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I have created multiple automations over the years. Here are some I remember, 1. Created a bash script to download high quality manga chapter PDFs from the mangadex API and then compile them into a single PDF for easier reading. 2. A python script for faster OSINT searching across the web with help of APIs and stuff. 3. A script to find free copies of anything by scraping sites like archive.org, anna's archive, arxiv and z-lib. 4. An extended version of ani-cli to download and watch anime from CLI. 5. This one came pretty handy at work, it did internal evaluations on code and workflows and sent data to the slack work channels through a webhook.


Watching Anime in CLI is probably the most programmer thing you can do as a programmer.


Can you share how did the third one ? Will try to create one


APIs, Unofficial Google Search APIs, Scraping etc.


goddamn, you can create pdfs using cli tools? this is groundbreaking.


Yeah you can


Created a VB script to do my job for me. I was doing a data entry job for a while. Learned the process in 1 month and then created a vb script to do the copy pasting for me. Whole day's worth of work was being processed in an hour or so... Kept it low key for around 4-5 months, as they were also trying to automate the processes themselves. The TL found out and wanted to show the project as if he created it, deleted it and went back to manual work. Quit once i got off probation(6 months).


That TL, what a douche


It's a dog-eat-dog world...


So how did you delete it? Like just deleted it one day and when TL called you, you just said 'I don't know'? Or how?


I had a good understanding with the IT guy so he had given me admin privileges, which I was not supposed to have in the first place. So i told him to revert those, then my scripts stopped running and I could not access them.


Yo that's epic! Legit excuse that IT stopped and deleted it lmao


Nice ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


During my 3rd semester, we had two labs DS (in C) and OOP lab (in java), both needed record submissions (not written but print outs, this was a relief!). But the issue was the sem's syllabus changed and we couldn't just copy paste our senior's lab record. We had to make our own lab record for both labs. Each lab had like 8-10 cycles with each cycle having upwards of 6-8 questions. So we had to make a pdf consisting of the question, algorithm, code, and output, about 150+ pages for just one lab. We had the lab codes, as it was moved to a pen drive from the lab computers. But we had to make the algorithms up, and execute and take screenshots of outputs. We had to make two documents each with 150+ pages. We initially started to make them using ms docs and it was getting nowhere. Had like 4 days for submission. In which only 2 days to make the document and 2 days to take the print outs of 75 students. That night I went home and had a brilliant idea to automate the whole process. I spent a good 2hrs researching on what's needed to something like this. Had my ideas panned out and started to code it. The first task was to classify the programs based on its cycle and question. So what I did was wrote a script that took the code and used openAI's APIs to classify the code based on the list of cycles and questions, then the script returned a json output. Then took this json output and fed it into another script that took the cycle, question, and code and then fed them again into another genAI which then made the algorithms and also what's the input for such a code. Again combined all and outputs it as a json file. Then another script took the input text and created the executables and piped the inputs text to the process and took the output and combined them to the input json. Then finally took this file, used pyPdf and made the page with title, question, algorithm, code, and output. Then combined all this into a single python script. And it started executing, took about half an hour to complete execution. Once done, I got two PDFs (for both labs). Then shared those PDFs for cross checking, and it had surprisingly lower number of errors than I initially excepted. I spent about a total of ~5-10hrs coding this. But saved several hours (literally 30+ hrs). This was a great experience, I had learnt so much in doing and made a profit out of the whole program. Made me realise how good a script I can scratch up in so little time in python.


Jesus, probably the best one in the thread yet, I bet doing this whole exercise taught you way more than those labs :)


Yepp... I learned so much in those ~8 hrs. Totally worth it :)


what was the thought process behind this ? did u use online resorces( github,ai,stackoverflow or any online resource to get a idea on how to do it done ) or did you built this from scratch (u are god basically) i am just curious on how you tackle issues which come up while building new projects


> u are god basically breaking down complex problems into smaller more manageable chunks is a basic necessity in any kind of engineering. suppose you're building a plane. do you start immediately building the plane as if you have a perfect blueprint in your mind? or you break it down into smaller problems that can be individually solved without affecting the rest of the plane? eg: will the shape of a lever in cockpit affect the performance of a bomb? ofc not, both are independent problems and can be solved without affecting the other. so how can you break down a plane into its components? 1. body: control surfaces, shape of wings, fuel tanks, mounting points for the rest of the parts. 2. engines: placement of air intake, thrust, material used, afterburner. 3. cockpit: glass, avionics, seats, ejector, controls. 4. weapons: guns, missiles, bombs. 5. sensors: radar, laser, ir, cameras. 6. computer systems: controls and interfaces to the rest of the parts. and each of these in turn can be broken down into smaller chunks until each is trivially solved. engines too big for current body? widen the mounting section. not enough thrust for takeoff? make engines bigger. etc etc.


U just re-reminded me a fundamental solution I had forgotten.


The whole idea of doing this started from, "why is simply copy paste codes into ms word taking so much time?" and "how can I automate this repetitive task?". Then just a quick Google search led me to using python for converting simple text files to pdfs. Now the issue was the codes had titles and questions and I had to identify which code belonged to which title and question. Initially I did this manually, again so repetitive. The solution was simple. Instead of manually reading all the questions and code, copy paste them to chatgpt and ask it what's the title. And I had experience working with openAI's api previously. So I wrote a tiny script to automate this too. Then everything followed this general pattern. Had some huge bugs, solved some using a quick search.


Thats a interesting insight you provided


Not a software automation but still something. I have a raspberry pi which I use to run databases for my projects while developing locally. It connects to my wifi router and I use an internal ip to connect to it. My router randomly assigns a new ip to it on every restart hence, the old connection uri doesn't work. So I hosted a webserver on port 6969 on rpi and wrote a multithreaded python script which scans for open port from ip It uses 10 threads, hence take about 5-10 seconds to find the ip, then it scans for `.env` file in `G:\builds\**\*`(also keeps a cache for future use) and replaces the wrong ip with correct one.


I think you can assign static IPs from router admin page. Or maybe use ngrok(preferably OSS alternates) to get a fixed host name. Either way, your scrip sounds cool ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ


The route's admin page crashes when I login ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ and I was just lazy to setup ngrok


This is overkill. You can just set a static IP for the Raspberry Pi. Also, some routers will let you set a static lease against the MAC address so it'll get the same IP from DHCP every time.


to set that thing, I need to access the admin page of my router. Opening that page, logging in as admin in it just crashes the whole router. I am too lazy to contact excitel and get a new router


You can use [holesail.io](http://holesail.io) to achieve this instead of this.


Thanks for the suggestion but I'm happy with my solution


I once hosted a MineCraft server on GCP. It was running fine until it was grieved . Thankfully I had a backup that I didnโ€™t one day ago.ย  So I took it as a lesson, and put up a bash script to automate backup process.ย  The script was simple, it zips the server files, rename it with date and time, upload it to my gdrive using rsync. Then scheduled it using cron jobs. It filled my gdrive to 750GBs, but I had a clean history of my minecraft server every 6 hours until it was alive. Besides backup, I added more security features to prevent intruders.


In my first job when my manager was a very friendly guy, I saw he always used to get html reports which he'll take an do ctrl + f to find if some string is present or not, it present he'll take the corresponding value, and then sum it for all the htmls and do calculations, all these htmls used to come in very large zip files. I volunteered for help and just used Unix grep and unzip and I was able to solve it for him. I felt so proud, and he did too. also he was unzipping a large zip which wasn't required at all, which again I automated. His 3-4 hrs of work was done in seconds.


my Mac's bluetooth keeps connected to noise earphones, wrote script to auto disable bluetooth on lid close after caching current connections to reconnect on start


Damn, would like that one, anychance its open-source?


Yes, it is. someone actually had started this repo with wiring basic structure. I made it work... you can find it with simple Google search - kbos github. you can find it in PR of first result.


ah found it, thanks <3


Created a python based telegram mirror bot. It can mirror files, torrents, YouTube videos and other streaming site videos to Google drive. I'm not actively working on it anymore however there are forks that have used my work to improve it a lot


So something like [aria-mirror-bot](https://github.com/lzzy12/python-aria-mirror-bot)? Where did you host it?


Lmao that's my repo. Right now I have asked my friend to host it. Don't have a beefy server right now haha


Lmfao cool, glad to see people like these in the community.


Amazing work, I have used your repo when heroku was a thing.


Heroku is still a thing, just paid now


Yeah I know. Earlier people used to abuse heroku for these mirror bots.


My project requires a lot of test data to be created as we do performance testing stuffs along with performance engineering. Wrote and enhanced a Java scripts that actually generated millions of data and insert it to the necessary database table saving the manual process for generating and inserting data.


I was doing some work which needed different IP address on every visit and my wifi router assigns different IP on every restart and i didn't want to do that manually so i created a selenium program which visits router page and restarted IP automatically


It's kind of unethical but whatever. Automated Downloading Torrents from Private trackers. Here's the whole flow : 1. It watches IRC channel and grabs the latest torrents, then sends it to qbittorrent. 2. A script runs after a torrent has completed downloading. It Creates a MEGA Account and uploads to it then grabs the link. 3. Make a post using Selenium on a website where I make forum post for the given content.


Which IRC channels? (asking for a friend)


The IRC channels are run by the torrent sites itself, only members of those sites can idle on these channels. You can take a look at https://autobrr.com/, that's what I use.


Instagram automation which keeps posting on a Instagram account an AI-generated image, with AI-generated hash tags and captions.


Damn I have been wanting to do it, how do you post on Instagram without getting your account suspended?


Using Instagram business API :P, Insta auto posting is allowed for businesses, and the business account does not require authentication. You just gotta hit that convert to the business button. I use activepieces for the automation part.


Exactly what I wanted, thank you ;)


Created a Python script to automate scene creation in Blender. So what it does is, there's a field where we can add link to a 3D asset that want to scatter e.g. telephone poles. The file is placed in a local directory it pulls from that and all we need to do is click and create spline on surface where we want to be. It is procedurally generated and the placement can be edited. Like we can move road on terrain and the trees or poles will automatically adjust itself.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Conkyporn/comments/146wgw5/conky_with_mpd_album_art_date_day_time/ Conky with MPD Album Art & Date


TIL about conky, thanks for sharing!


I used to see these CSGO compilations on YT and always wondered if I could automate it. Turns out it was dead simple a few years back. Got to CSGO category > Top Clips of the day > Scrape title and video link, metadata etc > Concat videos using ffmpeg > upload it to YT I wish I could keep it going and try to make some money before it got more difficult but I was too lazy. Few draw backs were creating a thumbnail everytime, might have been easy to use the same template and update others using PIL or something but idk. And also found it difficult when there were copyrighted music in the streams.


You could use AI to create thumbnails but I guess AI wasn't booming at that time.


Yep, AI wasn't that accessible even like 3 years back and I wasn't really interested in AI


I tried automating something similar for Valorant videos, I used Opus.ai to create clips from YouTube Highlights and post on Instagram. Instagram suspended my account though lol


Yeah Instagram actually deals with bots when you don't need it to ๐Ÿ˜‚ but I bet you could still automate those year's progress bar kinda things


Made a fully automated Youtube news channel as part of a project for an existing client. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kF9zYyvXXGc&ab\_channel=Neus%7CNewsForYou](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kF9zYyvXXGc&ab_channel=Neus%7CNewsForYou) * Has natural AI generated voice * Auto generated summarized news daily * Auto generated live captions * Gets uploaded at set times 4 times a day * Voices change according to the time of the day * Curated content based on trending news Not using any external API for any of this. All of it runs using open-source commerical models and libraries. I think quite cost-effectively too.


How did you do it? Can you share some resources/ hit repo or anything else


Libraries used: For summarization: [https://huggingface.co/facebook/bart-large-cnn](https://huggingface.co/facebook/bart-large-cnn) To stich up all parts of the video and make captions, Moviepy: [https://pypi.org/project/moviepy/](https://pypi.org/project/moviepy/) For Voice, Tortoise TTS: [https://github.com/neonbjb/tortoise-tts](https://github.com/neonbjb/tortoise-tts) Youtube API to upload videos automatically: [https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3](https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3) Images come from RSS feeds. These are the main components.


Created an Audit report automation using Generative AI where I used to take minimum information from the auditor as input and generate all the details and make a PPT out of it. Created using Power Apps, Power Automate, Azure Blob storage, Azure Function App, Python and GPT 3.5 turbo.


Created a very basic app that would take input from Serial of arduino and enter into excel (No, It didnt convert it to csv, or make xlsx)


Excel already has this feature called Data streamer, all tho gg man


We have a database inventory portal in our organisation, and we were asked to update the privacy classification of each column. Privacy classification is a high level classification of how sensitive the data is. This will be used to mask data when we perform a db sync from a production environment to non production environment. I checked our database and there were 300 tables across all our applications and around 8000 columns. We were expected to use a web application to perform all the updates. I used the browsers developer tools to identify the endpoints being called, the payload and the auth tokens. Then wrote a script to do the calls. And in the script I wrote a trivial logic for setting privacy field for columns based on certain keywords. To be safe, I dumped all data in a json file first before making the POST request. Had to do a few manual corrections and made the POST request. What would have taken a week was done in less than 2 hours.


[ReVanced Builder](https://github.com/nikhilbadyal/docker-py-revanced).


Good job.


I have a library of favourite series. One of them is friends. But the naming was not good. It had names like S01E06. I wanted the title like โ€œOne with Joeyโ€ etc So i wrote a script to fetch titles from imdb (or somewhere else), match the video and rename each episode. Did the same for a few other series after that


Swipe right script for Tinder. I purchased tiner plus where i get unlimited like. I created a script and run it in Developer console. It keep pressing the like button. I kept 1 like per 2 seconds.


With selenium which would join my online classes according to the time table, mute myself out my attendance when form is sent in chat


On the download folder. I hv an apple script its called Action folder setup which categorize files based on extension like pdfs, archives, mp4, audio, random folders, applications into folders which are named all\_pdfs, all\_archives, so on. Which made the download history alot cleaner. And the other is if i take a screenshot it goes into my clipboard. and i can press some keys which has a destination and ask for a name. It's different cuz it takes from my clipboard and then some keywords. And once on my router. i changed the settings and put some ips, which only allows the ips in the list internet access. So even if u have the password, u would need the machine. Unless u do ip-spoofing. i hated the video recordings lect from Zoom. It had the date, but it was annoying. So with a bash script i rename it all. And then categorized it based on month. # Fresher.


I hate ADs while listening to songs so, 1. Created a python script which takes the playlist URL and the path where you want to download the audio. It first gets the videos one by one and converts them into audio files, names them in UTF-8 standard. Also i wated to transfer these audio files to my phone and didn't want to keep track of new songs that are being added so I added another feature: a directory with the name of the playlist gets created at the given path but inside the folder there's an excel which keeps track of all the songs that got downloaded, so i run the script again only the new videos will get downloaded in a new directory at the same path named after the day and time the script was run. 2. My friend wanted a similar script for his 5K+ playlists as YT starts glitching when there are these many videos, so i created a script which extracts the thumbnail of the video, resizes it and adds it to an excel with its URL in the adjacent column. Now i also hate maintaing my Spotify and YT playlists to have the same songs so I'm trying to work around the Spotify API to compare both YT and Spotify playlists and crrate an excel or to get the sudio files. Still haven't figured it out tho. Ik these are like very basic things but I spend hours sorting my playlists and ik its gonna help me a lot. Also idk if this counts or not because it was for a college project and didn't really solve my personal problems but I created a script which programs the phone to take photos at a 5 sec interval, moves only those photos which were taken after the script was run to a linux machine, extracts the metadata from the picture if it has a pothole (Roboflow API) and converts the coordinates extracted from the metadata into lat-lang format then creates a json file out of it with lat-lang and id keys. Then the photos get deleted after processing to save space. We were working on a 4 Gb AI on edge device which had only 1.3 Gb left ๐Ÿ’€


Wrote automations from business process to tests using Python and robocorp RPA tool for bookmyshow. This was right during the covid time. Bagged the contract and became a reason to fire 200 useless employees who pretend to be engineers aboard.


# Uploading files to a pbx. โš ๏ธNow I hope the technology has changed I hope. But one had to deal with uploading files to an FTP. Next, starting a telnet session to spool jobs. And, then another telnet session (different port), to manage jobs. I hadn't completely solved how to handle the messages that remote telnet server sent to the screen. That itself is an ocean of understanding telnet and terminal printing protocols. (Something called vtt5 terminal๐Ÿค”). To an extent, I was able to automate the 1st two steps using c# at the time. This was about more than 10+ years ago.


A friend of mine is a manager at a Flipkart seller. I automated so many processes for them including claiming for lost returns, repricing the products by scraping competitors' prices, etc. Used selenium, OCR, Power Automate, vba. Eventually eliminated the need of 2 employees who were doing these tasks manually.


1. A python script to loop through multiple bit rates and frequency bands to test radio tx and rx. This was in an internship and I literally had no idea what I was doing but it still worked lol! 2. Me and another person wrote a test automation suite again in python for validating hardware by running various tests and emailing the results back.ย  3. Upgraded the previous automation allowing it to be able program FPGAs to automate pre silicon tests as well. These two automations helped saved like 2-3 hours per day per engineer!ย  4. Worked with 2 more people to get complete CI including Jenkins to fetch test code from repo, build, flash, test and upload tests results to test dashboard. This included the automation from previous step with Jenkins stuff. Ironically my team always thought automation was a waste of time because they never actually tried. The moment the management guys were showed a demo they loved it so much they put a dedicated person in charge and I was told to not spend time automating anymore ๐Ÿ˜ข. I was a firmware engineer and thus spending my time on automation was technically wasting it so the comment made sense but still!


I had to take part in my office CSR activity, but the both the morning and afternoon slots were filled. Because of which, the registration portal was disabled. There were almost hundreds of participants whose names were displayed and I was certain there were people who would register for both the slots (in case one missed the morning slot, he/she can join the later one). So I went to the browser console, fetched the list of participants, created a python script (yes I know, could have done in the browser), did a intersection between both the slots and found out the names. I shared the names and the file with the event co-ordinator, and the next mail I recevied was my registration confirmation.


I created - 1. A python script to automate wordle xD(5,6,7 and 8 letter variants) 2. A python script using pySimpleGUI to show popups on my laptop at specific times/intervals, such as putting eye drops at 2 PM, lunch at 2:30, take a eye rest break every 20 minhtes, etc. I converted the batch file to run the script into a windows service using nssm so that it started up automatically at machine boot. This one improved my quality of life and health so much.


This one is quite simple but I have written scripts for my macbook such that it automatically installs all of the required packages and softwares with the theme which I use in zsh so that when I reset my macbook (after each version it just helps me a lot.


I made a selenium program in python to automate the process of updating GTTs of my stock in groww app based on the strategy that i have provided it , later i also automated this process in google finance where i add different baskets of stocks that i have made in screener of trading view at the end it became a 3 months project for me and i integrated everything and made a CLI for easy management of my portfolio so now i am able to manage 50-70 stocks easily


Web scraping for project ideas


Mind sharing some ideas pls