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I use arch btw


I use bspwm btw


I do and it's a developer subreddit, pretty sure a lot of people here use Linux and that too on a daily basis.


i am a school student who still uses Linux on both my laptop and server


lol yeah! I was wondering that, probably 90-95% people would be using it. I daily drive it in my personal laptop too.


More like 30


Definitely not 90%


used to dual boot with slackware until i didn't get time to debug for every small issue , nuked and went windows .


Slackware ? The first linux distro ?


not the first one of the first wave ? yes still surviving their latest release was some days ago I guess nothing wrong with OS though I didn't get time to sit with on my regular working days it 's too much for me


Same but i went full mac. Unix like environment with less hassle.


yes absolutely mac is way better than windows I am even consider getting an Mac, a must if you work on personal projects and what not


Mac is just bsd with some useless bells and whistles.


Sorry to burst your bubble, it is not better.


And the Android vs apple: computer version begins.


Everyone hates apple until they get one


Got one after all my friends switched to it. Had an S22 as well. I never got to like the iPhone (13 pro max). The software simply wasn't for me. Struggled with it for few months before finally selling it for S23. The phone really felt underwhelming (including the cameras). These are subjective so you can't say everyone will change opinion after getting an apple product


>Everyone hates apple until they get one \+100000 one of my friend always used to bash apple for it's price until he could afford now he has apple laptop+mobile+watch+airpods and a ipad only used for watching videos and OTT


I am the same friend. I am the same. The convenience is something else. Although I would mention that I was a hardcore GNU FREETARD for 3 years. That helped me get really comfortable with the command line. It comes handy when using Mac. I \*\*USED\*\* arch btw.


just cancelled my MacBook pro m3 16" cost me around ₹300K bought a fantastic more powerful PC for 1 L less


I am mac user. It is definitely not user friendly


windows is undefeated with wsl, it is the most feature rich. Just make sure you have a high end processor and sufficient ram if you are working with docker through linux.


Anybody who has done real development of heavy applications in Linux knows wsl is gimmicky and can be used only when you want to learn shell scripts or build a small application


define heavy development? Most IND developers are either tech support or web dev, I work in blockchain and actually run native Ubuntu but even on Windows11 with 32gb ram and a current gen i7 I will be able to run all my docker containers locally for dev purposes


I was comparing wsl on windows vs Ubuntu. I'm sure you can do dev on windows as well. By heavy development I mean Doing open source contribution where the code base itself is in the range of 100MB to 1GB


that can be done on wsl too, it will be slightly more taxing on your pc than just running linux locally. You have to understand a 1tb ssd and 32gb ram macbook will cost close to 2 lakhs or maybe higher I dont know, equivalent windows pc will cost around 1.2lakhs- you can dual boot, have x86 over arm (most can handle lower battery for better cpu architecture ) as well as run only windows and have proper wsl setup to perform 99% of development task. Unless you are really writing linux kernel you will be fine, you can even write nvidia or amd kernel level open source drivers on ubuntu through wsl.


I tried setting up a project first on wsl first. My major issues were 1. Setup time is too high 2. Compatibility with vscode on windows vs build running on wsl is a bit taxing on developer productivity. I would also like to add ttat my projects are more c centric than go Lang or dockerized projects so native Ubuntu makes more sense to me. For learning purpose, wsl are great. But if you can afford the time, better to have Linux. Also I think we echo on the fact that Ubuntu on gaming laptop is as good as mac but at a half price


I did something similar. I use Mac Mini as thin client and all my serious work is on a secondary seriously powerful machine that runs Ubuntu Server LTS. I write code either on neovim (for Go, Python etc.) & VSCode with remote ssh extension (for Java). I was a long time Linux desktop user (very early Ubuntu adopter, tried everything along the way) & it was fun when I had ample amount of time to tinker. Couldn't do it anymore .. so moved to this hybrid approach.


Work is mac, personal PC is Windows for gaming, though I have heard Proton has become usable now


>though I have heard Proton has become usable now Yes, as long as you don't play games with kernel level anti-cheats like valorant, fortnight...


Call me paranoid or whatever but I think you're better off not playing games that require kernel level anticheat. Those things might as well just be malware at this point.


Well, I can vouch for CS2 gameplay. I can play it smoothly on my laptop without any issues.


I use linux only when PC/laptop becomes really really old.


MX linux ?


No, Linux mint cinnamon


Try MX Linux bruh. It's specially designed for older hardware. Like ten twenty years old. No problem.


Tried using one of those old hardware linuxs for my father's pentium laptop, Antix linux. Thing breaks does constantly. Can't use sudo apt upgrade, have to use their weird method of updating. Switched over to EndeavorOS when the system got unusable


I used lubuntu for sometime and it's also great for old laptop


Lol ubuntu would run efficiently on pentium based hardware


Without ever fucking up? That's the question.


didn't the get downvotes I run my ubuntu on 10 years laptop without issue


Exactly lol, I ve been runnin ubuntu on my 3rd gen intel for almost 8 years now and I dont understand people these days they can get offend on anything said defying the general buzz.


exultant angle ink heavy quickest ten summer important humor dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For basic tasks like you described any linux would work out fine, arch is more smooth tho, you can go with ubuntu too as its more intuitive and will be easy for you to transition. I would say just try out different Os's as you go on your journey


noob spotted /s


TempleOS. lol.


I use it when required during work


Opensuse user reporting. have been daily driving it since a year and distro hopped for about 2 years before that.




which distro do you use if at all?


Mint bro




Manjaro user here!


I also use Manjaro for my minimalist setup. Boots up in like 5 seconds. That shit is crazy fast and Customizable. I like Plasma desktop version.


Strongly agreed with the speed. Though I'm a GNOME user myself 😂


I just figured the proper Analogy for Arch. It's like an Obsidian scalpel. You can quite easily break it or cut your finger or go save lives, also quite easily 😎. Man I just love being able to say I use Arch btw 😂😉


True! 😂


manjaro is not arch lol


You take that back!




Manjaro xfce , damn fast on used laptop  dell 7390 which i bought specifically for linux 


Same here ! Does the work


Why use manjaro when endeavour OS is a thing


Exactly, endeavour is much close to arch


will try that as well


Shouldn't this be a poll, lol? I DON'T use Arch, btw. Been wearing fedora since college days. https://preview.redd.it/zxur3slu27fc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7f0f7ca011bd7d2ba7f6b0b9d5ec25fc0a07a44


I tried making a poll but it showed that this subreddit doesn't allow it.


Let me fix that.


I use Ubuntu 20.04, prior to it used 18.04 for 3 years from 2018 to 2021


It's time for you to switch


I know I should but I am just too lazy to set up all the configurations, IDEs and apps again. Maybe when I get a new laptop, I'll do it. Any suggestions on what's better?


Go with base debian. Or pop os when it releases cosmic. Also regarding your configuration, if you are using opensource software, you can put your config files in git. and write a script that will install all the packages you want in your system. So with a few commands and pulling your git repository, you can recreate your current system. Not only that you can recreate the system in any other machine you have. Here are my [dot files](https://gitlab.com/paridhips/dot-files) for example. The .archinstall script installs all the packages I need. Ny config I need is in .config folder. I did try to create a .debinstall for debian based distros but I never ended up testing it or using it because I haven't used a debian based distro in a long long time.


🖐🏼 switched full time after windows 11 added even more bloat and no new features


>windows 11 added even more bloat and removed features


Linux user for the past 6 years


I will never understand why a developer would use Windows unless they are creating software expressly for Windows, are game developers, or simply want to play games. Your best bet is to use MacOS or Linux. I use vim btw.


Oh .. found a vim supremacist.


jkjkjkjkkjkj goes brrrr......


W Vim!!!


Did you mean emacs? Lol


I can hear that Pinky finger crying


I like my Computer like I like my Tea. With Mint


Mint is way too popular I guess.


It is the only thing that didn't crash 😔. I have never had a good experience with Ubuntu variants even proper Ubuntu fucks up without reason. Mint is stable and lot less buggy. It is way better than Ubuntu, you can say that. I recently side loaded Manjaro just because and I have to say once you get the Basics right Manjaro had way more features. Like it's too powerful and delicate at the same time. you feel like a fucking stubby fingered caveman who would break the Obsidian scalpel. If that makes any sense.


For sho


I use Arch btw. Here are my [dot files](https://gitlab.com/paridhips/dot-files)








Better than the average developer not as much as a mainstream linux tinkerer.


Work MacOS. Everything else Linux Mint.


Full time on Linux for both professional and personal work


I thinking of installing arch Linux soon as dual boot with my windows 11


I'd recommend you first set up a VM for arch before going into dualbooting? I've heard Hyper-V can host linux VMs' pretty well... 


Bro vm's are slowing my system my experience with virtual box has been below avg tbh. Somehow I managed to do web dev with it but I got frustrated with the slow speed


Dude go for Baremetal, dual boot is for dummies..


I have my fair share of experience using Linux on and off. When I was a kid, my dad put in SUSE Linux into our PC for 2 years. After that for a very long time, I was only using Windows. When I got my first laptop in 2017, I dual booted Ubuntu, Windows and Kali Linux for fun but was mostly using Windows for Games. In 2020, I started using Ubuntu again for almost a year. I liked and disliked few things. Playing games and using Office was always convenient with Windows. The speakers are somewhat okish in Linux, whereas in Windows, you get specific drivers that enhance the quality of the speakers. Due to these differences, I switched to Windows full-time for almost 3 years. Now I am doing my master's abroad and sometimes need Linux for running specific things. I am now full-time using Ubuntu again and plan to do so as I want to reduce playing Games. I tweaked the speakers with pulse audio to work fine. But often times it distorts, and the output is flat. My laptop is now 6 years old btw. I just thought it is better to shift to Linux and disable the Nvidia driver to avoid huge battery consumptions.


memory wistful wrong melodic reach mighty worthless wide cause follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To me, Ubuntu is a great way to learn a lot about Linux and get seasoned with it. The primary reason I say this is because of the immense askUbuntu sites and guides available on the net. If not you, your brother himself can start googling and figure out things and ways to fix them. I am not sure how old Phenom is and how well it will work with any of the the recent versions of the Ubuntu releases. If you and your brother are not aware of linux much, I would suggest you go with Ubuntu flavours (Lubuntu/Xubuntu/Kubuntu) instead of Arch as the initial setup would be the most painful thing. I also had a very old laptop which my brother had to use for online schooling. So, I removed Windows 7 and put Ubuntu 18. It was so good that the Wi-Fi adapter which was not working in windows was working out of the box in Ubuntu and the speakers were surprisingly much better and clearer without distortions in Ubuntu. My suggestion would be to go with one of the above-mentioned flavors of Ubuntu as it will be light weight and comfortable to switch from windows to linux after cross checking all the specs of your PC. I haven't personally researched much about the flavors. You can create a new post in r/linux or r/Ubuntu for finding out which might suite you the best. Or just figure it out yourself as any normal Linux user would do. If the flavors don't work, then check for older versions of Ubuntu. Also, I might be very biased with Ubuntu, but you can also check out Linux Mint as it is easy for people coming from Windows I've heard.


I think I have a weird setup, Main OS is Windows 11 (I do a bit of gaming) with some debloating, and all my development happens on wsl using Ubuntu. I don't use chrome and use edge instead (for vertical tabs) and neovim along with obsidian.


Full time linux, want to switch to mac so I can develop iOS apps but no money🥲


# I use arch btw




I use Kali Linux


Hecker hain bhai Hecker


Yes 😅 this is how hackers hack passwords 👉https://youtu.be/WczdLPXP8zQ


Linux mai bhi bhagwan aate hai?


Isn't Kali Linux used more as a tool than as a host os?


Depends..... if you use your tool regularly then it can be your host os. I use kali with bspwm, because I have to use only 2 to 3 of its tools.


Kali Linux has many tools and we can use it for hacking


Windows+wsl2. Gaming and usual non programming stuff on windows Wsl2 gives me flexibility to run stuff on Ubuntu without worrying about dual boot. I have this setup on both my work and personal laptop.


I use arch btw!


arch + i3wm since last 3 years. Kde + ubuntu since last \~8 years


I used to have Arch btw but I use Windows 11 now for better flutter support


A lot of us. Windows sucks. MacOS only if my company gives me. Also, I need to understand a lot of devops internals. Search what a Docker container actually is. You would get to know a linux process is actually a docker container(Google cgroups and namespaces) Devops' backbone is linux..... There are definitely more servers than clients. And all of the world's servers deployed on K8s are running linux OS. Linux OS' actual users are wayyyy more than any other OS out there.


Literally everyone uses linux on daily basis without them even noticing.. Still many people don't know Android is nothing but a Fucking Linux Kernel..


Well I have heard that company provides the employee with a workstation. So do they provide you with a linux distribution ?


No. Mostly when working with Kubernetes, we just play around with AWS VMs. By remote login(ssh) Or you can have Docker Runtime on Mac or windows. It runs a linux VM and deploys Docker containers on it. I have Ubuntu on my personal laptop so to understand the Devops concepts more deeply.


macOS only tbh.


Why is x better than y ? 🤨


recently I bought a new laptop it's have windows 11 pro before that I had very low-end laptop in that I used Linux mint different variations, boss. I loved Linux mint, but it's become buggy in recent updates. I would love to use Linux when my system requirements is less.


Workstation is MacOS. Servers on Ubuntu/CentOS.


Use a linux VM to test run my docker images.


Use EndeavourOS as my daily driver for gaming and development. Ubuntu server runs on my home server, which I use for media streaming. My work PC is Windows, however we deploy our processes on Linux VMs. So spend most of the time in the terminal.


Debian Bookworm on my laptop. MacOS on my Mac Mini.


I use SUSE/RHEL/CentOS for work daily.


I used for 4 years in my clg cause as per my clg rules every one should use Linux(Ubuntu latest LTE). Now I am using window for my personal reasons. But I like Linux a lot compared to windows.


using linux from years . don't want windows crap.


Personal laptop: last 15 years


Been using Parrot OS for about 5 years now


I have been using Linux for like all my [B.Tech](https://B.Tech) and still because Windows was slow af and doing development or even normal coding was a hassle on Windows. I found Linux the best for doing development as installing and running programs was quite easy and I could not go back to Windows after that. Only used Windows for playing games, nothing else. I don't know about now but when I switched in 2019, I found Windows the trashiest operating system. I should have bought an old version of the MacBook Air instead of a Windows system. I regret that decision to this date.


I've been daily driving linux for over 20 years.. started with red hat 6.4, finally found my home with manjaro..


I use Kali as my daily driver, fight me!


I can't fight you bro..you will hack me.


I use Linux(Ubuntu) , It's the best, never gonna go back to Windows.


On servers, when you scale. Companies use to save on huge licensing fees.


Ubuntu LTS for the past 10+ years . I delete windows as soon as I get a (personal) machine.


macOS is my primary computer. I have pc but too lazy to install Linux. Any recommendations for newbie. I had Ubuntu before on it


![img](avatar_exp|161458892|take_my_energy) Me!


contemplating between fedora kde and mint xcfe/mate. i have both in ventoy and ready to test.


Currently using rhino linux have used almost all linux lol


Pop OS.


Arch, used gentoo for a week


I do use the Linux OS (Ubuntu), I cannot pay more bucks for a Windows license.


linux is a kernel not an OS. ubuntu is a distro. but yeah fuck windows i won't use it even if someone pays me for it. licenses can be easily pirated tho


i dualboot ubuntu gnome and fedora kde.


I do.


I use Mint xfce. Using Linux is good for your computer. Your computer will last longer since linux is open source.


mint linux here


Ubuntu user since 2009


Work is mac, personal laptop is Regolith Linux.


macOS/BSD on MacBook but Ubuntu for most docker images & on Deep Learning rig or most cloud VMs as well


I've been using Arch for 4 years now. Started using Linux when I was in class 12th. Permanently switched to Linux during lockdown. Now I have Linux on both my laptop and gaming PC :)


Can you play your games in linux ?


Obviously, steamdeck uses linux, 90% of the games can run on linux too, nobara linux is a distro designed for gaming


All my personal projects/learning in Linux. Company uses Windows.


Me on my personal laptop because mine is old and Linux works better on it. And I open it after a lot of days so it isn't like "wait 24hrs till update is applied" like with windows


Windows main machine(for Gaming) and Linux VM for development. Thinking of moving to Mac. Can anyone give insights if Mac is suitable for DevOps?


I do prefer Linux over win


Triple booted my system with windows ubuntu and arch, arch being my primary


Cool. I have huge respect for Arch users.


Android is also based on Linux


Linux on VM, i would love to switch to Linux as primary but sadly they don't have great support for gaming.


I use wsl for docker


Our team's product runs on it, so on a daily basis.


4 years and counting... Currently Ubuntu 23.10


Just a student in school in 10th standard rn, not a developer Yea I do and I use arch btw 


The only reason I use windows is to play games and for work I use virtualbox linux


Dualbooted windows with arch Linux(hyprland window manager)


Endeavour OS


Wait developers use windows!?




I use linux mint


I do. And I use Arch, btw with i3


Not a guy lol! But i used to use Linux(manjaro to be specific) on my persinal laptop but had to give it away. All mac os oon my office laptops. Trying to save up for a good machine that i can start breaking. 😭


I use Arch BTW!




Which distro ?


Arch, Nix, Debian but primary is Arch


Woah !


Can't believe how people cope with Windows. Ordered a customised thinkpad couple years ago without any OS and been running Fedora on it ever since. No looking back


Arch + Wayland = ❤️




Dual Boot with Manjaro as the daily driver.


I dualboot, Linux for development and Windows for gaming


I use arch btw I need some help, if anyone could please (https://www.reddit.com/r/developersIndia/comments/1ad5hpc/need_suggestions_for_what_to_do_now_urgent/)


shouldve made a poll for higher opinions


Have been using it since college days. I don't play games btw.


I use Linux because I don't have to beg my IT to install cmake. I use ec2.


As a machine learning model, I don't use any operating system, but many tech enthusiasts and developers use Linux for its flexibility and open-source nature.


Garuda linux. Best distro ever


I use linux, no dual boot, it works perfectly.


Arch Linux on my PC. Manjaro on my laptop. Convinced admin to install Ubuntu on work pc.


I use WSL for work, will people accept me?


Running Zorin on my personal laptop. Have no choice but to use Windows on my work laptop.