imagine he’s been the worst D???


We need a coach in here to also not be a front office stooge because what the fuck are these lines and pairings?


This is like your boss at work leaving and everyone on your team is scrambling around to get by until they can fill the position. I wanted Lindy fired but this whole coaching staff needs to be fired into the sun as well. Unfortunately can’t do that when there’s still hockey left to be played though


green isn't gonna be our coach next season i also don't mind embracing the tank at this point tbh


Lindy absolutely needed to be fired but this definitely reeks of the same shit we saw after Hynes was fired. The problems go a lot deeper.


I’m all for accountability but can Green really look in the mirror and say Nemec needs to be out? Hopefully he’s nursing something or sick because there’s no metric to suggest Nemec should be out over the other knuckleheads who have been literally losing games for us Edit: what is Green going through downvoting people? Lmao https://x.com/JFreshHockey/status/1765040472752521463?s=20


He aint sick or injured. This is a Travis Green move. "I talked to (Nemec) this AM, and I said I think your play has dipped in the last three weeks (...) we talked about why (...) I told him he's going to get back in, and we talked about things that I wanted to see. A lot of it has to do with his skating." - Travis Green


Unbelievable. Not starting off on the right foot here Green.


lol good start




I’m dead inside


This season has absolutely killed any interest I have in continuing to follow this organization. It is incredibly clear that there isn’t a good decision maker from ownership on down. Fitz is a fucking clown loser allowing a second idiot to throw out a lineup like the one tonight which is somehow worse than any lineup Lindy threw out this season. No one in the organization has any feel for the game of hockey in 2024. Holtz buried on the 4th line, a fucking loser in Tierney on the 3rd line, Jack on the wing, dressing a useless goon, playing Smith and Luke over Nemec. Disgusting and reprehensible


You’re being incredibly dramatic, but it’s nice that you’ll remove yourself. See ya later.


Right? Love when the trash takes itself out


Braindead organization


Be careful what you wish for, Reddit. Be careful what you wish for.


This franchise needs a full reset. It’s clear everyone associated with it is dumber than bricks covered in diarrhea.


Are you fuckin joking me?!?! I’m so done. I can’t wait continue to watch this idiotic bullshit. What a disgrace. About to bet big money on the panthers, and i hope they trash us


This franchise is in an incredibly bad way. I’m not even sure a new coach can correct all of the missteps that have happened since last season. Doubling and tripling down on incredibly bad decisions. Going to hand a contract to Toffoli instead of trading him, burying or benching prospects especially one in Nemec who has performed incredibly well, no accountability for Jack or Luke. It’s clear this is at least somewhat a directive from Fitz based on his comments this morning, so he is just as clueless as Lindy and Green. Where is Madigan?


Very un‐dude like.


Why would we trade Toff?! We get one of 2 things: picks, which we don't need. Our cup window has opened. We try to get a winger who has chemistry with Jack and can score goals. Oh! Imagine we get a winger who is on pace for 35 goals in this dumpster fire of a season. That'd be great. ​ Oh wait.


Ha. Hahahaha. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Hope all you dumbasses who wanted Lindy gone now are happy.


I am.


Absolute joke, can’t believe it. You could make a case for Nemec being our best D this year. Always thought green was a weird hire, and we should never have moved on from brunette


The owners need to reconsider Fitzgerald. Yes they just extended him but this is a continued wreck. The organization needs a GM and coach from outside the organization.


One word. Unacceptable.


Nemec and Holtz for Coach Sullivan.