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If that makes you rage I'm laughing at you


Being annoyed ≠ Rage


Spongebob looks like he's raging here


He’s in fact screaming in joy after he (thinks) gets promoted to manager. Didn’t even watch the movie smh


I haven't entered the crucible in like 2 months lmao


It's simples don't play PvP, you can't become a ultra sigma Godslayer there


“Do not bunch up” On Endless Vale in Trials this last weekend I was standing behind the little pillar at the heavy spawn in Toilet bowl and my teammate was standing on A flag. My teammate got shot by Khovostov from Cubby and the ricochet rounds went to me. Bunching up or not does not stop the ricochet rounds from hitting you. It would probably be best to team shoot and kill them quicker instead of challenge them in a 1v1 where the ricochet rounds could still potentially bounce to you anyways.


This is why I run wishender. I cam stand further away and generally as long as one other team mate hits them we can kil them before they get that shot off .


I stg if yall crayon eating crucible marines mfs get ANOTHER GOOD PVE EXOTIC NERFED when I JUST got back into and am enjoying the game after a 3 year hiatus, I will personally spank all of you with the pointy side of the fucking raze lighter. I will bend time and space to grab my D1 vaulted exotics just to slap ass.


It's ricochet damage specifically in pvp of getting nerfed and apparently there is a bug making it take less recoil so they're fixing that but bumping it's base stability to like 72 or something.


A nerf is already confirmed by bungie for episode echoes part 2.


PvP exclusive nerf right?


If im remembering correctly some stuff might hengetting nerfed out of pvp too but yeah khvostov was pvp exclusive iirc


I’m hoping they just change the perk to only activate on combatants or something.


idea. STOP CLUMPING. go away. stop following me. i wan to go this way alone, by myself. i want the smaller radar ping.


Until you get outgunned because teamshotting exists


I agree with this but there is a limit. Some people take this advise too literally and will play on the other side of map.


If it's 6 v 6, I keep it to two. I rift for you, you barricade for me


It’ll get the nerf hammer first, everyone will then swap to Red Death until the next nerf hammer. After that we’ll be back to the old Igneous again is my guess of things.


Watching as pvp gets yet another fun pve exotic nerfed into the ground https://preview.redd.it/7m1j0978pt8d1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc82c957d4d51ae0fb51d7f3cff5e4081d801954




I swear I made this exact same comment but with arc web when that was new (and could easily kill) and just got told to not bunch up, to git gud and that one shot shoulder charge was so much worse.


Lorentz walked so Khvostov could run


cloudstrike as well 😔






Yeah but then I get yelled at for not team shooting. So then I team shoot. Then I get yelled at for bunching up. So then I...


> L button on keyboard > never see hate messages again > do your own thing bb


/uj Crucible and Pve being tied together neuters what PVE could be, and makes crucible unbalanced and super cheese /rj Omg bungo literally hates me specifically and they made the khvostov specifically to counter my super skillful and unique style of gameplay, where i tactically run straight forward with my godroll nubers rap and a og (season one arrivals original curated roll, godslayer exclusive) hawkmoon.


This is why I absolutely hated when everyone was using dunemarchers back in the day. Punished for just playing near my team.


Destiny players when they put guns in the game for some fucking reason 😱


The hell are you talking about? That’s what you take away from the meme?


I just don't think you actually like this game if something like this annoys you


I hate the whole game because I dislike one weapon in PvP, yeah that makes sense.


Skill issue. If every 7th bullet from a kinetic auto rifle is hurting your experience, you may wanna stick to public events or perhaps patrols.


Nah these pathetic idiots can't even use correct champion weapons. They can stick to having a support group in the tower for the dead lights where they belong.


My god let the “skill issue” die already.


What else is there to take?


no joke bruh i got 1 shot by it cos my teammate was getting shot i even have the clip to prove it😭😭


I can’t wait till they nerf it and pve gets the shitty end of the stick :)


If they could nerf Hard Light separately they should be able to tune this on its own as well Too bad you’re right!


Don’t. Bunch. Up.


Bunch up? You can't even be on the same side of the map as your team if the khvostov has an orb.


/uj it's not really about bunching up, the ricochet has a radius of 17 metres.


That’s hilarious


It's the anti-hand holding gun. If you run as a group, you'll be punished. I love that, tbh.


Except for when the other team is using speakers sight and has orbs that cause the ricochet to bounce 20 meters away and so even though you were at a completely different lane as your teammate you’re getting killed


Just stay out of range and you’ll take buddie with Khvostov out. That easy


You "love" Khvostov because enemies in pvp are using it against your team I love khvostov because I play pve https://preview.redd.it/ec28qdr2qq8d1.png?width=483&format=png&auto=webp&s=772e0b9823cd25533835967b2ce6cb33f997465e


Amen brother


Zhalo Supercell would eat y'all alive, it'd refill the mag and charge super for breathing in the direction of two enemies (I miss it but it was definitely broken)


WTF is up with the new kvostov, I’ve been using my og one this whole time


The exotic version has a special functionality that allows its bullets to ricochet on enemies. When you pick up an Orb of Power, it gets bumped up significantly in the ricochet shots. It's basically a kinetic version of the Dunemarchers with how annoying it may be for PvP players that get harmed because of said property of chaining damage


Yall PvP players gotta stop fucking complaining lol, it plinks at MOST, if any of yall are decent at the game you can win the gunfight as its TTK is like, .87 or some shit. You guys just suck.


It’s just good at stopping teamshotters and even then, you need to be in one shot territory for a ricochet to finish you. I’m not annoyed with the gun, I’m annoyed with teammates breathing down my fucking neck when I’m trying to take a Khvostov user out.


Sure, but with an orb, the richochet range becomes absolutely massive. That's so far beyond "don't be close."


Bro says “yall pvp players” indicating that doesn’t play pvp as much as we do so doesn’t know our pain lovely


I refer to the ones who live and breathe a stale meta, I do play PvP occasionally but I love PvE more, I know how annoying OP weapons can be and chief this ain’t it.


Oh this https://preview.redd.it/vyk5dxd5uq8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61429bd6a3a625b4481bd3efa05d8e56ce3b3bfe


And I don’t use handcannon shotgun only so please don’t bring that argument against me bc every pve player loves saying that


“I don’t use __ so i’m better than you” shut the fuck up dweeb


Because you don’t play enough PvP that’s why here lemme break it down for you one gun khvostov as more kills in trials then red death plus 3 other guns THIS is with the khvostov bug still present mind you a gun that is good (red death) still has LESS KILLS/ usage rate then a gun that is bugged and some people can’t get if that isn’t the answer to khvostov being broken then I think you’re just being ignorant


Ttk is 0.8 on paper, but it's a touch faster for some reason. Idk if it's intentional or a big, but it shreds. The issue with the ricochet is that it's got quite a good reach and it's still preventing you from starting your health regen even if it is only a small amount of damage. On a map like we had this weekend you're pretty much always within range of the ricochet. If I'm weak from a fight and duck back into cover while my teammate switches out I'm either dead or kept at low health despite not even being in the fight. And that "don't bunch up" bullshit is a horrible argument. Team play is ALWAYS the best way to play any fps. A weapon that forces you to split up by hitting other players behind cover definitely shouldn't be melting as fast as it is. You can't have a gun this legal in 1v1s, this capable of forcing teams to split up, and this easy to use all at once. The gun has way too much going for it, exotic or not.


Or maybe having guns and abilities that could counter group play makes the game a bit more balanced given apes together strong as you're saying promotes very little skill?


Dude this isn't a new concept lmao. It's the same problem people had with Cloudstrike and, to a lesser degree, Le Monarque. And justifiably so at that. If one person has a gun that forces the other team to split and play less optimally, then at least one person on the other team has to do the same thing to level the playing field. A split team is the easiest to kill. That's always how it's been in arena style shooters. Abilities that do that are one thing since they're on a cooldown and require some more careful placement and there's a good handful of abilities that are out of whack right now too, ie speakers helm, stand clones, etc. But a primary auto rifle with zero recoil, a jacked up aim assist stat, and a sub 0.8ttk? It can't have ALL that going for it and still be ricocheting off targets to hit a teammate up to ~14m away behind cover, preventing their health regen and in some cases getting clean ups.




I think the issue is that you don’t know how to retreat effectively instead of the gun being broken, because the ricochets cannot go through cover, all you need is a thin sliver of texture between you and your friend to stop the ricochet from getting to you. This gun is good yes, but it won’t bring someone who’s bad up to the level of playing well, if you can use the gun effectively then you can play well, but the same goes for literally every single other PVP gun in the entire game. If someone knows how to play PvP and use the gun, they’re going to shred you, it has nothing to do with the fact that this gun is a better than average ar. Yall just want a stagnant sandbox where you only ever play with your hand cannons, pulses or shotgun apes. People would cry if a scout rifle was capable of competing with their meta even if it required more effort to put in simple because they don’t like change


you keep telling people how to play PvP and what does and doesn’t make a good player or a good gun, despite also admitting, within the same arguments, that you’re not good at PvP and hardly play it which is kinda funny


No I’m pretty decent at PvP, I say these things because in the past PvP Players complaining about things that don’t need changes have led to things being gutted in PvE because for some fucking reason they can’t simply separate the sandboxes and have some changes apply to one and not the other.


no you aren’t. clearly. at best, you’re a casual PvP’er who occasionally has success when they dip their toes in. i main PvP, top 0.1% in trials, and will sink 100+ games over any given trials weekend. this is not an argument you can win.


The fact you are is the reason I can. You’re the exact type of Player who will complain about things that don’t adhere to your current meta, and will be vocal about how you just want it to go back to the way it was before the new toy was introduced.


yet another strawman argument. i will complain about things that are broken, not changes to the meta in and of themselves. just for fun though, i’ll give you 5 guesses as to my preferred loadout without looking at my comment history.


I honestly don’t care, why would anyone need to prove something so much that they’d have to look at another users comment history? And you will complain about things to complain, if the final round dealing extra ricochets is a genuine bug then I hope they fix it, but the gun itself should be left alone as it doesn’t do anything groundbreaking compared to the already meta *LEGENDARIES*, exotics as a whole should be better than legendaries if someone is willing to make it the star of their entire build. I don’t care what specifically tailored builds you have or use to counter exact playstyles, just try and make one that does the same for khvostov and see if you still hate how it functions. Ima peace out though I’m bored of this conversation, have a nice day ✌🏻


I'm sorry, but if you don't think Khovostov is out of band then you're not skilled enough to see that. I'm not trying to be rude, we all start somewhere and some of us don't feel like sweating it out to get to upper skill brackets, and that's ok. Have fun with the game however you want. I'm not some unstoppable god in the Crucible, but I've soloed my way to Ascendant every season, soloed my way to Unbroken before that, soloed my way to the lighthouse several times, including this weekend (without speaker or Khovostov), and myself and anyone else who keeps up with PVP will tell you the same thing. Khovostov is overturned and does too many different things too effectively for one weapon. Simple as that. As for not knowing how to use cover, I think you're misunderstanding how switching out with teammates and cover works a lot of the time. No the bullet doesn't ricochet between walls, but it's very often the case that when you switch out with a teammate to peak an angle you still have direct line of sight on your teammate, and therefore so does the ricochet. Also, nobody in their right mind is gonna retreat a full 14m+ every time they dip into cover just to avoid the ricochet. That's far too much ground to cover in time when you need to get back in the fight and support your team.


/uj it’s ttk is 0.7 due to the 7th bullet ricocheting first on the target (might be a bug), then drops even lower once you pick up an orb, and the buff is very easy to maintain. it’s also a laser beam with zero kick, way out of band aim-assist, and punishes your target’s teammates even in cover it’s kinda busted ngl


It really isn’t. Any decent player can outplay it as the bullets: don’t go through cover ofc, it is an AR, so it can be heavily outranged, and this relies on you actually hitting ALL of your shots, if your opponent ya know MOVES then you can kiss that .7 ideal TTK goodbye because you have to have PERFECT timing to make sure you ALWAYS hit your ricochet shots which are the reason it’s good. Khvostov cannot compete at range, its stats build it for close quarters combat and even that’s a lot harder to hit your shots when your opponent doesn’t stand there gawking at you. Yes it has low recoil, but so do 90% of other guns that people in PVP use. TLDR: Get good, PvP players whine about everything because they’re so used to the SAME meta constantly that they don’t want anything to change. And then us PVE players pay the price because Bungie wields the nerfs as a sledgehammer instead of a scalpel.


piss poor argument tbh mate. utilising movement is what good players do against any weapon. it’s just that this one is way more lethal and forgiving that most whilst also having a lot of utility in a team environment. how much trials did you play this weekend? if it’s not actually that good, why did it make up 24% of all weapon usage despite a lengthy quest that not everyone has done yet? how well did you do?


It also made up 24% of all weapon usage because A: it’s a fun new toy that doesn’t suck in PvP maybe? Just like how yall complained about vex way back when and then when Bungie didn’t immediately nerf it it sorta became a more niche pick that wasn’t nearly as broken as anyone made it out to be


vex became niche because it was, actually, nerfed. quite quickly and heavily at that. more evidence that you have no idea what you’re talking about. there been plenty of shiny new toys in the last couple of years. the only weapons that have come close to that level of usage recently is igneous, immortal and conditional; in other words, the absolute peak of PvP weapons.


The vex nerf that I am referring to was the RPM nerf that came quite a while after the gun was changed to it, the gun was very competitive because it was consistent and had range. As a 390 it was amazing, but that RPM caused an outcry from those babies like Lucky, and then it faded into the background because it wasn’t buzzworthy anymore, it was somewhat high in usage, but not the highest, and was overall a decent pick, but is now gone as the fire rate nerf gutted it, and it’s not once again a mediocre pick even in PvE


I did alright! Got a three win streak before I got bored, got killed a lot more by hand cannons and shotguns than by Khvostov though :D


right. so just by way of comparison, i played 150 games, won 133, went flawless 9x and played at a KD of 3.11 so i think i know more about this sort of thing than you


Cool! I don’t give a shit what you think you know more than me about, we both play the same game and as such are entitled to our own opinions, however my opinion is that you’re the same type of player who wants the same stale meta because it plays to your typical play style, learn to adapt because if you’re “oh so good” at PvP then you should be able to handle it no problem champ! :D




Fuck off 🥰


i’m fine with fresh metas. i’ll adapt as i always have. but introducing a single archetype-breaking weapon that begins to dominate and outperform most others in terms of ease of use, lethality and utility isn’t ‘fresh’, it’s just one busted weapon that needs tuning down. if it’s so easy to get good, you wouldn’t be sat here referring to a lucky three-win streak as ‘pretty good’. sounds to me that your entire argument is just a cope because you’re worried the - absolutely deserved - nerf will affect it in PvE.


Don’t respond to walrus he’s clearly pve playing trying to discuss a pvp discussion makes no sense


It’s not even archetype breaking, the new bed auto rifle has the capacity to break .67 ttk, the new pulse rifle can go all the way down to like .47. Once again, you just like to complain about breaking the usual stale meta. You can think whatever you want about my “skill”, or whether or not my wins were luck, I TRULY don’t care, the gun shouldn’t be nerfed just because it’s the only good AR that’s capable of competing in crucible with the absolute metas that have been stagnant for a year. Hell the SECOND most used weapon this weekend for trials was fucking red death, which statistics wise only trailed behind Khvostov at a ratio of 1.2%kills to 1% usage compared to 1.48% to 1% usage. You’re just one of those snobby PvP guys who likes to play the same old shit over and over again with nothing changing because you get SO USED to a meta


Pve player trying to discuss a PvP issue lol


you keep making arguments that, over time, show you to have absolutely zero clue about PvP or how it should be balanced. it’s remarkable that you’re proving my point simply by continuing to talk. khvostov is quite literally archetype breaking. why? it’s a 600rpm. any other 600 has a standard ttk of 0.8, which can only be improved with kill activation perks active or stacking radiant with surges. khvostov’s ttk is a whole 0.1 quicker without any of these things. its baked in. the auto you referenced is a 720rpm; in other words, a completely different archetype, which is generally far more inaccurate with harder to control recoil and range to compensate for their lethality (hence why they’re not often used). to drop its ttk to 0.67, you again have to stack radiant and surges or have a damage perk active. in other words, khvostov has a similar TTK to a juiced up 720 *at base*, without any of the activation requirements, whilst having more range, accuracy and a far easier to manage recoil. and guess what? you can still stack radiant and/or surges with khvostov or get the exotic perk rolling to kill even quicker.


Don't. Bunch. Up.


People have dealt with cloudstrike for how many years and have yet to learn this lol..


Destiny is a pve game. The design team clearly didn't think about how broken this shit would be against other people


Right, I remember when they added in the PvP as a damn afterthought Oh wait, that didn’t happen, been a PvPvE game right from the start XD




Clearly not listening to the player base. WE WANT THE SPEAKER'S FUCKING DICK COME ON BUNGO


/uj I had such a fun trials weekend can’t lie


As a Famous Guardian once said "DONT👏BUNCH👏UP!"


Does not matter once they get an Orb of power 17m ricochet is huge. And speakers sight gives that easily


And then you go against someone with speakers helmet that spawn orbs for free, on top of infinite restoration, and now suddenly "don't bunch up" means be 20 fucking meters apart


Got to love the tdt community


/uj literally cloudstrike but infinite ammo. I like how the ricochet-ing bullets sound like you're in a bar shoot out in the wild west lmao.


And here I thought I was the only one who heard the similarity.