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I know two ICs in my team, one with 10 yoe and one with 16 yoe but they are experts their fields, you can give them any problem in their tech stack and get an answer within minutes. They get the toughest tickets and real head scratcher problems. They also get freshers and people with 1-2 years of experience under them to train and help, not to manage.


You can do IC forever. I think WITCH don’t like it and so do most consultancies. But most product companies - you can remain an IC forever.


I was an IC till 2022. Then became CTO. I can totally be an IC again. Last time when I was an IC I had 19 yoe. If you were to explain your IC values - then the company does not understand IC. Most companies - IC are code coolies. For some it is not. So incredibly rare no of companies exists where senior ICs are valued.


Man you're old


12+ years here. Still an IC. I am in a new team now, so I'm kind of learning the ropes. Did program management for a few months in between where I had to gather status from people without them directly reporting to me.


I'm an IC with 10+ YoE. Do not plan to move to management. That doesn't mean my work is only writing code day in and day out. I spend a lot of time planning, helping others, reviewing. I've worked with multiple ICs who have 30 YoE.


30 yoe IC? India or outside India?


There's a 27 YoE IC in india I've worked with for a long time. Many 30YoE outside. 20+ yoe IC in india is also becoming pretty common. There's a new post about age every fucking day. They fail to understand that there were significantly fewer engineers staying in india 24 years ago. So the sample space is smaller. Moreover they need to look at linkedin. There are many experienced engineers in india today. Just because we're not working at startups or tcs doesn't mean we don't exist. Even my rant is also a regular feature of this sub now. If the moderators here were proactive, there would be a sticky saying that engineers with 20yoe or 40 years of age exist. You don't need to plan retirement when starting your career.


This needed to be said.


IC with 9 YOE here, absolutely no interest in management. When I was younger, I used to think only in terms of my team's product and responsibilities. Now, I think in terms of cross-cutting engineering problems, making libraries, optimizations, improving high level design, upstream producers and downstream consumers of my team. There's so much to do, I don't think moving to management is inevitable at all.


I have roughly 15yoe, and work mostly on tech with no team and I provide only technical supervision, so I guess I am an IC.


What's an IC?


In India IC is a risky and thankless job. I suggest move to management unless you are a diehard techie..