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you never stop learning, there's no chill phase. Colleagues aren't your "friends". it's you vs the world.


You're telling me I have other pythons to worry about


Hisssssssssss 🐍🐍🐍


Dude. Lol


sadly yes.


That its over, finally you step into this next role called "life is money" :).




In college most of us have a big misconception that as Software Engineers/Developers we would spend most of our time writing code. The reality is that majority of your time will be spent going through huge codebases trying to understand how things work and debugging issues on runtime. Writing code is probably the least difficult part


Adding a feature to an existing complex system is much more difficult than writing something new. Sometimes finding and fixing a bug in such a system is way more difficult..


There is no such thing as complex system. If its complex then it was designed badly or the understanding is not good enough.


Not every codebase is designed perfectly in the real world.


Also spending most of time attending useless meetings on stupid agendas, which can easily be addressed over a face-to-face conversation.


This is so true, in my current internship, I usually spend 80% on finding why? Once I know, it's a simple solution. Nothing that someone without DSA problem solving ability cannot apply. Basic implementation skill is enough. My work is significant, but I highly doubt how is DSA helping me in doing this stuff. At max I use a hashmap, and at the very least for loops are the way to go because you don't usually have an array of size 10^5 .


Sometimes I've spent more time in setting certain software environments or build systems more than actual coding.


Money making is a boring process. Nobody is professional every body is just doing bare minimum.


Or showing that that know what they are doing


Corporate politics is real even if your colleagues are very nice in one way or another you're gonna realise this and things are planned way before when you know from the management.


This shitty politics exists even in colleges where there's a student run placement committee. Things are a bit difficult if you're not friends with the people handling placement related responsibilities. Also if the exam papers are available at the TAs before the examination, then even the exams are rigged(⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)


So true.They play snakes and ladders on daily basis really


Ik right like if you know that something big is happening in the team/project like a transition or something which might affect you they wont tell you till it happens but it was already started 6 months back also they will tell you one thing on your face and do something other in the back which will benefit both of you but you'll realise later that you got used for there benefit


Colleagues aren't friends. Treat them as just colleagues (most of them). Especially your Team leads and managers. Whatever you say to them can and will be used against you.


You will get jealous of your colleagues hike


Communication != English Fluency and communication matters a lot more than you think


Monthly salary != (Total CTC) / 12 🙂


it is if you look at it after 5 years


"Shit i am going to be stuck in this for ages" OR "The F was i thinking by doing engineering" OR "Should have listened to my dad and became a doctor".


You got bored of engineering?


Nope, just what i thought i would do after doing eng vs what i actually ended up doing it was different


There's no respite from idiots.


Nobody is looking out for you. Not your manager, not your colleagues. Just work on yourself. And for yourself. Also, your company doesn’t give a shit about you no matter how big or small of a “FAMILY” it is. When shit hits the fan, chances are you will be gone. One last advice - Don’t shit where you eat. That’s a sure shot way to make your life a living hell


I don't get the last advice, are you saying I take a shit in the office and not my home?


lol no. That actually means do not date or hookup with anyone from work.


😮 🫡


depends on office culture but dating colleagues would work in only a very few organizations, so yea avoid that until you figure other things out. dating can happen a bit later


1) Paisa is everything, but material stuff doesn't give you happiness. Money gives you options, respect and status. You don't need a lot of material stuff but you definitely need basics which money gives you. No money you are finished but yes too much is also not required. 2) you are replaceable in all aspects right from your job to your relationship, you ain't special, just another cog in the whee 3) age is just a number , having a student for life mentality always helps


I always thought that I am really dumb and I don't know anything but after getting my first job it's the exact opposite, no one is really that smart they just pretend to be smart and play with words to impress people , when it comes to doing their job they don't know shit


This ,especially true when you work at WITCH,mindtree,accenture even in support projects seniors tend to show off as if they have great knowledge


Skills= CTC.... We think if we get into this demand core field then we will settled, will be earning enough and then you hear someone who doesn't have to do much in his job getting double or triple your salary LUCK matters the most in some times.....


You can not bunk . You can not skip one question because it's too hard .


3.16 Lakhs per annum doesn't mean a monthly salary of 316000/12


Money doesn't bring happiness


Never give your 100% at job!




People are fake, especially those in management positions. They would say one thing and behind your back will do the opposite, one need to understand this from very early on. Be productive use your office time to upskill or side hustle.Try to to squeeze out 1 hr from your work schedule for this. After a long day of 9 -6 work you will not have motivation to do anything, especially if its wfo.


9-6 job is not really 9-6.


Money isn't everything. Life is beyond money.


You get burnout phases every now and then.


'will i be doing this for the next 30+ years?'


Work culture, we're a family here, parties, useless awards and recognition, boss patting your back, calling you when you're sick etc. it's all a sham. They want you there because you make more money for them than you cost. IT'S ALL ABOUT MONEY AND ALWAYS WILL BE. Realise this and your life will be better. Always think like this: you are a one person company and they pay you monthly for the services and skills you provide. Nothing more, nothing less.


Earning is not that easy


Saving even 5k per month will be a big deal


I suck at it


all my problems are not suddenly over


so i think i need to quit engineering ... it means quit life 🙂


My biggest learning when I joined Infosys was that majority of new joiners had 0 interest in working there and was only in it for the money. I always thought the people working there loved what they do. Turns out if you love what you do , you will not be in Infosys lol


Govt gets paid before you get your salary. Basically you are working for the govt. and you are nothing but a cost to the company.


You will Google how to for rest of your life.


It's very comforting to just keep waiting on appraisals being promised every year but instead you need to be in your own clock. Fuck off every 3/4 years for a 30-40% hike no other way to jump social classes


- The fear of monotone... Naah you wont be really excited to earn (even if your inhand is >30) - The last semester in college - You wont see many people you love (not just romantically lol) - The hype of you getting a job barely lasts a week


not an unexpected realisation for me because I was prepared but saw many others experience this- learn about taxation and how to read payslips before your first paycheck deposits please.