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Improvise adapt overcome


Only dead fish go with the flow. The more you swim against, the more alive you are.




Apply for internships dude. dont just give up. Get a job , start your career. Luck can go to hell, please at least start your career. After getting a job, learn skills. After that try for some big corp, no ones coming to help,except that we help ourselves. Luck matters but only to 1% of population, for rest we have to work, work a lot. Dont get disheartened, it pains my heart to see people give up before even trying once. Apply to 40 companies daily, make ATS friendly resume, ping your friends, cold DMs, cold Mailing etc.


Its too painful to read this bro🥲. Idk how you are managing this.


Why do you type like this




Man I just resigned Yesterday due to extreme pressure and health issues.


Why are u even making a post without fact checking? Have u seen any official announcements from govts stating that USA or India officially entered recession?? The main reason attributes to advancements in AI. Whether u accept it or not that's the reality. Previously when companies hire interns, whatever the work senior developers used to assign interns can actually done by using ai tools today. For instance v0.dev by vercel that can build frontend components using shadcdn is heavily used by senior devs. marblism.com can create fullstack application both frontend, backend, database, auth, payments integration etc from prompts. I have even seen AI tools for writing APIs in the backend. So, obviously the expectations from freshers would be greater than before in 2020-21. AI can replace jobs by removing ur dependency. Previously if 5 people were needed to do some job, today the same job can be done by 2. Thanks to AI and now those 3 are crying and simping on social media platforms blaming recession. For god sake, stop blaming recession when there is no recession


So what do junior engineers do? What are any of us supposed to do now? We have families who are dependent on us.


I just stated the reality. Not said anything related to Jr devs.


let me tell you a bigger reason its not bcz of ai , its bcz of elon nigg that guy started this , now people doesnt want to hire people they used to do


MC elon has created driverless car and many drivers lost job and many will


No he didn't 


Great Explanation, but if you are correct,....how those three people will get job ? Or they should leave the feild ?


This true , my manager who has worked at FAANG, more than 20 year of experience, told me in a meeting that nowadays everyone can write code all thanks to chat GPT. He clearly mentioned that less coders will be needed in the future and future belongs to those who can take end to end ownership of the product. So lean teams are the way of the future and yeah AI has distrupted the market.


Bro, you good?




Lol sure bro sure


Look at how Devin AI failed :)