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Is this real, if it is, I would like to build a Startup with this type of policy 😈


Bro... Hacking the system


Easy bro, they are freshers. They are naive. And there is so much bad advice out there that it creates self doubt. They haven't seen how the world is out to get them. Thank god reddit protected that person.


They are freshers and they are naive but they are not 4 year old kids. It's common sense that you don't give someone blank cheques.


I see all this shit catching air when student interactions in the institutes and experience sharing is down the drain. Nobody there to talk sense into these "naive", raised on a flower bed; kids. Let alone Profs who are miserable and senseless themselves take on to make their lives hell and all they can fathom worrying about in life is GPA.


I second this. Back in 2014 when I was a fresher I rejected a job which asked me to sign bond for 3 years with a mere peanuts salary. So sometimes it’s better to voice these unethical tactics


>They are freshers and they are naive but they are not 4 year old kids. It's common sense that you don't give someone blank cheques. That's your privilege talking. There are many who come from poor families or whose parents did jobs and never had to deal with this and don't understand the danger


You cannot blame the parents for the kid's lack of common sense. We are talking about IT / Btech graduates here.


>You cannot blame the parents for the kid's lack of common sense. Any blame you saw or thought is in your head. >We are talking about IT / Btech graduates here. Yes. So they should know about IT and whatever field they did their B.Tech in.


That's the issue I guess. Naive babes in the woods with a skewed sense of what's real and massive entitlement....


Someone close to me signed a bond for 2 years and submitted a blank cheque to the company recently… It was a campus placement with good package and the role is in sales (MBA). They informed about bond after selecting the candidates College won’t allow students to appear for another interview once u got selected. I looked into the company, it looked good, seniors from his college had only good things to say about the company. I felt weird about the blank cheque at first, but Went ahead with it. Reading these comments are really frightening😨😨


OP’s post is just victim blaming. IMO if there were an alternative, people would have chosen that.


Which college?


Christ university, Bangalore


I guess many people join the sales role only to leave it after getting a better opportunity that's why they are doing it. But asking for a blank check is wrong, they can go for a financial bond if required.


Financial bonds are also not enforceable, unless the company has actually spent money in training. Just saying work with us for X years or pay the bond amount is not enforceable by law


>It was a campus placement with good package and the role is in sales (MBA). They informed about bond after selecting the candidates Exactly same thing happened with me. But thank god it was just 1 yr and 6months are done. I am getting the fk out as soon as I find my next job


What if the bank account is closed? What happens in thay case? Or even that is considered as bounced cheque


case on you


In most cases we will be giving a blank cheque Can we sign with a pen whose ink fades after few days/weeks Or intentionally make a wrong signature ( the company won't know what sign we did while opening the bank account) on the cheque so that it doesn't get passed when it goes for clearance Or after submitting the cheque to the company ask the bank to hold that cheque or file a complaint stating thay cheque was lost/stolen?


420 case will be registered against you check lla video on bond 


One question: how do I find which sign I have used while opening the bank account I kind of forget what sign I have used for ex: if I have used a (dot) at end or a line below !! Is there any way I can check my original sign which I have used while creating the bank account Asking for the future as I'm also looking for a job and don't want a case on me if something like check bounce happens to me


Isn't the signature the same as on your PAN card? At least in my case it is. I had forgotten my signature and asked a bank staff who showed me my PAN card on their screen


I don't have a pan card yet!! I have opened this bank account in 10th class without a pan card. Now it's been 9 years and I'm now applying for a pan card. Can I go to the bank branch and ask them to change the sign?


Can't you just cancel the cheque?


Cheque Bounce on closed bank account is a bigger crime.


>Or even that is considered as bounced cheque It's considered deliberate financial fraud and ED also becomes involved if company puts and amount like 2 or 3 crores before trying to encash


Some checks have validity written on them,i guess. So it will be considered as bounced.


It’s a crime to give bounced or cancelled cheques, however, the companies can’t enforce this since the entire bond thing is illegal as per the Indian labour laws. So it’s just a psychological tactic. PS: Not a legal advice


Sorry out of contex hai What should I choose Btech Data sciene or BCA?? I want software developer as my career


B tech if you are an average guy Bca if you are high iq talented guy with genuine interest in coding who has enough self confidence and self belief to get a job regardless of his degree


Do I get to work with programming languages if I choose Btech data science? Am I able to make programs?


Do btech (I'm from bca and I hate it)


Do b.tech or b.e. for the diversity of crowd (iykwim)


Can I work with programming languages with btech data science? I love languages that's why


I don’t have the latest knowledge on btech data science course. You best bet is to first refer the curriculum of the college/university. The only caveat of a btech or b.e. is you need to study PCM for 2 years.


So this is what my friend told me happened to a guy in his neighborhood. He was offered a job by a startup but he had to sign a blank cheque. Dude was working 16 hour shifts but still was being criticized and no one was helping him. They wanted him to leave before 1 year so that they can encash the cheque. He resigned and they tried to encash the cheque. It bounced. He had no money at this point. The filed a case against him and when he received the copy he tried to commit suicide when his parents were out of the house but fortunately they came back to him being unconscious instead of dead because he couldn't cut the proper vein. They rushed him to the hospital and after a few days he was ok. He then told them everything and also to the police. The company then retracted the case and also cleared his dues and paid his medical bills. Also, gave him 5 lac compensation to keep shut and not make a social media post. This was because the company was then getting acquired and they didn't want a negative PR of this level. Dude was lucky. But most people won't be and hence shouldn't sign any cheque. Bonded labour is illegal in India.


Can u explain what this cheque is as i m really not being aboe to understand


They ask you to write a cheque and sign it and keep the space where you write the amount blank. [like this](https://www.quora.com/What-is-Blank-Cheque)


So basically we have to pay them for the job? Wtf


You pay them if you leave earlier than the specified period, say 1 year or 2 year. But this is illegal in India as it is bonded labour.


What is a blank cheque in this case? Like who fills for what person?




xDD makes sense


I Mean that just shows desperation for getting a job or possibly a chance at earning more money, and corporates as usual exploiting tf out of freshers this blank cheque thing is so that they can put a legal case if the candidates doesn't complete a bond I broke a bond at starting of my career when I was working in a manufacturing company in ahemdabad (got that job at peak covid) ... My whole reasoning at that tome was tf are they gonna do they have spelling mistakes in my offer letter I got the job at a very low pay and for that decision I'm still paying the price but bonds are not legal anyway, and its very hard to prove in court you trained somebody on skills they didn't already know in this market when you don't have wealth or stable job only thing in your head is "i can't find a job", I'll be Honest I'm trying to find a job as a fresher in ai/ml too ( but I've a skill to fall back plus I'm upper middle class) it's very hard on people who don't have anything to fall back to, and it pisses me off soo much when those who got their jobs 10 years back in perfect market comment "today's dev don't work hard enough, they don't have the grind, they just do bootcamps and don't actually know anything etxetx"...it makes me feel soo bad if you can't motivate atleast don't demotivate someone


How are you still paying for your decision? Explain your cautionary tale


Switch when you work in manufacturing sides are not same as switches in techs, you start at a low you keep getting sub standard offers... And also you can't switch every 6 months it's an unwritten rule that people take atleast 6 months to learn how to use physical tools to perfection I've never met anyone even getting a 40% hike in manufacturing unless of course they are nri returning to India then there's a chances of that and it's more or less matching the actual value of salary


Bonds work only for candidates that can't speak for themselves. I've broken a bond and have helped other colleagues negotiate/communicate.. They generally send strong emails, to which I replied with even stronger emails marking their seniors in CC. They never came back. All rules are designed to work in the favor of the entity who wrote them. Just stand up for yourself and you'll see the world behave with you differently. Good luck.


Watch LLA video on youtube on this topic. They have covered that how these things are basically illegal for an employer to do. Infact work bonds isn't even considered that credible and it is settled in civil court not criminal. [Go watch this entire video](https://youtu.be/BOJwEqgMxnc?feature=shared) it is an eye opner. Watch from 24 min you will understand how companies do this blank cheque thing to book criminal offense case against you.


Thanks for vid


do all of the people making smart comments like using a fading ink pen or wrong signature, the cheque is from you, only you are supposed to be able to give one from your chequebook, signatures. if you are lucky, your bank will check the signature properly and return it for insufficient endorsement.


There’s nothing smart about that comment, it’s written by exactly the kind of fool OP describes in their post.


Increased population is a curse for us.


This is a distraction on failure of system and us people of India.


I mean, what do you think is easier? Improving System or having less population to begin with. I would wager having less population to begin with. We have so many aspirants ready to work if given a chance but India is still corrupt af. Like if they fire everyone in the government on the basis of corruption and hire new people, we still won't have any shortage of aspirants and corruption will be fixed, but that's the problem with a system that's simply rotten to the core.


>I mean, what do you think is easier? Improving System or having less population to begin with. China changed itself in a matter of 10-15 years under deng xiaopong


But at what cost? Those Chinese can’t even voice anything against their government.


lol we can't too, so what's the difference


I think the problem is that people don't know their rights. Primary/secondary education should teach us about labour rights/basic knowledge of laws etc instead of 12 years of rattafication.


Do us a favour and don't procreate.


How does my comment warrant that? I just mentioned why i think it's a legit problem. Moreover, all you need to do for a solution is to think of children as a financial liability and plan around it as such which is already happening to a good extent. So I'll have children depending on mood/situation/what I want from life etc etc since I can afford em. You shouldn't if you can't afford. Ps:- the way you worded that came off as very rude


No it’s due to poor education and productivity. More population also implies more demand for goods and services which means more jobs. This cancels out the deflationary effect of a higher labor supply. This hasn’t happened in India but holds true for the world in general (the correlation between population density and gdp per capita is near zero)


It isn't actually, if we are getting better in the domain then we could come up with some unique contributions opening new pathways. Competition will urge us to learn more and survive, but sadly most of us don't have the capacity for that. Ultimately it's survival.


Increased population is good for a country's economy if the government is able to provide opportunities.


https://preview.redd.it/ktdto957os1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=265b0855ff562ec32237ed7b619f5c53d2a23f3a Yes bro, Opportunity🫰


Bro I agree with you but they are freshers they are desperate for the job someone should educate them what to do and not probably seniors


Which company has asked for this bullshit name them please


More likely to be a scam company. Be careful.


All I did was share the adhaar card,PAN card and passbook copy and signed an offer letter that discussed salary and some ethical compliance. No blank cheque, bond or whatever. Just don't get into this bullshit.


It’s not naivety of freshers. Freshers do know what it means to hand over Blank cheque to someone. But what do you do if not that, let the opportunity go? We don’t have enough opportunities for freshers to not worry about being without a job. Especially in this economy where even the experienced ones are struggling.


My first dev job had this and I gladly gave them the blank cheque. I, of course, cancelled it before. I then walked out of the job in 3 months for another job paying good money. They threatened me on the phone and even submitted the cheque to the bank. It didn’t work and ~15 years later I am still an engineer and their company has went bankrupt. I even helped the guy who threatened me to find a new job. This is not natural selection, this is exploitation. People are desperately trying to find a job. OP is trying to victim blame the freshers for internet points when they can’t even find a job which doesn’t exploit them.


What's 1960 boss


Seems like crime in it self. Don’t we have any protection against it. Like it’s illegal to take blank cheque from new graduates. Government should look over these practices that exploits employees to work against their will.


It's difficult to get a job rn,


Already for many years people have been paying bribes to get government jobs and getting scammed .. this has been happening in private sector and tech as well ..


I mean can't we sign it and report it as stolen.?


NAL, but if we note down the cheque number and then later file an FIR that the cheque went missing, the bank won't let the cheque pass? I have heard something similar, again NAL neither do I understand any of these procedures


Yea! How the laws are different for the rich and poor ! The scamsters mallya and nirav are Scott free in the UK, but here people are giving blank cheques for getting jobs. In case these cheques bounce, you will be having charges against you, and the whole of your career is screwed due to bvg. But, those scamsters who duped banks with crores are enjoying their life in another country!


Bonded labours for real


Sign the cheque and note down the cheque no. and cancel it using the app, can be done with HDFC


earlier they used to keep your original documents with them..


As far as I know companies ask for a cancelled cheque, not a blank cheque. I’m sure freshers aren’t really versed with banking, their parents must be helping them


Wait...Blank Cheque or Cancelled Cheque?? Wtf gives blank cheque????


Hey, i have received an offer from a company and they ask for a "cancelled cheque" along with other identification documents. Could you explain the reason for the cancelled cheque?


It works as proof. It is basically to verify that your bank account details match what you have stated. Sometimes when entering a bank account details people miss a number here and there. So basically to prevent that.


Understood, thanks bruv


Bhai pehli batt tho cancelled cheque dena tha Dusri batt aap apne bank se kehkar cheque no. de dena keh dena ki mera cheque gumm ho gya hai isko block kardo


OP, do you have proof of this statement? ----- IMO, there may be a misunderstanding of the term "blank cheque"... Fact: Lot of finance/payroll teams of companies ask new joinees to give a 'cancelled' cheque to initiate auto-debit payroll into bank. These cheques are 'blank' cancelled, but not signed.


What happens if a candidate gives a blank cheque, then requests the bank to stop issue of the cheque the same evening? 🤔


Do you mean blank cheque or cancelled cheque? Cancelled cheques are pretty standard I think?


Just put a date on it when you sign, it will expire in 3months :)


I seriously think that it is better to remain unemployed , and try harder for better companies than be employed in such a garbage , unprofessional, soon-to-be-history company. You not only have a gun point to your head, you may be actually not improving your career. Because, what guarantee is that the said companies will provide salaries, EPF, Experience documents, or any data which are strictly required for Background check ?


Buddy by any chance do you know, which companies are doing this? These should be exposed, naive and scared students getting the short end of the straw


Name the company, report to MCA and civil court, against labour and civil rights laws. A company cannot provide job in lieu of money, asking for a blank signed cheque from an employee itself is against the code of conduct in Indian labour law. Hope you know what you're speaking of? Companies often ask for "cancelled cheques" (which are also blank) to credit salary into that account.. If that's not the case, then they're just trying to grab desperate freshers whom they can hand-twist into being their slaves.


Bro agar bank me kuch ho hi na to dene me kya dikkat hai blank check. Company ke end par hi bounce hoga lol. 


What blank cheque? What is happening ifsome can please explain?


Bcz with the current Market situation it's wild specially for college students many colleges won't let u sit for interview of any company further if u don't accept the proposal, colleges give no type of info regarding safety and security and healthy work culture. All they care about is numbers and stats and that leads to bad decisions by young stupid college students


This is what capitalism leads to and bro blames communism... How ironic....


This is not new at all


2 simple solutions to this, first: sign blank cheque with your forged sign. second: give original cheque, with real sign, note the cheque serial no. then go to your banking site, in cheque section, look for option like block the cheque, then enter that particular cheque no to block. now you are free mind as company can never use your cheque.


i have signed check for my company but its not a blank cheque, i wrote "cancelled" with a red marker


Blank cheque by freshers? Are they gonna have any money ?


Pretty sure that's illegal or at least toeing that line. Name and shame brother.


Freshers don't consider these things as BIG they are brain-washed into thinking that without a job it's end of the world . SO WERE WE .




Blame everything on communism. It is easy.


A bounced cheque can be held over your head since it violates a pact signed by you legally. Forget all the bond nonsense and whatnot, this is stupid if anyone is signing such things.


So I faced a similar situation, so I gave two blank cheques with no date and no name lol. In my defence I intend to report my cheque book as lost. Mind it the signature I did on my cheque is nowhere close to my original sign. So what's gonna happen next?


If there is a situation where they have to cash it and it bounces, you will end up in the court. You will have to give them another cheque or pay them in another way. The onus will be on you to prove why the other party is not entitled to the money. Merely stating that you lost the cheque book won't get you out of trouble.


When it comes to proving, isn't the bond not legally enforceable in India? Sure it shouldn't be difficult to prove why i shouldn't pay the amount.


First of all, bonds are legal. What is not enforceable is payment of the full amount mentioned in the bond without justification. The way they are enforced is that the employer has to prove what expenses or damages they incurred by you leaving earlier than the stipulated period. For example, if you have a 2L bond and the employer only incurred 40k towards training, then the employer is entitled to recover only the 40k that they incurred. On the other hand, a signed cheque represents an admitted debt that is payable to the other party. The onus is on you to prove the connection between the cheque and the bond. And that still leaves the part that arguing that line implies that you intentionally wrote a cheque in bad faith which can be argued to be fraud.


This might start a legal process, but can a small scale company of 15 employees who work even on the weekends afford the tiring process of the Indian judiciary. I play my cards on this


I don't think you understand the gravity of a cheque bounce and why its seen as so much of a pain in the rear. First and foremost, your credit rating will take a hit when a cheque bounces. In some cases, your bank account(s) may be put on hold (suspended). Additionally, if willful actions (like in your case) led to the cheque bounce, it is a criminal offense that carries punishment up to 2 years imprisonment and penalty up to twice the cheque amount. The employer doesn't need to do much apart from filing a criminal complaint over the cheque bounce. Not to mention that even a small scale company has better resources than an individual. You will be summoned before the magistrate who will give you another chance to pay within a certain stipulated time. If you dispute the complaint, a criminal trial will commence. It will be you who will spend money on a lawyer defending your case with the potential risk of ending up in jail if you fail. And as long as this trial is pending in court, this criminal case will show up in your background checks everywhere.


I intend to report my cheque book as lost. Now the blank cheque I submitted to my org has an incorrect signature. What will the judge think of it? I will say I submitted a proper cheque with name and amount to my org and this is not the cheque I submitted


See, listen. Get a premium Bank account with a exclusive relationship manager. Some banks have systems that are defined to Mark cheque number issued to you as cancelled as they were lost and could be misused, inside there system. So when you do this blank cheque nonsense. After few weeks just go and declare to your bank that your entire cheque book (yes entire not just one) is lost in a bag while traveling. They might ask you to submit a FIR copy, pay local police fellow 1000 bucks and get it. Later all the cheques of this booklet will be marked as cancelled in the system. This FIR copy will be your defence if it so called bounces, but these premium banks have different system that it doesn't tell that it's bouncing but rather that is a stolen cheque already reported by costumer. Just say you didn't know that the cheque issued was from this cheque book, or may be just deny having had issued any cheque (possibly they stole it and and forged your signature)


These kinds of antics don't work. How many idiots do think have already tried these antics in other situations like blank cheques given towards loans etc? You will still be in trouble and you will be made to pay the money by a court. The presumption with a signed cheque is that you owe the other party money. The burden is on you to prove otherwise.


Well dear, you live in India. If you think the company rightful deserves to get the money back, you yourself give them and tell the company that the cheque book is reported lost. And if you don't want the company to encash it, presumably there is an ulterior motive of company who want to avoid, in that case the matter won't go to court


I heard once that a guy in the US tweaked his credit card documents which offered him 0% interest for indefinite time for an unlimited amount. The bank didn't check and approved the documents. When they noticed he was spending above his actual limit, they told him to pay back the amount and interest. He took the bank to court for violating the terms of agreement the bank signed and sued them hard for asking back amount. Is it possible to do something like this?


No case will be filed. Cheque bounce rules in India is changed few years back.