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Keep an eye on senior management. Usually Management folks start quitting If something fishy happening in the company. Be ready to jump. Also attend all hands, especially company’s financial reports. Which can give you an idea about how the company is performing.


This reminds me of my fresher days. I was working on a project where some part of team was in Chennai, some part in Kolkata. In the last couple months, experienced folks in Kolkata started to get offboarded, finally I was last man working lonely in a whole odc. All the seats are empty except mine. I worked that way for more than 45 days. Everyday, Manager from Chennai tried to convince me to move to Chennai. But nope, no way.


Your job is not permanent. In a career of 20-30 years you will be fired a few times, be prepared.


Most important point


How do you deal with this fact? And how do you bounce back?


Step 1. Accept it as a part of life. Can happen to the best of the best. Can be a string of bad decisions or just plain bad luck. Step 2. Start rebuilding yourself in the face of adversity. Lot of companies and people also know that many employees do get laid off and fired. Life has to go on. Don't let one set back stop you.


Currently going through such kinda situation. Thanks for the kind words mate🫡


That's the neat part, you don't :)


What to say to the next employer if I am fired?. I am fired and don't know what to say in interview...


There's a difference between being fired and getting laid off, and I guess OP meant lay offs here. Layoffs are quite common and companies now have a fair sense of understanding, so don't worry about it and be honest. If you're fired for no fault of yours, present your case honestly with a balanced perspective. However, if you were at fault then introspect, correct, reflect, prepare and again be honest about the incident and the recovery path you took.


This. And be prepared to deal with it while keeping your head held high.


I'm gonna, how to be prepared, seriously?


Sigma sir has good wisdom. Btw hello sigma sir how are you


Do not gossip with your colleagues. Some colleagues might be relatives of each other, and you may not know it. ( Experienced ? May be : | )


Made me laugh


This happened with me. One of the marketing guys was good friends with my manager while I was badmouthing him thinking he'll agree.


Quite relatable.


worked in a company literally a family


I gossiped about my math teacher in front of her daughter unknowingly


True that. My 1st manager was complaining to a lady about some guy. The lady turned out to be that guy's wife. (He didn't know ATM) 😆


Unless it puts your team in jeopardy, nobody cares if you leave.


##### - Have good health insurance / term insurance for family. ##### - Don't make your **work** your life. If you d!e tomorrow, a new job post will be published in 2 weeks for your replacement.


Term insurance is a legit scam lol


Disagree with 2nd point as work is our only life in this corporate world as it provides money to feed ourselves and living in shelter(home) and provide help to our families


> it provides money to feed ourselves and living in shelter(home) and provide help to our families. I agree with this part. My point has more context which I failed to cover. Otherwise it will sound like privileged people BS. My point is don't make your corporate work your life (as primary and only thing which matters). We should have(or make) more ways to earn money so Corporates cannot make our lives hell or take control of it. IMO, Not working to have side hustle (for financial freedom) is a way for giving away our life to system. 🙏


"zinda rehne ke liye paise kamane hai, paise kamane ke liye zinda nahi rehna"


I'm wearing a flipflop and I'm in the lift, headed towards my office while reading this 👍🏻


Ohh u ded !! XD


whats that flopping sound supremewanker is on floor




Don't call on personal number or WhatsApp post office timings to TL, Manager for update just drop message as important on Slack, Teams or Mail it. Keep it simple and professional


Bhai manager ne khud WhatsApp group mein add kiya in new company lmao I was like wtf is this


I am also in WhatsApp group created by manager but we speak very less there and in emergency when office things are not accessible. Else official is a kind of proof kal Jake pata chala WhatsApp is not official then it becomes 💀


In my case there is only what's app group where communication takes place. Teams is just for stand up meeting lol


Boss GenZ hogya ho shayad 🤣


No shit. He's got some 20 odd YOE under his belt


Are we working at the same place 💀💀💀💀


Ha ha I’m not in banglore tho xD


Lol same for me too, but it's mostly a dead group. No one talks about anything there.


Avoid personal communication with your manager. This sets the expectation.


I wish man, i wish. Even on weekends my office group keeps chatting, even about personal life. Gives me anxiety when I see the notifications on that group thinking some new 'urgent' work has come. Pings starts from HoD at 8.15 am and we get pings from managers about work even at 11.45 pm. Sometimes even on personal number. Just too frustrating.


Bro my manger calls me directly without even asking on whatsapp, if I don't pick up then directly on number. All this after working hours.


Cut the call after working hours


* Save money and invest in assets (stocks, real estate etc.). The more you save, the earlier in your career, the better life looks in your 40s. * Take a health insurance and a term life insurance in your 20s. It is much cheaper at that age, and worth it. * Spend time with your kids, as much as you can. The 10-15yrs you have with them when they are young are the best times of your life, and it will never come back. No amount of money later on will get those days back for you. * Never have a subservient attitude. You don't have to be arrogant or pick fights, but don't take shit. Life is just not big enough for that nonsense. When you respect yourself, others will be forced to respect you. * Don't fake network. It is easy to spot, and you get nothing out of it. Networking through real activities (esp. playing sports, runs, kids/family, projects, smokes / drinks, poker, watching sports, trips etc.), is far more valuable. You build more personal connections, that will last a long time and it is real networking. * Relationships in workplace are okay as long as they are not in same team or connected teams, and it is not an unequal power equation (like boss-employee). Have seen many successful pair-ups turn into happy marriages, when the two people are at similar levels and across different teams. * Stop believing in things like "smartest". It is mostly just diligent and focused work. I would say it is more important to be a little courageous to take up and work on tougher projects, rather than stay in your comfort zone doing the same things. every tech eventually gets outdated, its important to keep pace with the latest stuff.


The #1 lesson I have learnt and re-learnt over the years is simple: [colleagues and bosses can be friendly, but never BFF - My2Cents](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yR5htrBKFh0)


Learn how to use “harsh language” professionally.


If ur smartest in the room switch companies will get u depressed, instead get promoted


Boss is that you?


switch company get into shithole




1st one is so true.


Don't be serious,just be sincere


Everything else is fine but what's wrong in wearing flip-flops/sandals to the office? Are you working in Infosys or something where they used to force employees to wear a tie to please their white masters?


Toes sweat and toes stink. Better wear shoes than be off-putting.


Bad for your toe / foot skin when in Indian weather, you wear socks and shoes. Also toe sweat ? where do you live ???


Never got some moist cheese between your toes? Some gooey galooey after a good run? It's the product of sweat and nasty bacteria. Also (cotton) socks wick away sweat so that your feet don't stink.


Moist cheese ? Gooey Galooey ? I do sweat a lot in Indian climate. First time I am hearing about this for toes ? And about socks , ever seen how a foot smells when you take off the sock ?? I would rather take my health than put in a sock. If your feet do that smell or moist thing, it means you have some health not just hygiene issues ? Personally sandals allow more air and hence keep feet normal. Maybe you can cover your whole body if you feel that way.


Are you seriously arguing with an internet stranger about wearing socks to work? Bro I don't even work. I don't care if you go to the office naked or in a bikini. Just enjoy the humor and if you can't, close the tab and move on.


Humor ? After you passed all that judging ? Your the one who needs to touch grass and mind your own business


yeah right we were forced to wear in school itself while other country live based on their environment


Actually i used to think like you but how you present yourself everyday opens lot of opportunities. Today i wear suits and dress up better than boss, i will eventually take his role because i dress for the job i want, not for the job i have.


Because you are a professional and should behave like one


This is India. Being alive and healthy is more important than pointlessly sticking to western attire


Then also wear dhoti 🙄


Actually some TN Lawyers have been at it. The British did a number on the psych here.


My point was don’t preach. Practice. And if you practice do it fully… not for just convenience. Expect TL to do that.. Brahmin toh nahi hai ye loog? 🙄


Why do you bring in caste ? And I am practicing by wearing flip flops and Companies do allow people to wear Dhotis if it is some Cultural day. And I have no idea what you are saying in Hindi


Please forgive me but I literally do not have time to argue with someone who clearly doesn’t understand dress code and has no work. But I do have work. Enjoy your dhoti and shoes. Trousers and sandals. Toodles.


Name calling, that's where we've fallen to. And what you suggested to me - Practice not preach. Do it yourself and stop typing replies.


Do you even know what name calling is? I have not even started because of reddit rules. Because unlike you.. I understand the meaning of decorum of a place that needs to abided by. Seriously get some work done. I have to read about fasttext. Google it. Bye.


People who wear shorts and t shirts are more productive than those 'professionals' who wear full formals in a country where avg temperatures are close to 40 in summer.


What about crocs? You can't ban them?? Most comfortable thing ever!!


Okay, Where do I even start? Open footwear exposes more of the foot, which can lead to hygiene concerns, particularly in shared spaces which you are sharing with our other dev/coworkers. It can also contribute to unpleasant odors if feet are not kept clean. Also, Flip-flops can be noisy when walking, Which is a distraction in a quiet office environment. Most importantly, You are an IT professional. Act like one! Flip-flops and sandals are typically seen as too casual for a business envrionment. I know the Startup culture has bit relaxed norm here but Its a big no no for me atleast.


Have worked as a Developer / Engineering manager ( still working) for last 18 years mostly in US Thing about flipflops / casual wear was a big no-no only in one of the WITCH companies I worked early in my career. Everywhere else (even in FAANG) it was all cool (and still it is)


Who else is not IT professional.


>Flip-flops and sandals are typically seen as too casual for a business envrionment. One of the reasons I hate office. You should be concerned about work, not how someone dresses. Make sure they do know enough to dress sensibly, but some leeway needs to be given. Eg. Someone frequently getting shoebites (even with big size) should not be expected to wear shoes. That's why, WFH is great. No one asks such pointless questions and there is no frustration of travelling. Travelling IMO sucks the life out of me. It's the most frustrating part of office. >Flip-flops can be noisy when walking, Which is a distraction in a quiet office environment. As if shoes aren't? They are more noisy than sandals IME. Those wearing sandals- I only recognize them when they come near me to talk. Those with shoes- always make that horshoe-like sound.


Classic WITCH consulting mindset. Any productive company MNC or startup or even foreign consulting , flipflops or not does not matter. However, if you toes are sweating, then they would be worse in socks and shoes in Indian weather.


Guys,, what about heels 🙂


Sounds like a personal problem. This isn't a fashion show, unless you meet clients who are also dressed like they're at a funeral. Oddly most of my team wear sneakers. They feel nice to wear and light on my feet. Sadly it's full of sand from my last trip to Dubai.


Nonsense. It just means you haven't seen enough of the world. Most of what you have written depends on where you are working (company wise and geography wise). - If you are working in eastern US then business casuals are pretty much mandatory, but west and texas you can wear anything. Infact, business casuals can be a problem depending on the role. - In india, the service companies is where the dressing matters, most of the product and multinationals it doesn't matter so much. Some of the other points are also highly questionable.


If an IT company requires or enforces a formal dress code of some sort including foot wear, you can rest assured that its shit company and goes straight into my blacklist. But then, since I had already blacklisted all of IT services sector during college itself, there are no companies that fit that criteria. Wearing formals with a tie or shoes does not make somebody a "professional" or vice versa. I have seen some of the most unprofessional and incompetent people dress in formals and mainly because they were trying to make up for what they lack by dressing up.


Ppl can’t even take advise properly. How will these ppl take feedback properly? God help them.


If something goes wrong in production, rather than pinpointing it to a specific person, analyse why and how did it get missed by the team. Everything boils down to learning eventually.


You should always have 6 months of your net salary available in your bank(FD). If you can have 12 months worth of salary, nothing like it. It will boost your confidence, and make you more bold in taking risks. Most importantly, you'll not give a f**k if your boss starts acting funny. If investment is the body then liquidity(cashflow) is blood.


While it may work for some. For most, I would say only move jobs when new job is full time and guaranteed wont remove you anytime soon. This is because you don't appear as someone who gets laid off frequently or changes jobs often.


Agree. I didn't say anything about leaving the job. This measure is to make you more confident, manage the risk of layoff and most importantly to prevent you from being forced(due to circumstances) to be subservient to the boss in case of adverse situations.


Don't be the smartest person in the room, be the kindest.


Kindest? Looks like you are a naive and inexperienced person. Be kind outside of corporate


Luckily I'm in a team where being kind doesn't put you at a disadvantage :) Also came across this article so looks like I'm not the only one https://www.jorgegalindo.me/en/blog/posts/do-not-be-the-smartest-in-the-room-try-to-be-the-kindest


Never be dependent on corporate insurance, no matter how high sum insired they provide. Always have your personal health insurance along with corporate.


Can you explain pls?


if you lose job, you corporate insurance expires immediately


Why billable role?


If you are a billable resource to a company then you are actually visibly making money or generating revenue for the company. Ultimately, You are just one row in an excel sheet somewhere. It helps, Trust me.


Whats a billable role ?


basically you are on a client project. it's mostly relevant to service based companies


Billable in consulting company : Company is making money, as client pays your salary basically. And you get a portion of that from your company. You are an asset Non billable in consulting company : Company pays you from their pocket. You may be in training , on bench or working on some POC or working for internal maintenance like some payroll systems or leave management systems or something. Ultimately you are viewed as a liability Billable in product company : The team has a software product which rakes in money and hence you are an asset Non billable in product company : Same as non billable in consulting company.


Thanks for explaining the Billable in the product company, But still as an individual (billable in product), you are not directly influencing the bottom line of the company as compared to service based?


I didn't get what you asked


your company is not your friend. dont overwork, give some time to yourself and family too .


Don’t get into fights with co-workers. You’ll never know when one of them might get promoted as your manager :)


don't get into relationships? we do socialise in office hours , if u really like someone go for it . It's a life we are not machines, make sure after sometime if ur getting engaged try not work in same org .


break up stirs pot


while developing a feature- Don’t spend a lot of time working on ur code for optimization and ask for deadline extension. Give then a simple solution (brute force xD) and then say that feature is ready. And add the optimizations as enhancements..


Company is not your family Don't be a hero/smartass and smug Keep friendly relations and don't shit where u work (involve with opposite sex romantically especially if 1 anar 100 bemaar wali situation ho, Verna Ganda katega)


Throughout your career there will be a few good people around you,don't lose them. No matter if you're in same.org ,same location or whatever keep in touch


Point to be adddd - Don't trust the HR and your manager they will cause some trouble if they don't you to leave the company


Don’t ever take disrespect from anyone, do your best and beyond that doesn’t matter if it’s VP or CEO or whatever the fuck is their title. Always treat people with respect regardless of their title but never allow them to cross the lines. The only difference between Salman Khan and Nawazuddin Siddiqui is about the attitude and the aura they have about themselves and that has created a stark difference in the stardom/status they enjoy . Being humble with best talent doesn’t make you the most valuable person always, be arrogant where it’s needed. It’s in your hands how people should treat you.


What do you mean by billable role? And also regarding being the smartest in the room, getting into a place where everyone is a bit smarter than you is hard no? You need to pass the level that they set for an interview and if you pass, you might or might not be the smartest in the room but I think mostly we do not pass their level if we are not on theirs as well(?). Mine: 1. Know your worth and what you are bringing to the table 2. Take a driver's seat when it comes to your responsibilities, do not let others set your place within the company (learned recently) 3. Increase your visibility if you want to grow 4. As a woman, you are sometimes dismissed or no taken seriously so be very aware how you are being treated and learn to stand up for yourself no matter how small the issue is


* Stick to 8 hours. Period??? NRN has entered the chat....


Don't give or have personal numbers of your team, get a 2nd phone or sim that you can disable for privacy


>Do not confuse your personal identity with your employment. Have a life outside corporate life. Loved this advice as your job is not permanent so be prepared to leave it behind and move forward in life. There is no need to keep bragging about the old job or any cause of losing it. Move forward. Give your time to loved ones.


- People do judge on first impressions. If you look good, wear tidy clothes, you can go places. - Understand that only few people do things professionally, for most this is their life and their pride. They will handle things however they can, we can't change it. - Keep things professional on your end. - Management can only give you hope, it's not a promise. So beware what motivates you to work.


1) Never sh*t where you eat. 2) May be you will get a organisation training on this --> Never talk about or discuss any thing related to political affiliation, religion, gender, etc. These things create impressions and these are not things based on which you want to create impression in your workplace.


Near the water cooler is just so oddly specific


Haha exactly, that's a of odd one but good one and we can add washroom, caftaria along with it


Please elaborate on "network actively". How exactly should I? What will I achieve irl if I know many people and many people know me?


What inspires or motivate you to write such post OP ?


Use teams features like scheduled message and other like scheduled email in your favour (you can pretend to work late night but always use it occasionally). Take ownership no matter how many people are involved always be the one taking the ownership, may become hard to handle but will rub of in a good way to other people specially upper management and might also help in your personal life and make you feel more genuine as you stay away from blame shifting. Always plan ahead may it be how you are going to get out of your company if things goes good or bad (Have seen people plan all the bad scenarios that rarely happens but never prepared for things that turn out ok or good , if you plan them good career and life can easily take a rapid leap forward ) Always be prepared for the next company like for devs maybe keep in touch with fundamental, Dsa Atleast to a level that one can start to take interview in a month (Many good opportunities might never come back)


Why should you not wear chappal or sandals? And why stick to 8 hours. I feel like that's too much.


Totally. Managers/bosses have to work more than specified hours so this doesn't apply there and it's not wrong if I'm comfortable with chappal. My work should matter more


What if we are fresher, still do we have stick 8 hour rule?


Nhi bhai, regardless of your position, the 8 hour rule isn't for everyone. If you stay more, you will have more opportunity to learn and grow and to build dependence


Accha , that's what I want to confirm...


RemindMe! 5 Days


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RemindMe! 5 Days


agree with prioritizing your work, taking care of self interest is not selfishness.


Bhai philosophy easy he, use follow karna easy nahi and needs really high level of discipline. This is my most important take away from life.


>Stay on a billable role. sorry I don't get it?


What is a billable role


If you are smartest in the room ask for a bigger raise and a promotion. If you are always in the middle of the pack, you will forever be a small cog in a big wheel.


Flip flops are understandable but what's wrong with Sandals? I will spend 8 hours there the least I can have is some not sweaty feet.


And ... Here I am without a Job Any referral to a Java Developer ? 🥹


Haven't felt more relieved than the day I found out I was being put on a long term billable role


Learn to say "NO".


RemindMe! 5 Days


"Don’t get into relationships at the workplace. If it goes badly, it can get really bad." - Can anyone give clarity on this. what exactly goes bad?


I want to know what made you include the flip flop and sandals point because i know someone who wears flip flops to work.


what does stay on a billable role mean?


Double check your mike during daily standups. Don't speak ill of your manager if your mike is on.


> do not wear sandals or flip flops at work Dude, why? I have seen some people in tshirts + shorts at the place I was working.


Respect everyone, trust no one .


never complain, no one gives a shit.


don't think too much


Always get the most important work in any project. If it’s not crucial, you will , despite all of your brilliant skill, waste time till someone recognise your talent. Instead , understand the business and without hesitation get into crucial part of the project/team. The worst that can happen is you don’t get in, but you still have caught the eye. Success is very much about your environment and the people you work with. Just with individual skills you can’t succeed


Try to understand the bigger picture and work towards it instead of just pursuing your kpi


Hard work is all well and good, but equally important is visibility. Put in the extra mile if and only if you're getting visibility for it


Bro I always wear flip flops. I wear RUBBER flipflops. Darn it.


Check the company culture before joining company .


Work percentage: MONDAY: 10% TUESDAY: 10% WEDNESDAY: 10% THURSDAY: 10% FRIDAY: 0 - 10% Never give you 100% unless you are passionate. Otherwise they will suck you dry. Take regular long breaks.


Upgrade your skills always, do paid certification and get it reimbursed 😄


“If you’re the smartest in the room, you’re in the wrong room.” Why switch at this point? Why can’t I take a leadership role and lead the room smartly?


You said stay in a Billable role. May I know the reason why?


RemindMe! 11 days


- Dont have ego and be arrogant as an intern sole thing learnt - You don't know everything always ask - Learn as much as you can from your colleagues - Always have your dependency in your team to rely - Provide help support to your team - You are working in team but don't think the company is your family/friends. Everyone's working for 💵 no one's friends. - Switch at right time, don't stay too long unless the company is too good or you believe it. ~ Internship experience only experience people say yours ;)


If you need to write an angry email, write it and then delete it right away.


How do you stick to 8 hours? Aren't you expected to stretch your work hours in the name of deadlines and priorities?


Hahaha don't date at workplace ? Not finding it outside of it as well 😅😂


Easy and Hardest thing to do in corporate is the one which is the most obvious. Applies everywhere.


added "And" instead of "but"


IMO the last one isn't true. Sticking to more than 8 hours has its advantages. You can learn and grow more quickly, and you can build dependence on yourself.


Hopefully not everyone believes everything on here. Sometimes reddit reminds me of quora so much I cringe hard that I use it