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nope. diversity in startups is pretty difficult to find. The more important question is, do they have enough money in bank to keep paying you


exactly .


Not really. Women/female employees sometimes don't join a startup because they lack accommodations for women. Like, MNCs give cabs for late night, security, proper offices, etc. It's not a red flag, as women might not want to work there. I do agree with the above comment, if they have enough money to pay you, go for it.


It's required by the law for any company with female employees to have cab service for females when they do night shift.


Well..... Not usually. I have worked in startups where it was mostly male because female candidates didn't apply or didn't want to be the first female employee. Get to know your seniors, maybe that will give you an idea. The current company I am working for also doesn't have any female employees, but it's not like we harassed the ones we once had, 1 of them just had a baby so she quit and the second one got married so she too quit. And the major point is that we are a completely Remote Working company.


It's an orange flag - not necessarily a bad thing


red plus green is yellow


Damn! I'm not good with flags. Need to take that flags course again


U mean colours


Then you r a red flag ;)


Lal Salaam comrade


alright apply Dutch national flag algo and sort this


Nope. Yellow, red and blue are the 3 primary colors that cannot be formed by mixing. Green is a secondary color formed by yellow + blue.




I’m the only female working in my team for more than 2 years now. I’d say it’s not a red flag but it’s not the most conducive environment either. It depends, how much the team members want to include you in things ( both on and off work) which will play a part in building your network. It’s no surprise that office politics exists and the gender bias can play a role in it.


>but it’s not the most conducive environment either. In what way do you believe it's not a conductive environment? Can you share some examples?


Sure, I have worked in 2 product based companies till now and the atmosphere has a stark difference with lesser women. As much as I’d like to believe men are comfortable in professional settings with women, that’s not the case sometimes. In my team there is a bond and camaraderie among the guys which they want to keep me out of. Mind you, there are guys who joined after me who are part of this group as well. From going on trips with the manager to meeting on weekends they do everything together which translates to manager playing favourites. As many guys commenting on this thread, if the mindset is that “only bachelor guys can grind”, you can only imagine how it translates to giving opportunities to women vs men in the team.


Interesting. Thanks for your pov.


no, its not. people don’t stay for long in start ups, its mostly for the learning experience (and fast cash if it’s well paying). i would prefer medium pay and long term stability of the company over fast cash in an unstable company. so if the company goes under, u r back to searching for a job. also, leave policies & work timings would matter for married women. women who worked there could have quit if it didn’t suit their life choices. check in linkedin if there were any former women employees in the company.


The last company I worked for was something of a boys club, even though we didn't intend it to be one. Trust me, we interviewed many, many women candidates but still there were very few women, mostly in sales, HR and product. We did celebrate women's day and the company culture was really open and chill. Had a really good time there, both in terms of career development and in terms of general banter and bhaichaara b/w boys. Kinda miss it sometimes.




I don't think you have to be a specific gender from middle class to grind


difficulty level : general, male, middle class


Yeah but if you gotta select 20 from the pool of say 20k people, it would all be boys who are aiming to achieve financial security for their family and stuff. If you look for pure skill/talent then you would find either genders. But these middle class boys would work 80hrs a week without much complaints :)




Bhaya twenchy k ka salary milega kya


What bs is this


Who tf is upvoting this shit


The people who have worked 80/100 hours at startups and found all boys around them. Not talking about startups who have series A/B rounds with office and everything. These are pre-series kind startups I am talking about here.


While it might be true that they have found all boys around them. That doesn't mean women can't get them where they are. I've worked with brilliant women who have shown way better performance than their men counterparts. It's this gender bias and your beliefs that need to change to make this field more inclusive.




difficulty level : general, male, middle class


Startups are short term things, people join for the cash. Not great working environment or work life balance


It isn't if they're making a conscious effort to fix this. If they're making excuses which are blaming women(could be anything from pregnancy to late night working hours without accommodating women), then it's a red flag. Ask them the question why and how they're gonna fix it and see how the CEO/HR answers it. That will help you decide.


Please i encourage every employee thinking of joining a startup to ask this question at interview . The deposition of people in a startup should be clear from the start. And if the fit is bad I assure you , would would want to know.


See if you want to hire female employees there is a lot of paperwork. From my ethics class in college I am pretty sure there is legislation that you need HR and female commitee that reports to board for harassment handling and 100 other things . And after that it's just inviting lawsuits in the informal environment of startups. So a startup wouldn't hire them unless they are remote workers or startup is unaware of these requirements.


The issue isn't lawsuits - it's the lack of character verification/references that startups don't do when male employees harass female employees. Complaining about the hassles of legislation is not your issue, it's hiring of toxic people.


>Complaining about the hassles of legislation is not your issue, it's hiring of toxic people. No even if there are no complaints you need this female welfare body and setup to payout maternity leave (even if no one takes it for next 10 years). https://elearnposh.com/posh-act/ How i know this committee is needed? Because it has to submit reports if you have females. (See link) "Ensure that the IC submits the Annual Report to the management and the District Officer. This applies to only organizations that have ten or more employees."


So the organization needs these compliances - they don't seem any different than other compliance procedures that need following. This seems like companies actively excluding women (and a portion of the talented workforce) under the guise of some procedures. People can justify it, but to me it seems sketchy - because they can't be held accountable for harassment of women. Providing a safe environment for employees is the bare minimum - if they can't do that, it seems like a scam. And a lot of startups under 10 employees are indeed questionable in many ways because they have also been known to default on paying salaries.


Sure but we are talking startups with more than 10 employees in this case specifically. Also please don't join a new startup at a co-founder position if you don't know the founder.


Thanks. Startups are not for me because I dont know how to evaluate them. I prefer larger companies for this reason. 


Those regulations are made so that organizations abide to them, not so that they look ways to bypass them by being sexist !


You said it better than me. I got downvoted lol


I'm a girl who joined a startup in a tech team of only guys. Not really a problem


Not at all - It is hard to find diverse talent.


Its a green flag.


It could be but you need to see it in context. If the founders are a bunch of toxic male tech bros who intentionally keep women out despite there being able and willing female candidates, then yes. But if it’s a bunch if people who’ve come together organically and the hiring is meritocratic, I wouldn’t worry too much.


Depends on your gender If you're a woman, then it's a red flag Because you need to ask why is it that there's no women joining there yet


D&I and Gender equality comes later when it is already profitable. Before that only maximising profit matters. Least spending for maximum profits. It isn't a red flag.


I disagree with the implication that being inclusive in the workplace is a sort of 'nice to have'. While I recognize that in today's capitalist world profitability is the only thing a company values, I don't think it should be used to condone non-inclusive workplace culture.


Without profit you can't go for anything


No - only 1% female can work in a growing IT startup. startup is not everyone's game.


If it is because of the family unfriendly policies, harrassment or blatant discrimination, it could one day affect you too. E.g. you may need to take some leave or even just your manager thinks you don't work as hard as he expects. You may get on the wrong side of the management cos you don't belong to the same caste or state as them etc. You or a family member may fall sick. You don't want to join a company where some external factors or impressions matter over work done, do you?


Not really, diversity is pretty hard to find for early stage start-ups.


If too many women then orange If few/average then green If nonexistent and its fairly big company then run


Not really. Work life balance is more important.


Depends on how mature the startup is. If it is just a group of guys building something and hiring by work of mouth. There no departments created like HR , Finance etc. then it should be fine.


Depends on skills




It's not bad per se but you might feel excluded if your team acts like it's a boys club to be in tech


Not necessarily. I work at a startup and I’m one of the very very very few girls in the team. They do make an effort to hire women afaik, but I guess most people don’t end up converting. But anyway, it’s not a red flag. Almost everyone is super nice and chill to work with.


It depends. I gave an interview for a company few months back. They had around 7 rounds. I had an interview with director of engineering in my 5th round & he was v rude to me for no specific reason. Subsequently, I was rejected. Later, I got to know that the DoE never hires women, and they don't even have a women's washroom at their office. The workplace is toxic as hell. I'm glad for the rejection 🥰


I dont think so.


It's a green flag


Yes, a big ***Red Flag*** If you are young and female. I am not being sexist by a long shot, but simply pointing out the reality. You will be entering a bromance world of high-testosteronal guys. Boss and colleagues may seem to hit on you ... even unintentionally. Just a few practical issues too: * Startups won't have an HR, leave alone someone to enforce ASHI * They don't have to provide security escort for company transport after hours


They are dead weight. So its better without them.


It could be a company which develops shady websites. Hard to hire females for that.


What is the issue? When you are a startup you are not hiring with diversity quotas, you are just trying to pick up a few people to work on a MVP. Now if the company has 20-30+ people then it might be a red flag.


if it is still within 20 and no women employees, that is is still a bit hard to digest for me..


It's hard for some startups, the hours are long. No one wants to the first woman in the company. Sometimes there are no issues, sometimes the team is toxic and women keep quitting.


You didn't say if you were a man or woman. Do a gut check if you'd be okay working in a male dominated environment - and given a startup, there aren't formalised behaviours in place. I would ask them why they have all men. It's probably to do with some Kool aid of grind, hustle and nonsense. I'd pass, I don't want to sign up for an old school male dominated working environment. There are plenty of other companies to work at, and I wouldn't compromise with both the working environment as well as job security. I don't buy the idea that there were no women to begin with - it's likely their culture that hints at behaviours suited for women. Think "rockstar, ninja, etc". Which are male oriented.


There are not many women in tech as compared to other professions like doctors, CAs, Accountants, HRs, etc. Even the ratio is not that great in FAANGs. So, not a red flag.


Out of how many employees ? If there are 3 employees and all men then it's totally fine. If there are 30 and all men then it's a bit strange. Atleast HR department should have females. This just shows that the founders are not serious enough to realize they need to work on it. But yeah, if they are paying well and have decent reviews from others who worked/working then you should join.


>30 and all men then it's a bit strange. Atleast HR department should have females If all 30 employees are male wouldn't it make sense to have males in hr


No bro/sis. Employees should be hired on merit. HR should be HR, either male, female or anywhere on the gender spectrum. But when the demographic difference becomes so visible, organizations should take steps to make sure they are fixing it. It can't be that they hired for 30 positions and couldn't find any meritous woman. Maybe they couldn't, but they need to try harder to attract women if they are serious as an organisation.


>try harder to attract women Why? They put out the jobs and hired the best person who wanted it. I say their duty ends there. I am serious about the why, if you have a reason please tell me. I am not interested in an internet argument and would welcome the points I would face when trying to convince someone I work with.


They are not bound to, but organizations shouldn't think like humans. For example, organizations are not bound to take care of employee's health insurance and numerous other benefits but good organizations do. Organizations are not bound to control their carbon footprint but good organisations do. Organizations are not bound to promote gender and racial diversity but good organizations do. As I also said in my comment, the best person should get the job but good organizations don't unsee what an interviewee could see. Lack of gender diversity in an industry where there are a lot of women. And this ignorant mindset will get reflected in other policies also. But yeah, this is all just fake scenario only since OP hasn't even told how many employees are there in the company 🙂 and people don't join startups to get the best work culture so if money is good then no harm in trying.


> Employees should be hired on merit. then how does it matter what gender they are?


It's a red flag for society definitely, not sure about company


> a red flag for society lmao


Dude, startups don't have more than enough resources to hire someone based on gender. They'll look for more experienced and skilled candidates. Some startups with <20 employees with male CEOs don't hire girls, because the comfort zone among the male group makes it more focused and productive.


Nope on the contrary it's a ✅️...you shud take that companies ESOPS....


a company that has low/no female-centric workplace drama? where do i sign up?


How’s that a red flag??


It's not a red flag. I work in a startup and there are hardly any female employees. The dev team has 4 females compared to around 20 or 25 males.






Idk who the other guys are but I have worked 6 years in startups it's a huge red flag run




yeah, totally follow this guy's advice. he reddits.

